Observation BD

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Observation for ​Brigid Barry

Berlin Community School, Berlin Borough School District

School Year: ​2018-2019
Grade Level / Department: ​Grade 01
Observer: ​Steinen, Beth
Observation Type: ​Teacher Observation
Pre-Conference Date: ​10/22/2018 7:50:00 AM
Pre-Conference Status: ​Complete
Observation Date: ​10/23/2018 9:30:00 AM
Observation Status: ​Completed
Post-Conference Date: ​10/26/2018 7:55:00 AM
Post-Conference Status: ​Complete

Please log-in to OnCourse to view all of the information related to this observation.


Staff Member (​Barry, Brigid)​______________________________Date_________

*E-Signature: ​"Brigid Barry"
Signed by User: B​ rigid Barry
Date: 11/6/2018 2:28:57 PM

Observer (Steinen, Beth)______________________________Date_________

*E-Signature: "Beth Steinen"
Signed by User:Beth Steinen
Date: 11/2/2018 12:28:52 PM

My signature indicates that I have reviewed the complete observation on OnCourse Evaluate.

Barry, Brigid Page 1 of 2

Observation Ratings

Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished

Overall Observation Rating Raw Score: 3.66 / Final Cut Score: 4

1: Planning and Preparation [ 3.70 ] :

2: Classroom Environment [ 3.70 ] :

3: Instruction [ 3.60 ] :

4: Professional Responsibilities

Observation Feedback
Strengths: Class climate is warm; students are respectful of and helpful to each other. Mrs. ​Domin ​has
a lovely rapport with her students; they respect her and she them. Transitions are super quick; students
know exactly what is expected of them. When your students put their thumb on their heart to
self-assess, I could really see them thinking about their progress during that lesson. This was excellent.
Continue to have students think about how they are learning, what works for them, what challenges
them. That they are already reflecting on their growth is significant.

Recommendations: I suggest trying to incorporate more questioning in your lesson. I realize Fundations
is a scripted program, but there are opportunities for the students to share their thoughts on what they
are learning. Example: Which one of these letters is more useful to us? Why? Which one is easier for
you? Why? They could also tell their neighbor their thoughts before responding to the class. I like this
resource: ​https://www.usd450.net/files/BloomsChart-K-2.pdf

Thank you, ​Brigid​. You should be very proud of the work you are doing with your students!

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