Commissioner Responsiblity Cards PDF

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34265D • BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA • 2004 Printing

THE COMMISSIONER CONCEPT: As liaison between the local council and leaders of the units, counsels them on where to find assistance, notes any weak-
Scouting units, the commissioner’s mission is to keep assigned units operating nesses in programs, and suggests remedies. The commissioner is successful
at maximum efficiency. The commissioner maintains regular contact with the when the units effectively deliver the ideals of Scouting to their members.

Responsibilities Responsibilities Responsibilities
• Report to the council president and serve as an • Report to the district commissioner. • Report to the district commissioner or assistant • Report to the district commissioner or assistant
officer of the local council, a member of its exec- • Conduct monthly roundtable meetings: district commissioner as assigned. district commissioner as assigned.
utive board and executive committee, and as a — Develop regular roundtable plans. • Help each unit earn the Quality Unit Award. • Help each unit earn the Quality Unit Award.
National Council member representing the local — Participate in the annual council roundtable • Use the annual commissioner service plan, with • Use the annual commissioner service plan, with
council. planning conference. its scheduled opportunities for commissioner its scheduled opportunities for commissioner
• Be responsible for the unit service function of the — Meet with the district executive and district contact with units. contact with units.
council. commissioner to review the council’s master • Know each phase of Scouting and its literature. • Know each phase of Scouting and its literature.
• Chair the regular meetings of the district commis- roundtable plan and adapt to the district Be able to describe how each works. Be able to describe how each works.
sioners. plans. • Visit meetings of assigned packs/troops/teams/ • Visit meetings of assigned packs/troops/teams/
• Be sure that districts provide opportunities for — Lead a monthly roundtable planning session. crews regularly, usually once a month. crews regularly, usually once a month.
immediate commissioner orientation, frequent — Use national aids: Boy Scout or Cub Scout • Visit regularly with the unit leader. • Visit regularly with the unit leader.
basic training courses, and training topics at all Roundtable Planning Guide, Roundtable — Be aware of unit leader concerns and challenges. — Be aware of unit leader concerns and challenges.
monthly commissioner meetings. Planning Sheets, Scouting magazine, — Serve as the unit leader’s coach and counselor. — Serve as the unit leader’s coach and counselor.
• Plan and conduct an annual commissioner con- Program Helps, Boys’ Life, etc. — Build a strong, friendly relationship. — Build a strong, friendly relationship.
ference for training, recognition, and morale. — Determine what contributions can be made — Using the literature and profile sheet, help the — Using the literature and profile sheet, help the
• Appoint assistant council commissioners. by resource people, and arrange for their leader see opportunities for improvement. leader see opportunities for improvement.
• Assist district nominating committees in selecting participation. — Encourage unit participation in district and — Encourage unit participation in district and
district commissioners as needed. • Recruit roundtable staff, as needed, to handle council events. council events.
• Guide district commissioners to recruit full staffs. program elements, projects, physical arrange- • Work to ensure effective unit committees. • Work to ensure effective unit committees.
• Verify that proper techniques are used to select ments, hosting, and participation. — Visit with the unit committee periodically. — Visit with the unit committee periodically.
and recruit unit leaders. • Involve unit adults in training and roundtables. — Observe the committee, offer suggestions for — Observe the committee, offer suggestions for
• Maintain procedures to ensure maximum on-time • Train roundtable staff: improvement, and work to solve problems. improvement, and work to solve problems.
unit charter renewal by district commissioner — Use the Boy Scout or Cub Scout Roundtable • See that adult leaders have adequate training. • See that adult leaders have adequate training.
staffs. Planning Guide. • Make certain that proper techniques are used to • Make certain that proper techniques are used to
select and recruit unit leaders. select and recruit unit leaders.

Responsibilities Responsibilities Responsibilities
A district commissioner leads the commissioner • Report to the district commissioner. • Report to the district commissioner or assistant • Report to the district commissioner or assistant
staff and does the following: • Recruit a full staff of unit commissioners to serve district commissioner as assigned. district commissioner as assigned.
• Identify and recruit enough of the right people as their assigned units and area. • Help each unit earn the Quality Unit Award. • Help each unit earn the Quality Unit Award.
commissioners so that all Scouting units in the • Help the district commissioner train unit commis- • Use the annual commissioner service plan, with • Use the annual commissioner service plan, with
district receive regular, helpful service. sioners and roundtable commissioners: its scheduled opportunities for commissioner its scheduled opportunities for commissioner
— Assistant district commissioners — Conduct personal coaching/orientation contact with units. contact with units.
— Cub Scout roundtable commissioner sessions. • Know each phase of Scouting and its literature. • Know each phase of Scouting and its literature.
— Boy Scout roundtable commissioner — Par ticipate in the formal basic training Be able to describe how each works. Be able to describe how each works.
— Venturing roundtable commissioner courses. • Visit meetings of assigned packs/troops/teams/ • Visit meetings of assigned packs/troops/teams/
— Enough unit commissioners for each to serve — Help unit commissioners attain the Arrow- crews regularly, usually once a month. crews regularly, usually once a month.
only three units head Honor, Commissioner’s Key, and Distin- • Visit regularly with the unit leader. • Visit regularly with the unit leader.
• Provide opportunities for guished Commissioner Service Award. — Be aware of unit leader concerns and challenges. — Be aware of unit leader concerns and challenges.
— Immediate commissioner orientation. • Attend monthly district commissioner staff meet- — Serve as the unit leader’s coach and counselor. — Serve as the unit leader’s coach and counselor.
— Frequent basic training. ings, including a meeting with your unit commis- — Build a strong, friendly relationship. — Build a strong, friendly relationship.
— Training topics at all monthly commissioner sioners to review unit needs. — Using the literature and profile sheet, help the — Using the literature and profile sheet, help the
meetings. • Serve units with no assigned unit commissioner. leader see opportunities for improvement. leader see opportunities for improvement.
— The entire staff to attend the annual council • Maintain regular contact with unit commissioners — Encourage unit participation in district and — Encourage unit participation in district and
commissioner conference. under your supervision: council events. council events.
• Supervise and motivate unit commissioners to — To assess units’ strengths and weaknesses • Work to ensure effective unit committees. • Work to ensure effective unit committees.
visit each unit regularly, identify unit needs, and — To help find solutions to units’ problem — Visit with the unit committee periodically. — Visit with the unit committee periodically.
make plans to meet unit needs. — To provide information, informal training, pro- — Observe the committee, offer suggestions for — Observe the committee, offer suggestions for
• Administer the annual commissioner service gram ideas, and recognition improvement, and work to solve problems. improvement, and work to solve problems.
plan, which gives specific purposes for commis- — To help unit commissioners work successfully • See that adult leaders have adequate training. • See that adult leaders have adequate training.
sioner contact with units at designated times of with unit committees, chartered organization • Make certain that proper techniques are used to • Make certain that proper techniques are used to
the year. representatives, and chartered organzations. select and recruit unit leaders. select and recruit unit leaders.

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• Facilitate on-time charter renewal of all units. • Facilitate on-time charter renewal of all units. — Working well in advance, assign specific • Be sure each district has a commitment and
— Help the unit conduct a membership inventory — Help the unit conduct a membership inventory roundtable program projects. strategy to provide prompt, intensive, and persis-
of youth and adults. of youth and adults. — Follow through with those who have accepted tent care when major problems occur that could
— Help the unit committee chairman conduct — Help the unit committee chairman conduct assignments. threaten the life of a unit.
the charter renewal meeting. the charter renewal meeting. • Promote roundtable attendance: • Maintain Boy Scouts of America standards of
— See that a completed charter renewal applica- — See that a completed charter renewal applica- — Obtain the unit commissioner’s help in bring- uniforming, wearing of insignia, use of the pro-
tion is returned to the council service center. tion is returned to the council service center. ing new leaders to roundtables. gram, and other policies and procedures.
— Make arrangements to present annually each — Make arrangements to present annually each — Follow up on units not participating. • Promote the Quality Unit as a standard of perfor-
unit charter at a meeting of the chartered unit charter at a meeting of the chartered — Keep roundtable attendance records mance and ensure, through the district commis-
organization. organization. and share them monthly with the district sioners, recognition of unit leaders and units
• Attend all meetings of the commissioner staff. • Attend all meetings of the commissioner staff. commissioner. achieving this standard.
• Become trained: • Become trained: • Evaluate roundtables: • Be responsible, through the district commission-
— Initial orientation and basic training — Initial orientation and basic training — At least twice a year appraise the effective- ers, for the presentation of program plans, ideas,
— Arrowhead Honor and Scouter’s Key — Arrowhead Honor and Scouter’s Key ness of roundtables. and materials via effective district roundtables.
— Annual council commissioner’s conference — Annual council commissioner’s conference — Seek suggestions from unit leaders. • Be responsible, through the district commission-
• Set the example. • Set the example. • Attend monthly commissioner staff meet- ers, for the effective use of the annual service
— Adopt an attitude of helpfulness. — Adopt an attitude of helpfulness. ings; report on the roundtable program and plan to ensure the health and tenure of units.
— Keep promises. — Keep promises. attendance. • Keep the president and executive board apprised
— Be concerned about proper uniforming. — Be concerned about proper uniforming. of the condition of units.
— Be diplomatic. — Be diplomatic. • Cooperate with the membership/relationships
— Be a model of Scouting ideals. — Be a model of Scouting ideals. chairman to successfully conduct the annual
• Know the resources available to the unit in the • Know the resources available to the unit in the membership recruiting effort.
neighborhood, district, and council. neighborhood, district, and council. • Serve as a member of the council Key 3, working
• Conduct own Self-Evaluation on page 51 of the • Conduct own Self-Evaluation on page 51 of the in close cooperation with the council president
Commissioner Fieldbook. Commissioner Fieldbook. and Scout executive.

• Facilitate on-time charter renewal of all units. • Facilitate on-time charter renewal of all units. • Involve unit adults in training and roundtables. • Oversee the unit charter renewal plan so that
— Help the unit conduct a membership inventory — Help the unit conduct a membership inventory • Evaluate, at least quarterly, the performance of each unit reregisters on time and with optimum
of youth and adults. of youth and adults. unit commissioners and provide the help neces- membership.
— Help the unit committee chairman conduct — Help the unit committee chairman conduct sary to give them the confidence and expertise to • Guide roundtable commissioners to ensure that
the charter renewal meeting. the charter renewal meeting. serve assigned units effectively. monthly roundtables are well-attended, and pro-
— See that a completed charter renewal applica- — See that a completed charter renewal applica- • Become familiar with the program themes offered vide practical and exciting unit program ideas.
tion is returned to the council service center. tion is returned to the council service center. by the BSA for Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout • Plan and preside at monthly meetings of the dis-
— Make arrangements to present annually each — Make arrangements to present annually each troops, Varsity Scout teams, and Venturing crews. trict commissioner staff.
unit charter at a meeting of the chartered unit charter at a meeting of the chartered • Supervise the operation of the annual service • Work with the district chairman and district exec-
organization. organization. plan for assigned units. utive to stimulate and coordinate the work of the
• Attend all meetings of the commissioner staff. • Attend all meetings of the commissioner staff. • Accept other assignments made by the district district (the district Key 3).
• Become trained: • Become trained: commissioner. • Help meet district goals.
— Initial orientation and basic training — Initial orientation and basic training • Keep track of recharter status and progress of all • Represent the district as a member of the council
— Arrowhead Honor and Scouter’s Key — Arrowhead Honor and Scouter’s Key units. commissioner cabinet.
— Annual council commissioner’s conference — Annual council commissioner’s conference • Support local and national Scouting policy and • Support local and national Scouting policy and
• Set the example. • Set the example. procedures. procedures.
— Adopt an attitude of helpfulness. — Adopt an attitude of helpfulness. • Attend district committee meetings to report on
— Keep promises. — Keep promises. conditions of units and to secure specialized help
— Be concerned about proper uniforming. — Be concerned about proper uniforming. for units.
— Be diplomatic. — Be diplomatic.
— Be a model of Scouting ideals. — Be a model of Scouting ideals.
• Know the resources available to the unit in the • Know the resources available to the unit in the
neighborhood, district, and council. neighborhood, district, and council.
• Conduct own Self-Evaluation on page 51 of the • Conduct own Self-Evaluation on page 51 of the
Commissioner Fieldbook. Commissioner Fieldbook.

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