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Chiến lược sản xuất:
Chiến lược của Samsung là không được đi chậm hơn đối thủ. Vì thế, công ty luôn tạo ra
những sản phẩm mang tính năng tương tự như của đối thủ, nhưng được cải tiến với chi phí
thấp hơn. Sau quá trình tung ra thử nghiệm và thăm dò ý kiến khách hàng, Samsung sẽ ra
quyết định sản xuất và phân phối đại trà trên toàn thế giới. Samsung vẫn luôn có chủ trương
tiếp tục sản xuất và cải tiến những sản phẩm cũ đồng thời phát triển nhiều sản phẩm mới ở cả
nhiều phân khúc khác nhau để phù hợp với nhu cầu tiêu dùng ngày càng đa dạng của khách

Marketing strategy:
Samsung's marketing strategy is one of the most effective strategies ever created because it
has helped Samsung rise to a competent manufacturer.
a) Price strategy:
- Cheap policy: Samsung's smartphone line is leading the market with Apple's
iPhone. Like Apple, Samsung also uses cheap prices to gain an advantage over its
- Competitive price: This is one of the highlights of Samsung's marketing strategy. Due
to the fact that, unlike smartphones, Samsung has had difficulty overcoming
competitors with other products. Sure, Samsung is a true brand, but in terms of home
appliances, it cannot surpass LG. Moreover, in the camera market, Canon and Nikon
are leading the market. Therefore, for Samsung, to withstand this fierce competition,
it is important to use competitive prices. In addition, Samsung was never "slow" in
creating and improving products, but they were the first to introduce innovative
b) Chiến lược quảng cáo:
Khi tiến hành một chương trình quảng cáo, Samsung luôn đặt ra yêu cầu đối với các
nhân viên marketing cần tiến hành năm quyết định chủ yếu sau – quyết định 5M:
- Mission: Mục tiêu quảng cáo là gì?
- Money: Chi phí là bao nhiêu?
- Message: Lời truyền đạt cần phải gửi tới?
- Media: Phương tiện kênh thông tin nào sử dụng?
- Measurement: Kết quả được định giá bằng cách nào?
Nội dung quảng cáo của Samsung luôn được dựa theo nguyên tắc AIDA A: get Attention
(lôi cuốn sự chú ý) I : hold Interest (làm cho thích thú) D: create Desire (tạo sự ham muốn)
A: lead to Action (dẫn đến hành động mua hàng).
Besides advertising, Samsung approaches various advertising tactics that make customers
buy products. For example, Samsung offers promotions, sponsors events, participates in
national and worldwide festivals, etc.. quite often.
- Sponsorship: Samsung is one of the largest companies in the world. Today, they
have 150,000 employees worldwide. Samsung is famous for its product quality,
but besides its accessories, Samsung is known as a giant sponsor. Samsung is
currently a sponsor of the Sydney Opera House, the Australian Olympic Team, the
NSWIS Award, the Ocean Foundation,…
- Samsung does not focus on commercials like Coca-Cola or Pepsi, but they always
promote their most important products. some of their most famous and successful
ads: Marvel's Avengers movies, #Galaxy 11.
Distribution strategy:
Samsung, với hệ thống phân phối sản phẩm toàn cầu, luôn đảm bảo rằng các sản phẩm của
mình phải được xuất hiện tại khắp nơi trên thế giới với tuần suất xuất hiện cao hơn đối thủ.
Điển hình như chiếc Galaxy S IV, được Samsung hứa hẹn sẽ có mặt trên thế giới tại số lượng
quốc gia gấp rưỡi so với chiếc iPhone 5 của Apple.
Không như Apple mở những chuỗi cửa hàng riêng, Samsung mở rộng kênh phân phối
bằng cách thực hiện chiến lược mang tên “mở cửa hàng trong siêu thị di động”, theo đó,
Samsung đã hợp tác cùng Best Buy để hơn 1000 cửa hàng “Trải nghiệm Samsung” trong các
siêu thị của tập đoàn bán lẻ toàn cầu này.

R&D strategy:
Để thực hiện được mục tiêu “bám sát” các đối thủ, việc nghiên cứu để cho ra đời sản phẩm
mới là điều vô cùng quan trọng. Chính vì vậy, ngân sách Samsung dành cho nghiên cứu là rất
lớn. Số tiền Samsung dành cho việc thực hiện nghiên cứu là 5,7% tổng doanh thu, trong khi
con số tương ứng của Apple chỉ là 2,4% (theo Vn Marketer).

As stated in its new motto, Samsung Electronics' vision for the new decade is, "Inspire the
World, Create the Future."
This new vision reflects Samsung Electronics‘ commitment to inspiring its communities
by leveraging Samsung's three key strengths: “New Technology”, “Innovative Products”, and
“Creative Solutions”, and to promoting new value for Samsung's core networks: Industry,
Partners, and Employees. Through these efforts, Samsung hopes to contribute to a better
world and a richer experience for all.
As part of this vision, Samsung has mapped out a specific plan of reaching $400 billion in
revenue and becoming one of the world‘s top five brands by 2020. To this end, Samsung has
also established three strategic approaches in its management: “Creativity”, “Partnership” and
Samsung is excited about the future. As we build on our previous accomplishments, we
look forward to exploring new territories, including health, medicine, and biotechnology.
Samsung is committed to being a creative leader in new markets and becoming a truly No. 1
business going forward.

Product Innovation
Samsung's product range in India included CTVs, audio and video products, information
technology products, mobile phones and home appliances. Its product range covered all the
categories in the consumer electronics and home appliances. Analysts felt that the wide
product range of Samsung was one of main reasons for its success in the Indian market.
Samsung positioned itself on the technologyplatform.
Pricing also seemed to have played a significant role in Samsung's success.
Along with the launch of new products, Samsung also consolidated its distribution system.
Samsung had 18 state-level distribution offices and a direct dealer interface. The direct dealer
interface helped the company get quick feedback from dealers, and enabled it to launch
products according to consumer needs.
Design strategy
Design strategy is a discipline which helps firms determine what to make and do, why do
it and how to innovate contextually, both immediately and over the long term. This process
involves the interplay between design and business strategy, forming a systematic approach
integrating holistic-thinking, research methods used to inform business strategy and strategic
planning which provides a context for design. While not always required, design strategy
often uses social research methods to help ground the results and mitigate the risk of any
course of action. The approach has proved useful for companies in a variety of strategic
Compliance Management Strategy
Samsung Electronics has established a new compliance system to prevent and minimize
business risks associated with issues such as collusion and violation of intellectual property
rights. We have instituted a compliance program that includes preemptive and year-round
training, control and supervision in order to ensure adherence to pertinent laws by the
company and all employees and mitigate risks related to violation of laws and regulations.
Our compliance activities are broadly classified into prevention, monitoring and follow-up
processes. Prevention activities include employee education, distribution of manuals on
compliance, system-based self-inspections, and operation of a help desk to respond to
questions on compliance matters. We also keep up to date with the introduction and revision
of various laws and regulations. There is a separate team dedicated to monitoring activities.
After dealing with a compliance issue, we analyze the related process and outcome to find the
fundamental cause and pursue improvement measures. Real life examples are used in training
programs as a way of preventing recurrence of any compliance problems that arise.
Climate Strategy
Samsung Electronics has been establishing corporate-level strategies to address its direct
and indirect impact on climate change. Through this, Samsung strives to reduce direct and
indirect emissions of greenhouse gases and prevent potential risks by carrying out initiatives
in voluntary GHG reduction and the development of an inventory.
Samsung's strategy pressures competitors
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd is piling on the pressure in the second quarter with a flood of
investments— approximately Rs.28,226.70 crore (7.3 trillion Korean won or $7 billion)—
migrating into advanced geometries to further reduce costs and proposing a hefty 100 per
cent jump in DRAM bit shipment and 130 per cent for NAND memory components.
Despite this, Samsung executives speak little about boosting depressed DRAM average
selling price. That goal, which they admit will benefit the entire memory component market
and is critical to profitability in the embattled sector, will come later.
"We plan to make massive investments and try to expand our market share through
implementation of aggressive investment plans and migration into advanced geometry," said
Yeongho Kang, vice president of the semiconductor business at Samsung, in a presentation to
the investment community following the release of the company's first quarter results.
"We will accelerate our efforts to strengthen our competitive edge and continue to widen
the gap with our competitors to achieve further growth and profitability," added Kang.

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