PT - Gajah Tunggal TBK

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Nama : Triwana Samosir

Nim : 180430027
Kelas : 2A EKP


Pt. Gajah Tunggal Tbk. Has a Functional Organizational Structure where we can see from the chart of
their Organizational Structure, the board of directors is divided according to the functions of each
division, and because they use Functional Structure the methods the use by focusing functions on each
function management of the board of directors per- divisions, so that the management process will run
more efficiently and effectively.
Pt. Gajah Tunggal Tbk. In the manufacture of wheels runs efficiently, effectively, and optimally. With a
direct sales system.

1.President Director the function to alercome all operational activities.

2.Vice President Directore the function as coordinating all training needs and all departments.
3.Chief Financial Officer the function to help carry out the ask of department head specitically in the
field of media magazine creation.
4.Chief Operating Officer the function to assist daily task for training activities.

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