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International Review of Financial Analysis 63 (2019) 1–9

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International Review of Financial Analysis

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Economic constraints and stock return predictability: A new approach T

a b,⁎ c c
Yaojie Zhang , Yu Wei , Feng Ma , Yongsheng Yi
School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China
School of Finance, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, Kunming, China
School of Economics and Management, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China


JEL classifications: In this paper, we propose a new approach to impose economic constraints on the time-series forecasts of stock
C32 return. It is unlikely or risky for a rational investor to rely on forecast outliers to trade stocks. Given this, our new
C53 constraint approach truncates the stock return forecasts at the extremely positive and negative values. The
C58 empirical results suggest that the new economic constraint approach generate more accurate and reliable return
forecasts than the unconstrained method for both univariate regression models and multivariate models.
Furthermore, our new constraint approach also outperforms two prevailing constraint approaches of Campbell
Keywords: and Thompson (2008) and Pettenuzzo, Timmermann, and Valkanov (2014). In addition, a mean-variance in-
Stock return predictability
vestor can realize sizeable economic gains by using our new constraint approach to allocate asset relative to
Economic constraints
using unconstrained counterpart or other popular constrained models.
Forecast outlier
Asset allocation

1. Introduction (2014) (PTV hereafter) imposes reasonable bounds on the conditional

Sharpe ratio, which depends on both the conditional mean and vola-
Stock return forecasts play a central role in many financial areas tility of the return distribution, to lie between zero and one. Along the
such as asset pricing, asset allocation, and risk management. However, same lines, we propose a new approach to impose economic constraints
the seminal work by Welch and Goyal (2008) argue that it remains on the time-series forecasts of stock return.
difficult to find reliable models that can accurately predict stock returns A rational investor is unlikely to rely on extremely positive or ne-
out-of-sample. To this end, a growing number of studies have con- gative stock return forecasts to trade stocks. There are two economic
structed or used many powerful predictors and variables, which include driving forces behind it. First, the possibility is too low when an ex-
the variance risk premium (Bollerslev, Marrone, Xu, & Zhou, 2014; tremely large or small forecast occurs in the future. Therefore, investors
Bollerslev, Tauchen, & Zhou, 2009), technical indicators (Gao, Han, Li, will not trust the extreme values. Second, investors are typically risk-
& Zhou, 2018; Lin, 2018; Neely, Rapach, Tu, & Zhou, 2014; Zhang, Ma, averse, while the extremely positive or negative return forecasts make
& Zhu, 2019), downside variance risk (Feunou, Jahan-Parvar, & Okou, their portfolio allocation too aggressive and thus amplify risk.
2015; Kilic & Shaliastovich, 2018), oil-related variables (Chiang & To some extent, our motivation is similar to that of Pettenuzzo et al.
Hughen, 2017; Liu, Ma, & Wang, 2015; Nonejad, 2018), short interest (2014). They present that the conditional Sharpe ratio should be re-
index (Rapach, Ringgenberg, & Zhou, 2016), investor sentiment stricted to lie between a lower and upper bound, which makes the
(Huang, Jiang, Tu, & Zhou, 2015), news-implied volatility (Manela & portfolio performance more reasonable. Pettenuzzo et al. (2014) pro-
Moreira, 2017), economic policy uncertainty (Chen, Jiang, & Tong, pose a Bayesian approach to realize the bounds on the conditional
2017) and manager sentiment (Jiang, Lee, Martin, & Zhou, 2017), Sharpe ratio, while we use a straightforward but efficient method to
among others. smooth forecast outliers. More specifically, we use the well-known
On the other hand, a few articles attempt to improve return pre- three-sigma rule to recognize the extremely positive or negative stock
dictability from an economic constraint perspective. Campbell and return forecasts (i.e., forecast outliers) and smooth the return forecasts
Thompson (2008) (CT hereafter) truncate the stock return forecasts at by truncating them at the extreme values.
zero and also constrain the sign of the regression slopes in predictive We first investigate the return predictability of our new economic
regression models. Another influential paper by Pettenuzzo et al. constraint based on univariate regression models, in which 14 popular

Corresponding author at: School of Finance, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, 237 Longquan Road, Kunming, Yunnan, China.
E-mail addresses: weiyusy@126.com (Y. Wei), mafeng2016@swjtu.edu.cn (F. Ma).

Received 17 November 2018; Received in revised form 17 January 2019; Accepted 22 February 2019
Available online 26 February 2019
1057-5219/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Y. Zhang, et al. International Review of Financial Analysis 63 (2019) 1–9

economic variables recommended by Welch and Goyal (2008) are used. whole sample period is from 1927:01 to 2017:12. The first 20 years are
The empirical results show that our new constraint approach generates used as the initial estimation period, so that the out-of-sample evalua-
larger out-of-sample R-squares (ROS2s) than the unconstrained coun- tion period is from 1947:01 to 2017:12.
terpart for all the 14 univariate regression models. Furthermore, we The excess stock return is computed as the monthly return on the S&
make a comparison of our new constraint model and the popular CT P 500 index (including dividends) minus the risk-free rate. In addition,
and PTV constraint models and find empirical evidence that our new the 14 predictors are monthly economic fundamentals and their de-
constraint model can beat the popular CT and PTV constraint models scriptions are as follows.
for most of the univariate regression models.
Next, we further consider a few multivariate models, including a 1. Log dividend-price ratio (DP): log of a 12-month moving sum of
diffusion index-based regression model and five widely used combina- dividends paid on the S&P 500 index minus the log of stock prices
tion approaches from Rapach, Strauss, and Zhou (2010). The corre- (S&P 500 index).
sponding results suggest that the multivariate models exhibit overall 2. Log dividend yield (DY): log of a 12-month moving sum of divi-
stronger forecasting performance than the univariate regression dends minus the log of lagged stock prices.
models. More importantly, the multivariate models subject to our new 3. Log earnings-price ratio (EP): log of a 12-month moving sum of
constraint yield larger ROS2s than not only the unconstrained counter- earnings on the S&P 500 index minus the log of stock prices.
parts but also the CT and PTV constrained counterparts. 4. Log dividend-payout ratio (DE): log of a 12-month moving sum of
Finally, we measure the economic value of our new economic dividends minus the log of a 12-month moving sum of earnings.
constraint's predictive ability from an asset allocation perspective. 5. Stock return variance (SVAR): sum of squared daily returns on the S
Specifically, we calculate the certainty equivalent return (CER) for a &P 500 index.
mean-variance investor who allocates between stocks and risk-free bills 6. Book-to-market ratio (BM): book-to-market value ratio for the Dow
using various forecasts of stock return. The CER gain is calculated for Jones Industrial Average.
each model relative to the simple mean benchmark. We find that a 7. Net equity expansion (NTIS): ratio of a 12-month moving sum of
mean-variance investor can realize the largest CER gains when she uses net equity issues by NYSE-listed stocks to the total end-of-year
the return forecasts based on our new constraint approach to guide her market capitalization of NYSE stocks.
portfolio allocation. 8. Treasury bill rate (TBL): interest rate on a three-month Treasury bill
Furthermore, our empirical results are robust to alternative eva- (secondary market).
luation techniques, business cycles, various risk aversion coefficients, 9. Long-term yield (LTY): long-term government bond yield.
and the consideration of transaction cost. In summary, we propose a 10. Long-term return (LTR): return on long-term government bonds.
new economic constraint approach, which is simple but efficient. The 11. Term spread (TMS): long-term yield minus the Treasury bill rate.
new constraint approach is documented to outperform not only the 12. Default yield spread (DFY): difference between Moody's BAA- and
unconstrained approach but also the prevailing CT and PTV constraint AAA-rated corporate bond yields.
approaches via a comprehensive investigation. 13. Default return spread (DFR): long-term corporate bond return
Apparently, this paper is related to the works of Campbell and minus the long-term government bond return.
Thompson (2008) and Pettenuzzo et al. (2014). A common feature of 14. Inflation (INFL): calculated from the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
the CT and PTV constraints is that they both rule out negative return for all urban consumers.3
forecasts. However, the short-selling constraint on stocks is fading
away. A stock investor can easily take a short position when she pre- Table 1 provides the summary statistics for stock return and the 14
dicts a negative stock return in the future. For this consideration, our predictors. On average, the monthly excess stock return reaches
new economic constraint does not arbitrarily rule out the negative stock 0.509%, which is quite appealing. Also, the monthly excess stock return
return forecasts. We just do not trust extremely negative return fore- has a standard deviation of 5.423%, resulting in a monthly Sharpe ratio
casts (as well as extremely positive forecasts) because an extreme of 0.094. In addition, the first-order autocorrelation of the excess stock
forecast will hardly occur in the future and the corresponding portfolio return is as low as 0.086, suggesting that stock return is very difficult to
will be extremely risky. Due to this potential economic source, we find be explained or predicted by its past. While the excess stock return has
that the new constraint approach outperforms CT and PTV constraint little autocorrelation, most of the 14 predictors are highly persistent.
approaches from both statistical and economic perspectives. Therefore, Overall, the summary statistics are generally consistent with the related
this paper contributes to the literature on economic constraints and literature on stock return predictability (see, e.g., Huang et al., 2015).
stock return predictability.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de- 3. Forecasting strategies
scribes our data. Section 3 introduces the forecasting strategies of
various economic constraints. Section 4 reports the empirical results 3.1. Univariate predictive regression model
from both statistical and economic perspectives. Section 5 makes some
robustness checks. Section 6 concludes. We follow the convention in the literature on stock return predict-
ability and begin with a univariate predictive regression model as fol-
2. Data
rt + 1 = i + i x i, t + i, t + 1, (1)
In this paper, we investigate the monthly stock return predictability
based on 14 prevailing predictors originally analyzed in Welch and where rt+1 denotes the excess stock return for month t + 1, xi,t is the ith
Goyal (2008).1 The data sample is extended to 2017.2 Therefore, the predictor available at month t, and εi, t+1 is an error term with mean
equal to zero.
To generate out-of-sample forecasts of excess stock return, we use a
Numerous related studies also rely on these predictors to explore the pre-
dictability of stock returns. See Rapach et al. (2010), Zhu and Zhu (2013), Neely
et al. (2014), Pettenuzzo et al. (2014), Li and Tsiakas (2017), and Wang et al. (footnote continued)
(2018a) for example. Amit Goyal for providing the data.
2 3
Updated data for the variables in Welch and Goyal (2008) are available from We lag inflation for an extra month to account for the delay in releases of the
Amit Goyal's webpage at http://www.hec.unil.ch/agoyal/. We are grateful to CPI.

Y. Zhang, et al. International Review of Financial Analysis 63 (2019) 1–9

Table 1
Summary statistics.
Variable Mean Std. Dev. Min. Median Max. Skewness Kurtosis ρ(1)

Ret (%) 0.509 5.423 −33.927 0.953 34.553 −0.433 7.961 0.086
DP −3.373 0.462 −4.524 −3.348 −1.873 −0.218 −0.343 0.992
DY −3.368 0.459 −4.531 −3.341 −1.913 −0.246 −0.363 0.992
EP −2.738 0.417 −4.836 −2.790 −1.775 −0.602 2.620 0.986
DE −0.635 0.329 −1.244 −0.627 1.380 1.516 6.031 0.991
SVAR (%) 0.286 0.575 0.007 0.126 7.095 5.794 43.652 0.633
BM 0.568 0.266 0.121 0.542 2.028 0.779 1.464 0.985
NTIS 0.017 0.026 −0.058 0.017 0.177 1.651 8.247 0.979
TBL (%) 3.404 3.099 0.010 2.960 16.300 1.078 1.282 0.993
LTY (%) 5.124 2.792 1.750 4.225 14.820 1.085 0.603 0.996
LTR (%) 0.477 2.438 −11.240 0.313 15.230 0.589 4.689 0.043
TMS (%) 1.719 1.304 −3.650 1.770 4.550 −0.286 0.165 0.961
DFY (%) 1.126 0.693 0.320 0.900 5.640 2.481 8.870 0.975
DFR (%) 0.037 1.360 −9.750 0.050 7.370 −0.387 7.790 −0.120
INFL (%) 0.243 0.533 −2.055 0.242 5.882 1.078 13.818 0.481

This table provides the summary statistics for the excess stock return (Ret), the log dividend-price ratio (DP), log dividend yield (DY), log earnings-price ratio (EP),
log dividend payout ratio (DE), stock return variance (SVAR), book-to-market ratio (BM), net equity expansion (NTIS), Treasury bill rate (TBL), long-term bond yield
(LTY), long-term bond return (LTR), term spread (TMS), default yield spread (DFY), default return spread (DFR), and inflation rate (INFL). ρ(1) refers to the first-
order autocorrelation. The sample period is from 1927:01 to 2017:12.

recursive (expanding) estimation window, as in Rapach et al. (2010), 12 ( PTV

x i, )
i, i,
Neely et al. (2014), and Rapach et al. (2016), among others. Specifi- 0 1, = 1, …, t ,
cally, we divide the entire sample consisting of T observations into an
in-sample portion consisting of the first m observations and an out-of- where and
are the coefficient estimates imposed by the PTV
i, i,
sample portion consisting of the last q observations. Then, the first out- constraint, and is the empirical estimate of stock volatility at month
of-sample forecast based on the ith predictor can be obtained by τ. Accordingly, the PTV forecasts are computed as
ri, m + 1 = i, m + i, m x i, m , (2) r iPTV PTV PTV
,t+1 = i, t + i, t x i, t , (6)
where ri, m + 1 is the stock return forecast at month m + 1 based on the ith
where r iPTV is the PTV forecast at month t + 1 based on the ith pre-
predictor, i, m and i, m are the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates of
regression slopes in (1) generated by regressing {rt}t=2m on a constant
and {xi, t}t=1m−1. The next (second) out-of-sample forecast is calculated
as 3.3. A new economic constraint model

ri, m + 2 = i, m + 1 + i, m + 1 x i, m + 1, (3) In this paper, we propose a new economic constraint model, in

m+1 which the forecast outliers are smoothed. This is because a rational
where i, m + 1 and i, m + 1 are estimated by regressing {rt}t=2 on a
investor is unlikely to trust an extremely large or small forecast. Similar
constant and {xi, t}t=1m. Proceeding in this manner through the end of
to the PTV constraint, our constraint approach bounds the return
the out-of-sample period, we can obtain a series of q out-of-sample
forecasts within a rational range. Specifically, we employ the well-
forecasts of stock return, { ri, t }Tt = m + 1.
known three-sigma rule5 and smooth the return forecasts as

3.2. Existing economic constraint models ri, t + 3 t , if ri, t + 1 > ri, t + 3 t

r iNew
, t + 1 = ri, t 3 t , if ri, t + 1 < ri, t 3 t
In this paper, we consider two widely used economic constraints
ri, t + 1, otherwise, (7)
models as competing strategies relative to our new economic constraint.
The first is form Campbell and Thompson (2008). They propose an where is our new constraint forecast at month t + 1 based on the
r iNew
economic constraint that a rational investor will rule out a negative ith predictor, ri, t + 1 is the original forecast generated by the regression
stock return forecast and therefore set the forecast to zero whenever it is model in (1), and σt is the standard deviation of excess stock returns for
negative.4 Statistically, the CT forecasts are given by month t.6
It is important to note that our new economic constraint approach
r iCT
, t + 1 = max (0, i, t + i , t x i, t ) , (4)
relies on the three-sigma deviation and does not consider other devia-
where is the CT forecast at month t + 1 based on the ith predictor.
r iCT
,t+1 tions. On one hand, the two-sigma deviation is not extremely large and
The second is from Pettenuzzo et al. (2014). They propose a Sharpe is thus likely to happen in the future. Therefore, it is not rational for an
ratio constraint approach that bounds the in-sample annualized Sharpe investor to rule out the two-sigma deviation. On the other hand, the
ratios between zero and one. More specifically, in the PTV constraint four-sigma (or even larger) deviation is too extreme to happen in the
approach, we estimate the regression slopes in Eq. (1) via constrained future, which leads our economic constraint to have no binding effect.
least squares, Considering these important facts, we only rely on the prevailing three-
sigma rule to perform our new economic constraint.
In addition to the non-negative forecast constraint, Campbell and Thompson
(2008) also constrain the sign of the regression slopes in predictive regression Note that we rely on the last stock return other than the simple mean in the
models. In this study, we do not consider the constraint on the sign of the re- three-sigma rule.
gression slopes, so that our focus is all on the constraint of return forecasts. Of We use a recursive estimation window to calculate the standard deviation of
course, the results are qualitatively similar when we further include the slope excess stock returns. The results are qualitatively similar when we rely on a
constraint. five-year rolling window.

Y. Zhang, et al. International Review of Financial Analysis 63 (2019) 1–9

4. Empirical results Table 2

Out-of-sample R-squares.
4.1. Out-of-sample forecasting performance Predictor Original CT PTV New

Following the convention in return forecasting (see, e.g., Rapach DP −0.117* 0.054* −0.123 0.619**
DY −0.445* 0.039** −0.120 0.204**
et al., 2010; Neely et al., 2014; Huang et al., 2015; Rapach et al., 2016;
EP −1.526* −0.628** −0.001 −0.848**
Jiang et al., 2017; Lin, Wu, & Zhou, 2018; Zhang, Ma, & Zhu, 2019; DE −1.466 −1.213 0.113 −0.691
Zhang, Zeng, Ma, & Shi, 2019), we use the out-of-sample R2 statistic SVAR 0.157 0.077 −0.215 0.847
advocated by Campbell and Thompson (2008) to evaluate the out-of- BM −1.551 −1.075 −0.202 −0.875
sample predictive accuracy of the model relative to the popular mean NTIS −0.526 −0.525 0.211* 0.433*
TBL 0.085* 0.271* 0.304* 0.873**
benchmark. The out-of-sample R2 statistic is defined as
LTY −0.665* 0.294** 0.069* 0.091**
q LTR −0.778 −0.651 0.127 0.077
(rm + k rm + k ) 2
ROS =1 k=1
, TMS 0.089 0.085 0.411** 0.992**
(rm + k rm + k )2 (8) DFY −0.173 −0.173 0.052 0.639
DFR −0.241 −0.423 0.002 0.504
where rm+k, rm + k , and rm + k are the actual stock return, historical INFL −0.057 −0.036 −0.004 0.741
average, and return forecast, respectively, at month m + k, and m and q Average −0.515 −0.279 0.045 0.257
are the length of initial estimation period and forecast evaluation
period, respectively. In particular, the historical average is computed as This table reports the out-of-sample R-square (R2OS) for univariate predictive
regressions based on 14 popular predictors. Original refers to the original
1 forecasts without economic constraints, while CT, PTV, and New correspond to
rt = ri. the Campbell and Thompson (2008) constraint approach, the Sharpe ratio
t i=1 (9)
constraint approach of Pettenuzzo et al. (2014), and our new economic con-
Fig. 1 plot the time series of the actual stock return and historical straint approach, respectively. Also reported are averages across all predictor
average benchmark over the out-of-sample period. The historical variables. Bold figures highlight instances in which the constrained R2OS is
higher than its unconstrained counterpart. Statistical significance for the R2OS
average is always positive and exhibits a stable trend during the out-of-
statistic is derived by using the Clark and West (2007) test. ***, **, and * in-
sample period, while the actual stock return fluctuates greatly. Al-
dicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively. The initial
though the simple mean cannot match the actual stock return, this estimation period is 1927:01-1946:12, while the out-of-sample period is
benchmark is found to be difficult to be outperformed (see, e.g., 1947:01-2017:12.
Campbell & Thompson, 2008; Welch & Goyal, 2008). Hence, it is very
necessary to use a more reliable forecasting model to predict future on the forecasting model of interest, respectively. By regressing
stock returns. {fs}s=m+1T on a constant, we can conveniently derive the Clark and
The ROS2 statistic measures the reduction in mean squared forecast West (2007) statistic, which is just the t-statistic of the constant.
error (MSFE) for the forecasting model of interest relative to the pre- Moreover, a p-value for the one-sided (upper-tail) test is derived with
vailing historical average. To further ascertain whether the forecasting the standard normal distribution.
model yields a statistically significant improvement in MSFE, the Clark Table 2 reports the out-of-sample R2s for univariate predictive re-
and West (2007) statistic is employed. More specifically, the Clark and gressions subject to different economic constraints. When we use the CT
West (2007) statistic tests the null hypothesis that the MSFE of the and PTV constraints, 10 and 12, respectively, out of the 14 predictors
historical average benchmark is smaller than or equal to the MSFE of generate larger ROS2s than the unconstrained counterparts. Surpris-
the forecasting model of interest against the alternative hypothesis that ingly, our new constraint approach yields larger ROS2s than the un-
the MSFE of the historical average benchmark is larger than the MSFE constrained counterparts for all of the 14 predictors. Moreover, 11 of
of the forecasting model of interest. Mathematically, the Clark and West them are positive. On average, the CT and PTV constrained forecasts
(2007) statistic is computed by first defining generate larger ROS2s than the original unconstrained forecasts, while
our new approach yields the largest value of average ROS2 at 0.257%.
ft = (rt rt )2 (rt rt ) 2 + (rt rt )2 , (10)
Therefore, we can conclude that our new constraint approach of
where rt, rt , and rt are the actual stock return, the simple mean smoothing forecast outliers shows better out-of-sample forecasting
benchmark forecast of stock return, and the stock return forecast based performance than not only the original models without economic

Fig. 1. Actual stock returns and historical average over the out-of-sample period. The out-of-sample period is from 1947:01 to 2017:12. Vertical bars depict NBER-
dated recessions.

Y. Zhang, et al. International Review of Financial Analysis 63 (2019) 1–9

constraints but also the famous CT and PTV constraint approaches. Table 3
Multivariate results.
4.2. Multivariate results Forecasting model Original CT PTV New

Diffusion index 0.250** 0.291** 0.217** 1.136**

So far, we follow much of the literature on stock return predict-
Mean 0.513*** 0.424** 0.117 1.283**
ability and focus on univariate regression models. We next extend the Median 0.401*** 0.401** 0.145 1.157*
analysis to a multivariate setting. Specifically, we follow Pettenuzzo Trimmed mean 0.472*** 0.432** 0.127 1.268**
et al. (2014) and provide two strands of multivariate forecasting DMSPE(1) 0.500*** 0.412** 0.117 1.270**
models. The first strand is using principal component analysis (PCA) to DMSPE(0.9) 0.539*** 0.441** 0.120 1.306**

construct a common factor, which is the so-called diffusion index. We

This table reports the out-of-sample R-square (R2OS) for multivariate models. The
then regress stock returns on a constant and the diffusion index as diffusion index constructed by the principal component analysis based on the
follows. 14 predictors. Five popular combination approaches include the mean, median,
trimmed mean, DMSPE(1), and DMSPE(0.9), which combine the 14 individual
rt + 1 = DI + DI FDI , t + i, t + 1, (11)
forecasts. Original refers to the original forecasts without economic constraints,
where FDI, t is the diffusion index that is computed as the first principal while CT, PTV, and New correspond to the Campbell and Thompson (2008)
component of all the 14 predictors, which are standardized to have zero constraint approach, the Sharpe ratio constraint approach of Pettenuzzo et al.
mean and unit variance. To avoid the look-ahead bias, for each one- (2014), and our new economic constraint approach, respectively. Bold figures
highlight instances in which the constrained R2OS is higher than its un-
step-ahead forecast, we only use the data available up to t to generate
constrained counterpart. Statistical significance for the R2OS statistic is derived
the diffusion index for forecasting stock return at t + 1, and the pro-
by using the Clark and West (2007) test. ***, **, and * indicate significance at
cedure is repeated throughout the entire out-of-sample forecasting
the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively. The initial estimation period is
period. Note that we follow Rapach et al. (2010) and Pettenuzzo et al. 1927:01-1946:12, while the out-of-sample period is 1947:01-2017:12.
(2014), and restrict our analysis to considering a single factor (i.e., the
first principal component). This is because the out-of-sample fore- among the different constraint approaches. In other words, our new
casting performance does not appear to improve if we include two or economic constraint of smoothing forecast outliers exhibits better
more factors in Eq. (11). forecasting performance in a multivariate setting.
The second strand is forecast combination. Rapach et al. (2010) In particular, forecast combination can substantially reduce forecast
document that forecast combination can reduce the forecast variance variance, thus generating relatively reliable forecasts (see, e.g., Rapach
and thus generate more reliable stock return forecasts. Statistically, et al., 2010). However, our results suggest that the combination fore-
combination forecasts are computed as weighted averages of the N casts based on the original individual forecasts still have extreme value.
(N = 14) individual forecasts, which is given by Furthermore, the superior out-of-sample performance indicates that our
N new economic constraint can avoid forecast outliers when using com-
rc, t + 1 = i, t ri, t + 1, bination strategy.
i=1 (12)

where rc, t + 1 is the combination forecast at month t + 1, ri, t + 1 is the ith 4.3. Asset allocation
individual forecast, and ωi, t represents the combining weight of the ith
individual forecast calculated at month t. Following a large body of related literature on stock return pre-
Following Pettenuzzo et al. (2014), we consider five popular com- dictability,7 we further measure the economic value of various stock
bination approaches recommended by Rapach et al. (2010): mean, return forecasts from an asset allocation perspective. More specifically,
median, trimmed mean, DMSPE(1), and DMSPE(0.9). The mean com- we calculate the certainty equivalent return (CER) for a mean-variance
bination forecast takes the mean of the N individual forecasts, { ri, t + 1 }iN= 1. investor who allocates between stocks and risk-free bills using various
The median combination forecast takes the median of { ri, t + 1 }iN= 1. The forecasts of stock returns. In order to achieve the maximum CER, the
trimmed mean combination forecast discards the smallest and largest investor would allocate the weight of stocks during month t + 1 as
individual forecasts in { ri, t + 1 }iN= 1 and sets ωi, t = 1/(N − 2) for the re-
mainder of the individual forecasts. In the discount mean squared wt =
1 rt + 1
prediction error (DMSPE) combining method, the combining weights of 2
t+1 (15)
the ith individual forecast at month t are expressed as
where γ is the investor's risk aversion coefficient, rt + 1 denotes a return
= 1
N 1 forecast, and t2+ 1 denotes a forecast of the stock return variance. As in
i, t i, t ,t , (13)
Campbell and Thompson (2008), Rapach et al. (2010), Neely et al.

where (2014), and Jiang et al. (2017), among others, we estimate the variance
forecasts using a five-year moving window of past stock returns.8 In
t s (r ri, s )2 ,
i, t =
s (14) addition, we restrict wt to the range between −0.5 and 1.5 to allow no
more than 50% leverage.9
m is the length of the initial training sample period and θ is a discount
factor. Following Rapach et al. (2010), Zhu and Zhu (2013), and Zhang,
Ma, Shi, and Huang (2018), we consider two values of θ, namely, 1 and 7
See, for example, Campbell and Thompson (2008), Rapach et al. (2010),
0.9. Consequently, two DMSPE methods, DMSPE(1) and DMSPE(0.9), Neely et al. (2014), Phan, Sharma, and Narayan (2015), Rapach et al. (2016),
are used in this study. Jiang et al. (2017), and Wang, Qian, and Wang (2018).
Table 3 reports the ROS2s for the multivariate models. Two ob- Alternatively, Rapach et al. (2016) uses a ten-year moving window to es-
timate the return volatility. The economic value results are qualitatively similar
servations follow the table immediately. First, the multivariate fore-
for a ten-year moving window. To save space, we do not report these results,
casting models using all the information from the 14 predictors yield
but they are available upon request.
larger ROS2s than the univariate regression models. The better out-of- 9
More studies restrict the portfolio weight to lie between 0 and 1.5; see, e.g.,
sample forecasting performance of the multivariate models is consistent Campbell and Thompson (2008), Rapach et al. (2010), Neely et al. (2014),
with the previous literature on return predictability (see, e.g., Rapach Huang et al. (2015), and Jiang et al. (2017). However, we follow Rapach et al.
et al., 2010; Zhu & Zhu, 2013; Neely et al., 2014). Second and more (2016) and use the weight range between −0.5 and 1.5. This is because if we
importantly, our new constraint approach yields the largest ROS2s restrict the portfolio weight to the range between 0 and 1.5, the portfolio

Y. Zhang, et al. International Review of Financial Analysis 63 (2019) 1–9

Table 4 5. Robustness checks

Portfolio performance.
Forecasting model Original CT PTV New 5.1. Alternative evaluation techniques

DP −1.829 −1.236 −1.067 −1.609 Although the ROS2 statistic and Clark and West (2007) test are the
DY −2.137 −1.292 −1.106 −2.080
conventions in examining the stock return predictability, a few articles
EP 0.418 0.540 −0.485 0.548
DE −0.274 −0.210 −0.199 0.090
rely on other statistical evaluation techniques. For example, Charles,
SVAR −0.205 −0.205 −0.802 0.266 Darné, and Kim (2017) and Nonejad (2018) both use the model con-
BM −2.407 −1.642 −1.345 −2.342 fidence set (MCS) to assess the out-of-sample forecasting performance
NTIS 0.538 0.538 −0.366 0.980 of stock returns. Given this, we also use the MCS test to check the
TBL 1.518 1.500 0.287 1.827
economic constraint approaches.
LTY 0.630 0.972 −0.389 0.923
LTR 0.435 0.434 0.303 0.773 The MCS test is originally proposed by Hansen, Lunde, and Nason
TMS 1.570 1.578 0.523 2.044 (2011). This test can ascertain whether the forecasting models have a
DFY −0.395 −0.366 −0.931 −0.036 statistically significant difference in the out-of-sample performance
DFR 0.471 0.404 −1.019 0.760
without specifying a benchmark model. A MCS is a subset of models
INFL 0.236 0.276 −0.456 0.577
Diffusion index 0.230 0.150 −0.658 0.699
that contains the best model with a given level of confidence. The in-
Mean 0.870 0.425 −0.562 1.260 terpretation of a MCS p-value is analogous to that of a classical p-value
Median 0.669 0.669 −0.207 1.007 (Hansen et al., 2011). It is evident that a model with a larger MCS p-
Trimmed mean 0.805 0.516 −0.340 1.163 value shows stronger predictive ability. Following Hansen et al. (2011)
DMSPE(1) 0.884 0.435 −0.561 1.275
and Ma, Li, Liu, and Zhang (2018), among others, we consider the
DMSPE(0.9) 0.992 0.511 −0.543 1.383
significance (confidence) level of 25% (75%). That is, a forecasting
This table reports the certainty equivalent return (CER) gains. Original refers to model will be included in the MCS when its MCS p-value is larger than
the original forecasts without economic constraints, while CT, PTV, and New 0.25. The excluded models are viewed as significantly inferior models.
correspond to the Campbell and Thompson (2008) constraint approach, the In particular, all of the MCS p-values reported in this paper is calculated
Sharpe ratio constraint approach of Pettenuzzo et al. (2014), and our new based on the range statistic using the circular block bootstrap.10
economic constraint approach, respectively. The annualized CER is calculated In this study, the MCS test is based on two popular loss functions,
based on a mean-variance investor with relative risk aversion coefficient of namely, mean squared error (MSE) and mean absolute error (MAE).11
three who allocates between stocks and risk-free bills using the return forecasts
Table 5 provides the mean values of the two loss functions and the cor-
from various forecasting models. The CER gain is calculated as the difference
responding MCS p-values. In Panel A of Table 5, we find that our new
between the CER for the investor when she uses return forecasts and the CER
when she uses the prevailing mean benchmark. Bold figures highlight instances
constraint approach yields lower forecast error including both MSE and
in which the constrained CER gain is higher than its unconstrained counterpart. MAE than the unconstrained counterparts for all the used forecasting
The initial estimation period is 1927:01-1946:12, while the out-of-sample models. This is consistent with the evidence from the ROS2 statistic.
period is 1947:01-2017:12. We report the MCS p-values in Panel B of Table 5. While there is no
statistically significant difference among the four economic constraint
For a portfolio constructed by Eq. (15), the investor can realize an approaches for some forecasting models, the overall forecasting per-
average CER as formance of our new economic constraint is the best. Specifically, when
we depend on the loss function of MSE, only our new constraint ap-
CER = Rp 0.5 2
p, (16) proach can fall into the MCS with the 75% confidence level for all the
20 forecasting models (including 14 univariate models and 6 multi-
where Rp and σp2 denote the mean and variance, respectively, of the variate models). Furthermore, our new constraint approach yields the
realized portfolio returns during the out-of-sample evaluation period. largest MCS p-value of 1 for most of the forecasting models. In terms of
The CER gain is calculated as the difference between the CER for the MAE, only one model based on our new economic constraint does not
investor when she uses return forecasts and the CER when she uses the enter the MCS with the 75% confidence level. In contrast, the un-
prevailing mean benchmark. Accordingly, the CER gain can be regarded constrained approach as well as the CT and PTV constrained ap-
as the portfolio management fee that a mean-variance investor would proaches have more forecasting models that cannot enter the MCS. In
be willing to pay to have access to the return forecasts in instead of the addition, our new constraint approach yields the largest MCS p-value of
historical average forecasts. 1 for 17 out of the 20 forecasting models based on MAE, while the CT
Table 4 reports the CER gains for all the forecasting models subject and PTV approaches only have 1 and 2, respectively, models that yield
to different economic constraints. Compared with the original fore- the largest MCS p-value of 1.
casting models without economic constraints, the forecasting models In summary, compared to the ROS2 statistic and Clark and West (2007)
subject to the CT and PTV constraints do not enhance the CER gains test, the MCS test based on MSE and MAE produces robust results. That is,
obviously. Fortunately, all of the forecasting models based on our new the new constraint approach outperforms not only the original version
constraint approach yield larger CER gains than the original ones and but also the prevailing CT and PTV constrained versions.
most of the ones based on the CT and PTV constraints. Furthermore, all
the multivariate forecasting models subject to our new constraint gen-
5.2. Business cycles
erate considerably positive CER gains, all of which are larger than not
only the CT and PTV constrained counterparts but also the un-
While the overall ROS2 is interesting, it is also important to analyze
constrained counterparts. In conclusion, a mean-variance investor can
the return predictability during business cycles. Following related stu-
realize larger economic gains using our new constraint approach to
dies (see, e.g., Rapach et al., 2010; Neely et al., 2014; Huang et al.,
allocate her portfolio.

We obtain qualitatively similar results of MCS p-values when using the
semi-quadratic statistic or the stationary bootstrap. To save space, we do not
(footnote continued) report these results, but they are available upon request.
performance of the CT constraint method will reduce to that of the original Note that the loss function of MSE is consistent with the out-of-sample R2,
forecasting models without economic constraints. which is calculated based on MSE.

Y. Zhang, et al. International Review of Financial Analysis 63 (2019) 1–9

Table 5
Out-of-sample performance using the MCS test.
Forecasting model MSE MAE

Original CT PTV New Original CT PTV New

Panel A: The mean value of loss functions

DP 0.171 0.171 0.171 0.170 3.180 3.173 3.170 3.169
DY 0.172 0.171 0.171 0.171 3.197 3.175 3.176 3.188
EP 0.174 0.172 0.171 0.172 3.200 3.177 3.169 3.190
DE 0.173 0.173 0.171 0.172 3.151 3.148 3.155 3.141
SVAR 0.171 0.171 0.171 0.169 3.140 3.140 3.160 3.130
BM 0.174 0.173 0.171 0.172 3.213 3.195 3.175 3.203
NTIS 0.172 0.172 0.171 0.170 3.133 3.133 3.154 3.120
TBL 0.171 0.170 0.170 0.169 3.134 3.136 3.156 3.123
LTY 0.172 0.170 0.171 0.171 3.154 3.147 3.165 3.143
LTR 0.172 0.172 0.171 0.171 3.170 3.165 3.160 3.158
TMS 0.171 0.171 0.170 0.169 3.136 3.135 3.148 3.124
DFY 0.171 0.171 0.171 0.170 3.147 3.147 3.151 3.135
DFR 0.171 0.172 0.171 0.170 3.150 3.150 3.160 3.139
INFL 0.171 0.171 0.171 0.170 3.139 3.139 3.159 3.128
Diffusion index 0.171 0.170 0.171 0.169 3.174 3.170 3.169 3.162
Mean 0.170 0.170 0.171 0.169 3.143 3.141 3.160 3.133
Median 0.170 0.170 0.171 0.169 3.140 3.140 3.157 3.129
Trimmed mean 0.170 0.170 0.171 0.169 3.145 3.143 3.160 3.133
DMSPE(1) 0.170 0.170 0.171 0.169 3.144 3.142 3.160 3.133
DMSPE(0.9) 0.170 0.170 0.171 0.169 3.143 3.141 3.160 3.132

Panel B: MCS p-values

DP 0.319* 0.508* 0.508* 1.000* 0.007 0.875* 0.943* 1.000*
DY 0.263* 0.871* 0.871* 1.000* 0.001 1.000* 0.884* 0.400*
EP 0.485* 0.737* 1.000* 0.737* 0.101 0.641* 1.000* 0.569*
DE 0.265* 0.276* 1.000* 0.460* 0.540* 0.704* 0.704* 1.000*
SVAR 0.427* 0.427* 0.427* 1.000* 0.402* 0.402* 0.058 1.000*
BM 0.103 0.359* 1.000* 0.485* 0.002 0.127 1.000* 0.127
NTIS 0.447* 0.447* 0.836* 1.000* 0.299* 0.299* 0.246 1.000*
TBL 0.501* 0.722* 0.722* 1.000* 0.357* 0.357* 0.034 1.000*
LTY 0.473* 1.000* 0.750* 0.833* 0.358* 0.840* 0.032 1.000*
LTR 0.367* 0.367* 1.000* 0.952* 0.111 0.763* 0.889* 1.000*
TMS 0.509* 0.509* 0.509* 1.000* 0.349* 0.349* 0.237 1.000*
DFY 0.351* 0.351* 0.383* 1.000* 0.242 0.242 0.242 1.000*
DFR 0.462* 0.462* 0.555* 1.000* 0.349* 0.349* 0.318* 1.000*
INFL 0.342* 0.426* 0.426* 1.000* 0.345* 0.345* 0.042 1.000*
Diffusion index 0.440* 0.440* 0.440* 1.000* 0.132 0.716* 0.716* 1.000*
Mean 0.292* 0.292* 0.203 1.000* 0.352* 0.363* 0.028 1.000*
Median 0.239 0.239 0.239 1.000* 0.121 0.121 0.041 1.000*
Trimmed mean 0.300* 0.300* 0.212 1.000* 0.282* 0.284* 0.042 1.000*
DMSPE(1) 0.301* 0.301* 0.206 1.000* 0.345* 0.364* 0.028 1.000*
DMSPE(0.9) 0.294* 0.294* 0.181 1.000* 0.353* 0.353* 0.025 1.000*

This table reports the mean values of the two loss functions of MSE and MAE in Panel A and the corresponding MCS p-values in Panel B. Original refers to the original
forecasts without economic constraints, while CT, PTV, and New correspond to the Campbell and Thompson (2008) constraint approach, the Sharpe ratio constraint
approach of Pettenuzzo et al. (2014), and our new economic constraint approach, respectively. Bold figures highlight instances in which the constrained value of MSE
or MAE is smaller than its unconstrained counterpart. *Highlights instances in which the MCS p-value is larger than 0.25. The initial estimation period is 1927:01-
1946:12, while the out-of-sample period is 1947:01-2017:12.

2015; Jiang et al., 2017; Ma, Liu, Wahab, & Zhang, 2018; Wang, Qian, new constraint approach is more effective in the forecasting of stock re-
& Wang, 2018), we compute the ROS2 statistic separately for expansions turns than the CT and PTV models for both expansions and recessions and
(ROS, EXP2) and recessions (ROS, REC2), our approach itself shows stronger forecasting performance during the
recession period than during the expansion period.
2 k=1
Imc + k (rm + k rm + k ) 2
ROS ,c = 1 q for c = EXP, REC,
Imc + k (rm + k rm + k ) 2 (17) 5.3. Alternative risk aversion coefficients

where Im+kEXP (Im+kREC) is an indicator that takes a value of one when In the asset allocation exercise above, we assume that a mean-var-
month m + k is in an NBER expansion (recession) period and zero iance investor has a risk aversion coefficient of three. However, the
otherwise. optimal portfolio weight given in Eq. (15) changes with the value of risk
Table 6 reports the out-of-sample forecasting performance over aversion coefficient. For this consideration, we further consider other
business cycles. Two important findings emerge. First, consistent with the different risk aversion coefficients and investigate the impact of risk
related literature on return predictability (see, e.g., Rapach et al., 2010; aversion coefficient on the portfolio performance.
Neely et al., 2014; Huang et al., 2015; Jiang et al., 2017), the return Table 7 reports the CER gains for alternative risk aversion coeffi-
predictability is concentrated over recessions for all the forecasting cients, including two, four, and six. Although the CER gains vary with
models. Second and more importantly, for both the expansion and re- different risk aversion coefficients, all of the forecasting models based
cession periods, most of the forecasting models subject to our new con- on our new constraint approach yield larger CER gains than the original
straint generate larger ROS2s than the ones subject to the CT and PTV ones. Furthermore, all the multivariate forecasting models subject to
constraints as well as the unconstrained counterparts. In summary, our our new constraint still produce considerably positive CER gains, which

Y. Zhang, et al. International Review of Financial Analysis 63 (2019) 1–9

Table 6
Out-of-sample performance over business cycles.
Forecasting model Expansions Recessions

Original CT PTV New Original CT PTV New

DP −0.800 −0.562 −0.762 −0.057 1.779** 1.764** 1.650*** 2.493**

DY −1.578 −0.886 −0.847 −0.925 2.696*** 2.608** 1.898*** 3.335***
EP −1.283* −0.508* −0.448 −0.524** −2.199 −0.960 1.241* −1.747
DE −1.042 −0.989 −0.273 −0.227 −2.641 −1.835 1.185** −1.979
SVAR −0.025 −0.042 −0.709 0.837 0.662 0.407 1.157** 0.872
BM −1.975 −1.321 −0.764 −1.270 −0.374 −0.394 1.355** 0.221
NTIS 0.624** 0.625** −0.175 1.483** −3.717 −3.717 1.282** −2.478
TBL −0.348 0.130 −0.276 0.409* 1.289 0.663 1.915** 2.160*
LTY −1.117 0.080* −0.628 −0.372* 0.587 0.889 2.000** 1.374
LTR −1.374 −1.200 −0.510 −0.434 0.877 0.873 1.896*** 1.495*
TMS −0.199 −0.224 0.001 0.693 0.888 0.941 1.550*** 1.822**
DFY −0.174 −0.174 −0.134 0.627 −0.172 −0.172 0.568* 0.673
DFR −0.117 −0.198 −0.453 0.646 −0.587 −1.048 1.265** 0.110
INFL 0.074 0.082 −0.474 0.861 −0.419 −0.362 1.302** 0.408
Diffusion index −0.808 −0.615 −0.555 0.076 3.183*** 2.804** 2.361*** 4.077***
Mean 0.378** 0.392** −0.384 1.168* 0.889** 0.511 1.507*** 1.601**
Median 0.324** 0.324** −0.330 1.098 0.615** 0.615** 1.463*** 1.320*
Trimmed mean 0.321* 0.328** −0.374 1.131* 0.888** 0.720** 1.515*** 1.648**
DMSPE(1) 0.362** 0.377** −0.385 1.153* 0.883** 0.508* 1.507*** 1.595**
DMSPE(0.9) 0.363** 0.375** −0.383 1.153* 1.027** 0.625* 1.514*** 1.729**

This table reports the out-of-sample R-square (R2OS) over business cycles. Original refers to the original forecasts without economic constraints, while CT, PTV, and
New correspond to the Campbell and Thompson (2008) constraint approach, the Sharpe ratio constraint approach of Pettenuzzo et al. (2014), and our new economic
constraint approach, respectively. Bold figures highlight instances in which the constrained R2OS is higher than its unconstrained counterpart. Statistical significance
for the R2OS statistic is derived by using the Clark and West (2007) test. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively. The initial
estimation period is 1927:01-1946:12, while the out-of-sample period is 1947:01-2017:12.

are larger than the other constrained and unconstrained counterparts. this, we follow Neely et al. (2014) and assume a proportional transac-
The CER results are thus robust to alternative risk aversion coefficients. tion cost equal to 50 basis points per transaction. Table 8 reports the
CER gains net of transaction cost. Two observations follow the table.
First, as expected, all the CER gains are lower than the ones without
5.4. Transaction cost transaction cost. This is intuitive because the economic value is in-
versely related to the average monthly turnover and the historical
In the practical application, we need to pay transaction cost when average benchmark always yields a very low turnover. As evidenced in
trading assets, which will influence the portfolio performance. Given

Table 7
Portfolio performance for alternative risk aversion coefficients.
Forecasting model Risk aversion coefficient is 2 Risk aversion coefficient is 4 Risk aversion coefficient is 6

Original CT PTV New Original CT PTV New Original CT PTV New

DP −2.957 −2.403 −1.925 −2.672 −1.064 −0.429 −0.556 −0.886 0.004 0.618 0.234 0.139
DY −3.641 −2.732 −1.988 −3.556 −1.368 −0.579 −0.586 −1.325 −0.304 0.540 0.214 −0.260
EP 0.243 0.445 −1.098 0.409 0.272 0.384 −0.119 0.383 0.177 0.335 0.527 0.268
DE −0.342 −0.277 −0.696 0.080 −0.270 −0.221 0.101 0.018 −0.587 −0.554 0.676 −0.377
SVAR −0.078 −0.078 −1.182 0.373 −0.337 −0.337 −0.739 0.154 −0.489 −0.489 −0.421 0.000
BM −3.080 −2.315 −2.149 −3.012 −2.161 −1.429 −0.743 −2.100 −1.816 −1.118 0.111 −1.759
NTIS 0.298 0.298 −0.619 0.750 −0.033 −0.033 −0.094 0.369 −0.223 −0.223 0.545 0.149
TBL 0.761 0.740 −0.030 1.092 1.270 1.258 0.518 1.572 1.020 1.069 0.952 1.263
LTY −0.045 0.277 −0.848 0.262 0.733 1.144 −0.047 0.986 0.642 1.129 0.574 0.827
LTR 0.355 0.367 0.297 0.709 0.102 0.092 0.493 0.436 −0.294 −0.309 0.934 −0.055
TMS 1.464 1.434 0.396 1.916 1.202 1.225 0.648 1.651 0.488 0.510 1.031 0.866
DFY −0.800 −0.757 −0.939 −0.394 −0.712 −0.690 −0.970 −0.374 −0.838 −0.823 −0.282 −0.513
DFR 0.215 0.127 −1.312 0.586 0.237 0.185 −0.724 0.468 0.141 0.102 −0.003 0.312
INFL −0.085 −0.027 −1.030 0.294 0.182 0.216 −0.082 0.508 0.083 0.106 0.552 0.322
Diffusion index −0.434 −0.623 −1.270 0.015 0.168 0.247 −0.233 0.618 0.396 0.671 0.448 0.766
Mean 0.223 0.181 −0.725 0.675 0.829 0.541 −0.176 1.154 1.014 0.757 0.489 1.247
Median 0.225 0.225 −0.565 0.600 0.606 0.606 0.107 0.882 0.708 0.708 0.678 0.908
Trimmed mean 0.351 0.242 −0.607 0.754 0.763 0.591 −0.007 1.058 1.028 0.913 0.602 1.241
DMSPE(1) 0.227 0.178 −0.725 0.680 0.824 0.535 −0.175 1.150 1.008 0.752 0.490 1.241
DMSPE(0.9) 0.264 0.158 −0.715 0.721 0.956 0.603 −0.160 1.271 1.150 0.860 0.499 1.376

This table reports the certainty equivalent return (CER) gains for alternative risk aversion coefficients, including 2, 4, and 6. Original refers to the original forecasts
without economic constraints, while CT, PTV, and New correspond to the Campbell and Thompson (2008) constraint approach, the Sharpe ratio constraint approach
of Pettenuzzo et al. (2014), and our new economic constraint approach, respectively. The annualized CER is calculated based on a mean-variance investor who
allocates between stocks and risk-free bills using the return forecasts from various forecasting models. The CER gain is calculated as the difference between the CER
for the investor when she uses return forecasts and the CER when she uses the prevailing mean benchmark. Bold figures highlight instances in which the constrained
CER gain is higher than its unconstrained counterpart. The initial estimation period is 1927:01-1946:12, while the out-of-sample period is 1947:01-2017:12.

Y. Zhang, et al. International Review of Financial Analysis 63 (2019) 1–9

Table 8 acknowledges the support from the National Natural Science

Portfolio performance including transaction cost. Foundation of China [71371157, 71671145], the Humanities and
Forecasting model Original CT PTV New Social Science Fund of Ministry of Education of China [17YJA790015,
17XJA790002, 18YJC790132, 18XJA790002] and Key Laboratory of
DP −2.066 −1.413 −1.092 −1.867 Service Computing and Safety Management of Yunnan Provincial
DY −2.542 −1.463 −1.173 −2.492
Universities. Feng Ma acknowledges the support from the Natural
EP 0.132 0.321 −0.527 0.255
DE −0.308 −0.235 −0.193 0.015
Science Foundation of China [71701170], the Humanities and Social
SVAR −0.286 −0.286 −1.100 0.150 Science Fund of the Ministry of Education [17YJC790105,
BM −2.676 −1.810 −1.380 −2.614 17XJCZH002], and Fundamental research funds for the central uni-
NTIS 0.373 0.373 −0.353 0.762 versities [682017WCX01, 2682018WXTD05].
TBL 1.349 1.404 0.254 1.618
LTY 0.439 0.882 −0.445 0.694
LTR −1.243 −1.162 −0.539 −0.913 References
TMS 1.319 1.358 0.401 1.735
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The authors are grateful to the editor and three anonymous referees Evidence from China. Economic Modelling, 76, 319–329.
Zhang, Y., Zeng, Q., Ma, F., & Shi, B. (2019). Forecasting stock returns: Do less powerful pre-
for insightful comments that significantly improved the paper. This dictors help? Economic Modelling. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econmod.2018.09.014https://
work is supported by Doctoral Innovation Fund Program of Southwest www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264999318301901 (forthcoming).
Zhu, X., & Zhu, J. (2013). Predicting stock returns: A regime-switching combination approach
Jiaotong University [D-CX201724] and Service Science and Innovation and economic links. Journal of Banking & Finance, 37, 4120–4133.
Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province [KL1704]. In particular, Yu Wei

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