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Doctor of Philosophy in Rural Development (PHDRD)

1 Duration Minimum 2
Maximum 5
2 Age No bar
3 Course Rs.
Fee 14,000

(i) Those possessing MARD with B grade are included as a category eligible for enrolment in Ph D
Programme in Rural Development, provided they submit two papers on their chosen subject for Ph.D and
subject to their acceptance by the Doctoral Committee.
(ii) Those who possess M.Phil in any subject, (other than Rural Development) may take three compulsory
course; namely;
 MRD-101 Rural Development-Indian Context
 MRD-103 Rural Development Planning & Management
 MRD-104 Research Methods in Rural Development
However, the Doctoral Committee may exempt a candidate from taking the Research methodology course,
if they feel so.

(iii) Those from other streams (other than Rural Development) not having M.Phil will have to undergo three
compulsory courses and also submit two papers as outlined in item (i) above.

Mode of Selection
 There is no entrance test for enrolment to PhD in Rural Development. The mode of selection is as
 The candidate is expected to identify a topic for pursuing PhD degree in Rural Development, after thorough
review of literature on the subject.
 The candidate then prepares project proposal on the topic, either independently or with the help of a local
supervisor to be identified by the candidate. (A brief note for facilitating applicants to write PhD proposal
is available under SOCE at IGNOU website).
 The proposal along with the application form is sent to the Research Unit, IGNOU.
 The Research Unit, after initial scrutiny forwards the proposal and application to the School of Continuing
 The proposal is then subjected to initial examination by the PhD Coordinator/in house faculty and if found
unsuitable, returned to the candidate with the comments and candidate is requested to resubmit.
 If the proposal is cleared by the initial scrutiny, or resubmitted by the candidate after incorporating the
suggestions as mentioned above, it is then sent to an expert member of the Doctoral Committee for
 The proposal along with the comments of the expert is then placed before the PhD Doctoral Committee
for its examination and recommendations.
 The Doctoral Committee may ask a candidate to make proposal presentation before the Doctoral
Committee, if it feels so.
 The recommendations of the Doctoral Committee are then placed before the School Board and
subsequently before the Research Council.

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