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Synopsis for Student Faculty Document Sharing App

The project is an online portal between student and faculty. This innovative system allows
college faculty to share important data with students. it consist of a faculty log in along
with student log in since college faculty operates through PC and document uploading in
simpler way through PC, the faculty log in is to be performed through a computer. Faculty
may upload documents of subject syllabus, time table, document, notification, e-notes etc.
through their provided log in. The documents are uploaded by faculty to different

Objective and scope:

The purpose to build this system on an online server that allows faculty to upload data and
students may view and download required documents through their android device here
students only see and download data of their particular year. rest data are hidden. Faculty
may access and upload documents to any semester or add any notice as desired.
This project is an online portal between students and faculty. This innovative system allows
college faculty to share important data as well as notifications with student.
It consist of a faculty login along with student login. Since college faculty operate through PC
and document uploading is simpler through PC, the faculty login is to be performed through a
computer. faculty may upload documents of subject syllabus, time table, document,
notifications, e-notes etc. through their provided login. The document are uploaded by
faculties of college.
We propose to build this system on an online server that allows faculty to upload data and
students may view search and download required documents through their android device.
Here, students only see and download data of their particular semester. Rest data are hidden.
Faculty may access and upload documents to any semester or add any notice as desired.

Hardware used:-
 Processor Intel Core i3 or higher
 RAM 4GB or higher
 2GB Disk space or higher
 Screen resolution 1280*800 or higher
 Android device

Software used:-
 Android Studio
 MySQL Connector/J
 Apache Tomcat Server
 Java JDK 1.8.0
 Internet Browser (Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox, Edge)
 Microsoft Windows 10 Operating System

Language used:-

Front end
 Bootstrap
 JQuery
 Java

Back end
 MySQLi

User Requirement :-
User need android device with Internet connection.
Project Schedule Plan:

Pert chart:

A PERT chart is a graph-based chart. It can be used to determine the activities that from the
“critical path”, which if delayed will cause the overall project to delay. The PERT chart for the
project is:


1 Data Collection 5
2 Analysis 7
3 Designing 18
4 Coding 35
5 Testing 10
6 Implementation 8
7 Maintenance 8

5 days 7 days 18 days

Start Data Collection Analysis Designing Coding

35 days

10 days


8 days


8 days

Gantt Chart:

A standard technique employed in recent times to keep track of a project’s progress is the Gantt
chart named after industrial engineer Henry Gantt (1861-1919). They are easy to draw, easy to
understand and readable adaptable to other planning approach (e.g. Pert Charts).
A Gantt chart is a calendar-oriented chart to represent the project schedule. Each activity is
represented as a bar in the calendar, starting from the start date of the activity and ending at the
ending date for that activity. The start and end of each activity becomes milestones for the
project. The Gantt chart for this project is:

Activity Time Start date End date Duration of task


Data Collection 5 01/02/2019 05/02/2019

Analysis 7 06/02/2019 13/02/2019

Designing 18 14/02/2019 02/03/2019

Coding 35 03/03/2019 08/04/2019

Testing 10 09/04/2019 19/04/2019

Implementation 8 20/04/2019 29/04/2019

Maintenance 8 30/04/2019 08/05/2019

Modules of Student Faculty Document Sharing App

 Register Student

 Manage Student Details

 Upload Books / Assignments

 Student Opinion Poll

 Manage Uploads

 Login

 View, Download Documents

 Upload Assignment

 Share Views

Module Decription:
1. Registration:

To enter into this App user has to register himself first. Requirements of registration are
first name, last name, user name, email-id, password, confirm password etc.

2. User Login:

 The System provides facility to login into the system.

 Enter username and password
 User Profile page

3. Select the Event:

 The user can select the event and also select payment method.

4. Forgot Password:

 The user can send reset link to the mail id to reset password.
 Input: Email id
 Output: Reset link send to Email id.
5. Logout:

 The system provides the facility to logout from the site

 Input : Select logout option
 Output : Logout from the system
 Processing : User will logout

6. Online packages:

 Online various payment packages will available to see.

7. Time Slots:

 Time slots for availability of a place or venue on which event going too held.

8. Notification/updates:

 User will get to know any notification, recent update or important massages through e-
Process Description:

Data Flow Diagram (Level 0)

Data Flow Diagram (Level 1)


Data Flow Diagram (Level 1)

We are about to develop a new approach to share information between students and lecturers
in order to enhance quality of information in campus environment. We describe a networks for
distributing campus information among students and lecturers. The concept of developing this
system is to ensure that student can access information at any time, at any locations. This is my
first attempt in developing a mobile application which give me a basic understanding of
development and challenges of mobile application development the application has been
implemented and tested on real device.

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