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Toolkit PBD-B1-01

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______

Title of Story: _________________

Content Standard:2.3 Performance Level

Communicate appropriately to a small or large group

1 2 3 4 5 6
Learning Standard: 2.3.1:

1. Ability to describe setting, characters and events using

suitable phrases

2. Ability to narrate short stories

3. Ability to keep use non verbal language effectively while

telling stories

4. Display exemplary model of language use to others

Toolkit PBD-B1-02
Toolkit PBD-B1-03
Maklum Balas Rakan Sebaya


1 Saya faham cerita yang disampaikan. 1 2 3

2 Pencerita bertutur dengan lancar dan 1 2 3


3 Pencerita menggunakan ekspresi muka, 1 2 3

intonasi suara, bahasa badan dengan

4 Pencerita menyampaikan cerita dengan 1 2 3


5 Saya seronok mendengar ceritanya. 1 2 3

Toolkit PBD-B1-04

Refleksi Kendiri (Penglibatan dalam Kumpulan)

Toolkit PBD-B1-05

Refleksi Kendiri Murid

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