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Development and

A Practically
Painless Review

Christine M. Houser

Pediatric Development and Neonatology
Christine M. Houser

Pediatric Development
and Neonatology
A Practically Painless Review
Christine M. Houser
Department of Emergency Medicine
Erasmus Medical Center
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

ISBN 978-1-4614-8680-0 ISBN 978-1-4614-8681-7 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8681-7
Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London

Library of Congress Control Number: 2013947469

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To my parents Martin and Cathy who made
this journey possible, to Patrick who travels
with me, and to my wonderful children
Tristan, Skyler, Isabelle, Castiel, and
Sunderland who have patiently waited
during its writing – and are also the most
special of all possible reminders for why
pediatric medicine is so important.
Important Notice

Medical knowledge and the accepted standards of care change frequently. Conflicts
are also found regularly between various sources of recognized literature in the
medical field. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained
in this publication is as up-to-date and accurate as possible. However, the parties
involved in the publication of this book and its component parts, including the
author, the content reviewer, and the publisher, do not guarantee that the informa-
tion provided is in every case complete, accurate, or representative of the entire
body of knowledge for a topic. We recommend that all readers review the current
academic medical literature for any decisions regarding patient care.


Preparing for the general pediatric board examination can be a daunting task.
Returning to general pediatric studies again for a recertification exam, or a retake of
the initial exam, is a lot to take on in the midst of an ongoing practice and the many
other professional and personal obligations most physicians face. It is important to
find strategies and materials that make the process as efficient and flexible as pos-
sible. At the same time, exam preparations can be a great opportunity to thoroughly
review the many areas involved in pediatric practice, and to consolidate and refresh
the knowledge developed through the years so far.
Practically Painless Pediatrics brings together the information from several
major pediatric board review study guides and more review conferences than any
one physician would ever have time to personally attend for review. What makes
this book especially unusual is that it is designed in “bite-sized” chunks of informa-
tion that can be quickly read and processed, using a question-and-answer format
that helps the mind to stay active while studying. This improves the speed with
which the information can be learned. The two-column design also makes it possi-
ble to easily quiz yourself or to use the book for quizzing in pairs or groups studying
together. A simple Q & A format means that answers are not paragraphs long, as is
often the case in medical books. Answers are quick and concise and targeted for
what is needed in the board exam questions.
Because the majority of information is in Q & A format, it is also much easier to
use the information in a few minutes of downtime at the hospital or office. You don’t
need to get deeply into the material to understand what you are reading.
For a few especially challenging topics, or for topics that can be more efficiently
presented in a regular text rather than Q & A style, a text section has been provided.
These sections precede the larger neonatology Q & A section. Here, neonatal physi-
ology, in particular, is briefly discussed.
Practically Painless Pediatrics is designed for efficient studying. Very often,
information provided in review books raises as many questions as it answers. This
interferes with the study process, because the learner either has to look up the addi-
tional information (time loss) or skip the information entirely and therefore not
really understand or learn it. This book keeps answers self-contained, meaning that

x Preface

any needed information is provided either in the answer, or immediately following

it—all without lengthy text.
The materials utilized in Practically Painless Pediatrics were tested by residents
and attendings preparing for the general pediatric board examination, or the recerti-
fication examination, to ensure that both the approach and content were on target.
All content has also been reviewed by attending and specialist pediatricians to
ensure the quality and understandability of the content.
This book utilizes the knowledge gained about learning and memory processes
over many years of research into cognitive processing, to streamline the study pro-
cess. All of us involved in the process of creating it sincerely hope that you will find
the study process a bit less onerous with this format, and perhaps even find a bit of
joy and excitement in reviewing the material!

Brief Guidance Regarding Use of the Book

Items which appear in bold indicate topics known to be frequent board exam con-
tent. On occasion, an item’s content is known to be very specific to previous board
questions. In that case, the item will have “popular exam item” beneath it.
At times, you will encounter a Q & A item that covers the same content as a
previous item. These items are worded differently and often require you to process
the information in a somewhat different way compared to the previous version.
This variation in the way questions are asked, for the particularly challenging or
important content areas, is not an error or oversight. It is designed to increase the
probability that the reader will be able to retrieve the information when it is
needed—regardless of how the vignette is presented on the exam or how the patient
presents in a clinical setting.
Occasionally, a brand name for a medication or piece of medical equipment is
included in the materials. These are always indicated with the trademark symbol
(®) and are not meant to indicate an endorsement of or recommendation to use that
brand name product. Brand names are occasionally included only to make process-
ing of the study items easier, when the brand name is significantly more recogniz-
able to most physicians than the generic name would be.
The specific word choice used in the text may at times seem informal to the reader,
and occasionally a bit irreverent. Please rest assured that no disrespect is intended to
anyone or any discipline in any case. The mnemonics or comments provided are only
intended to make the material more memorable. The informal wording is often easier
to process than the rather complex or unusual wording many of us in the medical
field have become accustomed to. That is why rather straightforward wording is
sometimes used, even though it may at first seem unsophisticated.
Similarly, visual space is provided on the page, so that the material is not closely
crowded together. This improves the ease of using the material for self- or group
quizzing, and minimizes time potentially wasted identifying which answers belong
to which questions.
Preface xi

The reader is encouraged to use this extra space to make additional notes or com-
ments for him or herself. Further, the Q & A format is particularly well suited to
marking difficult or important items for further review and quizzing. Please con-
sider making a system in advance to indicate which items you’d like to return to, and
which items have already been repeatedly reviewed. This can also offer a handy way
to know which items are most important for last-minute review—a frequently very
difficult “triage” task.
Finally, consider switching back and forth between topics under review, to
improve processing of new items. Trying to learn and remember too many items on
similar topics at one time is often more difficult than breaking the information up by
periodically switching to a different topic.
Ultimately, the most important aspect of learning the material needed for board
examinations is what we as physicians can bring to our patients, and the amazing
gift that patients entrust to us in letting us take an active part in their health. With
that focus in mind, the task at hand is not substantially different from what each
examination candidate has already done in medical school and in patient care. With
that in mind, board examination studying should be both a bit less anxiety provok-
ing and a bit more palatable. Seize the opportunity and happy studying to all!

Rotterdam, The Netherlands Christine M. Houser

About the Author

Dr. Houser completed her medical degree at the Johns Hopkins University School
of Medicine, after spending 4 years in graduate training and research in Cognitive
Neuropsychology at George Washington University and The National Institutes of
Health. Her Master of Philosophy degree work focused on the processes involved
in learning and memory, and during this time she was a four-time recipient of train-
ing awards from The National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Houser’s dual inter-
ests in cognition and medicine led her naturally toward teaching and “translational
cognitive science”—finding ways to apply the many years of cognitive research
findings about learning and memory to how physicians and physicians-in-training
might more easily learn and recall the vast quantities of information required for
medical studies and practice.

Content Reviewers

For Developmental Topics:

Kim K. Cheung, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics,
Division of Community and General Pediatrics
University of Texas – Houston Medical School
Houston, TX, USA

For Neonatal Topics:

Suzanne M. Lopez, MD, FAAP
Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics,
Division of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
University of Texas – Houston Medical School
Houston, TX, USA
Director, Division of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship Program
University of Texas – Houston Medical School
Houston, TX, USA
Medical Director, Neonatal Nurse Practitioners
University of Texas – Houston Medical School
Houston, TX, USA


1 Developmental Topics ............................................................................... 1

2 Neonatal Physiology: Things That Make Them Special! ...................... 27
Circulatory System...................................................................................... 27
Fetal Circulation...................................................................................... 27
Respiratory System ..................................................................................... 28
Renal System .............................................................................................. 28
Hepatic System ........................................................................................... 29
Endocrine System ....................................................................................... 29
Temperature Regulation .............................................................................. 29
3 Brief Overview of Reproductive Embryology ........................................ 31
4 Cryptorchidism and Contraindications to Breast Feeding
in Developed Nations ................................................................................ 33
Cryptorchidism ........................................................................................... 33
Contraindications to Breast Feeding in Developed Nations ....................... 33
5 Neonatal Topics ......................................................................................... 35

Index ................................................................................................................. 143

Chapter 1
Developmental Topics

For preemies, how long should you Until age 2

continue to “correct” their age when
evaluating developmental milestones?

If a child does not score well on Results are not valid

developmental milestones, but was
also uncooperative during the exam,
what should you conclude?

If a child does not score well on Results are not valid

developmental milestones, but was
also ill at the time of the exam, what
should you conclude?

In addition to a thorough history & The metabolic screening done

physical examination, what else by the state
should you check in an infant (sometimes abnormal results
with developmental delay? are missed)

In a preschool child with Hypothyroid &

developmental delay, what two Lead
correctable reasons should always
be looked for?

If a child has idiopathic mental No

retardation which has been present
since birth, and no other signs
or symptoms, should you conduct
a metabolic screening?

C.M. Houser, Pediatric Development and Neonatology: A Practically Painless Review, 1

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8681-7_1, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014
2 1 Developmental Topics

What is the most common reason Down syndrome

for severe mental retardation?

Do mild mental retardation patients No

usually have chromosomal (only about 5 %)

Which kids with mental retardation • Severe MR

should have chromosome testing? • Family history of MR or repeated
fetal losses
• Microcephalic
• Associated abnormalities

If a child has language delay, Likely – 50 %

how likely is it that the child will
also have delay in some other
developmental areas?

What is the usual pattern They coo, but not interactively –

of vocalization for deaf infants? no babbling

At what age should you worry 9 months

about a baby that does not babble?

At what age should you worry about 18 months

a baby that does not say any words?

When should a young child’s speech 3 years

be understandable to strangers most (Fully understandable at age 4)
of the time?

By what age should a child be able 2 years

to use at least some phrases

How long should it take for an infant 4–6 months

to double the birth weight?

When 1 year old, how much should the About 3×

infant weigh, compared to the birth

By what age should the birth length 4 years

be doubled?
1 Developmental Topics 3

When the infant is 1 year old, how long 1.5×

should he/she be, compared to the birth

Can tests like the “Denver No – they only identify kids who
Developmental” or other school screen- need more screening
ing tests diagnose learning problems?

Can significant language delay Not on the boards

be normal if the child is raised
in a bilingual home?

If parents or siblings tend No

to “speak for” a child who is
language delayed, can that actually
cause the language delay?

At what age should infants be able 10–11 months

to cruise while holding on with both

When is pincer grasp usually well 12 months


At what age do infants have a partial, 10 months

inferior, pincer grasp?

If your patient can grab an object 5 months

voluntarily, but cannot release
the grip, what age is your patient?

At what age can children use their hand 7 months

as a “rake” to gather objects?

What is the average age at which 14 months

most infants will successfully play Mnemonic:
“pat-a-cake?” 7 months “rake”
14 months “pat-a-cake”

If the baby is lying on the belly, 2 months

at what age will he/she be able
to lift the head up off the floor?
4 1 Developmental Topics

At what age can the baby hold its 3 months

head at 45°, if it is on its belly?

At what age can the baby hold his/ 4 months

her head up at 90°, when lying
on the belly?

If a baby is lying on her belly, 4 months

at what age can she usually push
her chest up & support herself
with her arms?

If you pull an infant from lying 5 months for more than 75 %,

to a sitting position, at what age (90 % at 6 months)
will the baby’s head come up
at the same time as the body
(no head lag)?

At what age should infants sit 7 months

without support? (can sit with support at 6 months)

Which way do infants roll first, Front to back –

front to back, or back to front? This is really not so hard to
remember; after all, it is much easier
to use your arm to push yourself
onto your back

At what age will infants first roll About 4 months

from front to back?

How old will the infant be when About 5 months

he/she rolls from back to front
for the first time?

Social smiling starts at what age? 1–2 months

At what age will most infants smile back 5 months

at themselves, when looking
in a mirror?

A child should be able to dress 3 years

himself at what age? (not including buttons or other
devices in the back)
1 Developmental Topics 5

Waving “bye-bye” usually starts 10 months

at what age?

What sort of language output Cooing

is expected at age 2 months?

How far, relative to their own bodies, Past midline

can 2-month-olds follow an object

At what age can your infant first put 4 months

things into its mouth intentionally?

When can babies usually grab 4 months

easy-to-hold objects?

At what age can infants generally 6 months

transfer an object from hand to hand?

How old are most kids when they learn 2 years

to jump with both feet off the ground?

At what age will most kids learn 4 years

to hop on one foot?

Skipping is pretty tough. 5–6 years

When will most kids learn to skip?
(requires hopping, alternating feet,
and moving forward!)

Which comes first, hopping or balancing Balancing for a few seconds – age
on one foot for a few seconds? 3 years

When are children able to balance 4 years

on one foot for a long period of time, (Some say this ability is lost with
say 10 s? age – try testing some adults!)

According to the books, when can 5 years

kids tie their own shoelaces?
(Warning, may not match with your
personal experience, when traveling
with large number of small kids!)
6 1 Developmental Topics

What common condition will Macrocephaly

sometimes cause the head to enlarge (The head often grows rapidly to
rapidly in the first 6 months, its “target” size in the 6 months
but does not require treatment? following birth)

If rapid growth in head circumference • No abnormal findings on

is occurring in the first 6 months history/physical examination
of life, how do you confirm that • Parents also have large heads
the cause is benign?

When do normal infants have the most Birth – 2 months (0.5 cm/week)
rapid growth in head circumference?

How is macrocephaly defined? Head circumference >95 %

For preemies, should you chart Gestational age

gestational age or chronological age
for head circumference?

Which catches up faster for preemies, Head circumference

head circumference or length & weight (It can make you think preemies are
growth? macrocephalic, when they are really

Why is head circumference monitored Increased risk of hydrocephalus

especially carefully in preemies? (But remember that apparent
macrocephaly could be normal
catch-up growth)

What normal variation produces Enlarged subarachnoid space

benign macrocephaly, especially
in males?

If a child is born with normal Secondary

head circumference, then becomes
microcephalic, is the cause likely
to be primary or secondary?

Is posterior plagiocephaly Sleeping position

(head flattening) usually due
to sleeping position or craniosynostosis?

If you would like to use a helmet 0–6 months old

to decrease severe plagiocephaly, (need to wear it 22 h a day to be
at what age is it most useful? helpful!!!)
1 Developmental Topics 7

How many sutures are involved in benign Just one –

craniosynostosis (not associated with Repair between 6 and 12 months,
other problems)? if needed

Until what age should stuttering be Roughly age 3

considered normal?

At what point does stuttering School aged

definitely require referral
for evaluation?

At what age is a child’s speech 4 years

expected to be clear to anyone? (50 % intelligible age 2)
(75 % intelligible age 3)

At what age can a child bend down 16 months, generally

to pick something up without
falling over?

At what age can a young child 18 months

crawl into a chair on his/her own?

If an infant is developmentally About 14 months

normal, and he/she can build
a tower of just two blocks,
how old should that infant be?

How tall is the tower Three or four blocks

an 18-month-old builds?

At 2 years of age, how many blocks Seven

will be in the tower?

If an 18-month-old turns the pages Three

of a book, how many will they
usually turn at a time?

Can a 2-year-old turn single pages Supposedly (!)

in a book?

At what age will most children 2 years

be able to go up and down stairs,
with both feet on each step?
8 1 Developmental Topics

When will a child be able to walk up Age 3 or 4

stairs alternating feet? (depends on source)

How many times should a 3-year-old Three

be able to hop?

At what age can a child ride a tricycle? Three

How many body parts can a 4-year-old Four

usually draw?

At what age can most children draw Five

a square?

Children are usually able to pull 9 months

themselves up to stand at how many

What is the average age for children 12 months

to walk without help?

When can children walk backwards? Five

(But often pull toys while walking
backwards by 18 months)

Children are good runners by about 2 years

what age, on the average?

At what age will children be able Five

to print letters? (makes sense, they start
kindergarten at that point)

What odd block task is 4-year-olds Build a gate of blocks

expected to be able to do?

How many colors should a 4-year-old Four

be able to identify?

How high should a 4-year-old be able Four

to count?

When can a child recite a four-word Age four

1 Developmental Topics 9

At what age can children wave 1 year


At what age should children be good 18 months

at using gestures?

At what age can a child use pronouns 3 years


At what age can most children use 3 years

plurals correctly?

What are the “P’s” of language devel- Uses: Preposition, plurals,

opment at age 3 years? pronouns, and short paragraphs

At what age should most children use 4 years

the past tense correctly?

When should children be able to tell 4 years

a simple story? Mnemonic:
Remember that you might need to
use the past tense to tell a story –
at 4 years old, kids can both use
the past tense and tell a short

By what age should children have 6 years

mastered tough English-language
sounds like “th,” “s,” and “r?”

At what age can most infants drink 50 % by 12 months

from a cup?

By what age are infants usually fairly 18 months

good at using a spoon & cup?

When a significant family stressor, such Regression

as divorce, occurs in a preschooler’s (behaving like a younger child)
family, how will he/she usually react?

How do adolescents commonly react Depression & suicidal ideation

to serious family stressors, such as
10 1 Developmental Topics

How do early school-aged children Grief –

usually react to a difficult divorce? Crying is common

Do older school-aged children react Yes –

differently to divorce, compared More anger than grief
to the early school-aged kids?

School-aged children often show • Sleep disturbances

distress due to difficult family • Declining school performance
situation with what three symptoms? • Somatization (headaches,
stomach aches)

Are disorders such as asthma, No –

eczema, or migraine headaches Although stress can contribute
“psychosomatic?” to them

How does “perceived control” Generally, more perceived control

of a situation affect the stress means less stress
a child feels in that situation? (Actual control is not as important
as “perceived control”)

If a child is language delayed, Hearing evaluation

what is the first test you should do?

What is the most common cause Fluid in the middle ear

of conductive hearing loss?

If a child has severe hearing loss, Nearly always sensorineural

is that likely to be conductive (high frequencies affected most)
or sensorineural?

Are most term infants nearsighted Nearsighted (myopic) –

or farsighted at birth? Remember, that is how they are so
good at focusing on faces just a
few inches away from theirs while
breast feeding!

Are most preemies nearsighted or Usually farsighted

farsighted? (hyperopic)

Are learning differences Not really –

(aka learning disabilities) related A learning difference means that
to the intelligence of the child? there is a significant impairment in
one aspect of cognition, compared to
the others
1 Developmental Topics 11

Generally speaking, when are learning Usually 3rd grade or later

differences identified?

A very bright kid with learning 7th –

differences is often not identified until The academic and organizational
what grade? requirements usually increase
significantly in 7th grade

Can social problems be classified as No (although they can impact social

learning differences? interactions)

Can evaluations of “failure to thrive” Usually not

(FTT) be successfully conducted
in the outpatient setting?

Is FTT usually due to problems intrinsic Environmental factors –

to the child or due to environmental Nutrition, feeding techniques,
factors? appropriate social interactions, etc.

There are three ways a child can meet • Weight <3rd percentile
the criteria for FTT, based on a single • Weight for height <5th percentile
piece of growth data information. • Weight ≥20 % below ideal
What are those three criteria? for height
(one criterion for weight percentile,
two types of weight for height)

For very young infants, in the first <20 g per day

3 months of life, weight gain of less
than how many grams = FTT?

For infants between 3 and 6 months <15 g per day

of age, weight gain of less than
how many grams = FTT?

We are used to thinking of FTT Downward crossing of two major

in terms of kids “falling off” their percentiles on the growth
growth curve. How does that curve = FTT
criterion work? Mnemonic:
FTT has two T’s. The criterion is
Falling Two percentiles

Should environmental (nonorganic) Initial evaluation

causes of FTT be evaluated at the initial (This is a change from past
visit for FTT, or only after organic recommendations)
causes are ruled out?
12 1 Developmental Topics

What is the most common general Inadequate amount of calories

reason for FTT? or inappropriate types of food

Which FTT patients definitely • Unstable or severely

require inpatient evaluation? malnourished patients (of
(4 groups) course!)
• Evidence of abuse of neglect
• High risk for abuse or neglect
• Outpatient management has

Which FTT patients should be • Very stressed home

considered at “high risk” for abuse environment
or neglect? • Parent–child interaction very
(3 groups) abnormal
• Caregiver with very poor

Which pattern of childrearing puts Single caretaker

the child at the highest risk for school (including mom)

If a child has school phobia, what will Caretaker should accompany the
usually work to calm the child? child and gradually decrease the
amount of time he/she stays
(assuming that the phobia is related
to separation)

What are the three main concerns regard- 1. Encourages inactivity

ing television viewing by children, 2. Increases children’s difficulty
according to the pediatric board exam? separating fantasy & reality
3. Makes violence seem common-
place (more acceptable)

At what age is a child’s sexual Mid-adolescence

orientation able to be determined
(at least for the board exam)?

Is depression common in children? Yes –

Especially likely if mood
is interfering with daily functioning

When do night terrors occur, compared Early –

to when the child went to sleep? First 1/3 of the night
1 Developmental Topics 13

When do night terrors occur, in terms They disrupt stage 4 non-REM sleep
of the sleep cycle? (kid looks awake, but fails to
respond to outside stimulation)

Are there any clues in the family history Yes –

to the probability that your patient Family history is often positive for
has night terrors? night terrors in other family
(night terrors are more common in

Are children with night terrors at risk Yes, because they are sometimes
to hurt themselves? able to move during the episode

How are night terrors treated? Parental reassurance

Recurrent nightmares suggest stress No

in the child’s life. Do night terrors
also indicate stress?

Nightmares occur during which sleep REM


Are children with nightmares at risk Generally not

for hurting themselves?

If you wake an agitated child, Nightmares are remembered –

how can you tell whether the child was Night terrors are not
having a nightmare or a night terror?

Which child is likely to be disoriented Night terror

upon waking – the one having
a nightmare, or the one having
a night terror?

Does talking during sleep indicate a sleep No


Does sleepwalking have a relationship Yes –

to night terrors? Both occur during stage 4 non-REM

Is sleepwalking common in children? Yes –

15 % will do it
(most common between ages
4 and 8 years)
14 1 Developmental Topics

What physical findings do you expect Sympathetic nervous system stuff –

for children having a night terror? Sweaty, dilated pupils, deep &
rapid breathing, tachycardic

What is the recommended way to Observe

handle a child having a night terror? (do not try to wake them)

What is the best management Lead the child back to bed &
for sleepwalking? keep the environment safe

What is the recommended way Reassurance that the dream is over

to handle nightmares? & the child is safe

What is “preemptive waking?” Waking the child up just before

the typical time for a night terror
or sleepwalking episodes –
Will sometimes prevent them

Do children with ADD or ADHD outgrow About ½ will

the disorder?
ADD = Attention-deficit disorder
ADHD = Attention-deficit hyperactivity

Which gender develops ADD/ADHD Boys

more often?

Does limiting the sugar in the diet, No

or other dietary changes, improve
the symptoms of ADD/ADHD?

What are the main symptoms • Impulsiveness

of ADD/ADHD? • Disorganization
• Difficulty regulating attention
(can be inattentive or overab-
sorbed, depending on the activity)

For someone who has never experienced They are much like sleep
ADD/ADHD, what is the best way to deprivation!
remember the symptom constellation?

If a child behaves appropriately at No –

the office visit, and seems bright, does Symptoms are less obvious in new
this make ADD/ADHD less likely? or stimulating settings
1 Developmental Topics 15

ADD/ADHD must be present Age 6 years –

by what age to make the diagnosis? Although the diagnosis can be
made retrospectively

If an adolescent presents for the first No –

time with acting out behavior Think substance abuse
and decreased attentiveness (or possibly anxiety/depression)
to school activities, is ADD/
ADHD a likely diagnosis?

Are salicylates a cause of attentional No


Haven’t some children with ADHD NO!

been shown to improve with a reduction
in artificial colorings in their food?

Is the cause of ADD/ADHD known? No

How is ADHD different from ADD? Motor overactivity (fidgeting) is also


A teacher sends a child for evaluation, Yes

because although he seems to be a bright
student, he consistently fails to turn
in his homework assignments,
and often fails to follow instructions
on the ones he does complete.
Is this consistent with ADD?

Does emotional lability go along It can –

with attention deficit disorder? Same general idea as impulse
control (emotions are not as well
governed as usual, either)

Which treatments have proven Mainly stimulants & sometimes

efficacy for ADD/ADHD? tricyclic antidepressants or
clonidine (for hypervigilant &
aggressive children)

What is the main, general mechanism Increased amounts of dopamine &

for ADD/ADHD medications? norepinephrine
16 1 Developmental Topics

Why would stimulating PET studies show that the prefrontal

a hyper-stimulated kid be a helpful area of the brain (planning,
therapy? sequencing, & impulse control)
is underactive in these patients –
With amphetamine-type medica-
tions, the prefrontal activity

Is there any down side to treating Yes –

ADD/ADHD kids with stimulants? Possible growth suppression
(anorexia, sleep difficulties) &
worsening of tic disorders
(if present)

Which seizure disorder can sometimes Absence seizures

be confused for ADD?

Are automatisms part of ADD/ADHD? No –

That would be a seizure disorder

Which endocrine disorder should Hyperthyroidism

be ruled out, if you are considering
an ADHD diagnosis?

Which environmental metals Lead (too much)

can produce similar findings &
to ADD/ADHD? Iron (too little)

You would feel very foolish if you Vision or hearing problems!!!

diagnosed a child with ADD, Always rule them out first
and then later discovered that he/she
actually had what problem?

If a child seems to have ADHD, No –

but the symptoms began at age Symptoms have to be present
10 years, can you still make this by age 6 years!

When children have a change Meds on board

in behavior, and are less attentive (antihistamines, some antiseizure
than usual, what iatrogenic cause must meds, etc.)
always be considered?
1 Developmental Topics 17

How can you calculate the expected Add mother’s + father’s height
height for girls, based on the parents’ Subtract 13 cm (from the total)
heights? then divide by 2
(called the midparental height)

How is the calculation for a boy’s Add mother’s + father’s height

expected height done, based on the ADD 13 cm (to the total)
parents’ heights? Then divide by 2

Developmentally speaking, Age –

how can you rule out colic as a cause If the child is >4 months, it is
of crying? not colic!

What percentage of children should About 50 %

sleep through the night (about 5 h)
by age 3 months?

Persistent disrupted sleep patterns • Nighttime feeding after 6 months

in infants are linked to what frequent • Caregiver responds to minor
caregiver behaviors? waking episodes during the night

When does the AAP recommend 4–6 months

discontinuing overnight infant feedings (if
the infant is not sleeping through
the night)?

Does the AAP recommend having No

the infant sleep in the same room
as the caregivers?

Should infants be put to bed after they In their cribs

have already fallen asleep, or allowed (hopefully when they look sleepy,
to fall asleep in their cribs on their own? though!)

What is the most important factor in Bedtime routine

getting school-aged children to sleep

At what age should a child speak 3 years

in complete sentences?

Should you worry about breath No –

holding spells? No long-term effects at all
18 1 Developmental Topics

What if a child turns pale and passes Nothing, physically

out during a breath holding spell?
What should you worry about then?

What if a breath holding child turns No risk of harm

blue, or passes out and has jerking (unless they hit their head on the
movements like a seizure? way to the ground!)

If a breath holding kid passes out, when in Breath holding is usually followed
the course of the breath holding spell does by a serious episode of crying –
that usually happen? If syncope occurs, it is usually just
after the crying begins

Can you inherit breath holding spells? Oddly enough, yes –

They seem to be autosomal

During which ages are temper tantrums Ages 2–5 years

most common?

How common are daily tantrums 20 %!!!

for 2-year-olds?

For the board exam, is any No

sort of physical punishing
(for example, spanking) okay?

Which two developmental milestones • Sitting without support

are the hallmarks of development • Stranger anxiety begins
from 7- to 9-month-olds?

At what age is separation anxiety 9–18 months (can develop anytime

most noticeable in infants & toddlers? after about 6 months)

Separation anxiety should be largely Around 3 years

gone by what age?

The “avoidant” attachment pattern Leaves – Does not notice

between a young child and his/her Returns – Moves away & continues
caregiver means that the child does what to play
when the caregiver leaves and returns?
1 Developmental Topics 19

When children play in each other’s 1–3 years old

company (besides each other), but do
not actually interact, it is called “paral-
lel play.” Parallel play is most common
between what ages?

At what age do kids switch from At approximately 3 years old

parallel play to cooperative play?

What is the earliest age for normal toilet 18 months


What is the usual age range for toilet About 3 years old

How old are kids when they develop 1–2 years old
“object permanence?”
(Child knows that the object is still there,
even if it is out of sight)

How old are children when they can Roughly 5 years

(usually) tell fantasy from reality?

When do children usually develop a Between 6 and 11 years


At what age is abstract reasoning Approximately 12 years (often

possible? develops later, though)

What is “truancy?” “Truancy” is the stereotype we

think of with older kids “skipping
school” –
They are not at home (usually) or
at school, and the caregivers do
not know they are out of school

How is “truancy” different from In school refusal the child stays

“school refusal?” home, and the caregivers are

What age group is most likely Teenagers

to “refuse school?”
20 1 Developmental Topics

Which gender most often refuses Boys

to go to school?

Children with school refusal issues Somatic –

usually have what other sorts Stomach aches, headaches,
of complaints? anxiety, etc.

If a child is upset and refuses No –

to go to school 1 day, is this a case Must happen over 2 weeks, and
of “school refusal?” result in missing school 2–3 days
each week

What is the recommended management Set high expectations for the child
for school refusal? attending school, even if physical
complaints are present

Do normal kids engage in head Yes –

banging? About 10 % of normal kids do

What about kids who sit and rock? Yes –

That often goes with neurological Up to 20 % do this at age 6
impairment. Is it also seen months
in normal kids? (most stop by 3 years)

If a child starts to head bang or rock, No

but appears to be otherwise normal,
is further evaluation for a neurological
problem indicated?

What is the most common time Bedtime

of the day for children to rock (and sometimes in the middle of the
(themselves) or head bang? night)

When can you expect thumb Usually by age 4 years

sucking to stop? (But it can start in utero!)

Which gender is more likely Girls

to keep sucking on the thumb (worrisome for underlying
into adolescence? psychological issues)

Should children be discouraged Not until they are 4 years old

from sucking their thumbs? (most stop spontaneously,
and there is no harm done)
1 Developmental Topics 21

Can thumb sucking cause any After 4 years old, it can lead
physical problems? to dental/palatal problems

Which method is most recommended Positive reinforcement when the

for discouraging thumb sucking child is not thumb sucking
in an older child?

Do aversive techniques to discourage Often, yes

thumb sucking work?
(For example, putting nasty tasting stuff
on the thumb)

What is onychophagia? Nail biting

Which gender does more nail biting? Boys, actually

(goes a little against the stereotype!)

How common is nail biting in adult men? About 15 %

In school-aged children, before Equal

adolescence, which gender does
more “onychophagia?”

What is bruxism, and why should a • Grinding of teeth

pediatrician be concerned about it? • Can damage the teeth & bone
over time, and also causes

Is masturbation in a young child No –

unusual behavior? It virtually always occurs

If the topic comes up, what would the That it is common & to keep it
AAP like pediatricians to tell young private
children about masturbation?

Is it common for young children to No –

masturbate with objects other than their This should raise concern about
fingers or other very conveniently sexual abuse
available objects?

If parents object to masturbation, what Avoid punishments or other

would the AAP like the pediatrician to negative reactions –
counsel them? Encourage redirecting behavior
22 1 Developmental Topics

Does masturbation cause physical No

or mental problems?

In what age group is “exhibitionist” 3–6 years

behavior of their nude bodies common?

Is it common for very young children Yes

(toddlers) to examine or touch each
other’s genitals?

Is it unusual for sexual play in children Yes –

to include using the mouth to touch the may indicate abuse

Is it common for young children Not in Western cultures

to imitate sexual intercourse (in some cultures where children are
in their sexual play? more likely to see others engaging in
intercourse, this would be more

Do children typically act out sexual Generally, no

behaviors observed on television
or from movies?

If a child’s sexual play includes Yes

penetration, or discussion of
intercourse, even with dolls, should
you be worried about sexual abuse?

If a child is developmentally delayed, It will follow their

what should you expect with regard developmental age
to their sexual play & exploration? (so it may be different from age-
matched peers)

If a preschool child includes genitals No –

on a drawing, should you be concerned That is common
about it?

If an elementary school-aged child Yes –

includes genitals on a drawing, should It is not diagnostic of abuse,
you be concerned? but is worth evaluating further
(depends on cultural background,
1 Developmental Topics 23

In cases of sexual abuse, is the abuser Male

typically male or female?

In cases of sexual abuse, is the abuser Known to the victim

typically known to the victim, or a

In cases of physical abuse, Female primary caregiver

who is the most likely abuser?

Is it normal for children & adolescents Yes, but the interest is usually
to be interested in pornography? limited

Is cross-dressing alright in preschool Yes, it is common


At what age will children usually refuse By age 5 years

to wear underwear of the “wrong”

What is “gender-identity disorder?” Believing you are of the opposite

sex, trapped in the wrong body

Do most homosexual people have No –

gender-identity disorder? They are usually happy with their
gender, but are also attracted to
that same gender

Are “tomboy” girls likely to have No –

gender-identity disorder? Neither are more effeminate boys

Do people with gender-identity Yes

disorder wish to literally change
their gender to the opposite sex?

Is gender-identity disorder the same No –

as transvestism (cross-dressing)? In most cases, cross-dressing is done
for sexual stimulation. Gender-
identity disorder is about identity,
not sexual excitement

Core gender identity is formed 3 years

by what age?
24 1 Developmental Topics

We have all heard about children whose Up to 3 years –

gender must be reassigned, After gender identity is formed,
after the child was initially thought it usually cannot be changed
to be the other gender. How long (reassignment is, of course, not
do you have to successfully reassign always successful before age 3)

Have the children of homosexual No

parents been found to have any
negative effects due to being raised
by homosexual parents?

Have children in two-caregiver Yes

households been found to have better
development, on the average, than
those in single-parent households?

How is being a gay or a lesbian About 1/3 of homeless adolescents

adolescent linked to homelessness? are homosexual

In terms of the available research, No, it is contraindicated

and the position of the AAP, does (more likely to have psychological
therapy to turn a gay or a lesbian difficulties due to the lack of
adolescent into a heterosexual acceptance)
a good approach to try?

Roughly, what percentage of the Between 1 and 10 %

population is homosexual? (studies vary)

What is the most common recurring Headache

pain syndrome in children?

Which gender is more likely Girls

to complain of abdominal pain?

What proportion of children reports 1/3!!!

abdominal pain lasting 2 weeks
or longer?

If abdominal pain is “nonorganic” Growth & development

what important aspects of the exam
will be normal?
1 Developmental Topics 25

Is it common for children with No – only about 5 % do

recurrent abdominal pain to have
an organic cause?

How common is chest pain in children? Common –

Especially in adolescents
(Cardiac causes are very rare –
most are psychogenic)

What are “growing pains?” Dull, aching pain in the limbs,

usually the legs, with no obvious

Do growing pains require treatment? No –

They resolve with rest (usually

Are growing pains related to periods No

of rapid growth? (cause is completely unknown)

Which age group and gender most often Around 10 years old
has growing pains? &

What is the most common cause of Growing pains!

musculoskeletal pain in children?

If a new baby is expected in the house- Increased attention to the older

hold, what is the most helpful interven- child from the father or other
tion for the older sibling? relative

The upgoing Babinski reflex should 1 year

disappear by what age?

Infants are born with a reflex 3 months

that makes them grasp objects put (known as palmar or palmar grasp
into their palms. By what age should reflex)
this reflex disappear?
26 1 Developmental Topics

By what age should a child develop 6–9 months

the “parachute” reflex? Mnemonic:
You know this reflex must develop
at about this time, because children
need it before they start to walk –
to protect themselves from fall
injuries when they learn to walk!

What is the Moro reflex? Sudden, upper extremity extension

& abduction, then flexion with
adduction, when the infant is falling

Should newborns have a Moro reflex? Yes

(If it is absent, it is very worrisome)

By what age should the Moro reflex By 5–6 months

Chapter 2
Neonatal Physiology: Things That Make
Them Special!

Circulatory System

Neonates have a higher percentage of fluid in their body weight than older kids and
adults. In addition to the general fluids guidelines for pediatrics there is a special
adjustment for neonates.
Compute the maintenance fluids required, then decrease it by 1/3 on the first day
of life, and by 1/4 on the second day. This is because neonates have a natural diure-
sis to reduce their fluid content toward normal in the first week of life. (You wouldn’t
want to overload them as they are trying to decrease their fluid content.)
Also, neonatal hearts are not able to increase stroke volume very well. If a neo-
nate needs to increase oxygen delivery, it will increase the heart rate.

Fetal Circulation

Within the first 24 h, neonates are switching from fetal circulation to mature circula-
tion. If the infant is overly stressed by something (such as sepsis, meconium aspira-
tion, or pulmonary hypoplasia) they may fail to switch. This is called Persistent Fetal
Circulation (PFC) and Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn (PPHN).
The circulatory differences:
In fetal life the lungs are not aerated, so blood supply to them is minimal (the pul-
monary vascular resistance is high).
Because the pulmonary bed has high resistance, pressure in the right heart is actu-
ally higher than in the left heart. This pushes most of the blood through the fora-
men ovale. Blood which enters the pulmonary artery usually crosses over to the
aorta through the patent ductus arteriosus for the same reason (high pulmonary
vascular pressures).

C.M. Houser, Pediatric Development and Neonatology: A Practically Painless Review, 27

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8681-7_2, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014
28 2 Neonatal Physiology: Things That Make Them Special!

When the infant is born, the low-pressure placental system is suddenly removed
from the circuit. The lung is aerated, which suddenly drops the pressure in the
pulmonary bed.
The increased oxygen tension as the blood circulates by the PDA stimulates it to
constrict and close within 24 h.
If fetal circulation persists, a vicious cycle is formed.

Treatment for this cycle is ventilation with a target of >90 % oxygen saturation &
normal pH.
Systemic vasodilators are not very helpful because they are not specific to the
pulmonary bed, but rather tend to dilate vessels everywhere. This is likely to pro-
duce overall hypotension—not good. An alternative pulmonary-vascular-specific
therapy is inhaled pulmonary vasodilator nitric oxide, but this treatment is mainly
useful for infants with reversible PPHN who also have normal left heart function.
(A fixed PPHN lesion, such as in pulmonary hypoplasia or some congenital heart
disorders, may not respond to inhaled nitric oxide.)

Respiratory System

New terminal bronchioles and alveoli are added until age 8 years. Lungs in even
normal infants and young children have less capacity relative to overall size than
Preemies have fewer Type #2 pneumocytes—these are the ones that make
surfactant. Lack of surfactant leads to:
1. Alveolar collapse
2. Hyaline membrane formation
3. Decreased gas exchange

Renal System

Infants have a poor concentrating ability and a low GFR (glomerular filtration rate).
Temperature Regulation 29

As mentioned above, term infants lose 5–10 % (and preterm 10–15 %) of their
body weight in the first week of life due to natural diuresis.

Hepatic System

Drug metabolism is altered—the younger the child the more altered it is likely to be.
This means that medications may accumulate much faster in a neonate or infant
than you would expect.

Endocrine System

Most responses including the response to stressors are similar, but the success of the
response may be limited because the energy stores (which the endocrine system is
trying to mobilize) are so limited in young infants.

Temperature Regulation

Large BSA (body surface area) makes it hard to maintain the core body
Infants generate heat mainly from metabolism of brown fat rather than through
Chapter 3
Brief Overview of Reproductive Embryology

External genitalia – The external genitalia includes the penis or clitoris, the scrotal
sac or labia majora/minora, and the lower 2/3 of the vagina. These structures begin
as general structures that can differentiate into either male or female structures. If
significant amounts of testosterone are not present, the differentiation will be female.
The clitoris or penis begins as the “genital tubercle.” There are two ridges with
folds on the perineum that develop into either the scrotal sac or labia. The lower
portion of the vagina is formed by adjacent tissue from the urogenital sinus. The
external genitalia differentiate into the male form due to local secretion of testoster-
one by the testes. This differentiation occurs around week 12 of gestation.
Internal reproductive structures – The internal structures of the male reproductive
system develop from the mesonephric (aka wolffian) ducts. The internal structures
of the female reproductive system (including the upper 1/3 of the vagina) are derived
from the paramesonephric (aka mullerian) ducts. Male fetuses secrete mullerian
inhibiting substance (MIS, sometimes written as mullerian inhibiting factor) which
prevents development of the mullerian duct structures. If an otherwise normal male
fetus lacks MIS, normal male development will continue, but the mullerian ducts
will also mature into the female structures. Development of the wolffian structures
is under genetic control.
Gonads – Stem cells for gonads begin on the wall of the yolk sac and progress to the
abdominal cavity to complete their development. They later descend into the pelvis
(ovaries) or scrotum (testes). The gubernaculum and processus vaginalis are con-
nective tissues and a peritoneal evagination, respectively, that are important in the
descent of the gonads. In the male these later become the gubernaculums testes and
the tunica vaginalis. In the female they become the ovarian and round ligament of
the uterus.
Pseudointersexuality – Medical designations of gender are based on the chromo-
somal gender, so female pseudointersexuality refers to individuals who are

C.M. Houser, Pediatric Development and Neonatology: A Practically Painless Review, 31

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8681-7_3, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014
32 3 Brief Overview of Reproductive Embryology

genetically XX, but who also have some male sexual characteristics. Male pseu-
dointersexuality would refer to XY individuals with some female characteristics.
Female pseudointersexuality is the same as female hermaphroditism (only the
name has changed) – These individuals are genetically XX, but some unusual source
of androgens was present during fetal development such that the external genitalia
develop partly or completely into male structures. (When androgens are present the
external genitalia assume that this is due to the development of testicles and differ-
entiate into male structures.) The internal structures will be normal female repro-
ductive structures.
The usual cause of this problem is either exogenous androgens (in medications,
for example) or adrenal hyperplasia of the fetus itself, in which the adrenal secretes
unusual quantities of testosterone.
Male pseudointersexuality (same as male hermaphroditism) – As mentioned above,
if a genetically male fetus does not secrete adequate quantities of mullerian inhibit-
ing substance, female internal reproductive structures will develop along with the
male structures. If the fetus fails to produce adequate quantities of testosterone, the
external genitalia will fail to fully differentiate into the male structures.
Testicular feminization syndrome (aka androgen insensitivity syndrome) – This
syndrome occurs when a genetically male fetus lacks androgen receptors. Although
the testes secrete hormone appropriately, the external genitalia takes no notice.
Although these individuals function as females in society, they lack female internal
reproductive structures as the mullerian-inhibiting substance is still secreted nor-
mally (preventing development). The undescended testes are usually removed to
prevent the development of testicular cancer, which frequently develops in unde-
scended testes.
Chapter 4
Cryptorchidism and Contraindications
to Breast Feeding in Developed Nations


• Should be placed into the scrotum by about 12 months.

• Moving them to the scrotum does not change the cancer risk (although it does
alter the type of cancer that is likely to develop). (Please note that information on
this topic is frequently incorrect. The above point has been checked and double-
checked. It is correct to the best of current knowledge.)
• Moving them to the scrotum dramatically improves later fertility.
• Some testes come down on their own, usually in the first 3–6 months. For babies
born with undescended testes, 90 % of preterm and 75 % of full-term will
descend on their own by 9 months.
• There are some hormonal treatments that can be tried for bilateral cryptorchi-
dism, but they are not very successful.

Contraindications to Breast Feeding in Developed Nations

• Active TB (possible aerosol spread)

• Breast cancer treatments – radioactive agents, cyclosporine, methotrexate, some
other specific chemotherapy agents
• Street drug use (cocaine, PCP)
• Lithium
• HTLV 1 or 2
• HSV lesions on breast
• Galactosemia

C.M. Houser, Pediatric Development and Neonatology: A Practically Painless Review, 33

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8681-7_4, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014
Chapter 5
Neonatal Topics

What is the most common complication Diarrhea

of NG feeding in infants?

What is the second most common Reflux

complication of NG feeding in infants?

What general type of formula is best Elemental

for NG feeding? (reduces complications)

What is the worst complication Aspiration

of NG feeding (at any age)?

When should bolus NG feeding be used? In cases of oral-motor

(assuming it is well tolerated) dyscoordination

Why is continuous NG feeding preferred Increases probability of remission

for Crohn’s patients? &
(2 reasons) May overcome growth failure

What type of NG feeding is preferred Continuous –

for infants with congenital heart disease High nutritional demand & delayed
(and why)? gastric emptying

If an infant has a malabsorption syndrome, Continuous

what type of NG feeding schedule is best?

C.M. Houser, Pediatric Development and Neonatology: A Practically Painless Review, 35

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8681-7_5, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014
36 5 Neonatal Topics

For the boards, breast feeding is Low vitamin K

generally superior to any other infant Low protein
food. What deficiencies, though, Low iron
does breast milk have? Low calcium
(But absorption of iron is better
from breast milk than from other

Healthy newborns should “deliver” 48 h

their first stool in what amount of time? (99 % within 24 h)

If a child does not have a stool in the 1. Hirschsprung’s

first 48 h after birth, what two 2. Cystic fibrosis
diagnoses should you rule-out first?

Polyhydramnios is linked to what Annual pancreas

pancreatic cause of vomiting in the

Progressive (worsening), non-bilious Pyloric stenosis

vomiting in the first month of life –
especially in a male – suggests what
structural problem?

A neonate with vomiting, lethargy, low Adrenal insufficiency

sodium, and low pH, may have what
important endocrine disorder?
(highly tested item)

Polyhydramnios with copious oral Tracheo-esophageal fistula

secretions after birth, along with
inability to pass a feeding tube,
suggests what diagnosis?

What type of tracheo-esophageal Blind esophageal pouch with

fistula is most common? distal esophageal fistula Type C

How do patients with tracheo-esophageal They usually cough & may become
fistulas appear at first feeding? cyanotic

How commonly does meconium (ileus) Only 10 %

plug syndrome occur in CF patients?

Aside from obstruction, what is the other Perforation

bad complication of meconium plug
5 Neonatal Topics 37

What neurologically-based disorders Hirschsprung’s

make meconium plugs in the newborn (rectal aganglionosis)
more likely?

What medication or drug-related • Illicit maternal drug use

situations make meconium plugs (especially opiates)
more likely? • Maternal magnesium sulfate
(2) treatment

What endocrine-related disorders • Hypothyroidism

make meconium plugs more likely? • Small left-colon syndrome
(associated with maternal

What causes meconium plugs, anyway? Less water than usual in the

What is meconium plug syndrome? Functional immaturity of the colon’s

ganglion cells causes failure to pass

How is meconium plug syndrome treated? Enema evacuation of the meconium

is usually sufficient

Is meconium plug syndrome associated No!

with cystic fibrosis?

What is meconium ileus, as opposed Meconium ileus is lower intestinal

to a meconium plug? obstruction due to meconium –
There may or may not be an
especially dense “plug”

On the boards, meconium ileus = what CF

disorder, most of the time?
(popular test item!)

Why do CF kids have a higher risk Their meconium is more viscous,

for meconium ileus? due to a higher albumin content

Where does the obstruction usually The terminal ileum

occur in meconium ileus?

The abdominal exam of an infant with “Doughy”

meconium ileus can often be described (because the gut is full of meconium
with what “buzzword?” instead of air & fluid)
38 5 Neonatal Topics

How is meconium ileus treated? Enemas are used to draw water into
the gut (refluxing into the terminal
(Gastrografin/Hypaque or hypertonic
barium enemas may be used)

What must you be very careful of when Fluid shifts → shock

treating meconium ileus with an enema?

Which infants will need surgical “Complicated” meconium ileus:

management of their meconium ileus? • Perforation
(3 situations) • Volvulus, or
• Atresia

What is the appearance of meconium “Ground glass” or “bubbly”

on X-ray?

What is the first thing you should think Whether the blood could be ingested
of in a newborn with lower GI blood? maternal blood

What test is used to differentiate The “apt” test

the origin of lower GI blood
(maternal or infant)?

What disorders of the neonate/newborn 1. Necrotizing enterocolitis

are likely to cause lower GI bleeding? (especially preemies)
(3) 2. Hirschsprung’s
(with associated colitis)
3. Malrotation with volvulus
(also presents with vomiting)

What is the most common cause of TPN

cholestatic jaundice for neonates? (total parenteral nutrition)
Especially common in the premature

If a newborn has contracted neonatal Months later

hepatitis, when will that disease (Usually 2–6 months later, except
present? hepatitis A which presents sooner)

What causes elevated direct bilirubin in Either

neonates? Anatomical/obstructive problems
(two options) Or
Parenchymal liver disease
5 Neonatal Topics 39

What is cholestatic jaundice? Elevated direct bilirubin due to

inability to get the bile out

In a jaundiced child, what lab values Cholestatic – high alk phos

can help can you distinguish cholestatic Cellular – high AST & ALT
from hepatocellular causes?

When does biliary atresia usually present After age 1 month

(jaundice, high direct bili)?

How can you easily calculate the caloric 100 kcal × first 10 kg +
requirements of a healthy infant? 50 kcal × second 10 kg +
20 kcal/kg for all remaining kg

Can premature infants get all of their No –

nutrition from breast milk? Protein supplements are needed

How is the breast milk produced in the “Hind” milk (produced at end) is
beginning of a feeding different from higher in fat & protein, & lower in
the milk produced at the end? lactose

How is colostrum different from regular High in:

breast milk? Protein
Carotene (yellow color)
GI-related enzymes

Why are premature infants at risk for They have less bile acid produc-
fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies? tion, so fat absorption is difficult

Is the breast milk produced by a Less milk is usually produced, but

preterm mother significantly different it has more protein & electrolytes.
compared to that of a full-term mother?
(Inadequate protein, calcium,
phosphorous, and Vitamin D
means that supplementing breast
milk with human milk fortifier is
needed to provide adequate growth
and nutrition for preterm infants)

How much protein do premature infants 3.5 g/kg

require per day?

How much protein do full-term infants About 2 g/kg

require per day?
40 5 Neonatal Topics

How much weight gain should a full-term 20–30 g/day

infant average (after the initial drop in

How quickly should a preemie be 15–20 g/day

expected to gain weight?

How do we define LGA (large for • >3,900 g

gestational age), both by weight and by • Upper 10th percentile
growth chart percentile for term infants?

How do we define SGA (small for • <2,500 g

gestational age), both by weight and by • Lowest 10th percentile
growth chart percentile for term infants?

When does “periodic breathing” become When it lasts more than 15 s

apnea? (20 s, according to some sources)

How is a full-term birth defined? Delivery between 38 and 42 weeks

If a child has a low initial Apgar score, Normal

but a normal 5-min Apgar, what is the
child’s prognosis?

At 5 min after birth, what two factors Persistent bradycardia

increase the risk of infant mortality &
for preterm infants? Apgar <4

Should you use the 1-min Apgar score No –

to decide whether to initiate CPR? If the child meets CPR criteria,
start immediately!

Bilateral ankle clonus in a newborn infant None –

suggests what problem? It can be a normal finding at that age

What is a normal scalp pH? 7.25

(<7.2 is worrisome)

Home-birthed infants are at special risk Sepsis

for what two problems? &
Vitamin K deficiency
(producing bleeding/hemorrhage)

Does acrocyanosis require intervention No

in the newborn?
5 Neonatal Topics 41

The two most common causes of fetal Chromosomal abnormality

demise are…? &
Congenital malformations

What is the best initial test to evaluate Renal ultrasound

an anuric newborn?

Is it preferable to place erythromycin Erythromycin

ointment or silver nitrate drops into (It is less irritating – although it is a
the newborn’s eyes? little less certain to kill all bacteria.
For Chlamydia, long-term treatment
is needed)

What is the most common reason Birth hypoxia

for a seizure occurring in the first 24 h
after birth?

If a full-term neonate has a seizure Normal

due to birth hypoxia, what is his/her
long-term neurological prognosis?

A bad episode of birth hypoxia can lead Multisystem organ failure

to what dreaded complication? (MSOF!!!)

Premature and “very low birth weight” Minimal tone & minimal reflex
infants often score no higher than 6 irritability lower their scores –
on the Apgar. Why? This is just due to an immature
neurological system

Very low birth weight neonates are at risk Small muscle mass & fat stores
for hypothermia & hypoglycemia. Why? mean little glycogen & brown fat is

What does the fetal “non-stress test” Appropriate change in fetal heart
measure? rate with fetal activity

What test detects the amount of mixing Kleihauer-Betke

(exposure) between fetal & maternal
blood? (in the maternal circulation)

What is normal hemoglobin ≥13

for a full-term newborn?

What percentage of hemoglobin is fetal 80 %

hemoglobin at the time of a full-term birth?
42 5 Neonatal Topics

What is the typical pattern for the Starts high (≥13)

hemoglobin level in preterm infants? Then drops to nadir generally
by 2 months before stabilizing
(The low value should be about
8 for preterm infants)

What is the typical pattern for the Starts high

hemoglobin level in term infants? Then drops for 2–3 months before
(The low value should be about 10)

How is the typical pattern • Their starting Hgb levels are

for hemoglobin level different lower
in preterm infants? • Their low value is lower (7 or 8)
(3) • They hit bottom sooner
(1–2 months)

What problems often accompany 1. Hypoglycemia (RBCs eat it up!)

polycythemia? 2. Hyperbilirubinemia (too many
(4) RBCs break & spill Hgb)
3. Thrombocytopenia
4. Hyperviscosity syndrome

How should you test for polycythemia, Central venous blood is needed
if you suspect it? (Other sources might be

If a newborn is given vitamin K orally, No

will this provide equal protection against
hemorrhage, compared to the IM

What is “early onset” neonatal hemor- Within the first 24 h of life

rhage, now also known as early onset (typically described as bleeding
vitamin K deficiency bleeding? from the cord or circumcision site)

Early onset vitamin K deficiency neonatal Anticonvulsants & anti-tuberculosis

bleeding usually develops in infants whose medications
mothers have used which types of

When does classic neonatal hemorrhage 2–7 days after birth

happen? (Usually infant has not received
vitamin K supplementation)
5 Neonatal Topics 43

What is “late onset” neonatal hemorrhage? >1 week, but <6 months old
(typically a breast-fed infant with
diarrhea, whose K has gone low
– intrancranial bleeding most
common in this group!)

If a birth mother has ITP, what can Thrombocytopenia –

you expect to see in the newborn? It will spontaneously improve
(ITP = idiopathic thrombocytopenia in about 1 month
purpura) (Mom’s IgG against platelets crosses
the placenta)

When does the umbilical cord stump By 2 weeks of age

normally fall off?

If the umbilical cord stump does A neutrophil disorder

not fall off by 1 month, what does (could be a low count or defect
this suggest? in activity – neutrophils are in
charge of getting rid of the

Why should the baby be held below the To prevent a decreased hematocrit
cord for at least 30 s before clamping? (from cells being trapped in the cord)

The umbilical cord ordinarily has two One or both kidneys

arteries and one vein. If there is only (Get an ultrasound to screen for
one artery, what organ may also be kidney problems)

What infectious complication do you Omphalitis

worry about with umbilical vein (belly button infection!)

Which vascular complications should • Thrombosis

you worry about, when catheterizing • Embolus
the umbilical vein or artery? • Perforation/hemorrhage
(4) • Compromise of the femoral
artery (in the case of artery

Is the liver at any risk with umbilical Yes –

catheterization? Can cause necrosis or hemorrhage

What is “low” position for an umbilical L3-5

artery catheter?
44 5 Neonatal Topics

What is “high” position for an umbilical T 6-10

artery catheter?

What are the two types of brachial plexus Erb’s palsy

injury? &
Klumpke’s palsy

How can you recognize an infant The affected arm is positioned

with an Erb’s palsy? “like a waiter ready to receive
a tip”
(assuming the waiter is being very
discrete about picking up the tip
– the arm is adducted, internally
rotated, with wrist and fingers flexed
toward the back)

Which brachial plexus nerve roots are C5-7

damaged, in kids with Erb’s palsy?

Klumpke palsy causes what sort of hand Claw hand

appearance? Mnemonic:
The hand looks like it’s grabbing
a “clump” of something

Which nerves are affected in Klumpke C8-T1


What other anatomically related Horner’s syndrome

neurological disorder is sometimes seen
with Klumpke palsy?

What is the main way to distinguish An omphalocele is covered

an omophalocele from gastroschisis? in a membrane
(& sits in the middle of the belly)

Omphalocele is especially associated Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome

with what congenital syndrome? (Macroglossia, Macrosomia,

What organs are involved in an Bowel & sometimes other organs

omphalocele? (e.g., liver)

On which side of the body do you The right

see gastroschisis?
5 Neonatal Topics 45

What organs are involved Generally just bowel

in gastroschisis? (& no membrane covering)

Which disorder is commonly associated Omphalocele

with chromosomal disorders –
omphalocele or gastroschisis?

How can you remember that omphaloceles Imagine a big “O”-shaped cover
are the covered abdominal defect? over the organs (They are membrane

How can you remember that omphaloceles Picture the gut loops inside
are associated with chromosomal the “O” cover looking like little
abnormalities? chromosomes

High AFP level (alpha fetoprotein) is used • Anencephaly & neural tube
to screen for what antenatal abnormalities? defects
• Abdominal wall defects &
bladder extrophy
• Renal abnormalities

Low AFP level is associated with Trisomy 21

what common chromosomal disorder?

AFP can be falsely high if what Gestational age

important piece of information
is incorrect?

What is included in the (antenatal) 1. Fetal movement

“biophysical profile?” 2. Reactive heart rate
(5 components) 3. Breathing
4. Tone
5. Amniotic fluid volume

What is the significance of a birth-related None really –

clavicle fracture? it usually resolves on its own, and is
more common in larger babies

How is midgut volvulus diagnosed? Upper GI series

Aside from vomiting/obstruction, what is Ischemia/necrosis of significant

the danger of midgut volvulus? amounts of bowel
46 5 Neonatal Topics

How do you diagnose Hirschsprung’s Biopsy

disease? (usually a suction biopsy from
the rectum)

Aside from obstruction, what is the danger Megacolon/perforation

of Hirschsprung’s disease? (of the segment just before the
aganglionic area)

If an infant has a “scaphoid abdomen” Congenital diaphragmatic hernia

and decreased breath sounds on the left, (most are on the left side)
what is the diagnosis?

Irritability, tremor, and SVT in the first Neonatal thyrotoxicosis

24-h after birth suggest what diagnosis?

What causes neonatal thyrotoxicosis? Maternal antibodies that stimulate

the thyroid

How is neonatal thyrotoxicosis different Inborn errors typically present

from the presentation of inborn errors later
of metabolism or hormonal pathways?

How high can a normal bilirubin be 12.4

in a full-term newborn?

For breast-fed infants, bili levels usually Four –

peak at how many days of life? & often stay up until day 6 or 7

Which infants, especially on the boards, Breast-fed males

are most likely to develop objectionable <38 weeks gestation
levels of bilirubin? <72 h old
(popular test item) (Remember that these babies have
often been discharged to home
before the bili peaks)

If you are sending a newborn home, Screen the bilirubin

and the bilirubin has not yet reached (get either a total or transcutaneous
its peak, what should you do? measurement),
Plot it on a nomogram for hours
of life to get the percentile

The common pathological causes of high Too much bili production

bilirubin in neonates are usually due to of some sort
what general process? (such as RBC destruction)
5 Neonatal Topics 47

What medication can be used Phenobarbital

to stimulate bile secretion and decrease
serum bilirubin?

When giving phototherapy, what color Blue –

of light is most effective? But it is seldom used due
to eyestrain & other complications

Which light color is effective Green

for bilirubin phototherapy,
and has the best skin penetration?

What color of light is most often used Fluorescent white light

for bilirubin phototherapy?

What is the goal in phototherapy Reduce the level by about 5

for hyperbilirubinemia? (stop at that point)

When might an exchange transfusion If the bili is ≥30

be needed for a high bilirubin level? &
There are signs of ongoing
hemolysis (or other reason for

What are the four main complications 1. Low calcium

should you worry about with exchange 2. High potassium
transfusion? 3. Hypovolemia
4. Thrombocytopenia

Physiological jaundice of the newborn Days 1–5

occurs during what period following birth? (not the first 24 h)

What does the term “breast-fed jaundice” Jaundice in the first week of life – due
refer to? to dehydration/low calorie intake

How is breast milk jaundice different Breast milk jaundice occurs >1
from breast-fed jaundice? week after birth
(occurs for complex reasons, but not
due to dehydration)
“F” for “fed” comes before “M”
for milk

What component of hyperalimentation The protein

causes cholestatic jaundice (mainly)? (limit to no more than 2 g/kg/day)
48 5 Neonatal Topics

Will anything (other than Yes –

Phenobarbital) increase bilirubin Increased frequency of feedings
excretion in newborns?

Why does an increased number of oral Increased excretion & reduced

feedings help the infant lower its enterohepatic recirculation

If neonatal jaundice first occurs after 1. Sepsis (always)

the baby has already reached 1 week 2. Breast milk jaundice
of age, what should you consider? 3. Hypothyroid
(4) 4. Galactosemia
(of course, there are other
possibilities, but they are less
likely or worrisome)

Persistent jaundice suggests what 1. Galactosemia

causes of neonatal jaundice? 2. TORCH diseases
(1 inborn error) 3. Congenital atresia of the bile
(1 anomaly) ducts
(2 infectious) 4. Hepatitis
(1 iatrogenic) 5. Hyperalimentation or

Jaundice that develops between days 4 Infectious!!!

& 7 of life suggests what possible In particular –
causes? 1. Sepsis
2. UTI
3. TORCH infections
or the noninfectious
(Physiological jaundice also peaks
during this time period, but it
typically begins earlier)

At what bilirubin level should you begin 15–20 mg/dL, depending on age
phototherapy, if there is no evidence (15 up to 48 h old)
of hemolysis, & the baby is otherwise (18 up to 72 h old)
healthy? (20 if ≥72 h old)

Why is high bilirubin a problem? Risk of CNS damage

(called “kernicterus”)
5 Neonatal Topics 49

Kernicterus is most likely to develop when Hemolysis

an infant’s high bilirubin level developed
from what process?

In “acute kernicterus,” how many Three

symptom phases do you see?

Phase I kernicterus has what type Low stuff, mainly –

of symptoms? • Low tone (hypotonia)
• Low suck
• Low level of consciousness
+ Seizures (low neural inhibition)

The middle phase of acute kernicterus Overactivity/high stuff –

features what symptoms? • Hypertonia (in extensors)
• Opisthotonous
(rigid back arching)
• Retrocollis
+ Fever (overactive brain stem)

The final phase of acute kernicterus It’s a mix of high & low stuff –
is simply hypertonia. What happens Low stuff:
in the chronic phase? Hypotonia & delayed motor skills
High stuff:
Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes
& tonic neck reflexes

If an infant with a history of high Phase 3 (acute) kernicterus

bili’s is now hypertonic, but doesn’t
have fever or any funny posturing,
what does the infant have?

Just to be sure you’ve remembered, ≥30 with signs of ongoing

at what bili level would you consider hemolysis (or some other reason
doing an exchange transfusion to lower for continuing increase)
the bilirubin?

In exchange transfusion, how much Twice the circulating blood

new blood is infused? volume
Note: This is not the same as a partial (Because it is done a little at a time
exchange transfusion, which can be done – so twice is given to ensure most
for polycythemia of the old blood is gone)
50 5 Neonatal Topics

What CBC problem is common Low platelets

in exchange transfusion?

What is a Grade 1 hemorrhage? Germinal matrix only

What is a Grade 2 hemorrhage, then? Intraventricular hemorrhage but

no dilation

What is a Grade 3 intracranial Intraventricular hemorrhage with

hemorrhage? dilation (of the ventricles)

What is a Grade 4 intracranial 1. Intraventricular hemorrhage

hemorrhage? 2. +Dilation
3. Parenchymal involvement

Why are the fluid requirements Immature skin

of preterm infants higher than those &
of full-term infants? Higher ratio of surface area
to body mass
(More insensible fluid loss)

In a preterm infant, what are the upper 150 & 40

and lower limits of serum glucose?

Is the glucose requirement of a preterm Greater!

infant greater or less than that of a (6–8 mg/kg/min vs. 4–6
full-term infant? for full-term infants)

When is it safe to add potassium to the IV Urine output is adequate

fluids of a neonate? &
(2 criteria) Potassium level <4.5

Should sodium be added to a newborn’s Generally not needed until >72 h old
IV fluids?

Is a preterm infant’s sodium requirement Greater

greater than or less than that of a full-term (about 5 mEq/kg/day vs. 3)

Will most babies of ABO incompatible No

mothers develop significant hemolysis?

If a neonate is hypoglycemic, is it alright Yes –

to bolus him or her? It’s important!
(2 cc/kg of D10)
5 Neonatal Topics 51

Why is IM glucagon usually not a good Low muscle mass

way to treat hypoglycemia in neonates and (no glycogen stores to release)

If a newborn is hypoglycemic after the Tocolytics stimulate fetal insulin

mother has received tocolytics, how are secretion!
the two related?

In a hypocalcemic infant/neonate who is Magnesium

not responding to calcium repletion, what (Normal Mg is needed for calcium
other level should be checked? repletion to work – same for
potassium repletion)

Elevated neonatal levels of magnesium Calcium

(due to Mg given to the mother) can cause (High magnesium suppresses PTH)
a problem for another electrolyte. Which

What are the two main clinical tests Trousseau’s

for low calcium levels? (carpopedal spasm if you inflate
the BP cuff)
(Tapping on the facial nerve
produces a twitch)
Trousseau’s sounds like
“tourniquet,” which reminds you
of the BP cuff

What is the best lab test to evaluate Ionized calcium

possible hypocalcemia? (sent on ice)

A neonate with both pneumatosis intesti- NEC

nalis & air in the biliary tree is likely to (necrotizing enterocolitis)
have what diagnosis?

Which portions of the gut are most Distal ileum

commonly affected by NEC? &
Proximal colon

NEC usually presents during what First 2 weeks

period of life?
52 5 Neonatal Topics

Which infants are at risk of NEC Babies born at <1,000 g

longer than the initial 2 weeks of life,
sometimes developing NEC as late
as 3 months old?

Is NEC infectious? Not clear –

But most cases don’t seem to be

A baby who has had an episode Most stop feedings until at least
of NEC should remain NPO for how 1 week after X-rays normalize
long after the event? (evidence is unclear, at this time)

Aside from stopping all oral feeding, 1. NG decompression

how else should you manage 2. Give IV fluid (of course), & fix
NEC, initially? any electrolyte issues
(3 steps) 3. Get cultures, then start antibiotics
(e.g., ampicillin & gentamicin)

Does feeding by catheter cause NEC? No –

Never been proven in studies
(but it is still usually removed,
as it could worsen the situation)

If a peritoneal tap shows pus or feces in Surgery

a NEC infant, what is the recommended

Medical management works in what ¾

proportion of NEC cases? (usually takes 2 weeks to resolve)

If you are considering treating a neonate Whether the mother is a chronic

with naloxone (Narcan®), what important opiate user – if so, naloxone could
historical data would you like to know cause seizures
about the mother?

Over what amount of time should a The first 2 years

preemie’s growth “catch up” with that
of same aged peers?

Some premature infants are at risk for 30–35 weeks gestation

retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) only &
if exposed to high oxygen levels. Birth weight between 1,300 and
What defines this group? 1,800 g
5 Neonatal Topics 53

Which neonates are always at risk <30 weeks gestation

to develop ROP? Or
<1,300 g
(even without supplemental oxygen

When should infants be evaluated At discharge, or at 4 weeks old

for ROP? – whichever comes first

Why are preemies at risk to develop Their calcium/phosphorous intake is

rickets? often not adequate

Why do preemies need unusually large Their gut absorbs very little
amount of calcium & phosphorous? of either one
(risk of osteopenia/rickets)

Why do preemie formulas contain They are absorbed without

medium chain triglycerides (MCTs)? assistance from bile
(preemies have less bile)

How many calories per ounce are found 24 kcal/oz

in preemie formula?

Why do preemie formulas include Better absorption

glucose polymers rather than lactose? (and fewer reactions)

What is the optimal ratio of whey: 60:40

casein for preemie formula? whey:casein

If meconium is the cause of respiratory Tachypnea

distress, how will the infant present? Intercostal retractions
+/− Cyanosis

What is the most likely complication Persistent pulmonary

of meconium aspiration syndrome, hypertension

What is the most important preventa- Suctioning before the infant’s

tive measure in meconium births? body is delivered

In a meconium delivery, is it necessary to No –

intubate when the meconium is thin, and No intervention needed
the baby seems well? (No visualization recommended
54 5 Neonatal Topics

In a meconium delivery with thick 1. Suction the upper airway

meconium, and/or a “floppy” baby, what (only if needed to visualize,
should you do? otherwise intubate patient with
(3 steps) minimal stimulation)
2. Intubate
3. Suction the lower airway

For meconium babies, are prophylactic No

antibiotics helpful to decrease infection? (although they are still often given)

How common are pneumothoraces/ Common –

pneumomediastinum in mechanically About 15 % of ventilated patients
ventilated infants, especially those with
meconium aspiration?

If pneumothoraces are small, and the Nothing –

infant is not in any distress, what should Just watch the pneumothorax to
you do about it (whether the child had be sure it decreases
meconium or not)?

Initial management 22-gauge angiocath in the 2nd

of a symptomatic neonate with intercostal space, mid-clavicular
a pneumothorax is _____________? line
(Decompresses it, if it is actually
a tension pneumothorax)

Will most cases of pneumomediastinum No

require management?

If breast milk is frozen, then thawed, how Within 48 h

quickly must it be used?

Can a mother taking chemo or radiation Generally, no

treatment breast feed?

Should mothers with HSV (herpes simplex It’s fine, as long as they don’t have
virus) lesions breast feed? lesions on the breast

Should HIV infected mothers breast feed? No

This disease, common among immi- TB

grants, is a contraindication to breast (active forms – risk
feeding. What is it? of transmission to the infant)
5 Neonatal Topics 55

Is it alright for individuals with CMV No

infections to breast feed?

Are mothers with inborn errors of metabo- Generally not

lism good candidates for breast feeding? (examples are PKU and

There are a variety of medications that Hyperthyroid medications

are incompatible with breast feeding.
What common endocrine condition’s
treatment falls into this group?

A neonate with alopecia, thrombocytope- Essential fatty acid deficiency

nia, and scaly dermatitis may have what (especially linoleic acid)
nutritional problem?

How is fatty acid deficiency treated? IV lipids –

Especially linoleic acid

If a neonate presents with hemolytic Vitamin E

anemia, thrombo-cytosis, and edema, Mnemonic:
what nutritional deficit should you E is for Edema
suspect? E is for Elevated platelets
E is for Erythrocyte problem
(Hemolytic anemia in a newborn
should always make you consider
vitamin E deficiency)

Dry skin, poor wound healing, and Zinc

perioral rashes in a neonate suggest what (Rash can also be perianal)
nutritional deficiency?

What ratio is used to determine risk for The L:S ratio

respiratory distress syndrome at birth? (lecithin:sphingomyelin)

What is a good L:S ratio? >2.0

The L:S ratio is used to predict fetal lung Phosphatidylglycerol

maturity, based on amniotic fluid findings.
What single factor in amniotic fluid is a
good predictor?

What common maternal condition often Diabetes

alters the L:S ratio?
56 5 Neonatal Topics

What is surfactant made of? Lecithin (65 %)

Apoproteins (Surfactant proteins
SP-A, B, C, D)

Which cells make surfactant? Type II pneumocytes

(aka alveolar cells)

What pH value suggests that the infant 7.2

requires ventilation?

At what CO2 value (from the ABG) would >60

you consider ventilating a neonate?

If a neonate is requiring 50 % FiO2 to Surfactant

maintain a PaO2 >50, what intervention
should you consider?

Which infants are at highest risk Preterm

for hyaline membrane disease? Caucasian
(gestational age, race, & gender) Males

A severely hypoxic neonate who does Right to Left cardiac shunt

not respond to O2 has what kind (including shunts through
of problem (usually)? the ductus)
(popular test item!)

Infants weighing <1,500 g are at special Shunting through a patent ductus

risk for what problem if their pulmo- into the lungs → pulmonary edema
nary resistance drops rapidly?

How is patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) Ligation of the PDA

shunting that produces pulmonary Or
edema treated? NSAIDs to chemically close it

Is the WBC count a reliable indicator No

of sepsis in a newborn? (The normal range is very broad,
and WBC response is unpredictable)

If a neonate is floppy & lethargic, 1. Sepsis

what three general diagnoses should be 2. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
considered first? 3. Inborn errors of metabolism
5 Neonatal Topics 57

Does congenital toxoplasmosis manifest Generally not

itself in the neonatal period?

Neonatal sepsis is most commonly caused Group B Strep

by what organisms? &
E. Coli
(Listeria is less common, but must
still be covered with antibiotics)

What CBC & coagulation parameters are • Leucopenia

often abnormal in infants with Group B • Thrombocytopenia
Strep, early in the infection? • PT/PTT

Which sort of staph bacteria should be Coagulase negative

considered as a possible cause of neonatal (meaning staph other than Staph
sepsis? aureus)

A Group B strep infection that presents Pneumonia

in the first few days of life typically Or
causes which two types of infections (in Meningitis
addition to overall sepsis)?

Group B strep infections that occur Osteomyelitis

after the first few days of life most Or
commonly cause which two specific Meningitis
types of infection, in addition to overall

On the boards, if you are shown Fractured clavicle

a chest X-ray, and asked for the birth
diagnosis, what common problem
should you look for?
(frequently tested item!)

In a twin birth, which twin is more Second born

likely to develop respiratory problems
– the first or second born?

Are monozygotic or dizygotic twins Monozygotic

more at risk for complications, in (Remember that monozygotics share
general? both chorion & amnion)
58 5 Neonatal Topics

Neonates with respiratory distress Bronchopulmonary dysplasia

syndrome often require prolonged
ventilation. This puts them at risk for
what long-term complication?

In general, how is bronchopulmonary Fluid restriction

dysplasia treated? Diuretics

What electrolyte abnormality are BPD Hypocalcemia

infants especially at risk for? (related to diuretic use)

Should you rely on the results Generally no –

of a dextrostrip test for glucose Combine with clinical impression
to guide your treatment? until you can get a lab glucose

Name two common causes of erroneous 1. Sample drawn too close to IV site
glucose results? (can cause either low or high
2. Sample not on strip long enough
(low value)

Folic acid supplementation is thought 50 %!

to decrease the incidence of neural tube
defects by about what percentage?

When is O2 & stimulation likely to be With first time (primary) apnea

sufficient to resuscitate a newborn?

If primary apnea is not treated, Another round of gasping will

what is the natural course of this problem? begin, followed by another
(secondary) apnea

How is secondary apnea of the newborn Ventilation only


What is the first thing to think of, when Mechanical issues

a ventilated patient begins to desaturate (lead fell off, tube is blocked,
(lose O2 according to the pulse ox)? O2 is not connected)

If a neonate has been treated with antibiot- Vitamin K

ics, what vitamin deficiency is he or she at (poor absorption & decreased
some risk to develop? synthesis in the gut)
5 Neonatal Topics 59

When can “fortifier” be added to breast After the second week of life
milk for preterm infants? (Fortifier adds calcium, phos, iron,
& vitamin D)

How should iron be provided to preterm • Elemental iron

infants on TPN? • 2 mg/kg/day
(type & amount)

When should iron supplementation of 1–2 months after birth

TPN begin, for premature infants?

What three organ systems should Cardiovascular

you consider when diagnosing Pulmonary
the cause of cyanosis in a newborn Central nervous system
(or anyone, for that matter)?

What causes respiratory distress Lack of surfactant

syndrome (RDS) in newborns?

In a normal pregnancy, when is • After 32 weeks

surfactant produced, and which cells • Type II alveolar cells
produce it? (aka pneumocytes)

If early delivery is anticipated, what Steroids!

medication can you give to the mother to
accelerate surfactant production?

In general, what naturally occurring Fetal stressors

situations hasten surfactant production? (such as maternal hypertension,
narcotic addiction, premature
rupture of membranes, IUGR, and
sickle cell disease)

What is the typical course of neonatal Develops in first hours

RDS? Worsens for 2–3 days

A hallmark of recovery from RDS is “Brisk” diuresis

what secondary effect?

The classic appearance of an RDS chest Reticulogranular

X-ray is described as what sort of pattern? (Heart border may be lost)
60 5 Neonatal Topics

Prematurity is, of course, a risk factor for 1. Maternal diabetes

RDS. What are the five other known risk 2. Previous infant with RDS
factors? 3. Perinatal asphyxia
(1 maternal) 4. Second twin
(1 family history) 5. C-section delivery
(3 current birth history)

What percentage of infants born <30 60 %

weeks will develop RDS without (Drops to 35 % if steroids are given)

If antenatal steroids are given, how long is Effect begins 24 h after dosing –
their positive effect on pulmonary maturity Lasts at least 7 days
known to last, and when does the effect (data not available beyond 7 days, so
begin? when re-dosing for later bouts of
preterm labor is needed is not clear)

Surfactant therapy is available for infants • “Rescue” treatment after RDS

who cannot produce adequate quantities. begins
What are the two types of surfactant • “Prophylactic” treatment at
treatment? delivery

Which infants are the best candidates <26 weeks

for prophylactic surfactant therapy?

What two treatment modalities are Surfactant

available for RDS? &
Supportive care

A variety of problems may lead to Good –

persistent pulmonary hypertension <10 % mortality
(PPHN). What is the overall prognosis?

How quickly does PPHN present? Quickly –

During the first day of life

Which newborns are most at risk for Term or Postterm infants!

PPHN, in terms of gestational age?

What two aspects of the birth history tell Low Apgars

you that the infant is at increased risk for &
PPHN? C-section delivery
5 Neonatal Topics 61

The cause of PPHN is often idiopathic. Pulmonary hypoplasia

What two anatomical problems are known &
to cause or contribute to PPHN? Congenital diaphragmatic hernia

What sort of lung disease seems to Interstitial lung disease

contribute to the development of PPHN? (pneumonia, meconium aspiration)

Why would acidosis & hypoxemia Both cause vasoconstriction in the

contribute to the development of PPHN? pulmonary vessels (increasing

Newborns with what hematological Hyperviscosity

condition are at increased risk for PPHN? (usually due to polycythemia)

In PPHN, is the heart structurally normal? Generally, yes

If a newborn with PPHN is given Postductal FiO2 will improve

supplemental O2 (oxygen challenge
test), what will the result be?

Why would too much pressure The pressure causes right to left
in the pulmonary artery lead shunting over the PDA or foramen
to a low O2 anyway? ovale

What therapies are helpful in reducing Inhaled nitric oxide

right to left cardiac shunting, Volume expansion
for PPHN patients? &
(3 main ones) Inotropes (increases left sided

In very severe & unstable cases of PPHN, ECMO

what invasive technique can be used (extra-corporeal membrane
as a temporizing measure? oxygenation)

What are the mainstays of PPHN 1. Minimize exertion/stress

treatment? -provide sedation, minimal
(1 activity-based) stimulation
(1 hematological) 2. Maintain a good hematocrit
(1 acid–base) 3. Induce normal to slightly
(2 medications) elevated pH (pH 7.40 target)
4. Nitric oxide (dilates pulmonary
5. Broad spectrum antibiotics
62 5 Neonatal Topics

For a PPHN patient on 100 % O2 what About 40

is the typical PaO2 (measured at
a postductal site)?

How can you differentiate PPHN Cardiac evaluations are normal

from structural heart disease? (exam, chest X-ray, echo)
(2 ways) &
Supplemental O2 improves PaO2
(>100–150) in PPHN, but has little
effect on most structural cardiac
problems (the exception being

What is the usual pathophysiology 1. High concentration of O2 →

of ROP (retinopathy of prematurity)? retinal vasoconstriction
(3 steps) 2. Retinal capillaries are damaged
3. Retinal vessels proliferate, in

Which neonates are always at risk <30 weeks gestation

to develop ROP? Or
<1,300 g
(even without supplemental oxygen

If an infant has known ROP, how often Every 1–2 weeks

should ophthalmology evaluate his/her (depending on severity)

What does “plus disease” of ROP refer to? Tortuous & engorged blood vessels
near the optic disk

When can frequent ophtho evaluations When the retina is fully

of ROP retinas be discontinued? vascularized

When necessary, how is retinopathy Laser therapy

of prematurity treated? (if untreated, 50 % will develop
blindness if laser was indicated)

As increasing amounts Retinal detachment

of fibroproliferative matter forms (stage 4 disease)
on the retina in ROP, what mechanical
problem can develop in the retina?
5 Neonatal Topics 63

Is aortic stenosis more common Males

in males or females? (4:1)

How common is it to have other cardiac Common

anomalies associated with aortic (20 %)

What other cardiac problems are 1. Coarctation

associated with aortic stenosis? 2. PDA
(4) 3. Bicuspid valve
4. Left heart obstructive lesions
(e.g., hypoplastic left heart)

How is aortic stenosis typically corrected? Catheter-based expansion

(two methods) Or
Valve replacement

What infection must you always watch Subacute bacterial endocarditis

for with cardiac valve disease
(general category)?

What determines the severity of symptoms Degree of obstruction

from aortic stenosis?

What is the relationship between the age The younger the presentation, the
of presentation, and the severity of aortic worse the stenosis

Severe cases of aortic stenosis are “Non-immune” hydrops fetalis

associated with which antenatal (meaning, destruction of RBCs
problem? that was not related to ABO

What are typical finding of severe 1. Cardiomegaly

aortic stenosis? 2. Hypotension
3. Pulmonary edema/tachypnea/
respiratory distress

Is aortic stenosis a risk factor for cardiac Yes –

ischemia and infarct? There may not be enough pressure at
the aorta to “back fill” the coronary
64 5 Neonatal Topics

If a newborn has “critical aortic stenosis,” The ductus

systemic blood flow will depend on what (must keep it open until the stenosis
structure? is surgically corrected)

What medication can be used to Prostaglandin E2

maintain a patent ductus arteriosus?

What medication can be used NSAIDs

to close a PDA? (indomethacin, ibuprofen)

On heart exam, would you detect • Yes

a murmur with aortic stenosis? • The base of the heart
If so, where? (murmurs are heard opposite
the direction of blood flow,
in many cases)

Where will an aortic stenosis murmur The neck

(classically) radiate to? (Bilateral carotids)

Why might the murmur of aortic So little blood outflow that you
stenosis be absent in patients can’t hear the flow
with critical stenosis?

What is “mixed” apnea? Central & obstructive apnea

occurring together

What percentage of premature infants >50 %

have apnea?

Pathological apnea in full-term infants GE reflux

is usually associated with what other (gastroesophageal)

What is the classic periodic breathing • 3 or more central apneas

pattern? • Lasting 3 s
• Occuring in a 20-s period

What are the typical physical findings 1. Micrognathia (small chin)

associated with obstructive apnea in 2. Macroglossia (big tongue)
infants? 3. Choanal atresia or stenosis
4. Nasal congestion/foreign body
5 Neonatal Topics 65

How is anemia related to apnea? Certain genetic & familial disorders

are associated with both
(such as Werdnig-Hoffman &
Familial dysautonomia)

What radiographic tests might you want • Chest X-ray (r/o pneumonia)
to obtain for an apnea patient? • Lateral neck (r/o obstructive
• Head CT (r/o bleed)

What is the natural course for apnea Spontaneous resolution by

of prematurity? 4 weeks post-gestational age

Is supplemental O2 useful for central Yes –

apnea? Especially if the child is
desaturating (minimizes hypoxia)

Is supplemental O2 useful for obstructive Yes


What medications are useful for apnea Caffeine

of prematurity? Theophylline
(both require loading, then
maintenance doses, & levels)

Is home monitoring helpful in prevention No –

of SIDS? It is still sometimes used, but there
is no proven benefit

Does a PFO (patent foramen ovale) No –

require surgical correction? No significant shunt

Do atrial septal defects cause problems No –

in infants? Generally even large defects are
initially asymptomatic

What is balanitis? Inflammation of the tip of the

penis (glans) and foreskin

What is posthitis? Inflammation of the mucous

membrane surface of the prepuce
(doesn’t involve the body
of the penis)
66 5 Neonatal Topics

What are the typical causes 1. Infection

of balanoposthitis? (anaerobes, yeast, skin flora)
2. Irritation
(diapers, smegma, soap)
3. Trauma

What cause of balanoposthitis must you Hair tourniquet on the penis

especially watch for in young infants?

When should circumcision be considered 1. When edema has resolved

after balanitis? 2. If the infection or problem occurs
more than once

Why are infants at special risk The intestinal flora of infants

for botulinum poisoning? is different –
Colonization is easier

How does botulinum toxin work? It prevents ACh release

in peripheral neuron terminals

How is it possible for people to recover The peripheral neurons and nerve
after botulinum poisoning? terminals slowly regenerate

Infant botulism is most commonly seen <6 months

in what age range? (95 % are in this age range)

The typical botulinum toxin infant has White

what demographics? Middle-class
Breast fed
(Most often from California,
Pennsylvania, or Utah)

What is the most common food Honey

responsible for infant botulism?

What is the prognosis for appropriately Excellent

treated infant botulism?

The first symptoms of infant Poor feeding

botulism are…? &
(two symptoms) Constipation

What is the pattern of paralysis Descending –

in botulism? Bulbar muscles are affected first
5 Neonatal Topics 67

What are the pupillary findings Mid-position & weakly reactive

in botulism? Or
Fixed & dilated

If a patient is suspected to have botulinum Stool sample

toxicity, what should be sent to the state &
health department? Food sample
(if any particular food is suspected)

Why must possible botulinum samples Inhaled or ingested minute

be packaged so carefully? quantities can make workers ill

In addition to respiratory failure, what • Dehydration (poor feeding)

three other significant complications of • Aspiration pneumonia
botulinum poison are often seen in (airway protection lost)
infants? • Constipation & urinary retention

Is botulinum antitoxin recommended No –

for infant botulism? It is horse-serum derived,
so there are lots of complications
(It is recommended for older kids &
adults, though)

When should you expect infant botulism 2–5 weeks after presentation
to begin to improve? (a long time!)

In addition to assaying for botulinum EMG

toxin, what other test is helpful to confirm
the diagnosis?

Fever, irritability, & nipple discharge Breast abscess/mastitis

or breast swelling in a neonate suggests
what diagnosis?

What are the risk factors for breast Breast hypertrophy at birth
abscess/mastitis in newborns? &
(2) Female gender (2:1 ratio)

What are the complications of neonatal Bad stuff –

breast abscess? Sepsis/bacteremia
Necrotizing fasciitis
Scarring of mammary gland
68 5 Neonatal Topics

What are the important pathogens in Staph aureus is most common –

neonatal mastitis or abscess? E. Coli, Group B Strep, and
Pseudomonas are also possible

How is uncomplicated breast abscess of • I&D

the newborn treated? • IV oxacillin +/− aminoglycoside
• 14 days oral antibiotics after
improvement on IV

Should a mother breast feed from Yes, if possible –

a breast affected by mastitis or abscess? If the area is too tender, breast
pumping may help

How common is thrush in healthy 30–40 %!!!


What are the typical complications Anorexia/poor feeding

of thrush?

If thrush is recurrent, what two • Abnormal immune system

possibilities should you consider? • Re-inoculation
(from nipples, pacifiers, toys)

How can items be cleansed of possible Boil for 5 min

yeast contamination?

How is oral thrush treated? 1. Remove plaques after each

(3 options) feeding
2. Optional Nystatin suspension
(1–2 cc’s to each cheek after
3. Ketoconazole/fluconazole if

Should Gentian violet be used to treat oral No

candidiasis? (It was used, at one time, for thrush
– that’s where this item comes from)

An infant who suddenly develops Aortic coarctation

congestive heart failure, with decreased (the ductus closed)
femoral pulses, in the neonatal period
could have what common cardiac
(common vignette to see on the boards!)
5 Neonatal Topics 69

What is the most critical initial interven- Prostaglandin (E2) infusion to open
tion for a neonate with coarctation who the ductus
suddenly develops CHF?

What medications are typically used to The usual ones –

manage CHF due to aortic coarctation? Digoxin to increase contraction
Furosemide to manage fluid

What metabolic derangement is most Acidosis –

common in aortic coarctation patients Needs to be corrected quickly,
who suddenly decompensate? and definitely before surgery

Is the solution for critical aortic Surgical

coarctation medical or surgical?

What are the three general reasons 1. Thyroid gland malformation

for congenital hypothyroidism? 2. Hormone is made, but it’s
3. Transient causes (maternal
medications, iodine exposure,
maternal antibodies)

How common is congenital Common –

hypothyroidism? 1 per 3,000–4,000 births
(US and worldwide)

Defective thyroid hormone synthesis is Autosomal recessive

inherited. What is the inheritance pattern? (at least 15 different defects are

Are defects in thyroid gland formation or Gland formation –

thyroid hormone synthesis more common? 80 % of cases

How long do you have to begin treat- 4 weeks!

ment for hypothyroidism, in order to
prevent permanent damage?

Vasospasm is most often associated with Umbilical artery catheters

use of what type of catheter?

What is the treatment of choice for Removal

vasospasm associated with an arterial (if feasible)
70 5 Neonatal Topics

How would you notice a catheter-related A limb turns white or blue

vasospasm on physical exam?

In addition to vasospasm (contraction) Thrombus or embolus

of the vessel, what other catheter-related
problems could cause white or blue color
change in a limb?

Complete loss of pulses in an affected Thrombus

white or blue limb suggests what
possible arterial catheter-related event?

How can you diagnose thrombosis Ultrasound

in the neonate? (preferably with Doppler color
(two ways) flow imaging)

When should you not remove 1. Thrombosis is suspected

the catheter, even though you 2. The catheter is critical to care
suspect vasospasm? 3. Spasm is mild
(3 situations)

What is the general idea behind conserva- Vasodilate the unaffected leg –
tive treatment for vasospasm in the lower This causes reflex dilation in the
extremities? opposite extremity, relieving the
vascular spasm

Aggressive treatment of vasospasm Tolazoline

(short of removing the catheter) centers &
on infusion of what two substances? Papaverine
(both vasodilators)

Can ischemia follow episodes of Yes

vasospasm (even after resolution)?

How is catheter-associated thrombosis Consult vascular surgery

treated? for possible immediate removal
(2 ways) Or

ABO incompatibility is responsible 2/3

for what fraction of hemolytic disease
in newborns?
5 Neonatal Topics 71

Symptomatic ABO incompatibility occurs Type O (both Rh + and − )

most commonly for mothers with what (More IgG is produced by Type O
specific blood type? mothers. IgM predominates in Types
A & B, which is too big to cross the

What antibodies are responsible for ABO Maternal IgG

incompatibility/anemia in newborns?

How is anemia defined for a full-term <13

infant? (50 % is fetal Hgb also known as

Does ABO incompatibility typically No –

produce a severe anemia? Not even in subsequent
(There are various reasons for this
– fetal cells have fewer A or B antigen
sites, other organ tissues have quite a
lot for antibodies to bind to, and most
maternal A & B antibodies are IgM
so they don’t cross the placenta)

What clinical sign of ABO Early (first 24 h) & rapidly

incompatibility hemolysis evolving jaundice
is typically seen?

How is ABO incompatibility hemolysis Phototherapy (rising bilirubin)

of the newborn treated (if treatment is Or
needed)? Exchange transfusion if severe

“Microspherocytes” on peripheral ABO incompatibility

blood smear are a buzzword for which (not generally seen with Rh
type of neonatal anemia? incompatibility)

What common blood incompatibility Rh incompatibility

does produce moderate to severe anemia?

Why is Rh incompatibility so much more 1. Rh antigen is only found on

destructive to fetal RBCs than ABO RBCs and not other tissue sites
incompatibility? 2. Fetal RBCs have a lot more Rh
(3 reasons) antigen versus A or B antigen sites
3. Rh antibodies are usually IgG,
so they easily cross the placental
72 5 Neonatal Topics

Ninety-percent of Rh-based hemolytic D

disease is due to which type of Rh (the remainder are usually due
antigen? to C or E)

Are there other blood incompatibilities, Yes –

in addition to Rh D, that frequently cause Rh antigens:Anti-C, Anti-c
significant hemolysis? (small “c”), Anti-E
Minor groups: Fya (Duffy),
Kell, and Kidd groups

Rh immunoglobulin (RhoGam®) contains D

immunoglobulin to which Rh antigen?

Rh- mothers who are not treated with 1%

RhoGam® develop Rh antibodies about
15 % of the time. RhoGam treatment has
lowered this number to what percent?

In addition to anemia, what are the 1. Jaundice

main presenting signs of Rh incompat- 2. Hepatosplenomegaly
ibility anemia? (clearance sites for RBCs &
reticulocyte formation)
3. Hydrops fetalis

What is hydrops fetalis? Fetal edema with profound anemia

Why are erythroblastosis fetalis babies The bilirubin crosses the placenta –
(those affected by Rh incompatibility Mom’s body processes it
producing anemia) not usually jaun- (so neither mom nor baby are
diced at birth, despite having a lot of jaundiced when the baby is born)

Will erythroblastosis fetalis babies become Yes –

jaundiced after birth? Usually quickly
(that’s why jaundice is one of the
presenting signs, even though it’s
not present at birth)

What special birth injury are Splenic rupture

erythro-blastosis fetalis babies
at special risk for?
5 Neonatal Topics 73

Why would erythroblastosis fetalis The pluripotent blood stem cells

patients be pancytopenic at birth, were all busy trying to make
in some cases? enough RBCs, and they failed
to make other cell lines!

Why are erythroblastosis fetalis infants Circulating hemoglobin interferes

at risk for hypoglycemia? with insulin –
Islet cells increase in response,
producing hyperinsulinemia!!!

If an Rh- mother received Rh It will be (falsely) positive!

immunoglobulin at 28-weeks or later Reminder:
(as she should), what will a “direct The direct Coombs directly looks
Coombs test” of the baby’s blood for attacking antibodies. IgG in the
show? mother will cross to the fetus – even
if we inject it

How can you tell when the direct Coombs The infant has no reticulocytosis –
test is falsely positive, due to RhoGam the dose is too small to cause any
administration? response

How are fetuses of mothers with known Ultrasound –

Rh antibodies evaluated? Looks for evidence of hydrops
(two ways) fetalis
Amniocentesis –
Looks for elevated bili level
in the amniotic fluid

What are the two mainstays of treatment Exchange transfusion

for moderate to severe Rh incompatible &
anemia? Phototherapy
(useful to decrease the number
of transfusions needed)

What are the fluids of choice O negative blood

for resuscitating a neonate with &
hydrops fetalis? Fresh frozen plasma

What are the two main features Edema (generalized)

of hydrops fetalis? &
Severe anemia
74 5 Neonatal Topics

If a fetus has severe anemia, what related • High output cardiac failure
problems is this likely to generate? • Hypoxemia & acidosis

Part of the reason infants with hydrops Ascites

fetalis are so edematous, is the low protein &
content of their blood. What other fluid Pleural effusions
collections often develop in this setting?

Rh incompatibility is most likely in which • Caucasians (15 %)

ethnic group? Most unlikely group? • Asians (approximately 0)
(African Americans have
a frequency of 7 %)

In general, hemolytic anemias cause The large amount of hematopoeisis

elevation in indirect (unconjugated) in the liver can obstruct the
bilirubin. Severe Rh can also cause canaliculi
elevated direct bilirubin. How? (typically at 5–6 days after birth)

How do you follow the severity Serial bilirubins

of a hemolytic anemia in a neonate?

Schistocytes or helmet cells are associ- Consumption anemia

ated with which type of anemias? (microangiopathic anemia)

If transfusion is needed at birth, what 50 %

is the target hematocrit for the ingoing (higher than usual!)

Can blood drawn from a placental vein Yes –

be used for transfusion? If it is heparinized & filtered

What is the maximum cc’s per kilogram 10 cc’s per kg

that can be transfused in a single
episode (unless central venous pressure
is directly monitored)?

In what situation is iron supplementation 1. Preterm infant

helpful for neonatal anemia? 2. Fetal-maternal hemorrhage
(3) 3. Chronic twin-twin transfusion
(one twin stealing blood supply
from the other)

Erythropoeitin can be given to decrease 2–3 weeks old

the need for transfusions after what age?
5 Neonatal Topics 75

There are two types of neonatal Isoimmune

thrombocytopenia. What are they? (from mother’s antibodies)
(from the child’s own antibodies)

In a case of isoimmune thrombocytopenia, Maternal platelets

what replacement platelets should be given (her antibody won’t attack her own
if the count is very low (<20,000)? cells)

What hematocrit defines polycythemia in Central venous hematocrit of ≥65

the newborn?

Why is 65 the critical hematocrit value Blood viscosity rises exponentially

for polycythemia in the newborn? beginning at a hematocrit of 65

Do all infants with hematocrits No

of 65 or greater develop symptoms
of hyperviscosity?

Do infants with hematocrits below 65 Yes

sometimes develop hyperviscosity

How are neonates somewhat protected Their fibrinogen level is low

from hyperviscosity despite their high (This decreases plasma viscosity
hematocrits? and also RBC aggregation)

Why do in utero endocrine disorders They increase oxygen demand

contribute to polycythemia? (stimulating formation of more RBCs)

Why is Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome Secondary hyperinsulinism

associated with polycythemia in the (It’s part of the syndrome, and
neonate? it increases RBC formation)

What three typical trisomies 13, 18, & 21

are associated with polycythemia?

How does placental “hypertransfusion” If a larger than usual amount of

contribute to polycythemia? blood enters the infant’s circulation,
fluid shifts may → polycythemia
76 5 Neonatal Topics

Why would intrapartum asphyxia Fetal distress increases umbilical

(not chronic, in this case) contribute blood flow toward the fetus
to polycythemia? (Acidosis will also encourage fluid
shifts out of the intravascular space,
increasing the hematocrit further)

What is the most appropriate Observation

management for an infant with
asymptomatic polycythemia?

What is the main way that neonatal Damage to the CNS –

polycythemia causes long-term problems? Usually multiple subtle problems

What is the utility of a partial exchange • It may or may not decrease

transfusion (PET) in the treatment neurological sequelae (reports are
of polycythemia? mixed – most say not effective)
• It increases NEC and other GI
(PET is the main treatment

What is a partial exchange transfusion? Some blood is phlebotomized out

of the circulation, and replaced with
saline to lower the hematocrit

Why is PET used at all, in the treatment It decreases acute, though usually
of polycythemia? not long-term, problems

Are too many RBCs the cause of No –

thrombotic problems in polycythemia? It is multifactorial. Not the number
of RBCs alone
(Factors involved are not yet clear)

What is the most common hematological Thrombocytopenia

abnormality seen in newborns admitted (due to increased platelet
to the NICU? destruction)

What are the causes, in general, 1. Maternal causes (drugs, infec-

of newborn thrombocytopenia? tious, autoimmune disease,
(3 general categories) coagulopathies)
2. Placental disorders
3. Neonatal causes (drugs, infections,
congenital syndromes, giant
hemangioma, metabolic disorders)
5 Neonatal Topics 77

Thrombocytopenia co-occurs with 1. Trisomy syndromes

physical malformations or abnormalities 2. Giant hemangioma (Kassabach-
in what four cases? Merit syndrome)
3. Rubella syndrome
4. Thrombocytopenia – Absent
radius syndrome (TAR)

How does the size of the platelet help Large – destruction

you to know the underlying cause Normal size – Decreased production
of thrombo-cytopenia?
(meaning decreased production vs.
increased destruction)

If rapid platelet destruction is the problem, Little or no increase in platelet count

what will happen when you give a platelet

If a fetus is known to have significant No –

thrombocytopenia, is vaginal delivery Platelets of <100,000 gives a
an option? significant risk of intracerebral
hemorrhage during birth

When is a platelet transfusion 1. Active bleeding

indicated for a neonate? 2. Platelet count <20,000

What quantity of platelets should be 10–20 cm3/kg

transfused for a neonate?

When random donor platelets are given to ABO & Rh

a thrombocytopenic neonate, in what ways
should they be matched to the baby’s

Why do premature infants have a more 1. Fewer RBCs made by time

profound “anemia of infancy” than of birth
full-term infants? 2. Shorter RBC lifespan
(4) 3. More rapid body growth
4. Lower erythropoietin

If the umbilical cord is occluded during 30 cc’s

delivery, the infant will be missing about
how much of the blood supply (in cc’s)?
78 5 Neonatal Topics

What are the typical causes Nuchal cord

of umbilical cord occlusion? Or
(2) Prolapsed cord

What complication Nondepressed linear skull fracture

(not usually requiring treatment) –5%
sometimes occurs with

Cephalohematoma is associated with what Primiparity

two risk factors? &
Vacuum extraction

Congenital thrombocytopenia is associated The radii

with absence of what bone in a particular
congenital syndrome?

What metabolic enzyme deficiencies 1. G6PD deficiency

sometimes cause neonatal anemia? 2. Pyruvate kinase deficiency

If thalassemia presents as anemia Homozygous alpha-thalassemia

at birth, what type of thalassemia
are you dealing with?

Will the pallor of acute or chronic No

hemorrhagic anemia improve with
supplemental O2?

How high must the unsaturated hemo- >5

globin be to produce cyanosis?

Hemolytic anemias typically present with Jaundice

what physical finding? (The compensatory reticulocytosis
may keep the hemoglobin within
normal limits, initially)

What is the characteristic presentation 1. No jaundice

of hypoplastic anemia in the neonate? 2. No reticulocyte response
(3) 3. Presents after 48 h old

Which neonatal anemias typically cause • Those that develop relatively

hepatosplenomegaly, in general terms? slowly
• Those with reticulocyte response
5 Neonatal Topics 79

Normocytic/normochromic anemia 1. Acute hemorrhage

suggests what causes for the neonatal 2. Hypoplastic anemia
anemia? 3. Intrinsic RBC defect
(4) 4. General, systemic, disease

How do you calculate the “corrected Observed retics × observed Hct

reticulocyte count?” Normal hematocrit
(adjusts for the hematocrit)

Neonates with a microcytic/hypochromic 1. Twin-twin transfusion

anemia are likely to have what three 2. Fetomaternal hemorrhage
underlying problems? 3. Alpha-thalassemia
(Hypochromic means the patient is
losing, or not using, iron)

Elliptocytes on peripheral blood smear Hereditary elliptocytosis

suggest with “zebra” diagnosis? (at least they named it well!)

“Pyknocytes” on the peripheral blood G6PD deficiency

smear indicate what cause of neonatal

Neonates who are anemic, and also Transfusion

have ongoing difficulties with apnea, (better O2 capacity can be
are likely to benefit from what helpful – continuous monitoring
treatment? data supports it)

Persistent (>24 h) tachycardia or poor Transfusion

weight gain in an anemic neonate (to improve O2 capacity)
suggests what treatment may be

Vitamin E is given to prevent anemia Preemies

in which neonatal patient population? (unless they are breast fed)

Which infants are likely to need folate 1. Preemies or low birth weight
supplementation? infants
(3 groups) 2. Dilantin patients
3. Those with increased

What are the two main causes Bacterial & viral infections
of “consumptive coagulopathy” (including congenital ones)
in neonates? &
Thromboplastin embolism
80 5 Neonatal Topics

How is severe anemia due to consumptive • Treat the underlying cause

coagulopathy treated? • Exchange transfusion
(3 ways) • FFP or platelets (controversial)

How might a neonate be exposed Through disorders involving tissue

to a thromboplastin embolus? necrosis
(NEC, dead twin in utero, maternal
toxemia, etc.)

Why might a neonate present with acute Occult obstetrical trauma – usually
hemorrhagic anemia more than 24-h after to solid organs
birth, if vitamin K was given properly? (Liver is most common)

What is the most common “multiple Down’s

congenital anomaly” syndrome? (Trisomy 21)

How common is Down syndrome? Very common –

1:600 live births

What two serious malformations Heart defects

sometimes accompany Down (especially of the center
syndrome? of the heart)
GI atresia/imperforate anus

Why are Down syndrome infants at Hypotonia

greater risk for aspiration and difficulty (affects the bulbar muscles,
breathing? as well as the other muscles)

What are some typical physical findings/ 1. Hypotonia

characteristics for Down’s syndrome 2. Slanted eyes with epicanthal fold,
infants? hypertelorism (wide-set eyes)
(1 muscle) 3. Single palmar crease & short 5th
(2 facial) digit that curve inward
(2 hand)

What is the other name for Trisomy 18? Edwards’ syndrome

In addition to Down syndrome, what Turner syndrome (45, X)

other chromosomal disorders are most Trisomy 18 (Edwards)
commonly diagnosed? Trisomy 13 (Patau)
5 Neonatal Topics 81

What are the typical characteristics 1. IUGR

of Trisomy 18 babies? 2. Micrognathia
(5) 3. Congenital heart disease (95 %!)
4. Hypertonic muscles
5. “Rocker-bottom” club feet

What three facial abnormalities • Micrognathia (small chin)

are typical for Trisomy 18? • Ptosis
• Abnormal ears

What hand abnormality goes “Overlapping” digits

with Trisomy 18?

What chest abnormality goes Short sternum

with Trisomy 18?

What is the prognosis for Trisomy 18 Only 10 % survive to 1 year old

infants? (most die in the first 3 months)

What is the prognosis for Trisomy 13 Almost always lethal in the first
(Patau’s)? 3 months

How common is congenital heart >95 %

disease in Trisomy 13 (Patau’s)?

Which common multiple congenital Trisomy 13

anomaly syndrome is associated with (Patau’s)
cystic kidneys and a hooked penis?

What craniofacial abnormalities go 1. Cleft lip/

with Trisomy 13 (Patau’s)? palate +/− holoprosencephaly
(4) 2. Cutis aplasia of the scalp
3. Microphthalmos
4. Bulbous nose

“Rockerbottom” clubfeet combined Patau’s

with polydactyly suggests what common (Trisomy 13)
multiple congenital anomaly syndrome?

What percentage of Turner syndrome 95 %

fetuses are stillborn or spontaneously
82 5 Neonatal Topics

What cardiac anomaly is especially Aortic coarctation

common with Turner syndrome?

What chest abnormality is commonly Shield chest

noted in Turner syndrome?

What physical findings are considered 1. Webbed neck & nuchal edema
to be typical for Turner syndrome? 2. Short stature
(2 neck) 3. Pedal edema
(1 habitus)
(1 foot finding)

What neck finding is typically seen Redundant skin at nape of neck

in Down syndrome? (can often be seen on fetal US, also)

“Potter’s oligohydramnios sequence” Down syndrome

is a multiple congenital anomalies (1:600 live births for Down
(MCA) syndrome second only 1:4,000 live births for Potter)
to what other MCA in frequency?

What is the prognosis for the Bad –

oligohydramnios sequence infant? Virtually all die
A new experimental treatment using
saline to replace the missing
amniotic fluid may change the
prognosis! This material is too new,
though, to be on the board exam

What is the pathophysiology Renal agenesis → oligohydramnios

of Potter’s syndrome? (inadequate production of
amniotic fluid) → pulmonary

What is the risk of recurrence 2–7 %

in future pregnancies, if one fetus (depends on the specific cause)
has oligohydramnios sequence?

Why do oligohydramnios infants Sometimes the kidneys were

sometimes have “prune bellies?” initially hydronephrotic, which
stretched the belly
(then the kidneys atrophied, leaving
the belly empty)
5 Neonatal Topics 83

Why can amniotic band syndrome be In 90 % of the cases, the bands are
especially difficult to diagnose? gone before delivery
(The malformations sometimes
suggest another syndrome initially)

What two types of effects occur Biomechanical deformities

in amniotic band syndrome? (mainly altered limbs & digits)
Viscera unable to return
to the abdomen/ectopia cordis

Do all amniotic bands cause No –

malformations? Those not attached to the fetus do
not seem to

In cases of amniotic band syndrome, • Small amnion

what findings are often observed with • Absent amnion
inspection of the amnion? • Amnion rolled into strands
(3 possibilities)

What does arthrogryposis refer to? Multiple joint “fixations”

(joint extensions, contractures,
and dislocations)

In about 90 % of cases, how does Brain or spinal cord

arthrogryposis develop? abnormalities →
Fetal inactivity →
Abnormal fetal joint development

What craniofacial abnormalities are Encephalocele

common in amniotic band syndrome? &
Facial clefts

How is arthrogryposis managed? Physical therapy/rehab

Ortho consultation early

How does Pierre Robin syndrome Severe mandibular hypoplasia →

develop? Glossoptosis →
Upper airway obstruction +
cleft palate

What is glossoptosis? Bunched up tongue (not enough

space for it stretch out, because
the mandible is so small)
84 5 Neonatal Topics

What are the three main craniofacial • Micrognathia

features of Pierre Robin? • Cleft palate
• Low-set ears

Do infants with Pierre Robin have No –

associated malformations of other If other malformations are found,
organs in some cases? it is probably a syndrome
(Pierre Robin is a sequence)

What is the risk of recurrence Unrelated –

for future pregnancies if one infant It’s not an inherited disorder
is born with Pierre Robin?

How is Pierre Robin managed The mandible grows out in time,

in the long-term? correcting the problem

What are the two main problems Airway distress

for Pierre Robin sequence infants? &
Difficulty feeding

How are Pierre Robin respiratory Prone position with head lower
difficulties treated in mild cases? than body

How are moderate & severe cases 1. Oral obturators will sometimes
of Pierre Robin treated, in terms work
of respiratory distress? 2. Temporary suture fixation of the
(3) tongue is sometimes performed
3. Tracheostomy (until the mandible

What is the distinction between Sequence – multiple effects follow

a congenital “syndrome” and from a single malformation
a congenital “sequence?”
(physical or mechanical
Syndrome – multiple effects result
from the same genetic error

How is an “association” different “Associations” are collections

from a syndrome or sequence of congenital anomalies not
of congenital anomalies? usually due to a single genetic
or biomechanical cause
5 Neonatal Topics 85

What is the “VATER” association Vertebral anomalies

of congenital anomalies? Anal atresia
Tracheo-esophageal fistula
Esophageal atresia
Radial defects

VATER association infants sometimes Cardiac defects

also have what four additional problems? Renal defects
Small intestine atresia

VATER is a common associate Coloboma (iris & retinal cleft)

(1:5,000 live births). CHARGE Heart defects
association is less common, but often Atresia – choanal
more life threatening. What is the Retarded growth/development
CHARGE association? Genital anomalies
Ear defects/deafness

In addition to potentially life threatening Profound difficulties with

heart defects and choanal atresia, what swallowing
other life threatening problem may
CHARGE newborns exhibit?

For any newborn with respiratory distress, Pass an NG into each nare to
and no clear etiology, what simple test to rule-out choanal atresia or stenosis
rule-out a mechanical problem should be

Cardiac problems (usually DiGeorge syndrome

conotruncal), + small abnormal (there is usually some mention
ears, + mild facial dysmorphology of calcium troubles to help you)
in a newborn should suggest
what diagnosis?

What lab abnormalities suggest Hypocalcemia +/− low lymphocyte

a DiGeorge syndrome diagnosis? count

Why do DiGeorge syndrome infants Partial or total lack of thymic

have low lymphocyte counts? development

Why do DiGeorge syndrome patients Missing or hypoplastic parathyroid

develop hypocalcemia? development
86 5 Neonatal Topics

Velocardiofacial syndrome and Velocardiofacial has cleft palate &

DiGeorge syndrome are very similar. a more unusual facial appearance
How are they different?

What is the genetic error that usually 22q11 region deletion

produces DiGeorge & velocardiofacial

What is the other name for lethal skeletal Lethal short-limb, short-rib
dysplasias? dwarfism

What is the general etiology of lethal All are genetic disorders

skeletal dysplasias?

Skeletal disproportion in an infant with A type of lethal short-limb, short-rib

respiratory distress suggests what dwarfism

What diagnostics should be completed • Babygram X-ray

ASAP if a lethal skeletal dysplasia is • Prognosis & risk of recurrence
suspected? Why? depend on specific diagnosis

If lethal skeletal dysplasia is suspected, Small chest

what two things do you look for on the &
babygram X-ray? Long bone abnormalities

Refractory hypoglycemia in a neonate Beckwith syndrome

should suggest what diagnosis? (same as Beckwith-Wiedemann)

What four characteristics usually • Macroglossia

accompany Beckwith-Wiedemann • Gigantism
syndrome? • Omphalocele
• Refractory hypoglycemia

An odd limb finding is sometimes seen Unilateral limb hypertrophy

with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.
What is it?

Why is it important to diagnose Aggressive management

Beckwith-Wiedemann early? of hypoglycemia prevents mental

Do Beckwith-Wiedemann patients Yes –

present without obvious physical 20 % will have one or zero obvious
findings? findings (but will have
5 Neonatal Topics 87

Infants with fetal hydantoin syndrome Missing or hypoplastic fifth

have many dysmorphisms that are similar fingernails & toenails
to other syndromes. What unique feature
identifies them?

What is hypertelorism? Wide set eyes

What are the typical facial features Eyes – epicanthal fold, ptosis,
of fetal hydantoin syndrome? hypertelorism
(three categories) Nose – Broad, flat, nasal bridge
Ears – Large & misshaped

What limb findings are sometimes seen Diffusely hypoplastic nails

in FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome)? Mnemonic:
Alcohol affects your whole body
(all of the nails), antiseizure meds
are more selective
(just the 5th digit nail)

Infants with FAS sometimes do not have Microcephaly

the typical facial features. How might &
these children demonstrate their FAS? Overall small for gestational age

Internal organs are not usually affected The heart

in FAS. When they are, the organ typically (as usual)
affected is…?

Fetal isotretinoin syndrome will also occur Vitamin A

with megadosing of what vitamin?

What proportion of fetuses exposed ¼

to isotretinoin develops problems (high, but not as high as all of the
due to the exposure? warnings would make you think)

When a fetus develops isotretinoin 1. Hydrocephalus

syndrome, what problems is he or 2. Facial abnormalities
she likely to develop? (various including microtia)
(3) 3. Heart defects

What is the main feature of fetal Neural tube defects

valproate syndrome?

If internal organs are affected in fetal The heart

valproate syndrome, what organ is most (as usual)
likely to be affected?
88 5 Neonatal Topics

Do fetal valproate syndrome infants have Sometimes –

limb or facial abnormalities? Limb – clubfeet & hypospadias
(it’s kind of a limb)
Face – various

Neural tube defects are the hallmark Valproate

of what teratogenic medication’s fetal

Diffusely hypoplastic nails goes with FAS

what common teratogenic syndrome? (Remember: ETOH affects the
whole body, anti-seizure meds
are more specific – only 5th digits

A neonate is born with facial Vitamin A

abnormalities, a heart problem,
and hydrocephalus. Mom has been
megadosing vitamins from the “health
food” store. What vitamin is likely to be

What facial phenotype is associated None –

with fetal cocaine syndrome? The face is usually normal

What two organ systems are most CNS

commonly affected in fetal cocaine &
syndrome? Genitourinary

An irritable, small for gestational age Fetal cocaine syndrome

infant, with signs that look like opiate
withdrawal is likely suffering from
what syndrome?

Infants of diabetic mothers are 1. Sacral agenesis

at greatest risk for what four typical 2. Femoral hypoplasia
malformations? 3. Heart defects
4. Cleft palate
(also associated with hypoplastic left

“Tight control” of maternal diabetes can False –

lower her infant’s risk of malformation It lowers it, but not to baseline
to baseline. True or false?
5 Neonatal Topics 89

In general, having a mother with 3×

diabetes increases an infant’s likelihood
of malformation how many times?

Diabetic mothers are at increased Degree of hyperglycemia before

risk for children with malformations. conception
The likelihood of malformations (usually evaluated with hemoglobin
is most closely correlated with what A1C)
diabetic parameter?

Even with excellent glycemic manage- Macrosomia

ment, what continues to be a problem for
infants of diabetic mothers?

What kind of cardiomyopathy is seen Thickening of the ventricles &

in infants of diabetic mothers, especially? septum
Usually asymptomatic &
spontaneously resolves

Infants of diabetic mothers often are Polycythemia/elevated hematocrit

large for gestational age (LGA) with (thought to be due to elevated
hypoglycemia. What other lab abnormality erythropoietin)
is frequently seen in those neonates?

What GI anatomical abnormality is Hypoplastic left colon

related to maternal diabetes? Mnemonic:
Large body, small Left colon

Why does maternal diabetes increase Insulin blocks synthesis

the risk of pulmonary problems of surfactant precursors
for the infant? (mainly lectin)
(2 reasons) &
Glycogen in the lungs disrupts
normal function

Are infants of diabetic mothers at Yes

higher risk for obesity in later life,
compared to those born to non-diabetic

Why would infants of diabetic Polycythemia

mothers be at increased risk &
of hyperbilirubinemia? Increased possibility of birth
(2 reasons) trauma due to size
(1/3 will have high bili)
90 5 Neonatal Topics

What unusual GI anomaly is associated Small left colon

with maternal diabetes? (hypoplastic or microcolon)

Which unusual vertebral abnormality Spinal agenesis

is associated with maternal diabetes? (with “caudal regression syndrome”)

How are the risks for fetuses different, Gestational diabetes does not
depending on whether the Mom is a increase congenital abnormalities
gestational diabetic (only), or has or risk of future obesity &
diabetes all the time? diabetes mellitus
(DM does)

How common is hypoglycemia Common –

in infants of diabetic mothers? 25–50 % will develop it in the first
24 h

Why is hypocalcemia in the infant of Cardiac problems –

a diabetic Mom especially concerning? Mainly Q-T prolongation

What are you supposed to do if an Give 2 ml/kg 10 % calcium

infant is symptomatic with gluconate over 5 min

What birth complication increases the Asphyxia

probability that the infant of a diabetic (mechanism unclear)
Mom will develop hypocalcemia?

What is “vanishing twin” phenomenon? >½ of twins identified in the first

trimester “disappear,” leaving just
one fetus in utero
(no problems seem to result)

About what proportion of twins are 1/3

monozygotic in the US?

Which US ethnic group is most likely African Americans

to have twins?

Which US ethnic group is least likely Asians

to have twins?

What proportion of twins is born ½

5 Neonatal Topics 91

What proportion of triplets is born About ¾


Twin A will have a vertex presentation 80 %

what percentage of the time?

When twins are born, what three • Placenta (single, fused,

structures are examined to determine or separate)
the type of twinning? • Chorion
• Amnion

How likely is a twin gestation to have <1 %

a single amnion?

Seventy percent of monozygotic The fetal circulation may

twins have a single chorion. What is the commingle (mix)
significance of a single chorion?

Twin gestations are at increased risk 1. Abnormal structure or

for what three problems with the insertion
placental structures? 2. More twisting/trauma
3. Often missing “Wharton’s
jelly” at the insertion site
(increased risk of thrombosis)

Are monochorionic twins monozygotic Monochorionic =

or dizygotic? Monozygotic

Are dichorionic, same-sex twins Can’t tell without genetic studies

monozygotic or dizygotic? of the infants

How would you put each group in rank Greatest – twins

order for risk of perinatal death – first- Middle – first born singletons
born singletons, second-born singletons, Lowest – second born singletons
and twins (all types)?

Of all twin types, which have Monoamniotic –

the highest mortality? Why? Significant risk of cord tangling

For monochorionic twins, how likely is 50 % of surviving twins will develop

the death of one twin late in pregnancy major complications or die
to result in problems for the other fetus?
92 5 Neonatal Topics

What kind of twins could be born Monoamniotic

conjoined? (the cells can’t merge unless
the cells are directly apposed)
These twins are also monochorionic,
of course

How often are conjoined twins born? 1 per 50,000

(typically the fusion is at the chest
or belly)

What is the basic idea behind rates The more separate the twins are,
of twin mortality? the better

A dichorionic, diamnionic placenta Fraternal

usually indicates what type of twin

Identical twins usually have what type Monochorionic

of chorionic membrane arrangement?

Is treatment available for twin-twin Yes –

transfusion? Laser can be used to eliminate
the connection

To be sure you remember, which type Monochorionic placentas –

of twins is at risk for twin-twin They can commingle their blood
transfusion? supply

What is the perinatal mortality rate 25 %

for triplets?

How often are triplet gestations born 85 % of cases


About 50 % of twins are born with low When their combined weight
birth weights. When does the drop-off is 4 kg
in twin growth rates typically occur? (roughly the upper limit
for normal birth weight if the
pregnancy were a singleton)

Twin gestations are typically born 30–34 weeks

at about how many weeks gestation?
5 Neonatal Topics 93

What is the typical birthweight Small –

for a triplet? About 1,700 g
(This is still large when you
consider that 3 × 1,700 equals
5,100 g – large for a typical single-
ton or twin gestation)

What are the two main factors in twin Prematurity

perinatal morbidity? &
Uteroplacental insufficiency

Why do monozygotic twins have 2–3 • Space constraint → unusual

times the rate of birth defects seen in biomechanical stresses
singletons & dizygotics? • Placental vascular anastomoses
(3 possible reasons) • Increased defects in morphogenesis
(NOS – not otherwise specified)

If a twin develops respiratory distress Second

in the newborn period, is that twin
likely to be the first or second born?

If a twin develops necrotizing First-born

enterocolitis (NEC), is he or she likely
to be the first or second born?

What social problems are especially Child abuse

prevalent for twins? &
Inadequate nurturing

What percentage of infants with NEC 20 %

were actually full-term or low-risk infants?

How is NEC thought to develop? 1. Initial ischemia or toxin injures

(3 steps) the gut
2. Bacterial proliferation with
enteral feeds
3. Gut wall invasion

What gas produces the pockets of gas Hydrogen

seen in pneumatosis intestinalis?

What are the feared complications Gut necrosis, gangrene, &

of NEC? perforation + peritonitis
94 5 Neonatal Topics

In what way are exchange transfusions Increased variation in arterial &

thought to contribute to NEC? venous pressures during transfusion
may comopromise gut blood flow

What type of feeding definitely reduces Breast feeding

the probability of NEC developing?

Polycythemia, hyperviscosity syndromes, Gut ischemia/hypoxia

cardiopulmonary disease with low output,
and asphyxia are linked to the develop-
ment of NEC due to what mechanism?

What is the most common early clinical Abdominal distension

sign of NEC?

What is the NEC triad of signs? • Abdominal distension

• Feeding intolerance
• Acute change in stool
(often bloody)

How could low-dose dopamine 2–4 mcg/kg/min is thought to dilate

theoretically improve NEC? the splanchnic vascular bed

What is the typical time course for Perforation usually occurs 24–48 h
perforation relative to air in the gut wall? later

How can an umbilical vein catheter It sometimes introduces air into the
sometimes produce findings on X-ray that portal venous system
look like NEC?

If NEC is diagnosed, how often should • Q 6–8 h

you obtain abdominal (flat plate) X-rays, • Mainly free air
and what are you watching for?

What radiological techniques are preferred Lateral decubitus X-ray

for identification of free abdominal air in Or
neonates? CT scan
(2) (but CT is not commonly used)
5 Neonatal Topics 95

What is “Stage I” NEC? Radiology:

Normal or nonspecific
+ Residuals
+ Guaiac
Nonspecific changes
(lethargy, temperature changes,
bradycardia, apnea)

How is NEC organized into stages? There are 3 components:

• Systemic symptoms
• GI problems
• Radiographic findings

NEC classification is divided into Systemic:

Stage I, IIA and B, and III A & B Shock
What is the worst one, stage IIIB? Bad electrolytes
GI & Radiographic:

Gross blood in the stool indicates Stage IIA

a NEC stage of at least what? (2A)

Extensive pneumatosis Stage IIB

intestinalis, +/− intrahepatic portal vein (2B)
gas, means what NEC stage has been

Spreading edema, erythema, Stage IIIA

and induration of the belly is seen (3A)
in what NEC stage?

If a NEC patient develops acidosis, he Stage IIB

or she is at least in what category (2B)

When is surgical intervention definitely With perforation

indicated for NEC patients?
96 5 Neonatal Topics

What are the “relative” indications for 1. Fixed sentinel loop >24 h
surgery in NEC patients? (possible gangrenous bowel)
2. Deteriorating condition
3. RLQ mass
4. Abdominal wall erythema

How is spontaneous intestinal Insidious onset

perforation in very low birth weight &
(VLBW) infants different from No radiographic signs
classical NEC? (except free air)

When VLBW infants develop Distal ileum

spontaneous intestinal perforation,
where in the gut is the perforation
usually located?

Are the lesions of spontaneous intestinal Well localized

perforation diffuse or well localized?

What is the prognosis for infants with Good

spontaneous intestinal perforation? (better than with NEC)

What is the typical physical finding Bluish discoloration of the lower

suggesting spontaneous intestinal abdomen
perforation in VLBW infants? (that’s an early finding)

Does NEC tend to recur? No

What is the typical mortality of NEC 1/3

with perforation?

Most NEC infants who survive Short gut syndrome (s/p resection)
are normal about 1 year later. &
What are the complications Bowel obstruction (15 %)
for the less fortunate infants? (strictures or stenosis)

What physical finding may be present Increased head circumference

in an infant with hydrocephalus that (if the fontanelles are still open)
would not be seen in an older child?

When can cerebral ventricular dilation Ventricular dilation often precedes

be a normal finding? head growth in normal infants
5 Neonatal Topics 97

What is “communicating The CSF passes through the base

hydrocephalus?” of the brain, but is blocked

What is hydrocephalus ex vacuo? Ventricular dilation due to loss

of cerebral tissue

Obstruction in the CSF system between Non-communicating

the 3rd ventricle and cisterna magna
is which type of hydrocephalus?

How is macrocephaly defined? Head circumference ≥2 standard

deviations above average
(without hydrocephalus
or cranial mass, of course)

What is the significance Usually none –

of macrocephaly without It’s familial
hydrocephalus? (sometimes related to metabolic
or neuro-cutaneous diseases,
or Beckwith-Weidemann syndrome)

Is excessive production of CSF a cause Rarely

of hydrocephalus? (occasionally seen with choroid
plexus tumors)

What is the most common cause Periventricular leukomalacia/

of hydrocephalus ex vacuo in infants? periventricular hemorrhage with

Congenital aqueductal stenosis causes 1/3

what proportion of neonatal

Congenital aqueductal stenosis is an X-linked recessive

inherited disorder. How is it inherited? (occasionally autosomal recessive)

What percentage of infants with 30 %

hydrocephalus will have a breech

What percentage of infants with neural Most – 80 %

tube defects develops hydrocephalus?
98 5 Neonatal Topics

If an infant has an intraventricular About 1/3 –

hemorrhage, what proportion of these 2/3 resolve or stop expanding
infants will develop hydrocephalus? on their own

What three possible courses might 1. Spontaneous resolution

an infant with posthemorrhagic or no more expansion
hydrocephalus follow? 2. Persistent dilation
3. Rapid dilation

If possible, the course of hydrocephalus 4 weeks

is usually observed over what period
of time?

How reliable is papilledema as a sign Not reliable

of increased ICP (or hydrocephalus)
in a neonate?

What are some typical signs 1. Tense fontanelle

of hydrocephalus developing 2. Wide skull sutures
in a neonate? 3. Prominent scalp veins
(4 findings on head exam) 4. Rapidly increasing head

Vomiting, lethargy or irritability, apnea Hydrocephalus

and bradycardia are typical general signs
seen in infants with what common
mechanically-based CNS problem?

What is “setting sun sign,” as related Sclerae are visible above the irises
to hydrocephalus? (associated with developing
hydrocephalus, due to the extra
pressure behind the eyes)

At what week of pregnancy can in utero About week 16 (LMP)

hydrocephaly often be diagnosed?

How quickly will head circumference >2 cm/week

increase if rapidly expanding
hydro-cephalus is present?

If a neonate is developing Flexion (adduction) thumb

hydrocephalus, why should you pay deformity –
attention to the thumb exam? 50 % of aqueductal stenosis
patients have it
5 Neonatal Topics 99

You have just examined an apparently Nothing –

healthy, but macrocephalic infant. Unless the child develops signs
You have checked the parietal head of increasing ICP
circumference and it is large.
What else should you do?

A “cerebral bruit” suggests what cause AVM of the great vein of Galen
of hydrocephalus? (The innominate vein in the chest
will enlarge as a secondary effect)

How sensitive is a cranial ultrasound 98 % at 2 weeks old

for detection of hydrocephalus?

How often should ultrasounds Every 1–2 weeks

for following hydrocephalus
be routinely repeated?

If a cranial ultrasound suggests Serial ultrasounds –

hydrocephalus, but your clinical exam Ultrasound findings often precede
is negative for signs of elevated ICP, clinical findings (sometimes by
what should you do? weeks)

Cranial ultrasound should be used <1,500 g

routinely in infants less than what

If hydrocephalus is detected in utero, C-section delivery –

what is the initial management if the lungs are mature
of choice?

If the fetal lungs are not mature, what are Give steroids (for lungs) &
the management options for hydrocepha- deliver ASAP
lus detected in utero? Or
Place shunt in utero

What medication can be useful Acetazolamide

for decreasing CSF production
in hydrocephalic infants?

Hydrocephalus resulting from mechanical Shunting

obstruction requires what type of (VP or other ventricular
treatment? shunt type)
100 5 Neonatal Topics

What temporary mechanical measure Serial lumbar punctures (LP)

can be used to decrease CSF pressure
in communicating hydrocephalus?

What is the main objection to use 1 % risk of meningitis

of serial LPs in the treatment
of communicating hydrocephalus?

What is the best permanent Ventriculo-peritoneal shunting

management for most types (VP shunting)
of hydrocephalus?

In general, are neurological complications Early

decreased by early or late V-P shunting?

In what age group is the risk of V-P shunt <6 months old
infection highest?

What abdominal complications can be 1. Organ perforation and infection

seen with V-P shunts? introduction
2. Worsening of hydrocele
3. Worsening of inguinal hernia

What is the typical organism • Staph aureus (from surgery)

and timing for V-P shunt infection? • First 30 days

What is the prognosis for hydrocephalic Good –

infants? >90 % survival
(most with normal or near normal
cognitive function!)

Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) “Early IVH”

occurring in the first 72 h of life
is defined as _______?

During what postnatal period First 24 h

is IVH most common? (50 % of cases occur in this period!)

What anatomical location do neonatal The subependymal “germinal

IVH’s originate from? matrix”

When does the germinal matrix of the 34 weeks after conception

brain “involute,” or start to disappear? (same as 36 weeks LMP)
5 Neonatal Topics 101

Why are premature infants at such The germinal matrix vessels rupture
increased risk for IVH ? easily
(2 reasons) &
Preemies don’t regulate blood
pressure to the brain
(high and low system blood
pressures are directly transmitted)

What is the term for the way cerebral “Pressure-passive”

blood flow functions in preemies? cerebral circulation

Why are preemies at special risk of IVH The germinal matrix is open to the
when cerebral venous pressure is high? cerebral venous system

Why do periventricular hemorrhages The associated blood clot that forms

sometimes result in periventricular may cause enough “back-pressure” to
infarction? produce arterial ischemia and infarct

Is periventricular leukomalacia the same No –

as periventricular hemorrhagic infarct? PVL is not caused by IVH and
it is usually bilaterally symmetric
(infarcts are caused by IVH and are

Why is it a bad idea to damage your The matrix produces the neurons
germinal matrix? and glia –
Its loss may affect cortical organiza-
tion, growth and myelinization

What are the main risk factors 1. Severe prematurity

for IVH? 2. Anything that elevates BP
(3) or causes acute BP fluctuations
(labor, seizure, abdominal exam,
vigorous resuscitations)
3. Anything that lowers O2

What is the preferred diagnostic • Ultrasound

for IVH, and what are the best • CT or MRI

What is the best location for ultrasound Anterior fontanelle –

screening for IVH? coronal & sagittal views
(Location with the best sensitivity)
102 5 Neonatal Topics

If you suspect a cerebellar hemorrhage, Posterior fontanelle ultrasound

what is the best location for ultrasound

Infants <1,500 g require what sort US – even without symptoms

of IVH screening?

Shortly after an IVH, LP results will Traumatic LP

frequently “look like” the consequences
of what procedural problem?

What percentage of LPs are negative 20 %

in infants with confirmed IVH?

Persistent changes in CSF following an Meningitis

IVH often mimic what other important (elevated protein and WBCs,
disorder? decreased glucose)

LP results from neonates with IVH often 1. Normal

mimic what three other situations/ 2. Traumatic tap
conditions? 3. Meningitis

Elevation of what blood test Nucleated erythrocytes

suggests severe IVH has happened
(or is about to happen)?

What is the relationship between It increases IVH

indomethacin and IVH, when it is used (and many other bad disorders)
as a tocolytic agent?

What is the relationship between postnatal Low dose IV indomethacin

indomethacin and IVH? decreases both incidence and
severity of IVH
(if given in first 3 days of life or so)

Are antenatal steroids useful for IVH Yes

prevention? (independent of effect on lung

Is vitamin K useful in prevention of IVH? No

(although it should be given
to newborns in any case)
5 Neonatal Topics 103

In addition to tocolysis, what other Reduced IVH

positive effect may magnesium sulfate &
have on VLBW infants, when it is given Reduced cerebral palsy

In the acute phase, what are the two Supportive care

guiding principles in managing IVH? (including correcting any bleeding
Avoid arterial or venous pressure

How might UACs (umbilical artery They produce changes in cerebral

catheters) contribute to IVH? blood flow velocities when samples
are taken
(or when material is infused)

In addition to indomethacin and ibuprofen, Magnesium Sulfate

what other medication may be helpful
to prevent IVH?

What complications would you Apnea

worry about in an infant receiving &
Mg sulfate? Hypotension
(at higher magnesium

How is cerebral perfusion pressure Mean arterial pressure −

(which is the main determinant intracranial pressure = cerebral
of cerebral blood flow) calculated? perfusion pressure

In mechanically ventilated infants Using ventilator modes that

at risk for IVH, what decreases risk synchronize respiratory effort
of IVH? with machine assistance as much
as possible
(reduces CBF variation)

What is the most common cause Perinatal asphyxia

of neonatal seizures?
104 5 Neonatal Topics

How is the type of seizure typically seen • Preemies have generalized tonic
in premature neonates suffering from seizures
perinatal asphyxia different from the type • Term infants have multifocal
seen in full-term neonates? clonic
Tonic comes first in tonic-clonic,
so younger infants have tonic, older
infants have clonic. That’s how you
remember it

Migratory clonic seizures in the first Asphyxia

24 h of life are characteristic of what
type of birth issue?

What unusual pupillary finding is seen Either constriction or dilation

with asphyxia injuries in the first 24 h? (constriction is worse)

In addition to perinatal asphyxia, what are 1. Infection

three other common causes of neonatal 2. Intracranial hemorrhage
seizures? (various types)
3. Metabolic derangements

What type of seizure usually occurs Focal

in a neonate with a subdural (The irritation is in a specific brain
hemorrhage? location)

What are the four metabolic causes 1. Hypoglycemia

of neonatal seizures you should 2. Hypocalcemia (also check Mg)
investigate in any seizing infant? 3. Hyponatremia
4. Hypernatremia

What are the usual causes of hyponatremia Iatrogenic

in a neonate? (poor fluid management)
(2) Or
(syndrome of inappropriate
antidiuretic hormone secretion)

What other important electrolyte needs to Magnesium

be checked in any hypocalcemic neonate? (If magnesium levels are not
adequate, you cannot correct the
5 Neonatal Topics 105

Neonates born to Moms on magnesium Hypocalcemia

are prone to have what metabolic

If a young infant is given regular cow’s Hypocalcemia

milk, what metabolic derangement may (due to high phosphorous load
develop? in the milk)

Which two groups of neonates are most IUGR babies (poor reserve)
likely to develop hypoglycemia? &
Infants of diabetic mothers

In what three situations are you likely 1. Breast-fed neonates

to see hypernatremic neonates? (inadequate fluids)
2. Iatrogenic – too much NaHCO3
3. Formula concentrate
incorrectly diluted

What is a rare, but very treatable, Pyridoxine deficiency

cause of neonatal seizures?
(even causes seizures in utero)

A neonate with hyperammonemia, Amino acid disorders

acidosis, and neurological problems
including seizures, should be checked
for what metabolic disturbance?

Three categories of recreational drug 1. ETOH

use may result in neonatal seizures. 2. Opiate/opioid analgesics
What are they? (heroin, methadone, etc.)
3. Sedative hypnotics

In a “mystery” newborn seizure case, “Was a peripheral nerve block

what birth history question should you used?”
be sure to ask? (on rare occasions it is accidentally
injected into the fetus)

Seizures in neonates come in four 1. Tonic

categories. What are they? 2. Clonic (multifocal or focal)
3. Myoclonic
4. Subtle
106 5 Neonatal Topics

What are “subtle” seizures? Those that have clear EEG

findings, but are not tonic, clonic,
or myoclonic

What are typical presentations of subtle 1. Eye deviation or blinking

seizures? 2. Lip sucking/smacking/drooling
(4) 3. Routinized movements
(e.g., swimming or pedaling)
4. Apnea

What patients are most likely to have Preemies

subtle seizures?

How is “convulsive apnea” different from No EEG changes

regular (nonconvulsive) apnea? (Both are associated with
bradycardia, contrary to what used
to be taught)

In addition to subtle seizures, what Tonic seizures

other type of seizure is more common
in premature infants?

Can tonic seizures be focal? Yes

What types of neonatal seizures some- 1. Generalized tonic

times do not have EEG evidence of 2. Focal & multi-focal myoclonic

How can you differentiate myoclonic In jittery babies:

seizure activity from a jittery baby? 1. Movements stop if you passively
(3 ways) flex the area
2. Eye movements are not involved
3. Movements are in response to a
stimulus (although the stimulus
might not always be obvious)

In addition to getting an US, why is It provides much more structural

a head CT often helpful in neonates information
with seizures? (infarcts, calcifications,
malformations, etc.)

Which two types of amino acid Maple syrup urine disease

disorders are causes of neonatal &
seizure? Urea cycle disorders
5 Neonatal Topics 107

What ABG finding is a clue Respiratory alkalosis

to the possible presence of urea cycle (The respiratory center is directly
disorders? stimulated by circulating ammonia)

What labs should you send to look for 1. Urine and plasma amino acids
amino acid disorders, if you suspect them 2. Urine reducing substances
as a cause of neonatal seizures?

When is the diagnostic value of an EEG In the first few days after the first
greatest for seizure disorders? seizure

Why is rapid intervention important 1. To prevent hypoxia (depending

if a patient is seizing? on type of seizure)
(2) 2. To prevent CNS damage from
lengthy or repeated seizures

Is lorazepam (Ativan®) safe to use Yes

in neonatal seizures?

What are the typical first Phenobarbital

and second-line agents for control &
of neonatal seizures? Phenytoin

Where do most encephaloceles occur? Occipital brain

What is an encephalocele? Brain tissue herniated outside

the cranial cavity
(usually covered)

What is the other name for spina Myelomeningocele


What is a meningocele? Only the meninges are outside the

vertebral column

Are myelomeningoceles generally covered Covered by meninges

or uncovered? (rarely covered by skin)

If a posterior vertebral arch fails to ossify Yes –

in the lower spine, is this correctly There are varying degrees of nerve
considered to be spina bifida occulta? root & spinal cord involvement,
some very minimal
108 5 Neonatal Topics

How does anencephaly occur? The rostral end of the neural tube
doesn’t close
(leaves the cerebral tissue
dysfunctional or not formed)

When is the neural tube supposed to close? The 29th day post conception

What are the three most common 1. Spina bifida occulta

neural tube defects? 2. Anencephaly
3. Myelomeningocele

What physical findings on the child’s 1. Skin dimples

back may signify spina bifida occulta? 2. Very small skin defects
(5) 3. Hair tufts
4. Lipomas
5. Hemangiomas

Which US ethnic group is currently at Hispanics

greatest risk for neural tube defects?

What groups(s) of mothers are generally Low socioeconomic status

at highest risk for having children with &
neural tube defects? Extremes of maternal age
(2) (either advanced maternal age or
very young maternal age)

Pregnant women with which medical Diabetes

conditions are also at increased risk &
for neural tube defects? Epilepsy (if taking valproate or
(2) carbamazepine)

Are neural tube defects more common Girls!

in girls or boys? (surprisingly enough)

Which two antiseizure medications are Carbamazepine (1 %)

linked to neural tube defects? &
Valproic acid (1–5 %)

If a person has a history of a neural 4%

tube defect, what is the probability he
or she will have a child with a NTD?

What percentage of couples with 95 %

children with neural tube defects has no
family history of NTD?
5 Neonatal Topics 109

If one child is born with a neural tube About 3 %

defect, what is the likelihood of having
a second affected child?

Folic acid supplementation is very Vitamin B12

important in preventing neural tube &
defects. What other deficiencies Zinc
contribute to neural tube defects?

Oversupply of this molecule (found in Nitrates

“hard” water, cured meat products and
blighted potatoes), is also linked to neural
tube defects. What is the molecule?

“Meckel-Gruber” syndrome consists of 1. Microcephaly/Microphthalmos

occipital encephalocele and what associ- 2. Polydactyly
ated abnormalities? 3. Polycystic kidneys
(5 – these are the essentials for quick 4. Cleft lip/palate
recognition) 5. Ambiguous genitalia

What specialty consultations are Neurosurgery –

emergently needed for children born The exterior tissue is often damaged
with encephalocele? and must be excised & a VP shunt is
often needed

As in spinal cord injury, what part of Anal tone/anal wink –

the physical exam is especially impor- if it’s present, it’s called “sacral
tant for the prognosis with sparing,” and it’s is a good sign
myelo-meningocele? (Tone & presence of movement
distal to the lesion level are also
very important, of course!)

What special anaphylaxis risk Latex allergy

is unusually common in infants with
neural tube defects?

What are the initial management steps 1. Moist sterile wrap over exposed
for a child born with myelomeningocele, tissues (Ask the surgeon what he/
aside from the “a-b-c”s? she wants – gauze is often not
(4) alright)
2. Neurosurgical consultation
3. NPO
4. IV antibiotics
110 5 Neonatal Topics

In addition to performing a physical Head radiology –

exam, what diagnostic will you want US, MRI or CT
to order for infants born with (looking for hydrocephalus or other
myelomeningocele? malformations – study selected
depends on surgeon, findings,
previous studies)

What is the usual definitive manage- • Surgical closure ≤48 h

ment for myelomeningocele, and why? • Decreases infection & prevents
(2 reasons) further loss of function

When does hydrocephalus most 2–3 weeks after closure

commonly develop for infants with

How common is it for myelomeningo- 95 % with a lumbar lesion,

cele patients to have or later develop 2/3 with other lesions

Patients with myelomeningocele are Respiratory

still at high risk of death in the first (apnea, aspiration, laryngeal
year of life. What system is usually problems)
the source of their problems?

Dysfunction of, or infection in, what GU

organ system is a frequent cause of (Neurogenic bladder leads to reflux,
mortality in myelomeningocele children urosepsis, and hydronephrosis)
after age 1 year?

Delay in walking or anal sphincter Spina bifida occulta

control suggests that what congenital
anomaly was missed?

Foot deformity or recurrent meningitis Spina bifida occulta

can be unusual presentations of what
congenital neurologic abnormality?

How is acute renal failure defined <0.5 cc’s/kg/day

in the neonatal period?

What type of renal failure is most Prerenal

common in neonates? (Choices are
intrinsic, pre- or postrenal)
5 Neonatal Topics 111

What is the normal urine output About 2 cc/kg/h

for a neonate?

Newborn kidneys produce unusually Dilute

______ urine. What goes in the blank?

Radionuclide scanning is useful in cases These scans demonstrate function,

of acute renal failure. Why? not only structure
(for example, DMSA & MAG-3

What dietary modification is needed Low protein (<2 g/kg/day)

for infants with renal failure?

If a neonate with renal failure develops Hypocalcemia

seizures or tetany, what should you (If in doubt give IV calcium
suspect first? 40 mg/kg)

What electrolyte derangements do The usual ones –

neonates with renal failure tend to high phosphate and potassium,
develop? low calcium

If a neonate has hematuria, what are the 1. Trauma

most likely causes of this uncommon 2. Infection
problem? 3. Ischemic damage (thrombosis,
(3) asphyxia, etc.)

Neonates most commonly develop UTIs • E. coli

due to what organism, and by what • Usually hematogenous spread

Are girls or boys more likely to develop Boys

UTIs in infancy? (girls get more after puberty)

What proportion of children who 50 %

develop UTIs in the first year of life has (Ultrasound, VCUG, and renal
an abnormal urinary system? scan are the basic tests)

Barotrauma is the typical cause of air-leak 1. High opening pressure when air
syndromes (air in the chest cavity). breathing begins
What are some other causes to consider 2. Ball-valve gas trapping (due to
in neonates? mucous plug, foreign body,
(3) meconium)
3. Change in compliance with
surfactant therapy
112 5 Neonatal Topics

If a cross-table lateral chest X-ray reveals Pneumomediastinum

anterior air, or a “wind-blown spinnaker (Air displacing the thymus away
sail,” what is the diagnosis? from the heart creates the sail)

How is pneumo-mediastinum treated? Supportive care as needed (usually

resolves spontaneously)

What is pulmonary interstitial Air that has dissected into the

emphysema (PIE)? perivascular lung tissue planes

Why does PIE cause clinical It produces desaturation of arterial

deterioration? blood, because the alveolar wall is
separated from the lung capillaries
(poor oxygen and carbon dioxide

What is the X-ray appearance of PIE? Linear radiolucencies or cystic

(may be seen throughout lung)

Although PIE has a bad prognosis, 1. Decrease ventilatory pressures

what interventions may help? (inspiratory pressure, PEEP,
and length of inspiration)
2. Splinting the affected side
3. High-frequency ventilation

Why is pneumopericardium a problem? It acts like (is a form of) cardiac

(treat with pericardial tap/window)

In what two ways does meconium cause Obstruction (if thick)

pulmonary problems? &
Chemical pneumonitis (irritation)

Why are infants with meconium aspiration • The X-ray appearance is the same
routinely started on antibiotics? as pneumonia
(2) • Meconium reduces the
bacteriostatic property
of amniotic fluid

What is “transient tachypnea Respiratory distress lasting <3

of the newborn” (TTN)? days in near-term or term babies

Why is TTN thought to occur? Delayed resorption of fetal lung fluid

(may also have mild lung
5 Neonatal Topics 113

Which newborns are most likely Term infants –

to develop transient tachypnea Especially after C-section
of the newborn?

Does transient tachypnea of the Generally not

newborn (TTN) require treatment? (should be NPO or only orogastric
feedings, though, until tachypnea
resolves due to risk of aspiration)

What might you be tempted to give to treat Diuretics

transient tachypnea of the newborn, that (There is sometimes fluid in the
you are not supposed to give? fissures and other lung areas, but it
will go away on its own)

What chest X-ray findings are expected • Prominent lung vessels

in TTN? • Fluid in fissures
(4) • Mildly flattened diaphragms
• May have pleural fluid

How are the chest X-ray findings of TTN RDS is diffuse, with fluid
different from those of respiratory distress in the alveoli –
syndrome (RDS)? TTN is localized fluid & alveoli are

How is transient tachypnea of the Observation, and sometimes O2

newborn treated?

What is “euthyroid sick syndrome,” • Transient low thyroid

and should you treat it? function in association
(common in premature infants) with a non-thyroid illness
• No treatment needed

A premature neonate with low free T4 Transient hypothyroxinemia

levels, but normal response to TRH, (immature thyroid –
who is not ill in any other way, has what no treatment needed)

What problems does a “vascular ring” Dysphagia and/or stridor

cause? (The stridor is not usually severe)
(“Vascular ring” refers to the aortic arch
when it encircles the trachea & esophagus)

What are the two types of imperforate anus? High (above the muscle sling)
Low (may have a perineal fistula)
114 5 Neonatal Topics

Do high imperforate anuses sometimes No

have perineal fistulas?

If a high imperforate anus has a fistula To the vagina or urinary system

where will it go?

How is high imperforate anus treated Colostomy

in the neonates?

How is low imperforate anus treated Surgical perineal anoplasty

in the neonatal period? Or
(two options) Fistula dilation, if workable

What usually blocks the posterior nares Bony septum (90 %)

in neonates with choanal atresia? Or
A membrane (10 %)

What is the best “initial management” 1. Make them cry (They will
for a newborn in respiratory distress due breathe via mouth while crying)
to choanal atresia? 2. Insert an oral airway as a
(2 steps) temporizing measure

Incomplete separation of the larynx Laryngo-tracheal cleft

and esophagus, resulting in respiratory
distress when trying to feed, is called…?

What is a fistula connecting the back H-type tracheoesophageal fistula

of the trachea to the front of the esophagus (3rd most common –
called? looks like an “H” on contrast X-ray)

How is laryngomalacia usually treated, Normal growth usually eliminates

in the long-term? the problem

Lobar emphysema is most common in Upper

what lobes of the lung?

What is lobar emphysema? Hyperexpansion of one portion

of lung
(compresses normal lung)

How is lobar emphysema diagnosed? Chest X-ray

How is lobar emphysema treated? It varies –

Mild cases – observation
Severe cases – resection
5 Neonatal Topics 115

What pulmonary problem may mimic a Cystic adenomatoid malformation

diaphragmatic hernia on X-ray, but is
X-ray findings: Multiple separate air
usually easily correctable with surgery?
bubbles +/− air-fluid levels

What is cystic adenomatoid malformation Air-filled cysts in one or both lungs

of the lung? with adenomatoid tissue in at least
some of them

Why do the airways of infants with Abnormal compression

congenital diaphragmatic hernias fail to of intrathoracic contents
develop normally? (Both sides are affected, but defect
side more than nondefect side)

What are the two main sequelae that cause 1. Pulmonary parenchymal
problems for neonates with congenital insufficiency (in other words,
diaphragmatic hernias? not enough lung tissue)
2. Pulmonary hypertension

What are the initial steps you should take 1. Arterial line placement
in management of infants with congenital (monitor blood gases)
diaphragmatic hernias (other than the 2. N-G tube
usual abc’s)? (decompress the stomach)
3. Respiratory support with
“permissive hypercapnia”
4. Surfactant therapy
(usually deficient even if full-term)

What is the most common cause Simple ovarian cyst

of a palpable abdominal mass in a female (Surgical excision is the cure – no
neonate? cancer risk)

What is the most common liver malig- • Hepatoblastoma

nancy in neonates, and what is its • Bad

How is hepatoblastoma treated? Surgical resection & follow-up


In addition to hepatoblastoma, what 1. Cysts

other benign causes of liver enlargement 2. Solid tumors
are seen in neonates (general categories)? 3. Vascular tumors (mainly
(3) hemangioma)
116 5 Neonatal Topics

When an abdominal mass is palpated The kidney

in a male neonate, what is the most
common source of the mass?

What is the treatment for multicystic Eventual surgical resection

kidney disease detected in a neonate? (It is usually unilateral)

If both kidneys in a neonate have • Infantile polycystic kidney

polycystic changes, what disorder disease
are you probably dealing with, • Recessive if no family history
and how is it inherited? • Autosomal dominant if family
history is positive

How does renal vein thrombosis Flank mass

present in a neonate? &
(usually in the first 72 h)

What is umbilical herniation? Abdominal contents escape

through a fascial defect at the

How are umbilical hernias treated? They usually close in time

on their own

If one or both testes are not descended Initially, they are observed –
in a neonate, what is the usual Many will descend spontaneously
management? in the first few months

What is the most common cause Posterior urethral valves

of (congenital) obstructive uropathy
in males?

How are posterior urethral valves Ablation of the valves is preferred

managed? (In some cases, urinary diversion is
performed, instead)

Why do posterior urethral valves cause Upstream pressure often damages

a problem? the kidneys
(and they can also produce problems
with continence)

What commonly performed procedure • Circumcision!

should be avoided in male neonates • The tissue may be needed
with hypospadias, and why? for later reconstruction
or correction
5 Neonatal Topics 117

Infants with hypospadias usually Cryptorchidism

have abnormal chordee (curvature)
of the penis, and often have what other

Are neonatal inguinal hernias direct, or Indirect


How does a neonatal inguinal hernia 1. Testes pass through

or hydrocele develop? the processes vaginalis
on the way to the scrotum
2. The path stays open, instead
of sealing up

When do hydroceles require surgical When they are still present at 1 year
closure? (Some clinicians consider closing
them if they are still present at 6

What is the appropriate management Non-emergent surgical repair

for an inguinal hernia detected in a ASAP, if it is not incarcerated
neonate? (5–15 % risk of incarceration in the
first year – and may be hard to
diagnose rapidly)

How is a teratoma defined? It is a neoplasm with tissue

from all three germ layers

Where are teratomas usually found Sacrococcygeal area

on neonates?

How are teratomas managed? Surgical excision

What is the other name for Wilms’ Nephroblastoma


Aniridia in a neonate could suggest Wilms’ tumor

what malignancy is also present?

Why are the intestines of neonates with The gut that is exposed is bathed
gastroschisis often edematous and lacking in amniotic fluid –
peristalsis? This fluid is irritating to gut
(Peristalsis will spontaneously
return later…)
118 5 Neonatal Topics

What are the initial interventions 1. Temperature monitoring &

(other than abc’s) for infants regulation (big heat loss)
with gastroschisis? 2. N-G decompression
3. Antibiotics (broad coverage)
4. Protective covering (as per
surgery’s instructions) including
cellophane outer wrap to preserve
heat & moisture

What is the etiology of bladder The lower abdomen fails to close


What occurs in bladder exstrophy? The posterior bladder wall sits

outside the skin of the lower
(can include the whole bladder)

How is “cloacal” exstrophy different It adds three components:

from bladder exstrophy? 1. Imperforate anus
2. Omphalocele
3. Vesicointestinal fistula (often
with bowel inside the bladder!)

How are bladder & cloacal exstrophy Rapid surgical repair


In esophageal atresia, what happens It still forms –

to the distal esophagus? In 90 % of cases it connects
to the distal trachea

Aside from inability to feed orally, 1. Bacterial pneumonia (due to

what are the other main complications atelectasis from the pressure of
of esophageal atresia? an air distended stomach)
(3) 2. Chemical pneumonia
3. Aspiration of saliva/feedings

What management steps are important 1. Low intermittent suctioning

prior to operative treatment in esophageal of esophageal pouch
atresia? 2. Respiratory support if needed
(3) 3. Broad spectrum antibiotics

What pancreatic disorder (congenital) • Annular pancreas

may result in partial or total gut • Duodenum
obstruction, and what part
of the gut is affected?
5 Neonatal Topics 119

How can simple (uncomplicated) • Peritoneal attachments

malrotation cause intestinal obstruction, impinge on the abnormally
and what part of the gut is affected? arranged bowel
• Usually duodenum

What is “midgut volvulus,” and why • The gut twists on its pedicle
is it so dangerous? into a new orientation
• The superior mesenteric artery
is in the pedicle! (possible loss
of entire midgut!!!)

Down syndrome, esophageal atresia, & Duodenal atresia

imperforate anus are all risk factors
for what duodenal disorder?

What is the classic finding of duodenal Double-bubble

obstruction on X-ray? (Stomach bubble & duodenal
bubble are seen, then nothing

How can you rule-out the surgical Two ways:

emergency of malrotation/volvulus Upper GI
in an infant with bilious emesis? Or
Barium enema
(If either the duodenum or the
cecum is correctly positioned,
it’s not malrotation)

If the gut dies as a consequence Duodenum through ascending

of midgut volvulus, what parts colon
of the bowel will be lost?

If a neonate has duodenal or jejunal No –

atresia, will the abdomen appear After all, there isn’t enough gut
to be distended? available for the belly to get

What is the usual cause of jejunal atresia? A vascular accident in utero

(damaging blood supply to that part
of the gut)

“Distal” intestinal obstruction refers Ileum or large bowel

to obstruction in what bowel segments?
120 5 Neonatal Topics

Other than bowel atresia, what three 1. Meconium plugs

things might cause distal intestinal 2. Meconium plug + hypoplastic
obstruction in neonates? left colon syndrome
3. Hirschsprung’s disease

How do infants with distal intestinal Same as any other patient

obstruction present? (except that they get sick even faster)
• Distended abdomen
• Bilious emesis
• No bowel movements

What test should infants with meconium Mucosal rectal biopsy

plug generally undergo? for Hirschsprung’s
(The sweat test for CF is not usually
diagnostic until >1 month old, and
most state newborn screens evaluate
for CF via trypsinogen levels)

What percentage of low birth weight 30 % (!!!)

infants develops rickets?

What lab finding is characteristic Elevated alkaline phosphatase

of rickets? (Calcium level is sometimes

If you see what unusual lab result • Low vitamin D

pattern, you can feel confident the • Low phosphorous
diagnosis is rickets? • Low calcium

What are the three main risk factors 1. Chronic disease – especially BPD
for development of rickets in neonates & 2. Very low birth weight
infants? 3. Loop diuretics

What is the typical presentation of an Poor weight gain

infant with rickets?

In severe or advanced cases of rickets, Fractures

how might the infant present? (including ribs)
(two ways) &
Respiratory distress

What is the prognosis for infants Excellent –

with rickets? They usually recover completely
5 Neonatal Topics 121

How are infants with rickets treated? Lots of calories

Supplement calcium, vitamin D,
and phosphorous

What is the relationship between No consistent relationship

the total serum calcium measured,
and the ionized (active form) of

What is the most common presentation Hypocalcemia not corrected

of hypomagnesemia? by calcium supplementation

What is the usual cause of Inadequate intake


How does hypomagnesemia create It decreases secretion of PTH


How is neonatal hypomagnesemia treated? Give magnesium sulfate

(IV or IM)

Why might infants with severe or chronic The catecholamines & steroids
disease become hypocalcemic? released can cause hypocalcemia
(despite adequate nutrition)

A neonate requires a transfusion, then EDTA or citrate (in the stored blood)
becomes hypocalcemic. Why? complexes with calcium

Do infants (or other patients) typically No

experience hypocalcemia with normal
volumes of blood transfusions (excluding
massive or exchange transfusions)?

At what age is hypocalcemia most likely First 3 days of life

to develop?

What is your main concern in an acutely Arrhythmia

hypocalcemia infant?

In addition to prolonged QT & arrhyth- 1. Seizure

mias, what other signs of hypocalcemia 2. Apnea
may occur with a rapid drop in calcium? 3. Tremor
(2 serious, 2 less serious) 4. Tetany
122 5 Neonatal Topics

One significant source of calcium loss Random spot

can be the urine. How can you measure (compares calcium to creatinine
urinary calcium losses? ratio)
(two ways) Or
24-h urine

Where are the findings of bone demineral- Ribs & long bones
ization (due to low calcium) usually seen
on X-ray?
(two general areas)

What rib finding on X-ray is typical “Rachitic rosary”

of rickets? (Rib ends look like little balls
surrounding the sternum, a little like
rosary beads on a chain)

What three long bone findings are Metaphyseal:

typical of rickets? Fraying, cupping, & lucency

How is bone demineralization typically Serial X-rays

followed over time?

Why should IV calcium be given with If significant phosphorous isn’t

phosphate, when possible, when treating available, the calcium is excreted
hypocalcemia? in the urine
(not in the same IV solution,
though – risk of precipitation)

Why is an alkalotic infant likely to The pH shift means that less

be hypocalcemic, even if his or her of the total calcium is ionized
total serum calcium is normal?
(calcium supplementation usually
needed at pH of 7.50)

If alkalosis reduces the ionized calcium It raises it

available in the body, what does
acidosis do?

What EKG finding is virtually Short Q-T

pathognomonic for hypercalcemia?

How might an infant with hypercalcemia 1. Seizure

present? 2. Polyuria
(4) 3. Lethargy
4. Poor feeding/weight gain
5 Neonatal Topics 123

Very low albumin & other serum proteins Hypercalcemia –

may cause what calcium disorder? Ionized calcium has nowhere to bind

What two medications can be used to treat Furosemide

hypercalcemia? &

Which medication should be used to treat Furosemide

hypercalcemia acutely?

If a patient is hypercalcemic, and also has Hyperparathyroidism

evidence of bone demineralization on
X-ray, what is the likely diagnosis?

Can over-supplementation of oral calcium Yes

or vitamin D cause hypercalcemia?

A patient with hypercalcemia and Hypervitaminosis D

osteosclerotic lesions on X-ray is likely
to have what underlying diagnosis?

What are the four likely causes 1. Iatrogenic, directly to infant

of hypermagnesemia in a neonate? (of course!)
2. Mother treated with Mg sulfate
(another version of iatrogenic)
3. Magnesium containing antacid
4. Magnesium containing enema

What are magnesium sulfate’s CNS depressant

two main effects on the body? &
Decreases contractility of skeletal

In addition to hypercalcemia, what other Hypermagnesemia

cause of shortened Q-T interval might (rare)
you see?

How is hypermagnesemia treated? Supportive care

(exchange transfusion if very severe)

How do magnesium levels get too low? Inadequate magnesium intake

Can a newborn fixate visually? Yes

(about 12 inches away)
124 5 Neonatal Topics

How is hypoglycemia defined in a Glucose <40

full-term neonate?

For preemies, how is hypoglycemia Glucose <40

defined? (topic of controversy, value used can
range from 30 to 50)

GE reflux, neurological, and metabolic Yes

problems can all cause neonatal apnea.
Are cardiac problems known to cause
apnea in neonates, too?

The group of medications used to treat Methylxanthines

apnea of prematurity, which includes
caffeine & theophylline, is called

Apnea of prematurity doubles the risk for SIDS

what feared disorder of infancy? (Sudden infant death syndrome)

Does methylxanthine treatment for apnea No

of prematurity reduce the risk of SIDS?

A young infant who develops a bleeding Vitamin K deficiency

problem after empiric treatment (due to antibiotic wiping out the gut
for rule-out sepsis has what flora)
underlying problem?

How much pressure is needed to open 20–30 mmHg

the lungs for the first breath?

What is a normal fetal scalp pH ≥7.25

(even if the question implies that
it is not normal)?

What is the main reason newborns Very high surface area compared
are at unusually high risk for significant to body mass
heat loss?

How is the normal heat loss of a full-term • Drying

infant handled? • Warm blankets
(3 main techniques) • “Radiant” warmer
5 Neonatal Topics 125

Cyanosis & seizure is one of the possible Hypoglycemia

presentations of what common neonatal
metabolic problem?

Does low glucose damage the brain? Usually not –

Prolonged seizures, and seizures
with low glucose, damage it must

A seizure in the first 24 h of life Birth asphyxia

is probably due to what problem?

What does a neonatal seizure look like Subtle –

(just to review)? Staring, lip smacking, lack
of movement, etc.

Although most neonatal seizures are due Metabolic and structural

to birth asphyxia, what must you rule out (hemorrhagic/developmental) causes

What are the likely neurodevelopmental Usually none

consequences of neonatal seizures due
to birth asphyxia?

How are neonatal seizures treated, if they Phenobarbital

are not metabolically correctable?

Shortly after birth, a full-term neonate Birth asphyxia –

develops multisystem organ failure. It affects all of the organs, not just
What is the likely cause? the brain

How is a perinatal death defined? Death between the 28th week

of gestation and the 28th day of life

How is a live birth defined? “Expulsion or extraction” of a baby

that shows evidence of life

What counts as evidence of life, • Pulsating umbilical cord

in a newborn (even if the placenta • Heart beat
is still attached)? • Voluntary muscle movement

Which gender has a higher rate of infant Males

126 5 Neonatal Topics

No prenatal care increases infant mortality. Delay until after the first trimester
What is the impact of “delayed” correlates with higher mortality
prenatal care?

In the US, which race has the highest African Americans

infant mortality?

The highest infant mortality is among Caucasian infants <500 g

what specific very low birth weight
group, in the US?

Mortality rates for low birth weight babies No significant change

have declined significantly in the past
20 years. How much improvement has
occurred in low birth weight morbidity
over the same period?

What is the number one cause Congenital malformations

of infant death in the US? (about 25 %)

For preterm infants, what are the main • Male sex

risk factors for increased mortality that • IUGR
have to do with the baby, itself? • Low birth weight

Which environmental problem Hypothermia

is a common cause of increased infant
mortality in the premature?

Lack of which medical intervention Lack of prenatal steroids

is a risk factor for infant mortality
in preterm infants?

What is the most common abnormality Single artery

of the umbilicus?

What percentage of babies with single 40 %

umbilical arteries will have significant
congenital anomalies?

If a newborn presents with single umbili- Check for other congenital

cal artery, what should you do? anomalies –
Especially renal problems!
5 Neonatal Topics 127

Why is placental abruption a problem? As blood from the bleeding area

organizes, it forms a barrier between
the placenta and its blood supply

What is a chorioangioma, and why Like it sounds, it’s an overgrowth

is it a bad thing? of fetal vessels –
If it’s big, it can interfere with fetal
circulation → CHF

What is the biggest risk factor History of prior preterm delivery

for preterm delivery?

What is “incompetent cervix?” Cervical tissue that “matures”

too early in pregnancy → preterm

Which medication is given to prevent Magnesium sulfate

seizures in mothers with pre-eclampsia?

If premature rupture of membranes Delivery ASAP

occurs (PROM), and there is also an &
infection, what is the best way to Antibiotics ASAP
manage Mom and baby? (broad spectrum)

If PROM occurs ≥34 weeks, some Check fetal heart rate &
obstetricians induce, while others presentation
observe for 1–2 days. From the (either induction or observation
pediatrician’s perspective, what needs is okay, if these look alright)
to be done?

If PROM occurs earlier than 28 weeks • Steroids

gestation, what is usually done? • Prophylactic antibiotics
(3 things) • Sometimes tocolysis
(if contractions present but no
signs of infection)

Between 28 and 34 weeks gestation, what 1. Amniocentesis for L:S ratio to

are the two options for evaluation of determine lung maturity
2. Steroids & bedrest until lungs are
128 5 Neonatal Topics

Generally speaking, preeclampsia is Blood pressure (rising)

diagnosed when abnormalities develop in &
what two things that are monitored during Urine protein

What is the other name for the Group B Streptococcus agalactiae

Strep that affects neonates? Mnemonic:
They’re milk drinkers, for sure,
and this bacteria puts them off their
milk. “A” = without, and galactiae
from the Greek root for milk
(galacto like the milk sugar

For pregnant Moms with Group B Penicillin

Strep infection or colonization, what is (Ampicillin is a fine alternative)
the recommended antibiotic?

Do you need to give Group B Strep No

prophylaxis to a Group B positive Mom
if a C-section will be done before rupture
of membranes?

What is the overall idea with Group B In general terms:

Strep prophylaxis in pregnancy? A negative culture late in preg-
(popular test item!) nancy means you don’t need it –
Any GBS history or risk factors
means you do (unless there is a
proven negative culture late in

If a woman is about to deliver at <37 Give prophylaxis

weeks, and her GBS status is not known
for certain, what should you do?

If a pregnant Mom has had ruptured Yes

membranes for 18 h or more, and her
Group B Strep status is unknown,
should she automatically receive Strep

If a pregnant Mom is about to deliver, Yes

and she has a temperature of ≥38°, (unless she has a known negative
should she get Group B Strep culture)
5 Neonatal Topics 129

If a negative Group B Strep culture No

is obtained late in pregnancy,
is prophylaxis ever needed?

If a Mom has a known history Urine – Yes

of Group B Strep positive results from Vagina or rectum – Yes, if it was
urine, vagina, or rectum during the between 35 and 37 weeks
pregnancy, should Group B Strep (A later negative culture means that
prophylaxis be given? no prophylaxis is needed)

If a Mom has a history of a prior baby Prophylaxis should be given

born with invasive Group B Strep, (unless there is a proven negative
how does this affect prophylaxis? culture/screen)

This Group B Strep protocol seems like 70 % reduction!!!

a real pain. How effective has it been (So maybe it is worth it!)
in decreasing early-onset Group B
Strep for neonates?

A normal, healthy, neonate is about to Nothing –

be discharged from the hospital. A It is colonization & should be left
bagged urine specimen is reported to alone
you with 10,000 colonies of S. agalactiae.
What should you do?
(popular test item!)

What is the usual GBS prophylaxis PCN IV when labor begins –

for the Mom, if a GBS screening Continue until labor is complete
is positive at or near labor? (ampicillin or cefazolin also okay)

What is the longest course of IV PCN 48 h

given to the mother for GBS (So, for example, if labor begins,
prophylaxis? then is arrested, you would still
stop after 48 h even if labor isn’t

If Mom received GBS prophylaxis, Observe for 48 h

and an apparently healthy baby is born (Sepsis works up if sign or
at <35 weeks, what should you do? symptoms of infection develop)

For infants born after 35 weeks gestation, Depends –

whose Moms received GBS prophylaxis, If prophylaxis was more than 4 h
do you need to do anything special? before delivery, nothing special if
If it was less than 4 h, 48 h of
observation is needed
130 5 Neonatal Topics

What is the simplest way to screen Fundal height

for IUGR?

Reasons for an abnormally small Intrinsic has to do with the fetus

gestational size are sometimes divided – the effect is usually general
into intrinsic & extrinsic factors. Extrinsic problems are more likely
How can you tell the two apart? to affect only a specific area or side

If you will only have one prenatal 18–20 weeks

ultrasound, when is the best time (useful for sizing/dating &
to do it? also for imaging organs)

Why are ultrasounds performed after Rate of fetal growth is much more
20 weeks less useful for evaluating variable after 20 weeks
appropriate size and age of the

What is a level 1 ultrasound? Just standard measurements

• Head circumference & diameter
• Femur length
• Abdominal circumference

How is a level 2 different from a level 1? It looks at the organs & skeleton
in detail

What is the “contraction” stress test? Fetal heart rate is measured in

relation to three contractions,
each lasting at least 1 min

For purposes of fetal monitoring during Yes

delivery, are mothers whose labor was
induced with oxytocin considered to
have “high risk” fetuses?

Is a previous C-section enough to Yes

consider the fetus at “high risk” during
delivery, in terms of fetal monitoring?

Are postdate fetuses considered “high Yes

risk,” in terms of fetal monitoring?

If a boards vignette gives you Fetal scalp stimulation

“non-reassuring” fetal heart tracings, &
what is/are the correct next step(s) Fetal pH monitoring
to take? (one or both may be done)
5 Neonatal Topics 131

If fetal scalp stimulation is done, Fetal heart rate goes up!

what is supposed to happen?

If the scalp stimulation does not pro- Fetal scalp pH monitor

duce an increase in fetal heart rate
(FHR), what should you do?

If fetal scalp pH is low, what should Immediate delivery

be done?

What is considered an abnormally <7.2

low scalp pH?

If fetal scalp pH is between 7.20 and Repeat in 15–30 min

7.25, what should you do?

If the fetus does not respond to fetal Immediate delivery based on lack
scalp stimulation, and scalp pH cannot of response
be obtained, how should you proceed?

What is a “saltatory” pattern of FHR? FHR varies by more than 25 bpm,


What is “saltatory” FHR associated with? Acute hypoxia/

Mechanical cord compression

If Mom has a fever, and the baby’s FHR Chorioamnionitis

is >180 beats per minute (bpm), (baby’s a little tachy + maternal
what diagnosis should you suspect? fever)

How would you describe a perfectly 130–150 bpm with good beat-to-
reassuring FHR tracing? beat and long-term variability

Which should you pay more attention Variability

to – the heart rate or the beat-to-beat (assuming the heart rate isn’t
variability? really low)

Which fetuses are most likely to be Post-term

bradycardic, as a normal variant? &
(2 groups) Transverse or occiput posterior

Why does the left lobe of the liver have Blood comes to it directly after
a higher oxygen content than the right, being oxygenated at the placenta
in the fetus? (via the umbilical vein)
132 5 Neonatal Topics

What does a FHR of <80 indicate? Very bad –

Possible death soon

Do fetuses synthesize glucose? No!

When do fetuses begin to store a signifi- Near the end of the 3rd trimester
cant amount of hepatic glycogen/

What percentage of a neonate is water, 80 %

at the time of birth?

Roughly, what percentage of a neonate’s Only 1/3 is extracellular

body water is intracellular vs.

Normal neonates lose a significant amount Water

of weight in the first week of life. What is (from intracellular & interstitial
the main component of that weight loss? stores – interesting!)

What is the target PaO2 for a newborn? About 60 mmHg

What is the target O2 saturation 90–95 %

for a newborn?

Is it bad to give a neonate too much Yes

oxygen? (various problems develop)

Is a preemie likely to be covered Yes –

in vernix? Until about 38 weeks vernix
covers the whole baby

When does vernix first fully cover 24 weeks

the fetus?

Vernix is expected to be on the back, 38–39 weeks

scalp, and creases of the baby at what
gestational age?

At 40 weeks, how much vernix Just creases, mainly

is expected? (can be some scant vernix

At what age will a fetus be born without 42 weeks!

any vernix?
5 Neonatal Topics 133

At what gestational age will cranial 42 weeks

sutures no longer be mobile? (That could be painful!)

When will sutures still be mobile, 38 weeks

but skull bones fully hardened?

The bones of the skull are very soft 27 weeks

until what point in gestation?

Lanugo is different from vernix. If 22 weeks gestation

vernix first covers the fetus at 24 weeks,
when does lanugo first cover the body?

When does the fetus lose the fur face 33 weeks

(lanugo disappears from face)?

If an infant is born at term (38–42 Shoulders only

weeks), where do you expect to find

If a newborn has no lanugo, what is his/ <22 weeks or

her gestational age? >42 weeks

Eyebrows & eyelashes appear on the 23–27 weeks

fetus at what age?

Hair first appears on the fetal head Week 20

at roughly what week? (even before the lanugo)

When will a fetus begin to lose Post-term

baby hair? (≥42 weeks)

At what gestational age does the hair 28–36 weeks

tend to “stick out,” with a woolly (This does sometimes come up
appearance, rather than lying flat? on the exam – sorry!)

During what gestational period does Roughly at term

the hair lie flat in pretty, silky strands? (37–42 weeks)
The hair looks silky like baby-doll
hair when they’re born at the
right time

Okay, enough with the hair. 20 weeks

When do the nail plates first appear? (at earliest usual viability)
134 5 Neonatal Topics

When do the nails reach the fingertips? At or near term

(32–41 weeks)

When do fingernails extend well beyond Post-term

the fingertips? Mnemonic:
Of course they’re too long – they
were supposed to be out to cut
their nails by now!

Very high-pitched or shrieking cries are Preemies

common in which two newborn groups? &
Neurologically impaired

What is aplasia cutis? A little bit of missing skin

Midline aplasia cutis suggests Spinal (or cranial) dysraphism

what problem?

Multiple areas of aplasia cutis Trisomy 13

on the scalp are what disorder’s
“classic presentation?”

A persistent posterior fontanelle + Hypothyroidism

jaundice in a neonate = what disorder?
Hint: Think endocrine

What is Harlequin skin? A baby that is half pink, and half

pale, divided down the midline
Think of Picasso’s Harlequin

What is the pathological significance None

for Harlequin skin? (probably autonomic variation)

What is the earliest sign of Increasing bone density at the

craniosynostosis? suture line

Are neurological complications No

common if craniosynostosis is isolated
(single suture)?

If multiple sutures are involved in cranio- Congenital syndromes

synostosis, what general concept should
you think of?
5 Neonatal Topics 135

How is a cephalohematoma different • Cephalohematoma

from caput succedaneum? is a collection of blood below
the periosteum
• Caput is just under the skin

Can cephalohematomas cross suture No –

lines? They are under the periosteum
(Remember that when the suture
grows closed, the periosteum gets
“stuck” in the sutures as they fuse.
Fluids cannot cross the sutures, if
they are beneath the periosteum)

Can a subgaleal hemorrhage cross Yes –

suture lines? Blood is under the galea
(fibrous membrane of the scalp)
but above the periosteum

Should you do a skull X-ray following No –

a “difficult” delivery? Not unless a significant head
injury seems to have occurred
(in which case CT would be better
– more info)

How does subgaleal hemorrhage usually A large area of scalp swelling –

present? May “push ears out laterally”

Badly shaped or low-set ears are Genitourinary

associated with many things. They are (GU)
especially associated with malformation
in what other organ system?

In a neonate, Horner’s syndrome is Lower brachial plexus injury

often due to what injury? (during the birth process)

How does Horner’s syndrome present Ptosis

in neonates? Miosis &
(a little different from older

What effect will congenital Horner’s It will be lighter on that side

syndrome have on the iris? (Sympathetic fibers stimulate
melanin production in the iris
in early life)
136 5 Neonatal Topics

What is inclusion blennorrhea? Copious discharge of mucous,

that happens to have inclusions
in the cells

What causes inclusion blennorrhea? Chlamydia trachomatis

What causes a white pupillary reflex 1. Retinoblastoma

in a neonate? 2. ROP
(4 options) (retinopathy of prematurity)
3. Retinal coloboma
4. Cataracts

How are preauricular pits inherited, • Autosomal dominant

and how common are they? • Common

Neonates often have some nasal Drug use –

congestion. It can, however, be a sign Usually opiates
of what maternal problem?

Protruding tongue with a small Pierre-Robin

(micrognathic) mouth, +/− cleft palate =
What on the boards?

What is an epithelial pearl? White, shiny, masses on the gum

How are Epstein pearls different Epstein pearls are found in the
from epithelial pearls? midline & at the hard/soft palate
(not on the gums)

What is a ranula? A benign mass on the floor

of the mouth
(A dilated salivary gland,

Is coughing in a newborn sometimes No –

normal? Frequent coughing suggests
a viral pneumonia

If a neonate’s chest wall moves more on • Intrathoracic mass

one side than the other, what should that (e.g., diaphragmatic hernia)
suggest to you? • Paralyzed phrenic nerve
(two things)
5 Neonatal Topics 137

Which heart murmurs present at birth Those that are still there
need to be investigated? on day 2 of life
Those accompanied by cyanosis,
tachypnea, or poor perfusion

What is diastasis recti, and what is its • Lack of fusion of the rectus
significance? muscles
• No significance
(resolves spontaneously)

How short does the penis need <2.5 cm

to be at birth to merit a workup? (endocrine workup needed)

Does presence of meconium rule-out No –

imperforate anus? It can be passed via fistula

What is the best way to evaluate Hips flexed at 90°, then abduct
for congenital hip dislocation? until both knees are on the table –
If one or both cannot go to the
table, dislocation is possible

Which is more likely to indicate an infant Extra digits before the first toe
has a syndrome – extra toes beyond the (same for fingers)
fifth toe, or extra toes before the first toe? Mnemonic:
Makes sense – it’s understandable
that you might sprout a few extra
digits in the general way they were
supposed to form. It’s more abnormal
for them to form in altogether the
wrong location/direction

When neurologically evaluating a Always flexion

newborn, should flexion or extension
be greater?

Do normal-term infants have normal Yes

deep tendon reflexes?

Is circumcision medically indicated? No –

Although recent studies have
indicated that it decreases hetero-
sexual transmission of HIV
138 5 Neonatal Topics

What is the finger grasp reflex? Putting something into the baby’s
palm makes him/her flex
and hold on

What does the baby due in the Moro Throws its arms out with
reflex? palms open

If a baby is born to a possibly infectious Clean the baby well, then:

HepB surface antigen positive Mom, 1. Vaccinate for HepB
what should you do for the infant? 2. Give HepB immunoglobulin

If a neonate receives a transfusion, Hemoglobinopathy

what screening test for the newborn
may be difficult to interpret?

Which three lab tests should be done Glucose

shortly after birth? Hematocrit
Blood type
(if Rh disease is an issue)

If a neonate’s glucose is low on screen Send a serum glucose to the lab

(<40 mg/dL), what should you do? &
Treat for hypoglycemia until
the lab confirms the true level

How quickly should you always check Within 4 h

a newborn’s glucose? (Sooner if there are associated risk
factors for hypoglycemia: LGA,
DM, SGA, very premature, maternal
medications or clinical

If large areas of skin develop blisters Epidermolysis bullosa

or bullae on a neonate, what benign (spontaneous, or sometimes post-
possibility should you consider? traumatic, shedding of the

If a neonate develops large areas Staph infection (!)

of blisters or bullae, what not benign Emergent treatment is needed
cause should you consider? in a neonate!

Why might O2 requirements vary wildly Sometimes the pulmonary

in a neonate? vascular resistance varies a lot if
the child has primary pulmonary
hypertension (PPHN)
5 Neonatal Topics 139

Better O2 saturations in the upper PPHN

extremities, compared to the lower
extremities, is classic for what neonatal
(popular test item!)

How do the chest X-ray findings The hypoxia is much more

compare to the hypoxia you measure extreme than you would guess
in PPHN infants? from the chest X-ray

Tachypnea with cyanosis in the first PPHN

twelve hours of life is often what

How often is ECMO needed in PPHN? 5–10 % of cases

(extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation
of the blood)

What inhaled medication has reduced Nitrous oxide

the need for ECMO, in PPHN?

What complication of nitrous oxide use Methemoglobinemia!

must you watch out for?
(popular test item!)

In addition to nitrous oxide, what other 1. Pressors

treatment modalities are helpful with 2. Sedation without paralysis
PPHN? 3. Normalization of pH, pCO2, &
(3) paO2 >40–60

In addition to PPHN, which other TAPVR

diagnoses should you especially consider (total anomalous pulmonary
for a tachypneic, cyanotic neonate venous return)
(especially on the boards)? &
(popular test item!) Underlying causes of PPHN
such as polycythemia, sepsis,
hypoglycemia, etc.

What is interstitial pulmonary fibrosis? Gradual onset of interstitial

infiltrates & development
of pulmonary cysts

What is the course of interstitial fibrosis? Two options:

Spontaneous recovery over months
Cardiorespiratory failure
140 5 Neonatal Topics

Which infants are most likely to develop <32 weeks & <1,500 g without a
interstitial pulmonary fibrosis? history of hyaline membrane disease

What are the symptoms of interstitial Slow onset of dyspnea, tachypnea,

pulmonary fibrosis? & cyanosis

What is the classic chest X-ray Bilateral reticular infiltrates

for interstitial pulmonary fibrosis? &
Multiple cysts
(sometimes quite large)

A newborn with a continuous murmur Patent ductus arteriosus

& worsening respiratory status (PDA)
probably has what problem?
(popular test item!)

What other physical findings • Bounding pulses

are buzzwords for PDA? • Wide pulse pressure
(3) • Systolic murmur
(popular test item!)

Would a hyperdynamic precordium Yes –

go along with PDA? Because the heart is working extra
(popular test item!) hard due to the unintended
“recycling” of blood to the
pulmonary side

What is a hyperdynamic precordium? The part of the chest wall in front

of the heart moves much more than
you would expect

If your PDA patient is ventilated, will Yes –

adding PEEP improve their condition? It decreases the amount of flow
into the pulmonary side

Which is more effective as a way to treat They are equal

PDA, ligating the ductus or indomethacin?

What are the main complications involved • Oliguria

in using indomethacin to close a PDA? • Intestinal perforation
• Dilutional hyponatremia (due to
too much maintenance fluid given
when side effect of oliguria)
5 Neonatal Topics 141

During what period is using indomethacin Only in the first few days of life
to close a PDA an option? (After that, prostaglandins are
not as important, so NSAIDs
don’t work well)

When is indomethacin contraindicated • High creatinine or low urine output

in a neonate • Bleeding diathesis or platelets
(4 situations) <50,000
• Necrotizing enterocolitis already
• During course of steroids

Is it alright to use indomethacin Yes

for a neonate with an intraventricular

A Babygram, 86
ABO incompatibility, 70 Balanitis, 65
Absence seizures, 16 Balanoposthitis, 66
Abstract reasoning, 19 Barotrauma, 111
Acrocyanosis, 40 Beckwith’s syndrome, 86
ADD. See Attention-deficit disorder (ADD) Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, 44, 75
ADHD. See Attention-deficit hyperactivity Bilateral ankle clonus, 40
disorder (ADHD) Bilateral cryptorchidism, 33
Adrenal hyperplasia, 32 Biliary atresia, 39
Adrenal insufficiency, 36 Bili levels, 46
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP), 45 Bilirubin, 48
Anatomical/obstructive problems, 38 Biophysical profile, 45
Androgen insensitivity syndrome, 32 Birth hypoxia, 41
Androgen receptors, 32 Birth-related clavicle fracture, 45
Androgens, 32 Birth weight, 2
Anemia, 65, 71 Bladder exstrophy, 118
Anencephaly, 108 Body surface area (BSA), 29
Antenatal steroids, 60 Body weight, 29
Aortic stenosis, 63 Bolus, 35
Apgar score, 40 Botulinum, 66
Aplasia cutis, 134 Brachial plexus injury, 44
Apnea, 40 Breast abscess/mastitis, 67
Apt, 38 Breast-fed jaundice, 47
Arthrogryposis, 83 Breast feeding, 33, 36
Aspiration, 35 Breast milk, 36
Association, 84 Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, 58
Atrial septal defects, 65 Brown fat, 29
Attentional disorders, 15 Bruxism, 21
Attention-deficit disorder (ADD), 14 BSA. See Body surface area (BSA)
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD), 14
Automatisms, 16 C
Caloric requirements, 39
Caput succedaneum, 135
B Cephalohematoma, 78, 135
Babble, 2 Cerebral bruit, 99
Babinski reflex, 25 CHARGE, 85

C.M. Houser, Pediatric Development and Neonatology: A Practically Painless Review, 143
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8681-7, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014
144 Index

Chest pain, 25 Drug metabolism, 29

CHF. See Congestive heart failure (CHF) Duodenal atresia, 119
Cholestatic jaundice, 38, 39, 47
Chorioangioma, 127
Chorion, 91 E
Chromosomal abnormalities, 2, 41 “Early onset” neonatal hemorrhage, 42
Chvostek’s, 51 Edwards’ syndrome, 80
Circulatory system, 27–28 Elevated direct bilirubin, 38
Circumcision, 137 Emotional lability, 15
Clitoris, 31 Encephaloceles, 107, 109
Cloacal exstrophy, 118 Endocrine disorder, 16
Colic, 17 Endocrine system, 29
Communicating hydrocephalus, 97 Enemas, 38
Congenital aqueductal stenosis, 97 Epithelial pearl, 136
Congenital diaphragmatic hernias, 46, 115 Epstein pearls, 136
Congenital heart disease, 35 Erb’s palsy, 44
Congenital hypothyroidism, 69 Erythroblastosis fetalis, 72
Congenital malformations, 41 Erythromycin, 41
Congenital obstructive uropathy, 116 Euthyroid sick syndrome, 113
Congenital “sequence,” 84 Exchange transfusion, 47, 49
Congenital “syndrome,” 84 Exhibitionist, 22
Congenital toxoplasmosis, 57 Exogenous androgens, 32
Congestive heart failure (CHF), 69 Expected height, 17
Conjoined twins, 92 External genitalia, 31
Conscience, 19
Continuous, 35
Contraction stress test, 130 F
Convulsive apnea, 106 Failure, 111
Cooperative play, 19 Failure to thrive (FTT), 11
Craniosynostosis, 6, 134 Family stressor, 9
Crawl, 7 FAS. See Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
Crohn’s, 35 Fatty acid, 55
Cross-dressing, 23 Female hermaphroditism, 32
Cruise, 3 Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), 87
Cryptorchidism, 33, 116 Fetal circulation, 27
C-section, 130 Fetal cocaine syndrome, 88
Cystic adenomatoid, 115 Fetal demise, 41
Cystic fibrosis (CF), 37 Fetal heart rate (FHR), 131
Fetal hydantoin syndrome, 87
Fetal isotretinoin syndrome, 87
D Fetal “non-stress test,” 41
Deaf infants, 2 Fetal scalp stimulation, 131
Depression, 12 Fetal valproate syndrome, 87
Developmental delay, 1 FHR. See Fetal heart rate (FHR)
Developmental milestones, 1 Finger grasp reflex, 138
Diabetes, 55 Formula, 35, 53
Diabetic, 88 FTT. See Failure to thrive (FTT)
Diabetic mothers, 89 Full-term birth, 40
Diarrhea, 35
Diastasis recti, 137
DiGeorge syndrome, 85 G
Direct Coombs test, 73 Gastroschisis, 44
Distal intestinal obstruction, 119 Gender-identity disorder, 23
Dizygotic, 57 Genital tubercle, 31
Down syndrome, 2, 80 Germinal matrix, 101
Index 145

Gestations, 92 Inhaled pulmonary vasodilator nitric oxide, 28

GFR. See Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) Internal reproductive structures, 31
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR), 28 Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, 139
Glossoptosis, 83 Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), 100
Gonads–stem cells, 31 Ischemia, 70
Group B strep, 128 Isoimmune thrombocytopenia, 75
Growing pains, 25 ITP. See Idiopathic thrombocytopenia
Gubernaculum, 31 purpura (ITP)
Gubernaculums testes, 31 IUGR, 130
IVH. See Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH)

Harlequin skin, 134 J
Head banging, 20 Jejunal atresia, 119
Head circumference, 6
Hearing evaluation, 10
Hematocrit, 43 K
Hemoglobin, 41 Kernicterus, 49
Hepatic system, 29 Kleihauer-Betke, 41
Hepatoblastoma, 115 Klumpke’s palsy, 44
Herpes simplex virus (HSV), 54
Hirschsprung’s disease, 37, 38, 46
HIV, 54 L
Holding spells, 17 Language delay, 2, 3
Hold objects, 5 Language output, 5
Home-birthed, 40 Lanugo, 133
Horner’s syndrome, 135 Laryngomalacia, 114
HSV. See Herpes simplex virus (HSV) “Late onset” neonatal hemorrhage, 43
Hyaline membrane disease, 56 Learning problems, 3
Hydroceles, 117 Lift the head, 3
Hydrocephalus, 88 Live birth, 125
Hydrocephalus ex vacuo, 97 Lobar emphysema, 114
Hydrops fetalis, 72 Low birth weights, 92
Hyperbilirubinemia, 47 Low calcium, 51
Hypercalcemia, 123 Lower GI blood, 38
Hyperdynamic precordium, 140 The L:S ratio, 55
Hypertelorism, 87
Hyperthyroidism, 16
Hyperviscosity syndrome, 75 M
Hypocalcemia, 51, 90, 104 Macrocephaly, 6, 97
Hypoglycemia, 41, 51 Macrosomia, 89
Hypomagnesemia, 121 Maintenance fluids, 27
Hyponatremia, 104 Malabsorption syndrome, 35
Hypotension, 28 Male hermaphroditism, 32
Hypothermia, 41 Malrotation with volvulus, 38
Hypothyroidism, 37 Masturbation, 21
Meconium, 53
Meconium aspiration, 27
I Meconium ileus, 37
Idiopathic mental retardation, 1 Meconium (ileus) plug syndrome, 36
Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura Meningitis, 57
(ITP), 43 Meningocele, 107
Imperforate anus, 113 Mesonephric (aka wolffian) ducts, 31
Inclusion blennorrhea, 136 Metabolic derangement, 105
Incompetent cervix, 127 Metabolic screening, 1
146 Index

Microcephalic, 6 Parenchymal liver disease, 38

Microspherocytes, 71 Parental reassurance, 13
Midgut volvulus, 45, 119 Pat-a-cake, 3
Migratory clonic seizures, 104 Patau’s syndrome, 80
“Mixed” apnea, 64 Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), 56, 64
Monochorionic twins, 91 Patent foramen ovale (PFO), 65
Monozygotic twins, 57, 91 Pathological apnea, 64
Moro reflex, 26, 138 PDA. See Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
Motor overactivity, 15 Pelvis, 31
MSOF. See Multisystem organ failure (MSOF) Penis, 31
Mullerian inhibiting factor, 31 Perceived control, 10
Mullerian inhibiting substance, 31 Perinatal death, 125
“Multiple congenital anomaly” syndrome, 80 Perinatal morbidity, 93
Multisystem organ failure (MSOF), 41 Perineum, 31
Murmur, 64 Periodic breathing, 40
Musculoskeletal pain, 25 Peritoneal evagination, 31
Periventricular leukomalacia, 101
Persistent bradycardia, 40
N Persistent fetal circulation (PFC), 27
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), 38, 51, 93 Persistent pulmonary hypertension
Neonatal hepatitis, 38 of the newborn (PPHN), 27, 28, 60–62,
Neonatal seizures, 103 138, 139
Neonatal sepsis, 57 PFC. See Persistent fetal circulation (PFC)
Neonatal thrombo-cytopenia, 75 PFO. See Patent foramen ovale (PFO)
Neonatal thyrotoxicosis, 46 Phototherapy, 47
Neonates, 27 Physical abuse, 23
Neural tube defect, 108 Physical punishing, 18
New baby, 25 Physiological jaundice, 47
NG feeding, 35 PIE. See Pulmonary interstitial emphysema
Nightmares, 13 (PIE)
Night terrors, 12 Pierre Robin syndrome, 83
Nitric oxide, 28 Pincer grasp, 3
Non-bilious vomiting, 36 Platelet transfusion, 77
Normal urine output, 111 Pneumocytes, 28
Nutrition, 11 Pneumonia, 57
Pneumothoraces/pneumomediastinum, 54
Polycythemia, 42, 76
O Polyhydramnios, 36
Object permanence, 19 Posterior plagiocephaly, 6
Omophalocele, 44 Posthitis, 65
Omphalitis, 43 “Potter’s oligohydramnios sequence,” 82
Onychophagia, 21 PPHN. See Persistent pulmonary hypertension
Oral candidiasis, 68 of the newborn (PPHN)
Oral-motor dyscoordination, 35 Preemies, 1
Osteomyelitis, 57 Preemptive waking, 14
Ovarian, 31 Premature rupture of membranes occurs
(PROM), 12
Preterm, 126
P Primary apnea, 58
Pain syndrome, 24 Processus vaginalis, 31
Palpable abdominal mass, 115 Progressive, 36
“Parachute” reflex, 26 PROM. See Premature rupture of membranes
Parallel play, 19 occurs (PROM)
Paramesonephric (aka mullerian) ducts, 31 Prophylactic surfactant therapy, 60
Index 147

Psychosomatic, 10 Sleepwalking, 13
Pulmonary bed, 27 Small left-colon syndrome, 37
Pulmonary hypoplasia, 27, 28 Social problems, 11
Pulmonary interstitial emphysema (PIE), 112 Social smiling, 4
Pulmonary-vascular specific therapy, 28 Somatization, 10
Pyloric stenosis, 36 Spina bifida, 107
Pyridoxine deficiency, 105 Staph bacteria, 57
Stool, 36
Stranger anxiety, 18
R Stuttering, 7
Rake, 3 Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), 65, 124
Ranula, 136 Surfactant, 56
RDS. See Respiratory distress syndrome Systemic vasodilators, 28
Reflex(es), 35, 137
Refractory hypoglycemia, 86 T
Regression, 9 Tachycardia, 79
Renal system, 28 Tachypnea, 53
Renal ultrasound, 41 Tantrums, 18
Renal vein thrombosis, 116 TB, 54
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), 59, 113 Television viewing by children, 12
Respiratory system, 28–29 Temperature regulation, 29
Response to stressors, 29 Teratogenic medication’s, 88
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), 52, 62 Teratogenic syndrome, 88
Rh-based hemolytic disease, 72 Teratoma, 117
Rickets, 120 Testes, 31
Roll, 4 Testicular cancer, 32
ROP. See Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) Testicular feminization syndrome, 32
Round ligament of the uterus, 31 Testosterone, 31
Thorough history & physical examination, 1
Thrombocytopenia, 77
S Thrombosis, 70
Salicylates, 15 Thrush, 68
School phobia, 12 Thumb sucking, 20
School refusal, 19 Toilet training, 19
School screening tests, 3 Tomboy, 23
Scrotal sac, 31 Tonic seizures, 106
Scrotum, 31 Total parenteral nutrition (TPN), 38
Sensorineural, 10 Tracheo-esophageal fistula, 36
Separation anxiety, 18 Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN), 112
Sepsis, 27 Transvestism, 23
Serum glucose, 50 Triplets, 92
Setting sun sign, 98 Trousseau’s, 51
Severe mental retardation, 2 Truancy, 19
Sexual abuse, 23 Tunica vaginalis, 31
Sexual orientation, 12 Turner’s syndrome, 80
Sexual play, 22 Twins, 90
SIDS. See Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
Sit, 4
Skeletal disproportion, 86 U
Skeletal dysplasia, 86 Umbilical catheterization, 43
Sleep disturbances, 10 Umbilical cord, 43
Sleeping position, 6 Umbilical herniation, 116
Sleep patterns, 17 Urea cycle disorders, 107
148 Index

Urogenital sinus, 31 Vitamin K, 42

UTIs, 111 VLBW. See Very low birth weight (VLBW)
Vocalization, 2

Vagina, 31 W
Vanishing twin, 90 Weight gain, 11
Vascular ring, 113 Wilms’ tumor, 117
Vasospasm, 69
Vernix, 132 Y
Very low birth weight (VLBW), 96 Yeast contamination, 68

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