Earth Day Sustainability

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Vol. 119, No.

59 April 22-24, 2019

Clubs promote sustainability at Penn State

By Lesley Cosme is solely dedicated to experiencing the
The Daily Collegian outdoors.
PSOC organizes backpacking trips,
Penn State has a variety of canoeing, kayaking, hiking, and trail
environmental organizations and maintenance trips from Catskills all
several of them gathered at the HUB the way to California.
on Sunday afternoon to celebrate PSOC is dedicated to helping their
Earth Day and help guide those who community and often helps with ex-
wish to partake more in environmen- tension programs at Shaver’s Creek.
tally sustainable practices. “We are simply a club dedicated to
Several organizations gave away the outdoors,” Shaywn Chang said.
free take-homes in hopes to engage “We run weekly hikes and help con-
students in advance of Earth Day.
Some of those take-homes
included reusable bags, homemade
pins, coasters made from used bath-
EARTH nect people to the outdoors. All we
want to do is help people obtain their
sustainable goals, and help them
learn to care about the environment,”
room tiles, soil for planting flowers and Chang (sophomore-biology) said.
pamphlets further promoting healthy
There were several clubs, each with
their own philosophy and take on what
can be done to live more suitably within
DAY Eco-Action
Eco-Action is the organizer of all
annual earth day activities and the
oldest environmental activism club on
the Penn State community. The Daily campus.
Collegian spoke with each of these The club strives to educate students
clubs about their missions and goals about current environmental issues
for Earth Day. and how to generate change within
their communities.
Sierra Club Eco-Action President, Amelia
The Penn State chapter of the Geiser spoke about the current cam-
Sierra club strives to make a difference paign that eco-action is wishing to ful-
regarding climate change through stu- fil campus wide.
dent action. “When Penn State renegotiates
The Sierra Club lobbies for environ- their Pepsi contract, we want them
mentally-friendly legislation and ad- to include less single use plastic and
vances environmental candidates who and events to educate peers on more Plot members of the community gar- instead put more funding towards fill-
would perform in their favor. sustainable behaviors. den are given access to a 10-foot by 15- ing stations for reusable water bottles,”
Most recently, the Sierra Club has con- “We help students try and recycle foot garden plot and free use of garden said Geiser (sophomore-environmental
tacted over 300 restaurants in the local in their dorm in many ways,” Louise tools, compost and mulch. resource management).
area asking them not to give out plastic Shaffer said. Members are also provided with gar- According to Geiser, Eco-Action is
straws. dening workshops that can help further
“We try and get students to shut off about empowering the student voice, and
“We really believe in the power of Penn their knowledge of the health and growth
their lights when they’re not using them making sure it is heard and listened to
State youth,” Doug Mason, the chair of and try and promote taking shorter of their plants. campus wide.
the Penn State chapter of the Sierra Club, showers,” Shaffer (sophomore-chemical “We’re really passionate about get- Eco-Action advisor, Derek Kalp,
said. “They will really need to make a dif- engineering) added. ting people to grow their own food and mentioned how proud he was of all the
ference because these students are the plants,” said Laura Kaminsky. students that attended and partook in
Penn State Community Garden
ones who will have to live with the conse- “It helps when people really get this event.
quences of climate change, not me.” The Penn State Community Garden is in there and get their hands dirty,” “These students are extremely com-
a garden on campus with approximately Kaminsky (PhD student-plant pathology) mitted and dedicated,” Kalp said. “It’s all
Eco Reps 100 slots — 50 percent reserved for stu- added. about being a part of community that is
Eco Reps is an organization on campus dents who would like to grow things and interested in one thing, saving the Earth.”
that tries to promote sustainable living 50 percent for Penn State faculty, staff Penn State Outing Club
for students that live in dorms. and the State College community mem- The Penn State Outing Club (PSOC) is To email reporter:
Members of Eco Reps lead activities bers to try out gardening for themselves. an entirely student-run organization that Follow her on Twitter at @lesleycosme.

Lindsey Shuey/Collegian

Students believe ‘Earth Day should be every day’

By Jade Campos Day is celebrated across the “I try to take care of the Earth “Many people aren’t sure how annual assemblies on Earth Day
For The Collegian United States to raise awareness as much as possible,” Files (se- to [recycle] even if they want to,” to spread sustainability aware-
about issues in the environment. nior-music) said. She said she Madaan said. ness. Forster (junior-kinesiology)
Earth Day is present for It began in 1970 with the begin- plants a tree each year for Arbor Across campus, many students said he understands human im-
Millennials and Generation Z’ers ning of the environmental move- Day, a holiday dedicated to plant- said they would like to know pacts on the environments, but
alike throughout their childhoods. ment promoting sustainability. ing trees that takes place a few more about sustainability and just one day a year hasn’t been
For many, the holiday was Many people across the country days after Earth Day. Earth Day. Binet said he learned enough to change his habits.
celebrated at their schools in or- come together on Earth Day to However, some students be- about Earth Day through Google, Brett Hoffman agrees that
der to raise awareness about sus- celebrate the planet and focus on lieve that people should being though he wishes Penn State many students aren’t sure of how
tainability at a young age. Some creating greener habits. doing more about issues like cli- would provide more information they can “minimize their carbon
schools would bring students out “[It’s a day to] remind our- mate change. Vanshika Madaan about the holiday through emails footprints.” However, Hoffman
into nature to celebrate and oth- selves that we need to do some- is a member of Eco-Reps, a group and reminders. (sophomore-hospitality) said that
ers would have students spend thing,” Sunakshi Verma said. focused on promoting sustain- “I don’t think it’s a good idea for the university is doing “all they
the day cleaning up litter. Verma (junior-neuropsycholo- ability on campus, specifically me to only find out it’s Earth Day can” when it comes to informing
Jeffrey Binet remembers Earth gy) said she believes that Earth in housing and dining. Madaan through Google,” Binet said. students about recycling. With
Day from his childhood in a differ- Day is a time for people to realize (freshman-earth science) agreed Genna Aldridge said she all of the different recycling bins
ent way, though. Binet (freshman- the environmental impacts hu- with the idea that green habits doesn’t really do much for Earth across campus, Hoffman said he
film) recalls the TV channel Nick- mans are causing. However, she shouldn’t be limited to one day, Day outside of her Girl Scouts thinks students have the resourc-
elodeon encouraging viewers to said there shouldn’t be just one whether it be Earth Day or Arbor troop growing up. However, es they need to live a greener life.
go outside for the day and enjoy day focused on the environment. Day. Aldridge (sophomore-biomedical For students like Aldridge who
nature as they turned off access “Just doing something on one Madaan said she believes that engineering) believes that Penn grew up with the holiday but no
to programs. particular day wouldn’t matter,” much of the issue is due to a lack State should do more to bring the longer have activities to cele-
While the holiday has been Verma said. “We need to change of knowledge. She said that the campus together for the holiday. brate, Earth Day is still important
prevalent through many young little things throughout the year.” campus should focus on spread- “It kind of feels like there’s to them. Aldridge described it as
people’s lives, some remain For some students, however, ing information to students in an nothing we can do as an individu- a “day to celebrate the Earth and
unaware of the meaning behind specific holidays celebrating the efficient way that would reach al, but it would be cool to see that be reminded that we need to take
Earth Day. planet are meaningful. Sarah many people. In order to reach all mass action,” Aldridge said. care of her.”
“That’s all I remember [about Files described Earth Day as students, Madaan thinks orien- Even with efforts throughout all “I think Earth Day should be
Earth Day],” Binet said of his a “really special day,” though tation is a good time to teach in- years of education, some students every day,” Hoffman said. “We
childhood memories. she noted she didn’t know much coming freshman about recycling agree it still isn’t enough. Cal shouldn’t have just one day to
Each year on April 22, Earth about the holiday. habits. Forster remembers attending celebrate the Earth.”

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