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Post-Lesson Self-Reflections

Teacher Name: Jacob Wrobel Date of Lesson 10/25/18

Focus of lesson: Percussion Sectional Date of Reflection 12/06/18
Describe in detail reflections concerning the following topics. Cite specific examples from your
observation as seen on the video recording and recalled moments experienced while teaching.

Assessment Considerations:
___ teaching pedagogy ___ comprehensive lesson plan
___ proximity to students ___ posture
___ communication through facial characteristics ___ nonverbal interaction
___ effective interaction with students ___ interactive class assessment
___ audible and articulate speech ___ use and accuracy of modeling
___ eye contact to all students ___ verbal/activity ratio
___ appropriateness of teaching strategies ___ positive leadership
___ conducting gestures ___ professional appearance

1. As I reflect on the lesson, to what extent were the students actively engaged?
How do I know?
That seem pretty engaged by the fact they listened to everything I said and did it,
but sometimes might lose one of them for a second.

2. Did the students learn what I had intended? Were my instructional goals and
objectives met? What is my evidence?
Almost, part of me wanted them to be a little more stronger with the rhythms they
learned but I only had a short amount of time and 3-4 pieces to get through.

3. Did I alter my goals, strategies, activities, student grouping and/or assessment as I

taught the lesson for individual needs? If so, what changes did I make and why did I
make these changes?
I had to ad-lib a little bit when one student didn’t understand ¾ by using the
syllables of their favorite food to emphasize the 3 feel.

4. Were my strategies and activities effective? What is my evidence?

I had to switch between a number of strategies since I didn’t know what or how
the students could learn, but near the end I feel like I started getting to them a
little more.

5. To what extent did the classroom environment (Respect and Rapport, Culture for
Learning, Classroom Procedures, Appropriate Student Behavior, the Physical
Environment) contribute to student learning? What is my evidence?
We were put into the cafeteria while the janitors were cleaning so it was very
distracting at times, but other than that it was nice to be separated from the rest of
the ensemble so we could get some one-on-one time with the percussion.
6. Was my assessment effective and useful to my students and me? Describe an
instance in which my feedback positively affected a student’s learning.
I use a lot of positive feedback whenever they played something a little better but
drove them to try and do it better the next time. Once a student started playing the
¾ pattern more consistent each time I applauded them and had them add one more
layer of complexity to it.

7. If I had the opportunity to teach this lesson again, what might I do differently?
I would be more concise with what wording I would use, and I would be a little
more prepared and know ahead of time what rhythms they had difficulty with.

8. Describe future teaching strategies, presentational changes, etc

I would use a lot more modeling and giving them a pulse for longer time instead
of letting them try and keep the inner beat themselves. I would also have changed the
setup so that they could see each other and help each other.
Teacher-Assessment of
Student Name: Jacob Wrobel Date of Lesson: 11/14/18
Describe your observations concerning the following topics. Cite specific examples from the teaching.

Assessment Considerations:
 aspects of instructional presentation (strategies, proximity, posture, pacing, etc.)
 interaction with students (speech, eye contact, communication, non-verbal, etc.)
 reaction from students

Observations of Teaching for discussion:

Breaking it down
Pulse Context

What aspects of the lesson were successful? (include student achievement)

Way to be right at the drum with them.
Good job having them count the rhythm when they weren’t playing right.

Suggestions for instructional improvement? (Describe teaching strategies,

presentational changes, student/teaching interaction, etc.)

Provide a pulse for them when they’re playing. Keep the training wheels on a bit longer
before letting them pulse for themselves.
Maybe provide an intermediate step like leg drumming so all are involved every time.

Overall good job! Thanks for working with the kids!

Teacher Signature: Elizabeth Janssen

Final Assessment:

You will submit the following:

_____ Your completed time sheet with signatures of both cooperating teachers. This should equal a
minimum of 16 hours.

_____ Your completed teacher feedback forms from both cooperating teachers.

_____ Completion of two masterclass presentations.

_____ Submit one lesson plan that you taught that represents your best work of the semester.

_____ Submit the reflection (using the sheet above) that accompanies the lesson plan submitted.

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