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Accompplish For AEFN Task

Lecture :

Sapto Dwi Anggoro, M.Pd

Facilitator :

Nurul Arifah, Skep.,S.Pd.Ns.,M.Kep.,M.TEFL

By :

Lina Arsita

NIM 161. 0058


Nama : Lina Arsita

NIM : 161. 0058


Nursing lectures in the second semester began clinical practice. At that

time the practice was carried out at RSAL Dr. Ramelan Surabaya. I got a turn on
guard in Room G-2. Competence that is undertaken is competence in basic human
needs. In this case communication is also one of the competencies that must be
learned by prospective nursing students. If this communication does not go well,
there will be a misunderstanding. It can even be fatal because it is related to the
patient and his health. So from this communication becomes a very important and
absolute thing.

We've all heard the horror stories about tragic medical errors. Mistakes
such as administering the wrong medication or dose, amputating the wrong body
part or mixing up patients and procedures can all happen on occasion, despite
hospital protocols designed to prevent such errors. Far from being harmless, these
mistakes can be financially costly and have severe health consequences for
patients. If medical errors were classified as a cause of death – they currently
aren't tracked as such – they would rank third on the list of deadliest conditions .
Human error is to blame in most cases of medical mistakes and many of these
problems begin as a simple miscommunication between members of the care

As in my experience in Room G-2. At that time the activity was usually

held and I helped the nurses. Many patients, so we are very busy. In the G-2 room
there is one special room. This room is only filled by patients who will do
chemotherapy alone. So patients do not linger in hospital. Maybe around 3 days,
which includes chemotherapy.

At that time, after my actions were finished, I approached students who

were also practicing clinics just like me in Room 6-A. she (female) is a student
from the Kediri profession. I approached him trying to give help. Sure enough, the
student will do an ECG in the patient. Then I offered him if I could help. I am
allowed to help him. One by one I began to help attach the electrodes, increasing
the patient to remove the watch and other accessories. After all is ready, the
student starts the ECG device. But there are obstacles. Finally, we returned to the
nursestation to ask the ECG for the room nurse. Finally one of the nurses helped,
and tried to turn on the device. Indeed, one of the nurses said the machine had
frequent errors. Not long after the heart image (ECG) came out. After being seen
and examined again it turns out that our ECG is not a patient of room 6-a. But
patients in room 4-a.

In my heart, I feel worried and afraid how about I be scolded. Even though
I only intend to help. Finally we started doing ECG in 4-a patients. But one of the
room nurses said that it was okay. I am relieved as well as I think it is not
important who is wrong between room nurses or professional student students
who are practicing clinics in the room. But how important is communication.
What if we should do an ECG is a patient who has heart arrhythmias or other life-
threatening things. Therefore communication is very emphasized in the provision
of health care and nursing care.


Nursing lectures in the second semester began clinical practice. At that

time the practice was carried out at RSAL Dr. Ramelan Surabaya. I got a turn on
guard in Room G-2. Competence that is undertaken is competence in basic human
needs. In this case communication is also one of the competencies that must be
learned by prospective nursing students. If this communication does not go well,
there will be a misunderstanding. It can even be fatal because it is related to the
patient and his health. So from this communication becomes a very important and
absolute thing.
We've all heard the horror stories about tragic medical errors. Mistakes
such as administering the wrong medication or dose, amputating the wrong body
part or mixing up patients and procedures can all happen on occasion, despite
hospital protocols designed to prevent such errors. Far from being harmless, these
mistakes can be financially costly and have severe health consequences for
patients. If medical errors were classified as a cause of death – they currently
aren't tracked as such – they would rank third on the list of deadliest conditions .
Human error is to blame in most cases of medical mistakes and many of these
problems begin as a simple miscommunication between members of the care
As in my experience in Room G-2. At that time the activity was usually
held and I helped the nurses. Many patients, so we are very busy. In the G-2 room
there is one special room. This room is only filled by patients who will do
chemotherapy alone. So patients do not linger in hospital. Maybe around 3 days,
which includes chemotherapy.
At that time, after my actions were finished, I approached students who
were also practicing clinics just like me in Room 6-A. she (female) is a student
from the Kediri profession. I approached him trying to give help. Sure enough, the
student will do an ECG in the patient. Then I offered him if I could help. I am
allowed to help him. One by one I began to help attach the electrodes, increasing
the patient to remove the watch and other accessories. After all is ready, the
student starts the ECG device. But there are obstacles. Finally, we returned to the
nursestation to ask the ECG for the room nurse. Finally one of the nurses helped,
and tried to turn on the device. Indeed, one of the nurses said the machine had
frequent errors. Not long after the heart image (ECG) came out. After being seen
and examined again it turns out that our ECG is not a patient of room 6-a. But
patients in room 4-a.
In my heart, I feel worried and afraid how about I be scolded. Even though
I only intend to help. Finally we started doing ECG in 4-a patients. But one of the
room nurses said that it was okay. I am relieved as well as I think it is not
important who is wrong between room nurses or professional student students
who are practicing clinics in the room. But how important is communication.
What if we should do an ECG is a patient who has heart arrhythmias or other life-
threatening things. Therefore communication is very emphasized in the provision
of health care and nursing care.
Kuliah Keperawatan pada semester kedua sudah mulai dilakukan praktik klinik.
Pada saat itu praktik dilakukan di RSAL Dr Ramelan Surabaya. Saya mendapat giliran
berjaga di Ruang G-2. Kompetensi yang dijalani adalah kompetensi pada kebutuhan dasar
manusia. Dalam hal ini komunikasi juga menjadi salah satu kompetensi yang harus di
pelajari oleh mahasiswa calon perawat. Apabila komunikasi ini tidak berjalan baik, maka
akan terjadi salah paham. Bahkan dapat berakitbat fatal karena terkait dengan pasien dan
kesehatannya. Maka dari itu komunikasi ini menjadi hal yang sangat penting dan mutlak.

Kita semua pernah mendengar cerita horor tentang kesalahan medis yang tragis.
Kesalahan seperti pemberian obat atau dosis yang salah, mengamputasi bagian tubuh
yang salah atau mencampuradukkan pasien dan prosedur semuanya dapat terjadi sesekali,
meskipun protokol rumah sakit dirancang untuk mencegah kesalahan tersebut. Jauh dari
tidak berbahaya, kesalahan ini dapat mahal secara finansial dan memiliki konsekuensi
kesehatan yang parah bagi pasien.

Jika kesalahan medis digolongkan sebagai penyebab kematian - mereka saat ini
tidak dilacak seperti itu - mereka akan menempati urutan ketiga dalam daftar kondisi
paling mematikan. Kesalahan manusia harus disalahkan dalam kebanyakan kasus
kesalahan medis dan banyak dari masalah ini dimulai sebagai miskomunikasi sederhana
antara anggota tim perawatan.

Seperti pada pengalaman saya di Ruang G-2. Pada saat itu seperti biasanya
kegiatan dilkasanakan dan saya iku membantu para perawat. Pasien banyak, jadi kami
sangat sibuk. Di ruang G-2 ini ada salah satu ruangan khusus. Ruangan ini hanya diisi
oleh pasien yang akan melakukan kemoterapi saja. Jadi pasien tidak berlama-lama
menginap di rumah sakit. Mungkin sekitar 3 hari, yang didalamnya sudah termasuk
tindakan kemoterapi.

Saat itu, setelah tindakan yang saya lakukan selesai, saya menghampiri
mahasiswa yang juga praktik klinik sama seperti saya di Ruang 6-A. dia (perempuan)
adalah mahasiswa dari profesi ners Kediri. Saya menghampirinya berusaha memberi
bantuan. Benar saja, mahasiswa tersebut akan melakukan ECG pada pasien. Kemudian
saya menawarkan kepadanya apakah saya boleh membantu. Saya diperbolehkan
membantunya. Satu persatu saya mulai membantu memasangkan elektrode-elektrode nya,
mengingkatkan pasien untuk melepas jam tangan serta aksesoris lainnya. Setelah semua
siap, mahasiswa tersebut mulai menyalakan alat ECG. Namun terjadi kendala. Aakhirnya
kami kembali ke nursestation untuk menanyakan alat ECG kepada perawat ruangan.
Akhirnya salah satu perawata membantu, dan mencoba menyalakan alat. Memang kata
salah satu perawat tersebut mesinnya sudah sering error. Tidak lama kemudian hasil
gambaran jantung (ECG) keluar. Setelah dilihat dan diteliti lagi ternyata yang kami ECG
adalah bukan pasien ruang 6-a ini. Melainkan pasien ruang 4-a.

Dalam hati saya, saya merasa khawatir dan takut bagaimana kalau saya dimarahi.
Padahal saya hanya berniat membantu. Akhirnya kami memulai melakukan ECG pada
pasien 4-a. Tapi salah satu perawat ruangan mengatakan bahwa tidak apa-apa. Saya lega
sekaligus saya berfikir tidak penting siapa yang salah antar perawat ruangan atau
mahasiswa profesi ners yang sedang praktik klinik di ruang tersebut. Tapi seberapa
pentingnya komunikasi itu. Bagaimana bila yang seharusnya kami lakukan ECG adalah
pasien yang mendaoatkan aritmia jantung atau hal lainnya yang dapat mengancam jiwa.
Oleh sebab itu komunikasi sangat ditekankan dalam pemberian asuhan kesehatan maupun
asuhan keperawatan.

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