Prananda Eka Rositaningrum (P27220017032) As Student Nurse Wahyu Atikasari (P27220017042) As Nurse 2AD3 Keperawatan

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Prananda Eka Rositaningrum (P27220017032) as student nurse

Wahyu Atikasari (P27220017042) as nurse

2AD3 Keperawatan

Nurse : “Prananda, later at 6 p.m. Mrs. Santi patient in 3rd ward will get insulin
therapy. Can you inject insulin?”

Student Nurse : “I can’t Nurse. How to inject insulin?”

Nurse : “The steps is like injecting subcutaneously. Have you ever do it?

Student Nurse : “Yes, but I’m not confident. Would you like to teach me how to inject

Nurse : “Okay. Let’s go to the medicine room, I will teach you how to inject insulin.”

Student Nurse : “Yes Nurse. Should we use using syringes or insulin pens for injection?”

Nurse : “Well, we use an insulin pen. This is an insulin pen. Do you know how to use

Student Nurse : “Not yet Nurse. I have seen tutorials on the internet, but I have never tried it”

Nurse : “Okay. I will teach you. First, remove the lid then put the needle onto this
pen. Make sure the needles are plugged well. After that, set the dosage
according to the doctor advices.”

Student Nurse :”Okay Nurse. What should be considered before injection?”

Nurse : “You have to make sure the insulin type is correct, then check the expired
date, and if the insulin temperature is cold, warm it with your palm like this.”

Student Nurse : “Yes Nurse.”

Nurse : “Before I tell you, do you remember what is needed for subcutaneously

Student Nurse : “Yes, I remember. Syringe, alcohol swab, cotton, hypafix and handscoon”
Nurse :”Yes right. Then where can we inject insulin?”

Student Nurse : “Insulin should be injected subcutaneously or the fatty tissue just below the

Nurse : “Right. In diabetic patients, we usually inject on the arm or stomach, 4 mm

depth. You must pinch the location and then you can inject the insulin. Now
you can try it.”

Student Nurse : “ Okay. First, remove the lid then put the needle onto this pen. Make sure the
needles are plugged well. After that, set the dosage according to the doctor

Nurse : “That’s correct. Then try inject into this phantom”

Student Nurse : “Yes Nurse. I will inject in this phantom arm. First wash our hand with hand
rub, wear handscoon, then disinfect the injections area, pinch the arm, then
inject it here”

Nurse :”Oh yes, after insulin enters the body keep the needle for 10 seconds and
don't massage it.”

Student Nurse : “Why do we have to do that Nurse?”

Nurse : “Because it makes insulin absorbed faster”

Student Nurse :” I see, I’m sorry I want to ask again Nurse. Why should be injected in fatty

Nurse :” Fatty tissue will fasten the process of absorption.”

Student Nurse :”Oh yes Nurse. Now I understand this”

Nurse :” Okay Prananda, later at 6 p.m. You do an insulin injection to Mrs. Santi.”

Student Nurse : “Okay Nurse. Thank you for your instructions.”

Nurse : “You’re wellcome.”

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