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Project Assessment Rubrics – Review III

S.No. Descriptors Exemplary Proficient Partially proficient Incomplete

(4) (3) (2) (1)
Engineering Knowledge
1. Application of Correct use and application of the Sufficient use and application of Sufficient use and application Serious deficiencies in use
engineering principles engineering principles. Excellent engineering principles. Sufficient of engineering principles. and application of engineering
and concepts understanding of the factors and understanding of the factors and Insufficient understanding of principles, incomplete
constraints. constraints. the factors and constraints. understanding of factors and
Design and Development of Solutions
2. Mathematical Superior use of auxiliary Adequate use of auxiliary Adequate modeling, analysis, Unable to model, analyze, and
Modeling and analysis techniques/tools in modeling, techniques/tools in modeling, and evaluation of the evaluate the preliminary
analyzing, and evaluating the analyzing, and evaluating the design/analysis. Uses some design. No apparent use of
design/analysis. design/analysis. auxiliary techniques/tools to auxiliary techniques/tools to
evaluate the design//analysis evaluate the design.
3. Methodology Employs an optimum method that Employs an relevant method that Methods selected result in a Unable to identify effective
efficiently leads to the desired results leads to the desired results cumbersome analysis with solution methods, or employs
unnecessary work, but are methods that are
essentially effective. inappropriate to the analysis.
Conduct Investigation of complex problems
4. Project outcomes Analysis is carried out correctly. Analysis is carried out correctly. Some errors in the application No results are obtained, or
Results are correct. Units are Results are correct and require and calculations are present, major errors are present.
correctly used. improvement. Units are correctly but they are minor in nature.
5. Interpretation of Results are critically reviewed for Results are reviewed for Some discussion of the results No discussion or interpretation
results accuracy and meaning in a manner accuracy and meaning in a is present, but not in a critical was provided, although the
appropriate to the analysis manner relevant to the analysis manner appropriate to the results clearly required some
analysis critical review.
6. Conclusions and Results and conclusions are clear Results and conclusions are Results, conclusions, and Missed results or poorly stated
recommendations and relevant. Recommendations clear and relevant. recommendations are them, conclusions are
reflect good understanding of the Recommendations are sufficiently stated. unsupported, no or basic
project. sufficiently stated. recommendations.

7. Ethics Adopted all the relevant ethical Adopted the ethical principles Adopted the ethical principles Significant deficiencies in
principles and practices in the and practices in the execution of and practices with insufficient adopting ethical principles and
execution of the project in reference the project understanding during the practices in the execution of
to standards execution of the project the project
S.No. Descriptors Exemplary Proficient Partially proficient Incomplete
(4) (3) (2) (1)
8. Content Demonstrates reflective, analytical Demonstrates depth of idea Demonstrates some depth of Lacks or demonstrates limited
& Organization and/or insightful idea development; development, with specific, idea development, with idea development with few
provides specific, thorough sufficient details, and adequate sufficient details, and details and weak supporting
supporting evidence with clear supporting evidence with adequate supporting evidence evidence with an unfocused
organization around a clear theme. organization around a clear organized with noticeable organization.
theme theme.
9. Delivery Skill Effectively and creatively delivers the Adequately delivers the Delivers the information while Presentation does not stay on
information while staying on the topic information while staying on the staying on the topic, considers topic, difficult to understand,
and considering the audience, uses topic, considers the audience, the audience, speaks difficult to hear, appears
voice variations, seems confident speaks clearly and ends on time somewhat clearly, trying to tense.
and delightful ending on time. end on time.
Slides are difficult to read and
Slides support the presentation, are Slides are easy to read and Slides are easy to read and understand, spelling/grammar
easy to read and understand, key understand, key words are used understand in most of the errors evident.
words are used effectively. effectively slides.

Life Long Learning

10. Self Learning Knowledge learnt from different Knowledge learnt from different Other learning materials are The suggested learning
sources integrated independently sources integrated independently found and related to materials cannot be fully
with a concept map strengthen learning comprehended

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