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Roll No. itl.) Answer Sheet No.__ Sig. of Candidate, Sig. of Invigilator. COMPUTER SCIENCE SSC+I SECTION — A (Magks 12) Time allowed: 20 Minutes NOTE: Section-A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on the question paper itself. It should be completed in the first 20 minutes amd handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. Q.1 Circle the correct option i.e. A/ B/C/D. Each part carries one mark. (i) Whe of the following isa 16 bit code? A BCD B Unicode =. ASC 2 EBCDIC (i) In Boolean algebra plus sign stands for AOR BAND © Nor 0. Both Band i) According to the Demorgon’s law 4+ Bis equal to: A A+B 8 AB c 1B 0. A+B (iv) Name the error in the formula C-=C-*D/C A Logical B Syntax © Execution Both Aand (v) The maximum characters that a string constant may contain are. A 8 B32 ees eo Be ry (a) Torun a program in GW-Basic press____—key. A FR BFS eo oF DFS (vi) The number of arrays that can be dimensioned in a DIM statement may be A 4 a 2 a. 4 D.— Anynumeer (vii) The statement to reserve memory locations for an array M arranged in 12 columns and 20 rows may be A DIM(12, 20) B.DIMM(20,12) C.——-M(12,20) —«D.DIMM (12,20) (i) ON ERROR GOTO statement is used to detect, A Logical errors B. Syntax errors ©. Execution error D. Both Aandc (x) On execution of PRINT FIX (-6.63), the output will be: A 8 683 . +6 D (xi) The variable that enables to draw ellipse in CIRCLE statement is the: A Fourth 8 Fifth c. Sixth D. Seventh (xi) In Draw command the prefix command moves to starting position afte finish ANA BooNA cc oN DN For Examiner's use only: Tota Marks: [2] ‘Marks Obtained: [ 288 1811 — Roll No l ] ‘Answer Sheet No Sig, of Candidate Sig. of Invigilator. Megs ough sgl Gatle Aya 2 AP) die 22 ante terete ulihlittens Lisl feresge gewlig Oiled ALA ub bth SL Nene ft vere Bh F sit Las Ade fel, Ble ts @ EBcpic | asc & Unicode Beco fetid CMA embeded i) aia ~ NOT t AND ~ OR -JHi feel APB eLoHL Srst il) ASB o MB ee ABO Le A+B ot temrPaks C=C-ADIC uns tiv) ving eo rt ieee! wy 25 8% el EGW-BASIC (vi) fo Fic) F2. oh ce Fendbuyihnd Ais lotntee OM Li (vil) oa ” 40 2 we 1 oh bin LL AM toed Le (ML ue 20n612 (ull) DIMM@20,12) DIM (12,20) sl DIM M (12,20) ~ (M(12,20) + te brrid EL GK ON-ERROR GOTO (ix) UI wt. vat &) a) = (6) (xi) Oxi) Ns Eu 288 1611 COMPUTER SCIENCE SSC-II yw Time allowed: 2:40 Hours Total Marks Sections B and C: 43 NOTE: fet any nine parts from Section ‘B’ and any two questions from Section ‘C’ on the separately 1d answer book. Use supplementary answer sheet i.e. Sheet-B if required. Write your answers neatly and legibly. SECTION — B (Marks 271 Q.2 Answer any NINE parts. The answer to each part should not exceed 3 to 4 lines. (9x3=27) (i) Subtract (1111), from (10101), (i) Construct a truth table form XY + XZ+ XZ (ii) Whats a flow chart? What are its advantages? (iv) What is meant by a computer program? (v) What is debugging? Why is it necessary to debug a program? (vi) What are subprograms? Name types of subprograms. (vil) How does FOR-NEXT differ from IF-THEN statement? (vil) What is the function of WEND in “While-Wend" loop? (ix) What is an array? Why is it used? (x) What s the use of DIM statements? When is it needed? (xi) Describe folowing library functions: a ABS INT, «SGN (xi) What is meant by pixel? (xii) Whatis file? How are files handled in computer? SECTION. (Maggies 16) Note: Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks. (2x8= 16) a3 a What is meant by coding in computers? Convert (BA4C)xs into its decimal equivalent. (04) b. ‘Simplify the following function using Karanaugh map. F = ABC + ABC + ABC (04) asia ‘Write a program to produce five concentric circles of different radii, (04) b. What is the difference between conditional and unconditional transfer of control? Give example of each (04) Q.5 a Whats the difference between simple and subsoripted variable? Explain with examples. (04) b. What is system defined function? What is the difference between system defined function and user defined functions, (04) 288 16811

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