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Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of degree bachelor of commerce (honours)

(2016 - 19)

Under the guidance of Dr. Atul kumar

Faculty, PGDAV college

Submitted by;


University roll No. 16053504158



This is to certify that the project entitled, “study of consumer buying behavior towards

branded or non- branded readymade garments” submitted by TSEDUP DORJEE in

partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award od degree of bachelor of commerce honors at
the PGDAV college in an authentic work carried out by me under the supervision of teacher Atul

Teachers signature

In the age of identify crisis and need for differentiation, everyone is after uniqueness particularly
how one wishes to appear. India is a global market for fashion garments and there is a cut throat
competition existing among brands. Companies are rigorously working on identifying consumer
buying behavior, preferences creating awareness, and a positive attitude towards their brands in
order to grab larger portion of the market. Therefore, it is become necessary to study the consumer
behavior towards various branded men’s garments.

Finally, it is revealed that irrespective of age and education levels responded are buying branded
garments to enhance their style, ant to protect their self- respect.

KEY WORD: consumer behavior, branded garments, brand preference, brand awareness.


I express my gratitude and indebtedness to my faculty and teacher Atul kumar department of
business management, PGDAV college, delhi for their ever willing and constant encouragement
in exploration of my present investigation and preparation of the project.

I would fail in duty if I do not acknowledge the blessing of almighty god and the effort of my
friends whose tremendous support and inspiration cannot be explained in words.

I am also thankful to my respondent and all those who made the completion of study possible.


Branding is a tool used by producers to increase consumer awareness and loyalty. The goal of such
marketing strategies is to convince consumers that the brand name is a substitute, or proxy, for
expected benefits. Raggio and leone (2007) argue that brand equity, as the perception that the
brand, meets a promise of providing benefits to consumers. Also, consumers may have an
orientation hypothesis for satisfaction regarding consumption of a product, to contact the same
producer or brand in order to avoid a risk of a wrong choice. This phenomenon is also referred as
an “inertia value” of the brand (keller and lehmann, 2006). Therefore, branding may represent a
mechanism to address this risk averse behavior by providing a guarantee that the product
consumed today will be essentially identical to the one the consumer sampled on a previous
occasion. Furthermore, a positive experience with a brand may reduce the expected payoff of
updating information about substitute and competition, thereby creating persistence in purchase.

Consumer buying behavior refers to the buying behavior of the ultimate consumer. A firm needs
to analyze buying behavior for:

 Buyer’s reaction to a firm marketing strategy has a great impact on the firm success.
 The marketing concept stresses that a firm should create a marketing mix (MM) that satisfy
customer, therefore need to analyze the what, where, when and how consumer buy.
 Marketer’s cam better predict how consumer will respond to marketing strategies.


Types of consumer buying behavior are determined by:

 Level of involvement in purchase decision. Importance and intensity of interest in a product

in a particular situation.
 Buyer’s level of involvement determines why he/she is motivated to seek information
about a certain products and brands but virtually ignores others.
 Personal risk.
 Social risk.
 Economic risk.
 Limited decision making buying product occasionally. When you need to obtain
information about unfamiliar brand in a familiar product category, perhaps. Require a
moderate amount of time for information gathering.


How do you decide you want to buy a particular product or services? It could that your DVD
player stops working and you now have to look for new ones, all those DVD films you purchased
you can no longer play! So you have a problem or a new need. For high value items like DVD
players or a car or other low frequency purchases e.g. confectionery the processes is different.


Why do we need to learn about consumer buying behavior? The simple answer is that no long can
we take the customers for granted. Consumer buying behavior determines how our consumers
decides to buy our product and what are the various factor responsible for this decision?

Out of 11000 new product introduced by 77 companies, only 56% are present after 5 years. Only
8%of new product concepts offered by 112 leading companies reached the market. Out of that
83% failed to meet marketing objectives. What we need to understand here is why consumer make
the purchases that they make, what factors influence consumer purchases and changing factor in
our society.


Consumer purchases are influenced strongly by or there are four factor.

 Cultural factor
 Social factor
 Personal factor
 Psychology factor

 Cultural factor:

Cultural factor divided into three sub factor

o Cultural
o Sub cultural
o Social class

 Cultural:

The set of basic values perception, wants, and behavior learned by a member of society
from family and other important institution.

 Sub cultural:

A group people with shared value system based on common life experience and
situation. Each cultural contains smaller sub cultural a group of people with shared
value system based on common life experience and situation.

 Social cultural:

Almost every society has some form of social factors, such as groups, family, roles and

 Personal factors:

It includes-

o Age and life cycle stage

o Occupation
o Economic situation
o Life style
o Personality and self concept.

 Psychological factors:

Its includes these factors-

o Motivation
o Perception
o Learning
o Beliefs and attitudes
 Motivation:
Motive (drive) a need that is sufficiently pressing to direct the person to seek
satisfaction of the need.
 Perception:
The process by which people select, organize, and interpret information to form a
meaningful picture of the world.
 Learning:
Changes in an individual behavior arising from experience.
 Beliefs and attitude:
Belief is a descriptive thought that a person holds about something attitude.


A brand is the identity of a specific product, service, or business. A brand can take many forms,
including a name, sign, symbol, color combination or slogan. The word brand began simply as a
way to tell one person cattle from another by means of a hot iron stamp. A legally protected brand
name is called a trademark. The word brand has continued to evolve to encompass identity it effect
the personality of a product, company or services.

A concept brand is a brand that is associated with an abstract concept, rather than a specific
product, service, or business.


An unbranded goods is a good which is not recognized by a name goods are treated as a
commodity goods or case where consumer are reluctant to make brand distinction for example
toothpicks, cloth pins. In this stage consumer memory network consists primarily of a node
identifying the product category. Such goods are often seen in developing countrie. Information
about the product is limited to the users. So consumer are unaware about the brand.

(Dr. Shilpa p. charankar, 2007) As the need for innovation is increasing by every passing day due
to the global competition and also today’s consumer is seeking not just clothing but clothing with
different which not only has good appearance but is also durable and it is climate specific. These
things can be achieved by improving the spinning, weaving and finishing efficiency.

(Dr. N. Vasugi 2007) Textile industry is the largest foreign exchange earner and also the second
largest employment provider next to agriculture. Worldwide garments is the 3rd largest employers
of the women even in indian garments industry 80% of the people in it are women.

(G. V. N Shirish kumar, 2009) Indian has wide range of textile of varies designs and manufactured
by different techniques when compared to different countries of the world. The speciality in the
weave of textile in each region is developed based on location, climate and influences.

(Dr. J. N Singh, 2011) Indian textile has been growing very well. Increase in the young population
and also increase in use of plastic money the demand is increasing in the domestic market which
is met by the increasing supply supported by the new women working force. Also our stand in the
world market is stronger than ever, with the quantitative restriction on china we are in better
position now.


Research methodology is logical scientific technique to solve a problem. When we talk of research
method adopted to get desired result but we also consider logic behind these method. All possible
effort were made to gather information in a natural way to achieve objectives of research.
Research is an original constribution to existing stocks of knowledge making for advancement in
research for knowledge through objectives and systematic method of finding a solution to problem,
is research.

In my research the research problem is “to study the consumer buying behavior towards branded
and non- branded readymade garments.


 To know the factor affecting while buying a branded or non-branded garments.

 To know the satisfaction level of consumer.


It consists of –

University of study: the universe is the specific group of people, firms, conditions, activities etc.
which form the pivotal point of research project. In my research study the universe is “all the
buyers of branded or non-branded readymade garments”.

Population: population refers to part of universe from which the sample for conducting the research
is selected. Universe and population can be same in some research. It may be finite or infinite.

Sampling unit: sampling unit refers to smallest possible individual eligible respondent. In my study
the sampling unit is “single buyer of readymade garments”.


The primary data is evaluated on the basis of the analysis of the secondary data.

The data for this research project would be collected through questionnaire. A structured
questionnaire would be framed as it is less time consuming, generates specific and to the point
information, easier to tabulate and interpret.
Questionnaires have been used for collection data from the respondents through a series of
questions. Questionnaires act as an effective alternative for surveys, since they are cheap and can
be widely used to reach within people in a short period of time.

The questionnaires is divided into two parts: demographic question and question concerning
branded or non-branded garments industry. The five point likert scale, which is highly used scale
for asking respondent’s opinion and attitudes is also utilized to ask the individuals about the
influencing factors such as ambience, price, service and quality and so on. The five points in the
questionnaire are following types:

a) Very likely, likely, neutral, b) strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, strongly
disagree, c) very important, slightly important, not important at all.


Pilot testing is a small scale trail, where a few prospective respondents answer the questionnaires
and comment on its mechanics. Hence the questionnaires was rested with the help of some students
and as restructured quite a few times with the obtained inputs under a constant supervision of a


1. Most of consumer like to do shopping from trade shops. And there are least consumer who
like to do shopping from e shop.
2. Maximum people prefer a particular brand or a company because of brand name. least
consumer prefer the brand because of distribution system.
3. Non branded clothes are prefer more than branded clothes.
4. Design is an important factor for buying clothes.
5. Maximum people said that discount is important factor.
6. Sales promotion is less important factor.
7. 100% respondent that they are satisfied with the brand.
8. Most important factor took into consideration while buying a branded clothes in price.


As the research has shown the comparison between customer buying behavior regarding
branded and non branded readymade clothes in recent time. Since the consumer buying
behavior is the important factor to forecast the sale of any product on a particular area. So
company should keep close eye on the market situation. Yet, customer were price sensitive.
But the market trends and customer view and preference showed that quality sensitive.

They want qualitative product, easy availability of the product, and better performance by the
product. These days no customers buying things from malls are increased. Also the frequency
to visit the mall has been increased. That’s why people are brand conscious. They feel satisfied
with the range of product available here.

From my research point of view we can conclude that there is maximum preference towards
non brand clothes. Because branded clothes are costly than non- branded clothes.



Questionnaire on consumer behavior towards branded or non- branded clothes

1. What is the satisfaction level with branded clothes?
o Excellent
o Very good
o Good
o Bad
2. What is the satisfaction level with non- branded clothes?
o Excellent
o Very good
o Good
o Bad
3. Do you switch between brands/
o Yes
o No
o Sometimes
o Never
4. Are branded clothes always better than non- branded clothes?
o Highly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Highly disagree
5. What is the proportion of branded to non- branded products in your house?
o 20; 80
o 50; 50
o 60; 40
o Not fixed proportion
6. In one year how many times you will purchase clothes?
o 2 times
o 3- 5 times
o 5- 10 times
o Above 10 times
7. What types of clothes do you prefer?
o Branded
o Non- branded
o More fashionable
o Others

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