Arekit Recharge (AutoRecovered)

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Mean Annual Rainfall Region 11 Alt=

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr

% of Total % 0.3 0.6 2.2 3.8
Monthly Rainfall mm 3.6 7.1 25.9 44.8

Mean Annual Temprature Region 11

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr
% 1 1.06 1.11 1.09
Monthly mean max °C 19.8 21.0 22.0 21.6

Mean Annual Evaporation

Evaporation Region 15 Ce= 0.94 ele
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr
% 9 9.2 10.4 10.3
Potential Evap mm 181.2 185.2 209.4 207.4

Data Type Unit Jan Feb Mar Apr

Daily air Temperature TMP (mean) (deg. C) 13.5 14.5 15.1 15.1

Diurnal Temperature range ,DTR mean) (deg. C) 16.7 15.9 15.1 13.4

Data Type Unit Jan Feb Mar Apr

Rainfall P50 19.63 37.77 88.35 100.38
Rainfall (P75) 6.61 18 53.88 65.37
Days with Rain (days/month) 4.5 5.6 7.6 11.8
1780 masl Cr= 24 MARF= 1177 mm
May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec % NS SY
11.4 16.8 18.2 19.1 17.4 7.6 2.1 0.5 100
134.2 197.8 214.3 224.9 204.8 89.5 24.8 5.9 1177.6 13 155

19.731 °C
May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1.03 0.97 0.93 0.93 0.95 0.97 0.96 1.01
20.4 19.2 18.4 18.4 18.8 19.2 19.0 20.0

1780 m 2012.92 mm
May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
8.5 7.1 6.9 6.4 7.5 8.4 8 8.4
171.1 143 138.9 128.9 151 169.1 161.1 169.1 2015.4

May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

14.6 13.7 13.1 13.1 13 13.1 12.6 12.6

12.7 11.6 9.6 9.8 11 13.5 15.5 16.7

May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Per year

120.47 152.61 245.32 251.82 178 56.34 14.19 13.99 1278.88

85.63 120.22 197.24 204.76 141 28.61 3.94 5.08 930.53

12.7 13 12.1 14.2 12 8.4 6.1 4.2 112.2

Arekit (Lat 7 º 56 ' 25 " N Long 38 º 04 ' 10 " E )
P50 Rainfall Days Temp (DTR)
(P75) with Rain (mean)
(Mm/month) (mm/month) (deg. C) (deg. C)

Jan 19.63 6.61 4.5 13.5 16.7

Feb 37.77 18 5.6 14.5 15.9
Mar 88.35 53.88 7.6 15.1 15.1
Apr 100.38 65.37 11.8 15.1 13.4
May 120.47 85.63 12.7 14.6 12.7
Jun 152.61 120.22 13 13.7 11.6
Jul 245.32 197.24 12.1 13.1 9.6
Aug 251.82 204.76 14.2 13.1 9.8
Sep 178.01 141.19 12 13.2 11.3
Oct 56.34 28.61 8.4 13.1 13.5
Nov 14.19 3.94 6.1 12.6 15.5
Dec 13.99 5.08 4.2 12.6 16.7

BH1 (Lat 7 º 56 ' 59 " N Long 38 º 02 ' 47 " E )

P50 Rainfall Days Temp (DTR)

(P75) with Rain (mean)
(Mm/month) (mm/month) (deg. C) (deg. C)

 Jan 19.63 6.61 4.5 13.5 16.7

 Feb 37.77 18 5.6 14.5 15.9
 Mar 88.35 53.88 7.6 15.1 15.1
 Apr 100.38 65.37 11.8 15.1 13.4
 May 120.47 85.63 12.7 14.6 12.7
 Jun 152.61 120.22 13 13.7 11.6
 Jul 245.32 197.24 12.1 13.1 9.6
 Aug 251.82 204.76 14.2 13.1 9.8
 Sep 178.01 141.19 12 13.2 11.3
 Oct 56.34 28.61 8.4 13.1 13.5
 Nov 14.19 3.94 6.1 12.6 15.5
 Dec 13.99 5.08 4.2 12.6 16.7

BH2 (Lat 7 º 54 ' 35 " N Long 38 º 05 ' 24 " E )

P50 Rainfall Days Temp (DTR)

(P75) with Rain (mean)
(Mm/month) (mm/month) (deg. C) (deg. C)

 Jan 14.9 4.92 3.9 16.3 17.5

 Feb 30.61 14.24 4.9 17.5 16.7
 Mar 78.38 46.7 6.8 18.2 15.9
 Apr 86.85 55.67 10.8 18.1 14.1
 May 108.03 75.02 11.3 17.7 12.9
 Jun 134.05 105.92 11.8 16.8 11.8
 Jul 205.01 165.83 10.8 16.2 9.9
 Aug 218 177.52 13 16.2 10.1
 Sep 157.09 123.65 11.1 16.4 11.7
 Oct 48.77 24.21 7.4 16.3 14.2
 Nov 10.51 2.95 5.3 15.6 16.6
 Dec 11.06 3.98 3.6 15.5 17.8
Data from IWMI Water& Climate Atlas (

a)      Pcp50 -- 50% Probability Precipitation (mm/month)

b)      Pcp75 -- 75% Probability Precipitation (mm/month)
c)       Rd0 -- Days with rainfall (days/month)
d)      TMP -- Mean Daily Air Temperature (deg. C)
e)      DTR -- Mean Diurnal Temperature Range (deg. C)
f)       FRS -- Days with Ground Frost (days/month)
g)      REH -- Relative Humidity (%)
h)      SUNP -- Sunlight Hours (% of Maximum Sunlight Hours)
i)        WND -- Mean Wind Sped (m/s)
j)        MAI -- Hargreaves Moisture Availability Index
k)      ETPen -- Evapo-transpiration (mm/day)

Days Ref Humid Sunshine Wind Run
with Frost Penman
(days/month MAI
( % ) (% of Hrs) (m/s) ETo
4.9 43 79 4.1 0.04 4.96
3.1 43 78 3.9 0.12 5.24
2.6 47 70 3.9 0.33 5.2
1.7 57 60 3.6 0.48 4.51
1 65 57 3.7 0.69 3.99
0.8 65 54 3.9 1.06 3.77
0.6 69 45 4 1.88 3.38
0.6 69 48 3.8 1.91 3.46
0.9 64 57 3.6 1.23 3.83
2.1 65 62 3.4 0.25 3.74
4.4 60 72 3.3 0.03 3.84
5.9 51 81 3.7 0.04 4.32

Days Ref Humid Sunshine Wind Run

with Frost Penman
(days/month MAI
(%) (% of Hrs) (m/s) ETo
4.9 43 79 4.1 0.04 4.96
3.1 43 78 3.9 0.12 5.24
2.6 47 70 3.9 0.33 5.2
1.7 57 60 3.6 0.48 4.51
1 65 57 3.7 0.69 3.99
0.8 65 54 3.9 1.06 3.77
0.6 69 45 4 1.88 3.38
0.6 69 48 3.8 1.91 3.46
0.9 64 57 3.6 1.23 3.83
2.1 65 62 3.4 0.25 3.74
4.4 60 72 3.3 0.03 3.84
5.9 51 81 3.7 0.04 4.32

Days Ref Humid Sunshine Wind Run

with Frost Penman
(days/month MAI
(%) (% of Hrs) (m/s) ETo
2.8 43 80 3.9 0.03 5.4
1.4 43 79 3.8 0.09 5.75
0.9 47 71 3.7 0.27 5.67
0.6 57 62 3.4 0.38 4.91
0.4 65 60 3.6 0.55 4.4
0.3 65 56 3.9 0.85 4.17
0.3 68 47 4 1.41 3.79
0.3 69 50 3.8 1.49 3.84
0.4 64 59 3.6 0.97 4.25
1 66 63 3.3 0.19 4.08
2.6 59 73 3.2 0.02 4.27
3.8 51 82 3.5 0.03 4.73

n (mm/month)
n (mm/month)

nge (deg. C)

um Sunlight Hours)
I Rain Fall P50%

Calclation of Water Balance Based on Turc's

Catchment Area Et actual

annual Monthly
precipitatio Evaporation Capacity L=300+25*T+0.05*T3
P -an t t3 L P2 L2 P 2/L 2 (0.9 + (P 2/L 2)
mm Cº Cº
Jan 19.6 13.50 2460.38 760.52 385.3 578388.77 0.00067 0.90
Feb 37.8 14.50 3048.63 814.93 1426.6 664112.94 0.00215 0.90
Mar 88.4 15.10 3442.95 849.65 7805.7 721900.96 0.01081 0.91
Apr 100.4 15.10 3442.95 849.65 10076.1 721900.96 0.01396 0.91
May 120.5 14.60 3112.14 820.61 14513.0 673395.52 0.02155 0.92
Jun 152.6 13.70 2571.35 771.07 23289.8 594545.32 0.03917 0.94
Jul 245.3 13.10 2248.09 739.90 60181.9 547458.74 0.10993 1.01
Aug 251.8 13.10 2248.09 739.90 63413.3 547458.74 0.11583 1.02
Sep 178.0 13.20 2299.97 745.00 31687.6 555022.62 0.05709 0.96
Oct 56.3 13.10 2248.09 739.90 3174.2 547458.74 0.00580 0.91
Nov 14.2 12.60 2000.38 715.02 201.4 511251.88 0.00039 0.90
Dec 14.0 12.60 2000.38 715.02 195.7 511251.88 0.00038 0.90

Catchment Area Etactual

annual Monthly
precipitatio Evaporation Capacity L=300+25*T+0.05*T3

P-an t t3 L P2 L2 P2/L2 (0.9 + (P2/L2)

mm Cº Cº
Jan 6.61 13.5 2460.375 760.5188 43.6921 578388.77 0.00 0.90
Feb 18 14.5 3048.625 814.9313 324 664112.94 0.00 0.90
Mar 53.88 15.1 3442.951 849.6476 2903.0544 721900.96 0.00 0.90
Apr 65.37 15.1 3442.951 849.6476 4273.2369 721900.96 0.01 0.91
May 85.63 14.6 3112.136 820.6068 7332.4969 673395.52 0.01 0.91
Jun 120.22 13.7 2571.353 771.0677 14452.848 594545.32 0.02 0.92
Jul 197.24 13.1 2248.091 739.9046 38903.618 547458.74 0.07 0.97
Aug 204.76 13.1 2248.091 739.9046 41926.658 547458.74 0.08 0.98
Sep 141.19 13.2 2299.968 744.9984 19934.616 555022.62 0.04 0.94
Oct 28.61 13.1 2248.091 739.9046 818.5321 547458.74 0.00 0.90
Nov 3.94 12.6 2000.376 715.0188 15.5236 511251.88 0.00 0.90
Dec 5.08 12.6 2000.376 715.0188 25.8064 511251.88 0.00 0.90
RO Average RE

5*T+0.05*T3 Flat:0-3%,A,B RE = P-Et-RO

√(0.9 + (P 2/L 2)) P/√((0.9 + (P /L ))
2 2
mm mm/year m3/year
0.95 20.68 1.96 -3.02 118
0.95 39.77 3.78 -5.77
0.95 92.57 8.84 -13.06
0.96 105.00 10.04 -14.66
0.96 125.49 12.05 -17.07
0.97 157.47 15.26 -20.13
1.00 244.11 24.53 -23.32
1.01 249.85 25.18 -23.21
0.98 181.96 17.80 -21.75
0.95 59.20 5.63 -8.49
0.95 14.95 1.42 -2.18
0.95 14.74 1.40 -2.15
1305.80 127.89 -154.81

RO Average RE

*T+0.05*T3 Flat:0-3%,A,B RE = P-Et-RO

√(0.9 + (P2/L2)) P/√((0.9 + (P2/L2)) 0.10

mm mm/year m3/year
0.95 6.97 0.66 -2.00
0.95 18.97 1.80 -3.00
0.95 56.67 5.39 -9.00
0.95 68.68 6.54 -10.00
0.95 89.72 8.56 -13.00
0.96 125.05 12.02 -17.00
0.99 200.16 19.72 -23.00
0.99 207.20 20.48 -23.00
0.97 145.94 14.12 -19.00
0.95 30.13 2.86 -5.00
0.95 4.15 0.39 -1.00
0.95 5.35 0.51 -1.00
958.99 93.05 -126.00
Rural Runoff Coefficients for 5 and 10-Yr Frequency Flows

Topography and 
Vegetation SCS Hydrologic Soil Group
Flat 0.1 0.2 0.3
Rolling 0.25 0.35 0.4
Hilly 0.3 0.4 0.5
Pasture :

Flat 0.1 0.2 0.3

Rolling 0.16 0.3 0.4
Hilly 0.22 0.32 0.42
Flat 0.3 0.4 0.5
Rolling 0.4 0.5 0.6
Hilly 0.52 0.62 0.72
Flat 0-5% slope; Rolling 5-10%; Hilly 10-30%
Source: Adapted from Ponce (1989)
quency Flows




Urban Runoff Coefficients for 5 and 10-Yr Frequency Flows
Description  Runoff Coefficients 
Downtown Areas 0.70 - 0.95
Neighborhood Areas 0.50 - 0.70
Urban Single-Family 0.30 - 0.50
Urban Apartments 0.40 - 0.70
Suburban 0.25-0.40
Light 0.50 - 0.80
Heavy 0.60 - 0.90
Railroad Yards 0.20 - 0.40
Parks, Cemeteries 0.10 - 0.25
Playgrounds 0.20 - 0.40
Unimproved Areas 0.10 - 0.30
Streets and Roofs 0.70 - 0.90
Sandy Soil 0.10 - 0.20
Clay SoilRoadway  Slopes  (1V:6H  to 0.15 - 0.35
1V:1H) 0.40 - 0.60
Source: Ponce (1979)
Peak discharge for Rural Basins Based on Basin Development Factor
Flood  Std.  Error  of 
Freq.  Flood Magnitude  Estimate 
(years)  (m3/s)  (%) 
2 11.1A0.747(13-BDF)-0.400 32.9
5 16.0A0.746(13-BDF)-0.318 29.4
10 19.9A 0.755
(13-BDF) -0.300
25 26.3A0.764(13-BDF)-0.307 27.3
50 31.9A0.773(13-BDF)-0.319 26.5
100 37.9A0.783(13-BDF)-0.330 26.4
Source: Becker (1986)
Development Factor

Area Limits  Slope Limits 
(km2)  (m/km) 
0.65 to 100 1.7 to 22
0.65 to 100 1.7 to 22
0.65 to 100 1.7 to 22
0.65 to 100 1.7 to 22
0.65 to 100 1.7 to 22
0.65 to 100 1.7 to 22
Flood  Std.  Error  of 
Freq.  Flood Magnitude  Estimate  Area Limits 
(years)  (m3/s)  (%)  (km2) 
2 2.98A0.793(I)0.175 32.3 0.65 to 100
5 5.69A0.784(I)0.131 29.5 0.65 to 100
10 7.47A 0.791
(I) 0.124
28.6 0.65 to 100
25 9.64A0.800(I)0.131 27.2 0.65 to 100
50 11.20A0.810(I)0.137 26.1 0.65 to 100
Becker  12.78A (I)
0.821 0.144
25.9 0.65 to 100
Slope Limits 
1.7 to 22
1.7 to 22
1.7 to 22
1.7 to 22
1.7 to 22
1.7 to 22
Runoff Curve Numbers - Urban Areas1

Cover Description 

Cover Type and Hydrologic Condition 
Fully Developed Urban Areas (Vegetation
Open  Space  (lawns,  parks,  golf  courses, 
cemetaries, etc.)3
Poor Condition (grass cover<50%)
Fair Condition (grass cover 50% to 75%)
Good Condition (grass cover>75%)
Impervious Areas:
Paved  Parking  Lots,  Roofs,  Driveways,  etc. 
(excluding right-of-way)
Streets and Roads:
Paved;  Curbs  and  Storm  Drains  (excluding  right-

Paved; Open Ditches (including right-of-way)
Gravel (including right-of-way)
Dirt (including right-of-way)
Western Desert Urban Areas:

Natural Desert Landscaping (pervious areas only)

Artificial Desert Landscaping (impervious weed
barrier desert shrub with 25- to 50 mm sand
or gravel mulch and basin borders)
Urban Districts:
Commercial and Business
Residential Districts by Average Lot Size:
1/8 Acre or Less (town houses)
1/4 Acre
1/3 Acre
1/2 Acre
1 Acre
2 Acres
Developing Urban Areas
Newly  Graded  Areas  (pervious  areas  only,  no 

1IdleLands (CNs are determined

Average  runoff  condition, using
and cover types similar
Ia=0.2S  (see  to those in Runoff Curve Numbers
2equation 7)
The  average  percent  impervious  area  shown  was 
used  to  develp  the  composite  CNs.  Other 
assumptions  are  as  follows:  impervious  areas  are 
directly  connected  to  the  drainage  system, 
impervious  areas  have  a  CN  of  98,  and  pervious 
areas  are  considered  equivalent  to  open  space  in 
good  hydrologic  condition.  If  the  impervious  area 
is  not  connected,  the  SCS  method  has  an 
adjustment to reduce the effect.
CNs  shown  are  equivalent  to  those  of  pasture. 
Composite  CNs  may  be  computed  for  other 
combinations of open space cover type.
Curve  Numbers  for 
Hydrologic  Soil 
Average  Percent 
Impervious Area2  A  B  C  D 

68 79 86 89
49 69 79 84
39 61 74 80

98 98 98 98

98 98 98 98

83 89 92 93
76 85 89 91
72 82 87 89

63 77 85 88

96 96 96 96

85 89 92 94 95
72 81 88 91 93

65 77 85 90 92
38 61 75 83 87
30 57 72 81 86
25 54 70 80 85
20 51 68 79 84
12 46 65 77 82
77 86 91 94

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