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Molly Weingart’s Philosophy of Teaching

By definition, an educator is a person who provides instruction or education. In my opinion, a teacher

is responsible for teaching their students a whole lot more than solely academics. Effective teachers support
their students so they are able to grow intellectually, while also providing students with the skills and
motivation to grow socially, emotionally, and into well-rounded, unique individuals. Teachers are a large part
of their students’ lives, so it is of great importance that they provide students with a dependable, trustworthy,
and positive role model. As an educator, I aim to bring a positive attitude, open mind, caring heart, and high
expectations to the classroom each day.
Teachers are responsible for creating a classroom environment that is safe, comfortable, and supports
and encourages all learning styles. Creating a space where students feel safe and comfortable will encourage
students to share ideas, take academic risks and step outside their comfort zones during learning experiences.
In order for students to challenge themselves academically, socially, and emotionally, they must first feel
comfortable and supported by those around them. A safe, comfortable, and exciting learning environment
must provide encouragement, structure and support for all individuals in the classroom. A few examples of
implementing structure in a classroom would be to provide a daily schedule, establish clear expectations and
consequences regarding classroom behavior, and ensure that each student has their own personal space in
the classroom. I feel passionate about the whole child teaching approach and feel that educators can offer so
much more than just academic enrichment.
I believe my role as a teacher is to provide a variety of unique and engaging learning experiences that
will aid in the development of each student and motivate and inspire them to become lifelong learners. My
goal is to engage all students in active learning through hands-on, multi-modal, whole group, small group, and
center based learning experiences. Each individual in my classroom is unique, carries prior knowledge from
their past experiences, and has developed a preferred learning style. As the teacher, it is my responsibility to
differentiate my lessons to meet the needs of all of my students. Differentiations allow for teachers to tailor
the lessons to provide individual students with additional support or challenges.
As for classroom management, I consider my teaching style to be firm but fair and fun. On the first day
of the school year my students and I will develop a list of expected behaviors and fair consequences when
expected behaviors are not met. For the next several weeks as a class we will discuss and model expected
classroom behavior and practice daily until those behaviors become habits. I believe in the importance of clear
communication with students and feel that it is crucial that teachers talk with students when unexpected
behaviors are observed. It is important for the student to know what behavior was unexpected and discuss
and model strategies for correcting that behavior. This will provide students will the knowledge and tools to
self-regulate their emotions and behavior. I am a huge supporter of creating a classroom community where
communication, kindness and respect are modeled and encouraged daily.
I believe that one of the greatest responsibilities of a teacher is to form kind, caring, trusting, and
supportive relationships with students and families. Frequent communication with students and families is
necessary for creating the best possible learning experiences for students.
Teaching is a learning process; learning from your students, colleagues, parents, and the community.
Educators are lifelong learners that are continuously growing by learning new teaching strategies, gathering
ideas, and developing new skills. Overtime my educational philosophy will grow and develop as I continue
through my journey as an educator. I hope to someday be as great as the teachers who have encouraged and
inspired me to pursue my dream of enriching the lives of children.

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