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Export Date: 23 Apr 2019

Search: TITLE-ABS-KEY(tobacco consumption death)

1) Luo, Q., Steinberg, J., O'Connell, D.L., Yu, X.Q., Caruana, M., Wade, S., Pesola, F., Grogan, P.B.,
Dessaix, A., Freeman, B., Dunlop, S., Sasieni, P., Blakely, T., Banks, E., Canfell, K.
Lung cancer mortality in Australia in the twenty-first century: How many lives can be saved with
effective tobacco control?
(2019) Lung Cancer, 130, pp. 208-215.

DOI: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2019.02.028

Document Type: Article

Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

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