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A. Issue Background

B. Problems Formulation
1. What is the definition of caesarean section?
2. When will caesarean section necessary?
3. How do process caesarean section?

C. Writing Purpose
1. Know the definition of caesarean section.
2. Knowing when will caesarean section necessary.
3. Knowing the process of cesarean section.


A. Caesarean section (Fault)

Fault Surgery is surgery to give birth to the baby from the mother's
womb by making an incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus.
Cesarean section is usually attended by an obstetrician, an
anesthesiologist, nurse and neonatologist or an expert in resuscitation.
Immediately after a cesarean section, the mother is advised to walk to
prevent pulmonary embolism (blockage of the pulmonary artery by a
blood clot originating from the leg or pelvis).
Pain after cesarean section is more severe than vaginal delivery.
The incision can be made in the upper uterus (classic incision) or in the
lower part of the uterus (lower segment incision).
Classical incisions are used only if the placenta is in an abnormal position
(placenta previa) or if the fetus is in a horizontal position. Bleeding occurs
more because the upper uterus contains more blood vessels and tissues that
form weaker so it will likely open in subsequent pregnancies.
Bottom segment incisions can be made both horizontally and vertically,
mostly horizontally. Avertical incision is usually made if the fetus is in an
abnormal position.

It Should Know Today, how to give birth by caesarean section has

been chosen by the mothers (father) for the delivery process. Indeed, there
is a series of clinical indication why caesarean section is required, but not
least meninginkannya without medical indication at all.
Caesarean section is a lot of advantages, for example, the process is fast,
painless, does not damage the birth canal, and others so much to choose
than a normal delivery. It is probable that the doctor will also carry out the
desires of caesarean section as long as there are no contraindications.
Gave birth by cesarean meaningful way mengelurkan babies who are of
age (full term) through a surgical procedure to make an incision in the
lower abdomen, performed on the operating table under the influence of
anesthesia (anesthesia) whether general or local (spinal). In general
anesthesia mother unconscious, while in the spinal anesthetic numbing
effect only on the abdomen downwards so that the mother remains
conscious during a caesarean section.

B. When will Caesarean section Necessary
Now let us see what are the indications of cesarean section so that
the action was necessary or even should do, none other is not, the goal is
to save the mother and the baby.

1. Labor is not progressing.

If the delivery process has not been completed already ( including)
stopped alias no progress, then this is the most common indication does
caesarean. Many are led to this, such as the baby's head is too large or the
cervix is not open perfectly.

2. Babies Lack of Oxygen (fetal distress).

If after examination it turns out there is a problem with the baby's
heartbeat, which mennadakan that fetal distress, then cesarean section may
be the best option.

3. Not Normal Fetal Position.

Caesarean may be a safe option for having a baby in breech or transverse

4. Fetal twin, three, and so on.

When Mother carrying more than one fetus, usually one or more fetuses
are in a position that is not normal. Therefore, caesarean section is often

5. Placenta Problems.
If the placenta separated from the uterus before( after) labor begins
(placental abruption) or the placenta covers the opening of the cervix
(placenta previa), then Caesarian be the safest way to give birth.

6. Problems in the umbilical cord.

The umbilical cord is tucked through the cervix so depressed or the
occurrence of umbilical cord loops.

7. The health problems in the mother.

Your doctor may recommend a cesarean section if the mother has a
medical condition that could make normal deliveries be dangerous, such as
unstable heart disease or high blood pressure.

8. Health problems in the fetus.

Caesarean section is sometimes safer for babies who have certain
developmental conditions, such as excess fluid in the brain

9. Previous Fault History.
Depending on the type of uterine incision and other factors, perhaps the
mother could give birth to normal after previous cesarean delivery.
However, in some cases, doctors recommend a caesarean.

10. The size of the mother's hip is too small.

There are some women whose anatomy has a small pelvic cavity, so the
baby can not pass through this section in a spontaneous labor process. If
forced to be born spontaneously this condition is at risk for infant safety,
then caesarean section is the safest alternative for this condition of

11. Makrosomia or large baby.

There have been several cases of abnormal births, exceeding the baby's
weight in general. This can happen because of several factors such as
obese mother or diabetes melitus. Baby's weight is said to be abnormal if it
exceeds 4.2 kg shortly after birth, even in Russia there are babies born
weighing 7.7 kg. In a condition of pregnancy like this process of
spontaneous labor is almost always impossible to do, so to remove the
baby needs to do cesarean section.

12. Placenta previa.

The condition of this pregnancy means the placenta is in an abnormal
position that is at the bottom of the uterus so that the birth canal closes,
consequently the baby can not enter the hip cavity.

13. Position baby breech.

In conditions of pregnancy entering the age of 40 weeks is usually the
baby's head has been under or headed into the birth canal. But 3-4% of
babies are sometimes not in the right position when entering into labor, eg
buttocks, shoulders, back or legs below. So the baby is difficult to pass
through the birth canal. If during the normal birth process the baby can not
be immediately removed then a cesarean section will be performed.

14. Baby strapped around the umbilical cord.

With such a pregnancy condition, babies are at great risk of being choked
if born with a spontaneous process. Usually the obstetrician will observe
through ultrasound whether it is still possible to perform spontaneous
labor. If there is a condition that threatens the baby then a caesarean
should be done immediately.

15. Mother has a health problem.

The process of caesarean delivery is done because the mother can not or is
not allowed to push during labor. This occurs in mothers with heart
disease, hypertension and diabetes. About caesarean section in patients
with these three diseases has a big risk of complications. In addition there
are several other pregnancy conditions that require caesarean section
surgery is baby hydrocephalus, twin infants, malnourished mothers, and a
weak baby heartbeat.

C. How Do Process Caesarean section

Before surgery, the mother's abdomen will be cleaned and the
mother is ready IV infusion line or attached to blood vessels in the arm.
This infusion will allow physicians to manage fluid and difficult to inject.

Then, in order not to hurt, then do anesthesia or anesthesia, there are

several options:

1. Spinal block: anesthetic is injected directly into the sac that surrounds
the spinal cord (so numb the lower body including the stomach, the mother
remains conscious.

2. Epidurals: anesthetic is injected into the lower back outside the spinal
sac, this type of anesthesia can be used caesarean section and vaginal
childbirth, the mother remains conscious.

3. General anesthesia: anesthesia which makes the mother asleep without

pain, and is usually reserved for emergency situations.

When it has been ascertained that the drugs had worked and had gone
numb, the doctor will make an incision just above the pubic hair line.
Biasaya horizontal incision (transverse) can( can’t) also be vertical or

After a caesarean procedure an incision in the skin of the abdomen and the
abdominal wall is done, then the next doctor will make an incision on the
uterus. When the incision is enough, the baby will be removed from the
womb .and congratulations! the baby was born. Mother could hear her
crying (except for general anesthesia).

First the doctor will help the baby to clean the nose and mouth of the fluid
and clamping and cutting the cord. Then the baby will be taken by another
officer or maybe a pediatrician to be treated until he was ready to put on
your arm.

Meanwhile, the doctor who performed the surgery will repair the uterus
had been slashed with a stitch and close the incision in the abdominal wall
and the skin with stitches, too. Caesarean section incision entire process
generally takes about one hour.


A. Conclusion

REFERENCES bear cesarean section. Accessed On 5 May

2017. the operation fault. Accessed On

5 May 2017.

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