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DDWFTTW Power Analysis

Mark Drela 2 Jan 09

V boat speed W wind speed
∆V water turbine velocity change ∆W air prop velocity velocity change
ṁt water turbine mass flow ṁp air prop mass flow
Ft drag force on water turbine Fp thrust force on air prop
Pt shaft power out of water turbine Pp shaft power into air prop

prop streamtube

Fp Pp air prop V−W . V−W+ ∆W

W wind speed mp
air and water
relative speeds,
V boat speed mass flows
V . V−∆V
water turbine Ft mt
turbine streamtube

The figure above shows a boat moving with water-speed V , in the same direction as a slower wind
speed W . The water turbine therefore sees a water velocity of V , while the air prop sees an air
velocity of V −W , both opposite the boat motion. The downstream velocity changes in the prop
and turbine streamtubes are ∆W and ∆V .

Force–Momentum Relations
The force on each rotor is equal to the rate of axial momentum change in each streamtube.
Fp = ṁp ∆ [vp ] = ṁp [(V −W +∆W ) − (V −W )] = ṁp ∆W (1)
Ft = −ṁt ∆ [vt ] = −ṁt [(V −∆V ) − V ] = ṁt ∆V (2)
The negative sign for Ft is included because Ft defined positive as shown in the figure, which
corresponds to a negative ∆[vwater ].
Power–Kinetic Energy Relations
The shaft power of each rotor is equal to the rate of kinetic energy change in each streamtube.
h i h i h i
Pp = 1
ṁp ∆ vp2 = 1
ṁp (V −W +∆W )2 − (V −W )2 = ṁp (V −W )∆W + 21 ∆W 2 (3)
h i h i h i
Pt = − 12 ṁt ∆ vt2 = − 21 ṁt (V −∆V )2 − V 2 = ṁt V ∆V − 21 ∆V 2 (4)
The negative sign for Pt is included for the same reason as for Ft . Using the previous force relations,
the power relations can also be given as follows.
h i
Pp = Fp (V −W ) + 21 ∆W (5)
h i
Pt = Ft V − 21 ∆V (6)

Net Power
The net power available from the prop and turbine combination is

Pnet = Pt − Pp = Fp W + (Ft − Fp )V − 21 Ft ∆V − 21 ∆W (7)

If the vehicle is in stready-state operation, the net thrust must be equal to the net drag.

Fnet = Fp − Ft = D (8)

The net power then becomes

Pnet = Pt − Pp = Fp W − DV − 21 Ft ∆V − 21 Fp ∆W (9)

The four contributions to the net power (9) can now be readily interpreted:

Fp W power produced by prop thrust moving at wind speed

−DV power lost to drag force moving at boat speed
− 12 Ft ∆V power lost due to kinetic energy deposited in the water
− 12 Fp ∆W power lost due to kinetic energy deposited in the air

In steady-state operation, Pnet must be sufficiently positive to balance the remaining power losses in
the system. The main remaining losses not accounted for are power-transmission losses, profile-drag
losses on the prop and turbine blades, and swirl losses in the prop and turbine slipstreams.

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