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Online Quiz
Out of 10 questions, you answered 4 correctly with a final grade of 40%
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1 Which of the following best describes a business model?

A) Typically a graphical depiction of the essential business process information.

B) A sequence of business activities.

C) An evaluation of potential business process improvements.

D) None of the above.

Feedback: Definition of Business Model: A simple, abstract representation of a business
process or processes; typically a graphical depiction of the essential business process
2 Business models provide value in all of the following areas except which one?
A) Employee performance appraisal

B) Managing complexity

C) Specifying systems requirements

D) Eliciting requirements for new systems

Feedback: Business modelsfacilitate understanding business processes and not
specifically employee performance appraisal.
3 Which of the following best describes the purpose of an activity model?
A) Describes the sequence of workflow in a business process.

B) Creates a blueprint to support the collection of process information.

C) Depicts data structures.

D) None of the above.

Feedback: Choices B and C are related to structure models rather than activity models.
4 Which of the following best describes the purpose of an event in a BPMN activity diagram?
A) Shows where the work takes place.

B) Describes the sequence of workflow.

C) Affects the flow of the business process.

D) Controls branching and merging.

Feedback: For example, start events begin process flow and end events end the process
5 Which of the following best describes the purpose of a gateway in a BPMN activity diagram?
A) Shows where the work takes place.

B) Describes the sequence of workflow.

C) Affects the flow of the business process.

D) Controls branching and merging.

Feedback: The purpose of gateways is to show various branching options.
6 CORRECT Which of the following symbols depicts an intermediate event?

A) An arrow
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B) A circle with a double line perimeter
C) A rectangle

D) A circle with a wide single line perimeter

Feedback: Start events have a single thin perimeter, end events have a single thick
perimeter, and intermediate events have double lines.
7 Which of the following symbols is used to depict different organizations in one BPMN diagram?
A) Gateway

B) Message flow

C) Pool

D) Intermediate event
Feedback: Pools allow modelers to show interactions between different organizations in
a BPMN diagram.
8 CORRECT Which of the following best describes the purpose of a swimlane?

A) Depicts different organizations involved in a process.

B) Depicts different departments of the same organization in a process.

C) Depicts interactions between organizations in a process.

D) Depicts the sequence of tasks in a process.

Feedback: Swimlanes are subdivisions of pools, so swimlanes could depict different
departments of the same organization in a process.
9 CORRECT Which of the following best describes a BPMN message flow?

A) Shows sequence of activities in a process.

B) Shows interactions between participants in a process.

C) Affects the flow of a business process.

D) Shows branching and merging in a business process.

Feedback: Message flows show exchanges between pools (or participants) in a BPMN
activity diagram.
10 Which of the following best describes the difference between a BPMN gateway and a
CORRECT flowcharting decision diamond?
A) Only the decision diamond shows branching of the sequence flow.

B) The gateway does not represent a decision.

C) Only the gateway shows branching of the sequence flow.

D) The decision diamond can depict more branching options.

Feedback: In flowcharting, the diamond shows a decision and the branching options as a
result of that decision; in BPMN activity diagrams, gateways show branching only
(evaluations are done in the prior activity). BPMN has several different types of
branching gateways, so the flow could branch several ways, but flowcharting does not
make any distinction – all branches are exclusive.

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