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Discuss at least three factors influencing differences in the rates of satisfaction with quality of

healthcare among African Americans and Hispanics.

The three primary factors influencing the healthcare quality satisfaction levels among

African American and Hispanics include,

Discrimination by race/ethnicity

Access to prevention services

Socioeconomic factors

Deaths from chronic illness such as the cardiovascular diseases, cancer (lung cancer and

breast cancer) are higher in African Americans than white Americans (commonwealthfund.org). The

infant mortality rates are also higher in African Americans, which is mainly due to the poverty in

this population. The rate of diabetes in Hispanics is 14%, whereas about 8% of white Americans are

having diabetes. The incidence of cancers associated with infections, i.e. cervical cancer, and liver

cancer are higher in Hispanics than the African Americans and other non-Hispanics.

Explain how differences in the healthcare received by people contribute to disparities in


When a individual is not provided equal treatments like others it leads to disparities in

health. For example, a White women who is suffering from Parkinson disease is treated and

provided all the medicines that is required. On the other hand, an individual belonging from

minority group is not provided apt treatment, and discrimination is done, then it is for sure that the

health issues for minority individual will deteriorate. Health disparities are costly, and in a recent

research it was seen that about $93 billion is expensed as an additional cost which arises from

disparities (Kendal Orgera and Samantha Artiga, 2018). And $42 billion, is expensed because of

premature deaths and unproductively. Also, when there is inequality involved, Hispanics, African

Americans and other minority groups feels left out and it causes dissatisfaction, that they are being

treated unfairly.
Identify at least three strategies that can overcome these differences in care.

The three strategies that could overcome these differences are:

1. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) makes an effort to reach out to those population who are

poor or are deprived of access to care. It seek to provide coverage to low and moderate

income group, so that they can reap same benefits of healthcare as everyone.

2. Promoting equality of healthcare services in rural regions and communities. It is important

that government should focus more on rural areas, because the population from there are not

known of their rights, and end up being not treated, which is more dangerous.

3. It is important to eliminate discrimination and make a society that is culturally breathable to

all. America is one of those countries which has diverse population, and doing

discrimination on the basis of race and ethnicity will leave the country crippled and most

affected when it comes to healthcare.

Explain why health indicators are an important tool in public health.

The use of health indicators for advocacy is one of the most important strategies for progress

because it can guide political decisions to improve levels of health in the population. Health

indicators provide a concrete report on which health related issues are affecting the country, on that

basis even health budgets are prepared. Setting benchmarks for the country’s health serves not only

public health workers, but communities and individuals as well. Health indicators can be used, for

example, to describe health care needs in a population, and the disease burden in specific population

groups. Health indicators can facilitate an understanding of why some individuals in a population

are healthy and others are not. The use of health indicators for advocacy is one of the most

important strategies for progress because it can guide political decisions to improve levels of health

in the population.

What are the leading health indicators as identified by Healthy People 2020?

As per Healthy People 2020, there are 26 indicators organized under 12 topics, they are

(2020 LHI Topics):

Access to Health Services

Clinical Perspective Services

Environmental Quality

Injury and Violence

Maternal, Infant and Child Health

Mental health

Oral health

Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity

Reproductive and Sexual Health

Social Determinants

Substance Abuse


Describe how organizations across the nation are addressing these priority health topics.

Organisation across the nation understands that there is need to act on the priorities with

regards to health indicators. They are forming one group to fight against the discrimination and

making sure to reach out poor and lower income group people. The National Center for Health

Statistics (NCHS) is responsible for monitoring the Nation’s progress toward Healthy People 2020

targets using data from about 175 different data sources. NCHS functions in several roles in Healthy

People with the primary role of the Statistical Advisor to the U.S. Department of Health and Human

Services and the topic area workgroup on health promotion data. NCHS conducts research and

develops methods for measuring progress toward the objectives and overarching goals of Healthy

People, as well as health disparities (Healthy People 2020).


Sorkin, D. H., Ngo-Metzger, Q., & De Alba, I. (2010). Racial/Ethnic Discrimination in Health Care:

Impact on Perceived Quality of Care. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 25(5), 390–396.

Kendal Orgera and Samantha Artiga ,Disparities in Health and Health Care: Five Key Questions
and Answers, 2018, https://www.kff.org/disparities-policy/issue-brief/disparities-in-health-


2020 LHI Topics, 2019, https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/leading-health-indicators/2020-LHI-


Healthy People 2020, 2019, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/healthy_people/hp2020.htm


202: , 2020 LHI Topics, 2019, https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/leading-health-indicators/2020-


202020: , Healthy People 2020, 2019, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/healthy_people/hp2020.htm

Week 5 Project

To BMI or not to BMI—What the issues are

The calculation of Body Mass Index (BMI) is an important measurement tool for determining
relative disease risk for preventable conditions like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.
These conditions may be controlled and/or prevented by maintaining a healthy weight relative to
height. For instance, the higher the BMI number above the normal range (18-25), the greater the
degree of overweight.

National indicators for obesity, as determined by the BMI report that women are more likely to have
higher BMI's in comparison to men. In addition, minority women including African Americans,
Hispanics, and Asian Americans are more likely to have a higher BMI in comparison to white
women. However, recent research suggests that current standards for measuring BMI may not be
accurate for African American women. Read the article "Ethnic-Specific BMI and Waist
Circumference Thresholds" and create a 4- to 5-page report in Microsoft Word document that
covers the following:

Explain why the current BMI scale may not be an accurate measure of obesity for African
American women.
How can these findings impact the manner in which physicians communicate with their female
patients about weight loss and disease prevention? In your explanation, be sure to describe at least
one positive and one negative implication that these findings might have on how physicians counsel
their female patients regarding weight-loss.
What influence might these findings have on societal perceptions of body image and weight loss?
Explain how an accurate perception of body image is associated with appropriate weight-control
What social and cultural factors influence African American women's risk of becoming obese?
What role do the media play in promoting healthy eating behaviors in women and girls?
What can be the implications for healthcare policy as a result of the findings of the study?

Submission Details:
Support your responses with examples.
Cite any sources in APA format.
Name your document SU_HSC4030_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

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