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Book Title: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

Author: Laura Numeroff, Illustrated by Felicia Bond

Social and Emotional Learning: emotion understanding,
labeling emotions, linking emotion to a source.
Pragmatics: responding to questions.
Language Processing: comprehension and production of
language structure, vocabulary, emotion words.

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie book, question prompts
(provided here), handheld mirror

Read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie together using the
following question prompts in conjunction with the
illustrations in the book. At the end of the activity you
may choose to have the child summarize the story
according to the needs of the child and as time permits.
Time: 30 minutes.

Pg 5:
How do you think the mouse feels right now? (happy)
Why is he happy? (because he got to eat a cookie)

Pg 7:
What kind of face is the mouse making right now? (surprised face)
Can you show me your best surprised face? (let the child practice making a surprised face in a mirror)
Teach vocabulary word: trim
What do you think the mouse will do with the scissors? (trim/cut his hair)

Pg 12:
How do you think the mouse feels after cleaning the whole house? (tired)
How can you tell? (use illustration as cue)

Pg 14:
Have you ever fluffed your pillow before? (If this word is unfamiliar, define it for them)

Pg 16:
How is the mouse feeling? (Excited)
How can you tell? (he is smiling, jumping)
What do you do when you are excited?

Pg 20:
How does the mouse feel about his picture? (happy/excited)
Can you make your best happy face? (let the child practice making a happy face in a mirror)
What makes you really really happy?
______ is what makes me really really happy.
Pg 22:
What do you think the mouse will need to hang up his picture? (multiple acceptable answers)

Pg 25:
What is the mouse feeling? (Thirsty)
What do you think will help the mouse feel better? (multiple acceptable answers)

Pg 29:
How do you think the boy is feeling? (Tired — you can also reference the picture on pg 26)
Why do you think he is tired? (because he has done a lot of things for the mouse - the mouse has tired him

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