"Title of The Internship": Synopsis On

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of




Name of the Student

Reg. No: 17KXCMD022

Under the guidance of

Internal Guide:

Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor

Kengeri, Satellite Town
[Centered, caps, 14 Font size, Times New Roman]

1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Internship
1.2 Topic Chosen for the study

2 Theoretical Background of the study

2.1 Need of the Study
2.2 Objectives
2.3 Scope of the Study
2.4 Research Methodology
2.4.1Type of Research
2.4.2Sources of Data
2.4.3Sampling Type Frame Unit Size
2.4.4 Tools for Data Collection
2.5 Literature Review (Minimum 10 literature reviews are required)
2.6 Limitations of the Study

3. Plan of Analysis

4. Chaptalization Scheme


Signature of the Student Signature of the Guide



Countries around the world have developed programs for agricultural research and extension in order
to promote innovation and development in the agricultural sector. However, the efficiency of such
programs has been increasingly called into question as it becomes apparent that other agents in
development, including farmers and their organizations, commercial buyers and input sellers,
consultants, NGOs, the development community, and others also significantly contribute to
agricultural innovation. In order to understand the roles of and relationships among the various
agents that contribute to innovation processes, scholars in creakingly use an innovation systems
framework (see Box 1). Decision makers in governments find it challenging to formulate policy
measures that enhance the functioning and performance of such a complex agricultural innovation
system. Traditional approaches to innovation policies have often focused narrowly on funding
research in central research stations and diffusion and extension via technology-transfer agencies.
Newer approaches suggest that governments become involved in strategic planning and priority
setting for agricultural innovation and development; the provision of incentives for private agents
such as farmers or tech among farmers, researchers, and commercial agents; nicely assistance
consultants; enhanced collaboration farmers. and strengthening of innovative capacities among The
main question for policymakers is how to effectively encourage and guide the various public and
private actors on the national, regional, and local levels so they can contribute to the generation,
diffusion, and application of innovations. One particular issue focuses on determining to what extent
the government should be involved in formulating innovation policies and to what extent certain
activities can be delegated to decentralized local institutions. In 2001, the Bolivian government
formed the Bolivano de Tecnología Agropecuaria (SIBTA), a governing and funding mechanism to
promote applied research ian Agricultural Technology System, Sistema Bolivi and technology
transfer for agricultural development. SIBTA is unique in its organizational structure; it is based on
the principles of decentralization, demand orientation, a market-based demand for technology,
The over 200 Agricultural Societies are nonpartisan, grassroots, volunteer based organizations
whose primary objective is to encourage an awareness of agriculture and to promote improvements
in the quality of life of persons living in an agricultural community. The objectives of Ontario
Agricultural Societies The objectives of an agricultural society are to encourage an awareness of
Agriculture and to promote improvements in the quality of life of persons living in an agricultural
community by:
 Researching the needs of the agricultural community and developing programs to meet
those needs.
 Holding agricultural exhibitions featuring competitions for which prizes may be awarded.
 Promoting the conservation of natural resources.
 Encouraging the beautification of the agricultural community.
 Supporting and providing facilities to encourage activities intended to enrich rural life.
 Conducting or promoting horse races when authorized to do so by a by-law of the society.

Not every society will be engaged in all of the activities listed, however all societies should be
engaged in activities that encourage agricultural awareness and improve the quality of life of the
persons living in their community.
The development of agricultural food industry and integrated supply chains with globalization,
technological and corporate advancements and environmental effects has all widened the scope of
agriculture. Additionally, global financial crises in recent years have revealed a weakness in the
implementation and sustainability of current growth models and agricultural policies. New
structural solutions are therefore required. Aside from these issues, modern growth theory considers
technological change as the engine of economic development. It is often pointed out that the use of
technology will contribute significantly to rural development and a decline in poverty.
Developments in science, technology, and engineering are main instruments to help reach these
goals and to bring about the changes stated above.

Developments stated above have impacted many countries in the world including Turkey. The use
of technology in world economies is a determining factor in competition and affects the agricultural
industry as well. Therefore, technology not only produces major results in growth and employment
in agriculture but especially in rural development and lowering poverty. Additionally, sustainable
and eco-friendly agricultural production have been major questions awaiting answers.

Innovation is a major instrument in social and economic development; especially, eco-friendly

innovation stimulates not only production but an efficient use of natural resources as well. As a
result of changing economic, political, and ecological conditions in the world, innovations now
enable higher value in unprocessed raw material within a chain; processing, packaging, storage,
delivery, and distribution of food after production and food safety. Consequently, use of technology
in agriculture accelerates growth and development with effective production through said
processes. The ultimate impact of technology use and innovation can be achieved in decreasing
poverty through rural development.

Considering Turkey’s performance in innovation in recent years, the output is not at a desirable rate
despite improved momentum in the last few years. Both in terms of R&D and in scope, innovation
has not created influence in the wider society. The main responsibility of the public sector in
Turkey is to build the infrastructure for innovation to thrive upon, lay the financial and legal
groundwork and especially corporate structure to encourage innovation and to support innovation

Several major issues are inevitably raised by federal credit activities.

Paramount are the questions whether it is appropriate for the federal
government of the United States to enter this field, and if so, by what
means. Another issue is stated by the authors as follows: "whether (federal
credit programs) have in fact caused resources to be allocated through the
community in a manner significantly different from what would have The
full report is to be sued for the National Bureau of Economic Research by
Princeton University Press. For brevity. It is elted her after a Federal
Lending Charlotte P. Heely wrote the summary paper is final form, aided
especially is seletion of material by Neil H. Jacoby on batall of the author
and by George Souls of the National Bureau's Board of Directors, and
drawing upoe H. Irvia Forman's chart designs and Catherine P. Martin's
watistical knowledge. Men Prips, meditor, coordinated the work with
special help from Dorothy Chestertoe and Wills A Robinson, Ir. resulted it
credit had been available only through the channels of private finance, and
if so, whether the changes have promoted the general welfare A much
argued point is whether the federal government, through credit extensions,
should allow further access to economic resources to firms which have not
prospered, and which, lacking this aid, might be forced to liquidate, Both
issues are highly controversial, involving basic social and eco nomie
beliefs. It was not the purpose of this study to decide if the public interest
is served by federal credit programs. Nevertheless, the facts and analysis
presented in it clarify vital aspects of these questions, and supply
much-needed basis for informed judgments
A third major question concerns the broad sconomic and financial
impact of federal credit activities: their effect on the allocation of produc
tive resources, on cyclical swings in business activity, on inflation and
deflation, and on credit markets and lending practices. These influences
are admittedly troublesome to isolate, but the investigators making the
study were nevertheless able to reach some interesting conclusions about
the main effects of federal lending and loan insurance programs.
Finally, the possibility that federal credit programs have conflicted
among themselves or with other federal programs raises questions as to
how government should be organized to administer credit activities. The
present study was not intended to supply an answer, but it sheds light by
revealing the whole range of programs involved and by showing the
various credit services that each program offers. With these facts in mind,
specific reorganization proposals can be better evaluated.
grams developed and where they stand today: to describe the services they
Thus, the objectives of the authors were to show how the stedet pro
offer, to record the experience of the federal government as a lender; and
to analyze the impact of its credit activities on private finance and on the
economy. Very detailed analyses are presented on the programs affecting
agriculture, business, and housing A rich collection of statistical and
graphical material is offered

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