03 Physics (CH # 14+15) (10-02-2016)

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14 + 15(P 4-7) 2ND YEAR (15th JAN REPEATER) 10-02-2016

Time: 15 Min. PAPER OBJECTIVE Marks: 17
Q.1 Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
1. mo I
The relation of B = 2p r is called Faraday’s law Gauss’s law Ampere’s law Lenz law
2. The unit of magnetic flux is called none of
Tesla Weber Gauss these
3. If Fm = Fe, then the velocity of charge E B
particle is V= EB V= V= none of these
4. The relation for e/m of an electron is 2V 2 2V 2V 2V
BR B2r Br 2 B2r 2
5. When a charged particle moves
through a magnetic field, the effect of Speed Mass Energy Direction
the field changes
ur the particles
6. Magnetic field B = 4i$2+ 18k )
$ Wbm-2
through the area is
passes through 5k m area. Net flux 20 Wb 90 �10-4 Wb 90 Wb Zero

7. Torque on a current carrying coil is  = BINA cos  = BINA sin  = BIL Sin  = BIL Cos
8. The galvanometer can be made
C Remains
sensitive if the value of the factor Made large Made small Infinite
BNA constant
9. The value of shunt resistance IR Ig R g Ig - R g Ig R g
required to convert a galvanometer Rs = g g Rs = Rs = Rs =
into ammeter is: I + Ig I - Ig Ig R g I
10. The relation for the self inductance Nf If N I
L= L= L= L=
of the coil is I N If Nf
11. The S.I unit of magnetic
permeability is Wb A -1 m -1 Wb m 2 Wb mA -1 Wb Am-1
12. A transformer works on A.C works on D.C works on both Has no
only only A.C and D.C hysteresis loss
13. SI units of mutual inductance and
same different no units none of these
self-inductance are:
14. Faraday’s generator with which he
tri polar multipolar dipolar homopolar
was able to produce a continuous generator generator generator generator
induced current called
15. The principle of an alternating
Coulomb’s law Ampere’s Law Faraday’s Law Lenz’s Law
current generator is based on
16. Energy stored per unit volume inside Energy Volume charge
Electric flux Work
a solenoid is called density density
17. A metal rod of length 1m is moving at a
speed of 1 ms-1 in a direction making an
0.25N 0.25 V 2.5 V 2.5 N
angle of 30o with magnetic field of 0.5T.
The emf produced is

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PHYSICS PAPER–TEST # 4 – CH. 14 + 15(P 4-7) 2ND YEAR (15th JAN REPEATER) 10-02-2016
Time: 65 Min. PAPER SUBJECTIVE Marks: 33
Note: Write short answer of all the questions. While writing answers, write question No. and its part
carefully. Each part carries two marks. (2×5=10)
(i) Write the formula used to convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter. Why the resistance of
voltmeter should be high?
(ii) In a certain region, the earth’s magnetic field vertically down, when a plane flies due to north,
which wing tip is positively charged?
(i) Why does the picture on a TV screen become distorted when a magnet is brought near the screen?
(ii) Why the resistance of an ammeter should be very small?
(iii) Show that E and have the same units?

Note: Attempt all questions.

(a) What is galvanometer? Describe its principle, construction and working. (5)
(b) A coil of 0.1 m × 0.1 m and of 200 turns carrying a current of 1.0 mA is placed in a uniform magnetic
field of 0.1 T. Calculate the maximum torque that acts on the coil. (3)
(a) Define the phenomenon of mutual induction and derive an expression for emf due to it. Also define
Henry. (5)
(b) A coil of 10 turns and 35 cm2 area is in a perpendicular magnetic field of 0.5 T. The coil is pulled out of the
field in 1.0 s. Find the induced emf in the coil as it is pulled out of the field. (3)
Q.6 (7)
(a) Give answers to any Two of the following. (2  2 = 4)
(i) Why does the resistance of thermistor decrease with temperature?
(ii) What is Ohm’s law?
(iii) Why should the voltmeter have the high resistance and how it is designed?
(iv) A galvanometer has resistance of 20 and gives full scale deflection for a current of 0.01A.this
galvanometer is to be converted into an ammeter of range 10.0A. What is the shunt resistance
necessary for this conversion?
(b) Write down the brief procedure of either of the following experiments: (3)
“To convert a moving coil galvanometer into an ammeter of range (0 – 1 amp).”
“To study the relation between current passing through a tungsten filament bulb and
potential difference applied across it.”
(NOTE: Student must draw circuit diagram along with table while answering question related to procedure.)

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