q1 End of Unit Social Issue

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Student Writing Reflection Sheet

Name: Steven Rivera Cortez Period: 3 Date: 1/16/2019

Class: Senior English Teacher: Ms. Figueroa

Assignment Title: Q1 End of Unit Social Issue

Student Writing Goal: Write an essay good enough to be acceptable at a university

1) Re-read the paper (and teacher feedback).
2) Complete this reflection sheet.
3) Revise the paper accordingly and highlight any changes.
4) Submit the revision and this reflection sheet.

What was the purpose of this writing assignment?

The purpose of the writing assignment was to express our views on a social issue as well as learning how to
search for evidence to help support our claim

How did you perform in relation to the expectations of the writing rubric?
I Perform well enough to score 85 out of 100. I was expecting a higher grade and looking back I made a lot of
mistakes in terms of grammar

What aspect of this piece did you do well? (give example/quotes to support claims)
I would say the piece I did best was the research section. I believe I did a plentiful to find the sources for the
arguments and counter arguments.

Why have you/haven’t you chosen to revise this writing assignment?

I have chosen to revise this assignment to fix the simple mistakes. Also the requirement for the revise is to
reach 6-8 pages and making one more page would be easier

What will you do better in your next writing assignment, and how will I do it?
Working on my grammar is the biggest improvement I need. To do it I would need plentiful amounts of proof
readers. I believe that I was blaming the topic when it was more on me.

To what degree of success did you achieve your previously stated goal(s)?
I was 5 points off from my goal to be university level of acceptance. I believe that with a score like mine it
wouldn’t even make it a score for a c -.

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