Strategic Communications Campaign

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Bank Fraud Prevention
Scarlet Oliverson
Vanessa Pouesi
Melissa Payne
Kaden Peterson
March 31, 2019

BUS 2200- Business Communications

Salt Lake Community College

Fraud Research Campaign

Bank Fraud Prevention

Overview of Project
The overview of this project is to educate SLCC students on the importance of fraud prevention.
This campaign will provide links to social media sources, a PowerPoint presentation, a flyer and
links included in the flyer to guide the audience to their preferred channel.

Success towards this purpose can be measured by delivering a clear message on the importance
through educating people on fraud prevention. Success will come when each project is delivered
to the audience and the message is heard.
This campaign is going to target audiences such as SLCC students, businesses and online
shoppers. This campaign will give them the tools on how to prevent bank fraud and online fraud.

Audience Analysis
The intended audience will be SLCC students, businesses and online shoppers.

Demographics of Salt Lake Community College students (2017-2018):

West Jordan - 10.38%

West Valley - 9.65%
Sandy - 8.26%
Taylorsville/Murray - 6.74%
Kearns - 5.57%
Herriman - 4.16%
Riverton - 4.13%

Millcreek - 4.02%
Other - 47.36%

White - 67.35%
Hispanic - 18.24%
Other - 14.41%

When communicating with an audience, it is important to know the demographics

and psychographics of those in which you are speaking to. The demographics for Salt
Lake Community College for the year 2017-2018 were the caucasian group being 67.35%,
hispanic group 18.24% and the other being 14.41%. This is statistics of population and the
groups within it. The caucasian group is high due to a higher percentage of caucasian ethnicity
living in utah being at 87.35%. The major areas that students come from who attend SLCC are;
West Jordan - 10.38%, West Valley - 9.65%, Sandy - 8.26%, Taylorsville/Murray - 6.74%,
Kearns - 5.57%, Herriman - 4.16%, Riverton - 4.13%, Millcreek - 4.02%, Other - 47.36%. These
percentages can help us know where we can find a bigger audience to communicate with. If a
SLCC recruiter were to go to West Jordan High School, they would know this it is an area that a
majority of future students would be coming from. This would be an important demographic to
reach out to. Knowing where a good audience is the speaker/communicator can connect with the
audience and this can be done through psychographics. Through our understanding of the
demographics of SLCC students, we have chosen social media channels, such as Facebook page,
a flyer, and other electronic resources because the audience is highly involved in technological

Psychographics of Salt Lake Community College students (2017-2018):

Female - 15,397 students

Male - 14,223 students

General Studies - 13,294 students
(Female: 7,333 students/ Male: 5,961 students)

Pre-Health Science - 2,996 students

(Female: 2,281 students/ Male: 715 students)

Business - 1,784 students

(Female:732 students/ Male: 1,052 students)

The psychographics of Salt Lake Community College students between 2017-2018 according to
fact books are, male and female in all major of studies with the male students being 14,223 and
female students being 15,397. The top 3 areas of studies in SLCC are, General Studies - 13,294
students (Female: 7,333 students/ Male: 5,961 students), Pre-Health Science - 2,996 students
(Female: 2,281 students/ Male: 715 students) and Business - 1,784 students (Female:732
students/ Male: 1,052 students). The statistics on these areas of studies can show where the
channel of communication should be geared towards such as, general studies, pre-health science
and business. Knowing that a majority of students go to SLCC for their general studies this
would be an important topic to touch on. Appealing to those that want to further their education.
It also helps to know that the audience is all teenagers, so it would be a good idea to speak with
them more liberally then you would a boss at work.

Audience Considerations
The demographics and psychographics for this project mean that there is a large audience that
are being introduced to banking and they may have their first experiences with fraud during their
college years. The audience can easily navigate through online resources like Facebook,
PowerPoint and flyers. The targeted audience is younger adults. This campaign will be
addressing all cultures. This includes anyone in power or a leadership position as well.

Messaging Goals
I will influence and manage change by delivering a clear message on fraud prevention.

I want our audience to feel confident in future financial protection decisions.

I would like the audience to think clearly when protecting themselves against fraud.

I would like to encourage our community to do research on any companies, websites, or phone
numbers before blindly accepting what they may have to offer.

Key Messages
Be cautious, aware and educated about your personal financial security.

Channels of Communication
 Power Point
Most people within the demographic of the target audience prefer to have their information
compartmentalized into simple groups. The PowerPoint slides provide quick and easy access to
tips and links to helpful fraud prevention methods. This PowerPoint will be distributed as a form
of education through YouTube. It will be designed by adding appropriate content and educating
the audience on how to prevent fraud.

 Facebook Page
Most online shoppers and the SLCC are extremely comfortable with online resources and
navigating through social media outlets. This will make it an easily accessible tool for our target
audience. Facebook is already an area where our target audience is at ease when searching for
information in a group setting such as a Facebook Page.
 Flyer
By using flyers this is a way to reach out to the intended audience and communicate awareness
on campus. They will be posted on a bulletin boards on SLCC Taylorsville campus. Flyers can
also be handed out to local businesses and can be upload on the campaigns Facebook page.
The flyer being used to create awareness of our campaign has been created through the use of a
website called. The flyer will be distributed through several Salt Lake
Community colleges, posted on billboards. It has been designed by Kaden. With the use of bright
colors and QR codes for convenience.

Available Resources

Item Cost Funding Source

Flyers .50 SLCC $5.00

Style Guide
Tactical Plan (Action Items)

Task Who When

Flyer Kaden On due date

Power Point Scarlet and Melissa On due date

Facebook Vanessa On due date

Our team will carry out the strategic plan by distributing the tasks that each individual in the
group has been assigned. These tasks will be distributed by sharing a link on Facebook for the
Facebook page and a YouTube link for the educational PowerPoint. We will also be handing out
flyers to several SLCC campuses.


The project went well because we were able to accomplish our tasks in a timely manner. We
mostly had great communication within our group and showed our creativity in our work. We
were able to collaborate our ideas and expand our ability to present great work as a team. We ran
into some difficulties getting all of our group together at the same time. A lesson learned is
texting worked well in our group as a form of communication. If everyone works together and is
eager to get the job done, the project will be completed in an easy fashion.

Utah Population 2019. (n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from

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