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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Modelling and Simulation in Engineering

Volume 2012, Article ID 189757, 5 pages

Research Article
DC Motor Parameter Identification Using Speed Step Responses

Wei Wu
Flight Control and Navigation Group, Rockwell Collins, Warrenton, VA 20187, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Wei Wu, wu

Received 8 April 2012; Revised 31 August 2012; Accepted 3 September 2012

Academic Editor: F. Gao

Copyright © 2012 Wei Wu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Based on the DC motor speed response measurement under a step voltage input, important motor parameters such as the
electrical time constant, the mechanical time constant, and the friction can be estimated. A power series expansion of the motor
speed response is presented, whose coefficients are related to the motor parameters. These coefficients can be easily computed
using existing curve fitting methods. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the application of this approach. In these
experiments, the approach was readily implemented and gave more accurate estimates than conventional methods.

1. Introduction and the coefficients of the Taylor series are established.

In the implementation, the motor speed response under a
DC motors have wide applications in industrial control sys- constant voltage is sampled, then fit the samples to obtain the
tems because they are easy to control and model. For ana- coefficients of power terms in the Taylor series. Then, the DC
lytical control system design and optimization, sometimes motor mechanical and electrical time constants, back-EMF,
a precise model of the DC motor used in a control system and the friction can be computed using these coefficients.
may be needed. In this case, the values for reference of the With the knowledge of these parameters, a precise motor
motor parameters given in the motor specifications, usually model is obtained for the subsequent controller design.
provided by the motor manufacturer, may not be considered For application point of view, this approach requires only
adequate, especially for cheaper DC motors which tend to a speed/position sensor, such as an optical encoder, and a
have relatively large tolerances in their electrical and mechan- voltage power supply, no current measurement is needed
ical parameters. General system identification methods [1–4] and the motor is run in open loop; thus it is practical and
can be applied to DC motor model identification. In parti- cost effective. The curve fitting can be performed using many
cular, various methods have been applied to DC motor para- existing methods, such as the least square method, and these
meter identification; that is, [5, 6] used the algebraic identi- optimization methods are widely available in commercial
fication method, [7] used the recursive least square method, computing packages such as Matlab and LabVIEW.
[8] applied the inverse theory, [9] used the least square
method, and [10] applied the moments method. Identified 2. Main Results
DC motor models are often subsequently used for controller
design and/or optimization, for example, [6, 9, 11]. Consider the following DC motor governing equations:
Without expensive testing apparatus and a long testing di
cycle, a quick and effective system identification approach L + iR + kb ω = V ,
based on the motor input and output is desirable and valu- (1)
able, especially for the field applications and quick controller dω
J = kt i + Td ,
prototyping. In this paper, a DC motor parameter identifi- dt
cation approach based on the Taylor series expansion of the where ω is the motor speed, V is the motor terminal voltage,
motor speed response under a constant voltage input is pre- i is the winding current, kb is the back-EMF constant of the
sented. The relationships between the motor parameters motor, kt is the torque constant, R is the terminal resistance,
2 Modelling and Simulation in Engineering

L is the terminal inductance, J is the motor and load inertia, Combining the three terms together, we have the total
and Td is the disturbance torque. Td is a combination of the speed response:
cogging torque, Tcog , the kinetic friction, T f , and the viscous  
friction (viscous damping force): V0 1 2 1 3 1
ω(t) = β0 t + β1 t + β2 t 4 + · · · , (11)
kb 2 6 24
Td = Tcog + T f + cω̇, (2)
where β0 = ab, β1 = −ab(a + b), and β2 = ab(a2 + ab + b2 ).
where c is the damping coefficient. According to (1), the According to (6),
velocity response in the Laplace domain is
1 1
1/kb (1/J)tm (te s + 1) ab = , a+b = . (12)
ω(s) = 2
V (s) + Td (s), (3) tm te te
t m t e s + tm s + 1 tm te s2 + tm s + 1
Thus, we have
where te = L/R is the electrical time constant, tm = RJ/kt kb is
the mechanical time constant, and s is the Laplace variable. β1 β0
Based on these equations, we would like to know tm , te , tm = − , te = − . (13)
β02 β1
Td , J, and so forth, by measuring the velocity response under
a known, controlled voltage input. In this paper, we con- The above equation allows us to calculate the mechanical
sider two application situations: the first situation is that the and electrical time constants tm and te using the coefficients
disturbance torque is negligible, while in the second one, the of the power series in (11). These coefficients can be obtained
disturbance needs to be considered. by curve fitting the motor speed step response data using
power functions.
2.1. Estimation without the Disturbance Torque. When the
voltage speed response dominates; for example, the input 2.2. Estimation with the Disturbance Torque. Consider that
voltage is large, we can ignore the disturbance torque in the the disturbance torque in the DC motor is not negligible. The
speed response see (3). In this case, we can consider the fol- disturbance transfer function is
lowing DC motor model:
ω(s) (1/J)tm (te s + 1)
= . (14)
ω(s) 1/kb Td (s) tm te s2 + tm s + 1
= . (4)
V (s) tm te s2 + tm s + 1
Disturbance torque generally consists of the cogging torque
The transfer function can be factorized into and the friction torque. The cogging torque is quite compli-
ω(s) 1/kb cated and is not addressed here. Both the kinetic and viscous
= , (5) frictions are considered and are assumed to be constant on
V (s) tm te (s + a)(s + b)
average under a constant motor speed.
where Given a constant motor terminal voltage V (s) = V0 /s

1 ∓ 1 − 4te /tm and the constant disturbance (ignore the cogging torque or
a, b = . (6) consider the average cogging torque effect on speed over one
revolution is zero) Td (s) = T0 /s, the speed response is
Assumption. It is assumed here that there are two distinct real
poles; that is, tm > 4te . 1/kb V0 (1/J)tm (te s + 1) T0
For a constant voltage input V (s) = V0 /s, the speed re- ω(s) = + . (15)
tm te s2 + tm s + 1 s tm te s2 + tm s + 1 s
sponse is
As in the previous section, applying the partial fraction
V0 /kb α1 α α expansion of the step response in the Laplace domain, then
ω(s) = = + 2 + 3 , (7)
tm te s(s + a)(s + b) s s+a s+b expanding the exponential terms in the time domain using
where the Taylor series, we obtain the total step response in the time
V0 V0 b V0 a
α1 = , α2 = , α3 = . (8)
kb kb a − b kb b − a ω(t) = β0 t + β1 t 2 − β2 t 3 + β3 t 4 − · · · . (16)
Consider the three terms in the step response one at Based on these coefficients, we have
a time. α1 /s is a step function in the time domain; both
α2 /(s + a) and α1 /(s + b) are exponential functions in the 18β22 − 24β3 β1
time domain and can be expanded using the Taylor series. ab = ,
3β0 β2 + 2β12
Expanding the term α2 /(s + a), we get (17)
  6β2 − β0 ab
V0 b 1 1 a+b = ,
1 − at + a2 t 2 − a3 t 3 + · · · . (9) 2β1
kb a − b 2 6
Expanding the term α3 /(s + b), we get and another equation for a + b:
V0 a 1 1 12β3 + β1 ab
1 − bt + b2 t 2 − b3 t 3 + · · · . (10) a+b = . (18)
kb b − a 2 6 2β2
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 3

Table 1: RK370CA parameter values. Table 2: RK370CA test results.

Parameter Value Unit w/o dist. w/dist.

Parameter Spec. (meas.) Unit
Terminal resistance 17 ± 15% Ω 20 v 2 v/10 v
Terminal inductance N/A Henry kt 0.0238 0.0207/0.0169 0.0183 ± 18% Nm/A
Torque constant 18.3 ± 18% mNm/A tm 0.0407 0.0211/0.0203 0.0359 sec
Mass moment of inertia 9.0 gcm2 te 0.00554 0.00122/0.00134 (0.00122) sec
T0 /J N/A Nm/kgm 2
Counter-electromotive force 0.0233 volt/(rad/sec) N/A 10.551/115.758

Then, we can express the motor parameters as 1.2
a+b 1
tm = , 0.9

Velocity (ips)
1 0.7
te = , 0.6
(19) 0.5
T0 0.4
= β0 , 0.3
ab 0.1
kb = V0 . 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
In practice, fit the measured motor speed step response Time (ms)
using power functions according to (16); then calculate the Figure 1: Approach w/consideration of disturbance under 2 volt
motor parameters using (19). input: black, measurement: red, power series fitted.

Remark 1. Another relationship useful for checking the algo-

rithm is based on the steady-state response of (15), expressed for example, the speed variation at the steady-state is small
by the following equation: compared to the steady-state speed, we send a large voltage to
the motor drive, V = 20 volt. Next, we apply the approach for
V0 disturbance torque. The disturbances, that is, friction, effects
+ β0 tm = ωss , (20)
kb on the speed response are significant when the input voltage
is small. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm,
where β0 = T0 /J and ωss is the motor steady-state angular we sent two voltages, 2 volt and 10 volt, to the motor. Driving
speed. the motor at two different voltage levels can demonstrate that
the viscous friction varies with the speed, also can allow us to
3. Implementation and Results calculate the viscous damping coefficient.
Usually te is very small compared to tm a good estimate
The proposed approaches were first applied to a Mabuchi of both te and tm at the same time is difficult. Because tm
RK370CA motor, then a Mabuchi FC130 motor. To imple- is usually much larger than te , tm and te were estimated
ment the algorithms, a LabVIEW program was created to separately using different data collected with different sample
interface a pulse width modulated (PWM) motor drive and rates and different time durations. For estimating tm , the
an optical encoder with quadrature digital outputs mounted motor speed in both the transient phase and the steady-state
on the motor shaft. The determinism of the sample time was was sampled at 1 kHz for one second; for estimating te , the
assured by the LabVIEW real-time module. And, a national motor speed in the transient phase was sampled at 8 kHz for
instrument (NI) LabVIEW FPGA (field programmable gate 200 msec. In each test, the motor was driven multiple times
array) card was utilized to process the digital quadrature and parameter estimates were averaged.
encoder signals to obtain the motor speed and to control the Results are summarized in Table 2. Column two gives the
motor PWM drive. values estimated using the algorithm for no disturbance, and
Values of the motor parameters given in the motor column three gives the values obtained using the algorithm
specifications for reference are presented in Table 1. considering disturbance; values in the fourth column are
Note that the Back-EMF and torque constant are not computed using values from Table 1. Note that R = 17 Ω, J =
equal (although it should be theoretically). Inductance value 9 gcm2 , kb = 0.0233 volt/(rad/sec), and kt = 0.0183 Nm/A
is not given and was measured as 20.25 Henry. The resistance are used to calculate tm in the fourth column of the table.
was measured as 16.4 Ω. Thus we calculated te = L/R = According to Table 2, the estimates of kt , tm , and te are in
0.00122 sec. good agreement with those given by the motor specifications.
First, apply the algorithm for no-disturbance torque. To Time responses sampled at 1 kHz for 1 s are given in
apply this algorithm, the speed response part due to the volt- Figures 1, 2 and
 3. In these figures, red curves represent the
age input is assumed to dominate. To meet this condition, power series, ni=1 xi t i , resulting from curve fitting the motor
4 Modelling and Simulation in Engineering

Table 3: FC130 test results. 1.3

Parameter w/dist. Spec. Unit 1.1
kt 0.0137 0.0127 ± 10% Nm/A 1
tm 0.0208 0.024 sec 0.9

Velocity (ips)
te 0.251 0.214 msec 0.7
speed responses. Comparing these figures, it is obvious that 0.4
the approach with disturbance consideration approximates 0.3
the measurements much better, because of the existence of 0.2
the linear term, β0 t, in the power series due to the presence 0.1
of the constant disturbance in the motor. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
To further demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
Time (ms)
algorithms, we compared them to conventional identifica-
tion approaches. First, we drove the motor using random Figure 2: Approach w/o consideration of disturbance under 2 volt
voltage input (10 volts maximum) and measured the motor input: black, measurement: red, power series fitted.
speed at a sampling rate of 10 kHz. Then, the motor/drive
frequency response function was calculated through spectral
analysis. Based on the calculated frequency response data, 13
we used Matlab system identification toolbox to identify 12
a second-order model. Various methods, that is, subspace 11
approach in the system identification toolbox, were tried and Velocity (ips)
compared. The best model found was 8
T(s) = . (21) 6
s2 + 334.6s + 18860 5
Using the model coefficients, we get 3
tm = 0.0177 sec, te = 3 msec, 1
(22) 0
kt = 0.031 volts/(rad/sec). 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (ms)
These estimates are bad, especially the electrical time con-
stant te due to the very small time scale as alluded to earlier. Figure 3: Approach w/o consideration of disturbance under 20 volt
input:Black, measurement: Red, power series fitted.
Remark 2. T0 /J may be used to calculate the friction (both
kinetic and viscous) if J is known. First, calculate the viscous
friction coefficient c = (T1 − T0 )/(ω1 − ω0 ). Then, calculate 4. Conclusions
the dynamic friction, T f = T0 − cω0 . For example, ω0 =
1.21 ips under 2 volt, ω1 = 6.274 ips under 10 volt, J = A convenient, effective system identification approach is pro-
9.0 gcm2 , and it renders c = 0.0187 mNm/ips. posed to estimate the DC motor torque constant, mechanical
time constant, electrical time constant, and friction. This
Remark 3. The number of terms in the power series included approach was implemented on two Mabuchi motors, and
for fitting the data was determined through trial and error. the great test results were presented. This open-loop method
When disturbance was not considered, twenty-five terms requires little hardware, only a speed/position sensor and a
were included; when disturbance was considered, including voltage supply. The estimated motor parameters can be used
forty terms gave the best results. Since the coefficients were to verify the DC motor performance or be used to build a
calculated using the polynomial curve fitting function from model of the motor for the subsequent controller design or
the math library provided inside LabVIEW, it was not dif- system optimization. This approach is especially suited to
ficult and time consuming to try different number of terms. quick field applications.
Including more terms does not necessarily improve the
parameter estimation accuracy.
A Mabuchi FC130 motor was tested as well. It is a smaller
motor compared to RK370. Good results were obtained Coefficients for no disturbance case are as follows:
again this time; see Table 3. Note the very small te in this
small motor. Algorithm considering disturbance torque was β0 = ab,
applied. In the testing, 10 volts was used as the motor drive
input. For tm estimation, the speed response was sampled β1 = −ab(a + b), (A.1)
at 1000 Hz for 500 samples, while for te estimation, it was  
β2 = ab a2 + ab + b . 2
sampled at 6000 Hz for 850 samples.
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 5

Coefficients for disturbance case are as follows:

β0 = ,
1 V0
β1 = ab,
2 kb

1 V0 T  
β2 = ab(a + b) − 0 a2 + ab + b2
6 kb J

+ tm ab(a + b) ,

1 V0  2  T  
β3 = ab a + ab + b2 − 0 a3 + a2 b + ab2 + b3
24 kb J

+ tm ab a2 + ab + b2 .

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