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Former MraukU administrator stabbed to death p-3 (national)

National LOcal News LOcal business

Myanmar to host A tower to overlook Haka Exporters concerned
ASEAN SCI meeting Township’s scenery to be about slip in US
from 5 to 8 March accomplished dollar exchange rate
page-10 page-4 page-5

Vol. IV, No. 290, 1 st Waning of Tabodwe 1379 ME Thursday, 1 February 2018

The ‘Super
Blue Blood
Moon’ and
lunar eclipse
The moon put on a rare cosmic
show yesterday. It was the first
time in many years a blue moon The super blue blood moon is
has synced up with a supermoon seen during a lunar eclipse in Nay
and a total lunar eclipse. Pyi Taw.  Photo: mna
The triple cosmic whammy
all fell on the same night yester-
day for the first time since March
31, 1866. The phenomena could
be seen in Myanmar at moonrise
last night.
A blue moon is the second
full moon in a calendar month.
A super moon is when the moon
is unusually close to Earth, mak-
ing it bigger and brighter, and a
blood moon is the moment dur-
ing an eclipse when the moon
appears red.
The rare treat was best
visible from Australia, Asia and
parts of Russia. It was not visible
from western Europe, Africa or
South America—GNLM A full moon seen behind the Uppatasanti Pagoda before the lunar eclipse in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.  Photo: Aung Shine Oo

CBM has no plan to revise interest rates

The Central Bank of Myanmar answer to a query by MP Dr. rates for borrowings under 13 He said the interest rate set per cent for 6 months, and 8.8
(CBM) has no plans to reduce Thet Thet Khaing about whether per cent. by the Government and by the per cent for one year.
the current interest rates on the interest rate of the govern- Deputy Governor U Soe Min Central Bank for the Treasury The Central Bank’s aim for
bank deposits, loans and gov- ment treasury bonds is rising said that a budget deficiency in Bill and Treasury Bond Auction the fiscal policy is to stabilise
ernment treasury bonds, said due to a rate set by the Central the Union Government was are different. the domestic market and the
U Soe Min, Deputy Governor of Bank of Myanmar. funded by selling treasury bonds He said the interest rate for inflation rate. He said the inter-
CBM, at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw U Soe Min said businesses to the Central Bank of Myanmar, the Government Treasury Bond est rate is important for a stable
yesterday. have the opportunity to negotiate and that weakened the social pol- for the 2016-2017 Financial Year fiscal policy.
He made the remark in his with banks to reduce interest icy to control the inflation rate. was 7 per cent for 3 months, 8.4 See page-2
2 National 1 February 2018
The Global New Light Of Myanmar

CBM has no plan to revise interest rates

From page-1 ister for Development Affairs
Currently, Myanmar’s and Social Welfare, and U Tin
inflation rate has stabilised at Maung Win is appointed as the
4.47pc. That’s down from 6.8pc Ayeyawady Region Minister for
in 2016-17 and 10pc in 2015-16. Agriculture, Livestock, Natural
According to forecasts made by Resources and Environmental
the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Conservation.
Research Office (AMRO), in- Next, U Steven from
flation in 2018-19 could rise to Kengtung Constituency read
5.5pc. the Bill for amending the Drugs
At the yesterday meeting, and Psychotropic Drugs Law
the Speaker of the Pyidaungsu sent back from the President’s
Hluttaw announced that the Office. Speaker Mahn Win
Hluttaw has approved new ap- Khaing Than announced for
pointments for minister level MPs interested in discussing
positions in various regions. Dr. the Bill to sign their names in
Saw Nyo Win is appointed as the a list.
Bago Region Minister for Nat- Next, the Speaker sought
ural Resources, Forestry and approval for the Myanmar Hlut-
Environmental Conservation, taw Bill that has two separate
Daw Nyunt Nyunt Htay is ap- views from the two Hluttaws.
pointed as the Bago Region Min- —Myanmar News Agency Pyidaungsu Hluttaw being convened in Nay Pyi Taw.  Photo: MNA

NLD members led by Kawlin Pyithu

Hluttaw representative visit NRPC
National League for Democ- about the trip. Next, they asked ques-
racy (NLD) members, led by the Later, they watched a video tions and received responses
Pyithu Hluttaw representative on the implementation of the from the concerned officials.
of Kawlin, visited the National peace process by the NRPC. —Myanmar News Agency
Reconciliation and Peace Cen-
tre (NRPC) in Nay Pyi Taw yes-
terday morning.
They observed the imple-
mentation of the peace process
by the centre.
During the visit, officials
Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U Win Myint shakes hands with US from the department explained
Ambassador.  Photo: MNA
that the government aimed to

Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker implement the peace process

through three branches: judi-
U Win Myint receives US cial, legislative and executive
Ambassador to Myanmar A Nationwide Ceasefire
Agreement is the centre’s main
Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U Myanmar and the United aim and negotiations are un-
Win Myint received the US Am- States, as well as the law-mak- derway to sign the agreement
bassador to Myanmar Mr. Scot ing affairs of the Hluttaw. with armed ethnic races, as
Marciel at the Hluttaw building Deputy Speaker U T the current peace process is of
of the Pyithu Hluttaw in Nay Pyi Khun Myat and other respon- paramount importance in the
Taw, yesterday afternoon. sible officials from the Pyithu country. National League for Democracy members visit the National Reconciliation
During the meeting, they Hluttaw attended the meeting. Pyithu Hluttaw representa- and Peace Centre (NRPC) and observe the implementation of the peace
discussed cooperation between —Myanmar News Agency tive U Myo Zaw Aung explained process by the centre in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.  Photo: MNA

Union Minister for Information attends conference on film industry

Union Minister for Informa- The Patron of the Myanmar Information and Public Rela- ference were the Deputy Min- Motion Picture Association,
tion Dr. Pe Myint attended the Motion Picture Association U tions Department U Ye Naing ister for Information U Aung Advisors and officials from For-
conference on development of Aung Lwin, Chairman of Myan- discussed matters relating to Hla Tun, Permanent Secretary, ever Group Co. Union Minister
the Myanmar Motion Picture mar Motion Picture Association the difficulties, challenges and Directors-General, Managing for Information Dr. Pe Myint
Association at 1 p.m. yesterday U Zin Wine, Consultant of Forev- development of Myanmar Mo- Director, Officials, Patrons, made reviews of the discussions
at the meeting hall of Ministry’s er Group Co., Ltd U Thein Tun tion Picture Association. Chairman, Vice Chairman and and concluded the meeting.
office in Nay Pyi Taw. Aung and Director-General of In attendance at the con- Secretaries of the Myanmar —Myanmar News Agency
1 February 2018
The Global New Light Of Myanmar national 3

Reception to mark Australian

National Day Held
Union ministers attended a tion Commission U Hla Thein;
reception to mark the Austral- Union Minister for Information
ian National Day at the Hilton Dr. Pe Myint; Union Minister
Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw at 6:30 p.m. for Labour, Immigration and
yesterday. Population U Thein Swe; Union
The ceremony was opened Minister for International Coop-
with the singing of the nation- eration U Kyaw Tin; Lt-Gen Min
al anthems of Myanmar and Naung; Commander of Nay Pyi
Australia. Nicholas Coppel, Taw Command; Deputy Minis-
Australia’s Ambassador to ter for Information U Aung Hla
Myanmar, and Union Minister Tun; Hluttaw representatives;
for Education Dr. Myo Thein permanent secretaries; officials
Gyi extended their greetings from government offices and
at the reception. invited guests also attended
Besides Dr. Myo Thein Gyi, the reception.—Myanmar News Union Ministers and Australian Ambassador HE Mr Nicholas Coppel attend reception to mark Australian
Chairman of the Union Elec- Agency National Day in Nay Pyi Taw.  Photo: MNA

Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Office of the President
Former MraukU administrator
Order 13/2018
stabbed to death
15th Waxing of Tabodwe, 1379 ME
31th January, 2018 An official who worked as an ad- for interrogation as part of an According to witnesses,
ministrator in MraukU Township ongoing investigation into the there were four men in the car,
Resignation of member of the was stabbed to death in his car deaths of seven people fatal- including U Bo Bo Min Theik.
on Tuesday, according to local ly shot during rioting earlier U Bo Bo Min Theik reportedly
Constitutional Tribunal of the authorities. this month. After being ques- died in the car, which became
Union approved U Bo Bo Min Theik was tioned, U Bo Bo Mon Thiek left involved in an accident, while the
found dead with several stab to return to Sittway at 2 pm on other three men fled on foot to-
In accordance with the provisions stated in article 331 of wounds to his body, including Tuesday. wards a nearby mountain range.
the Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and two on his chest, 12 on his back According to police sources, Shortly after the accident,
Section 28 (b) of Constitutional Tribunal Law of the Union, U and one cut on his left eyebrow. the vehicle he was driving was two men arrived on a motorbike
Nyi Nyi, member of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union Local police were informed reported stolen from its owner, U and set the car on fire.
has been permitted to resign from the position of his own on Tuesday evening that a car Kyaw Myint, 48. Along with U Bo A case has been registered
volition with effect from 31 January 2018. had crashed between mile posts Bo Min Theik, U Kyaw Myint’s under Section 302/440/114 of the
Sd/ Htin Kyaw No. 169/0 and 169/1 on Yan- two sons and another man were Penal Code at the Ponnagyun
President gon-Sittway Road near Thayet also allegedly present in the car Myoma police station, and po-
Republic of the Union of Myanmar Cho Village, between Yongu and at the time of the accident. Their lice continue to actively investi-
Aungpyupin villages, some seven whereabouts could not be de- gate the case.—Myanmar News
miles north of Punnagyun, Ra- termined. Agency
khine State, and a body was also
reportedly found nearby.
Local police inspected the
site and found the dead man un-
der the car. This would be only
the first of a number of mysteri-
ous occurrences in the apparent
murder case.
After examining the doc-
uments in his bag, police con-
firmed that the victim was U
Bo Bo Min Theik, who was the
former head of the MraukU
Union Minister Dr Pe Myint holds talks with Australian Ambassador Township General Administra-
Mr Nicholas Coppel yesterday.  Photo: MNA tion Department. U Bo Bo Min
Theik left his position in MraukU
Union Minister for Information on 19 January to become the As-
sistant Director of the Rakhine
receives Australian State General Administration
Ambassador to Myanmar U Bo Bo Min Theik’s body
was sent to Punnagyun Town-
Union Minister for Informa- exchanged views on media ship Hospital at 7.15 pm on Tues-
tion Dr. Pe Myint received Aus- affairs. day. Earlier in the day, the car
tralian Ambassador to Myan- Also attending the meet- was intnetionally set on fire by
mar HE Mr Nicholas Coppel in ing were Deputy Minister for two unknown men. Firemen ex-
the guest hall of the ministry’s Information U Aung Hla Tun tinguished the blaze at 7.25 pm.
office, yesterday afternoon. and other responsible officials. U Bo Bo Min Theik had ar-
During the meeting, they —Myanmar News Agency rived in MraukU on 25 January Photos show CR-V vehicle and scene of an accident.  Photo: MNA
4 local news 1 February 2018
The Global New Light Of Myanmar

w w w.glob al n ewl i g hto f myan mar.c o m

A tower to overlook Haka Township’s
Acting Chief Editor
Aye Min Soe,
scenery to be accomplished
A tower that is being construct-
Expatriate Consultant Editor ed to overlook Haka Township’s
Mark Angeles, scenery, at the View Point Re-
markrangeles@gmail .com
sort; it will be completed before
Senior editorial consultant the 70th Anniversary Chin Na-
Kyaw Myaing tional Day according to the Chin
State Municipal Office.
Senior Translators
Zaw Min,
“The tower is 36 feet high and 18 feet wide and the cost of
Win Ko Ko Aung, the tower is estimated at around Ks. 70 million. Now cash dona-
International News Editor
tions by local residents is over
Ye Htut Tin, Ks. 50 million and it is necessary to reach the estimated amount
of donations in order to complete
Local News Editors
Tun Tun Naing (Editor),
construction of the tower. So do- nors around the country will be
Nwe Nwe Tun (Sub-editor), invited to donate as much mon-
ey as they can and their names
Translators will be inscribed on a plaque at
Khaing Thanda Lwin, the base of the tower” said the
Hay Mar Tin Win, Director of Chin State Municipal
Ei Myat Mon
Zaw Htet Oo
Kyaw Zin Lin “When we can take in the A panoramic view of Haka, the capital of Chin State.  Photo: Supplied
Kyaw Zin Tun view from the tower, we can see
all the beauty and scenery of for visitors because the resort the side of the Gangaw Road tiful scenery and many tourists
Hakha Township as well as the plans to sell traditional instru- at the entrance of Haka Town- visit the area so many hotels are
May Thet Hnin, beauty of Falam and Tiddim ments and costumes of the Chin ship. The resort was equipped being constructed to make ac- townships. It is better to have ethnic people and the resort with railings, and has arranged commodations convenient for
this tower in the View Point Re- will also display clothing and seating and stairs, Construc- visitors. Moreover, the tower’s
Kyaw Zeya Win @ Phoe Khwar
sort because the resort is very biographies of the iconic ethnic tion for the tower started in construction hopes to boost the
popular with visitors. I think it people” said a visitor. 2017. regional tourism.—Myanmar
Computer Team will be even more interesting The tower is situated on Haka Township has beau- Digital News
Tun Zaw ,
Thein Ngwe, Zaw Zaw Aung,

Myanmar-Bangladesh Border Guard Regiment-

Ye Naing Soe, Nyi Zaw Moe,
Hnin Pwint, Kay Khaing Win,
Sanda Hnin, Zu Zin Hnin

Editorial Section
(+95) (01)8604529,
level flag hoisting ceremony held
Fax — (+95) (01) 8604305
The Myanmar-Bangladesh mar told the Bangladeshi side
Circulation & Distribution
Border Guard Regiment-lev- that Myanmar is ready for the
San Lwin, (+95) (01) 8604532,
Hotline - 09 974424114
el flag hoisting ceremony was repatriation of returnees from
held near the friendship bridge Bangladesh.
Advertising & marketing on the border at noon yester- Monzural Hassan Khan
( +95) (01) 8604530,
day. said the authorities in Bang-
Hotline - 09 974424848 During the ceremony, the ladesh were collecting lists of Bangladeshi side was led by returnees, and when they are
Commanding Officer Monzural ready, they will proceed with
Printed and published at the Global New
Hassan Khan of the Border the process of repatriation.
Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at
No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan Guards Bangladesh No. 34, Following the meeting,
Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light while the Myanmar side was Police Lt Colonel Saw Zeyar
of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No. led by Police Commanding demonstrated the camps’ read-
00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629.
Officer Lt Colonel Saw Zeyar. iness to accept returnees from During the meeting, Police Bangladesh.—Rakhine State Lt Colonel Saw Zeyar of Myan- IPRD

Local melon farmers face competition from Chinese cultivators

Write for us Local watermelon and musk Myanmar, are exported mainly farmers who have rented the are selling some of the fruit
We appreciate your feedback and melon farmers are facing stiff to China. Now, Chinese growers land to grow the fruit,” said U directly to China through the
contributions. If you have any comments competition because Chinese are growing the fruit in Myan- Daung Shwe, a local cultivator Muse border gate. Local farm-
or would like to submit editorials,
analyses or reports please email growers have entered the coun- mar after taking the land on from Monywa. ers, on the other hand, have to try and started cultivating the lease. The Chinese growers had sell their fruit to local traders,
with your name and title.
Due to limitation of space we are only fruit, according to watermel- They are also using their rented the land at the rate of he added.
able to publish “Letter to the Editor” on farmers from the Sagaing own growing methods. As a re- Ks700,000 per acre to grow the The cultivation of water-
that do not exceed 500 words. Should
you submit a text longer than 500 words Region. sult, the rental prices of land fruit. The local farmers also melon and musk melon costs
please be aware that your letter will be “Watermelons and musk have increased. Therefore, it paid the same amount as rent. Ks3.5 million per acre. —Maung
melons, which are cultivated in has negatively affected the local However, the Chinese growers Wazi Ya (AMIA)
1 February 2018
The Global New Light Of Myanmar business 5

Myanmar earns
over $535m in
fishery exports
Myanmar’s foreign income The Myanmar Fishery Fed-
from fishery exports reached eration is making concerted ef-
more than US$535 million from 1 forts to increase the earnings
April to 19 January in the current from fishery exports by develop-
fiscal year (FY), which increased ing fish farming lakes that meet
by $97 million compared with the international standards and by
same period last FY. adopting advanced fishing meth-
The export volume of fishery ods.
products was more than 38,000 Fishery products, includ-
tons, according to Myanmar ing prawns, crabs, squid, eels,
Fisheries Federation. shrimp, dried shrimp and dried
Despite an increase in the fish, were exported to Thailand
export volume and value, My- through the Kawthoung and My-
anmar’s fishery exports cannot eik border trade gates and to
keep up with the neighbouring China through the Muse gate.
countries. —GNLM A worker selects fish at the Nyaungtan Jetty in Yangon.  Photo: GNLM/Phoe Khwar

Exporters concerned about slip in Myanmar fruits,

US dollar exchange rate penetrate
Russian market
By May Thet Hnin   Photo: Reuters depreciation of the dollar in the Myanmar exports fruits and veg-
global market,” he added. etables to Russia by air, which is a
Exporters in the country are In 2008, exporters were convenient mode of transport, ac-
worried that the exchange rate battered by the drop in the ex- cording to a report in the Myawady
of the kyat against the US dollar change rate by some Ks300. Daily. Myanmar mostly exports
will dip below Ks1,300. The exchange rate was on avocado, mangoes, watermelons,
“Businessmen are watch- the rise throughout 2017 and hit musk melons, coffee, a variety of
ing the foreign exchange market an all-time record of Ks1,380 per fruits and vegetables and other
closely. It will negatively affect dollar. The inflation rate, interest value-added products to Russia.
the exporters if the exchange rate, terms of trade, country’s “When we export to Russia, we
rate slips below Ks1,300,” said current account and deficits, get a good price. We usually ex-
Daw Toe Nanda Tin, vice presi- political stability, as well as eco- port a variety of fruits and vegeta-
dent of Myanmar Processor and nomic performance, contribute bles---up to one ton of each product
Exporter Association. to the ups and downs in the per consignment. The reason why
The majority of exporters the kyat-dollar exchange rate Ks1,330 within six days. dollar price. Currently, foreign Russia is interested in fruits and
imported raw materials at an started from the second week U Ye Myint Maung, pres- currencies have appreciated vegetables from Myanmar is that
exchange rate of Ks1,360 per dol- of January. Previously, a dol- ident of Myanmar Food and slightly against the US dollar in the fruits are of good quality and
lar. However, the rate declined lar fetched some Ks1,356. Cur- Exporters Association, said the the global FX market. Interna- size,” said Daw Le Le Oo, director
to Ks1,320 when they exported rently, the rate has dropped to export businesses will thrive tional business websites mention of Myanma Shwe Fruit Company.
their products. There is a gap Ks1,320. only if the rate is stable in the that the dollar depreciation is “We started penetrating the
of Ks40 per dollar in the export The Central Bank of Myan- foreign exchange (FX) market. attributed to the high global gold Russian market with one ton of the
versus import exchange rates. mar scaled down the US dollar “We cannot do anything price and the drop in the stock Sein Ta Lone (Diamond Solitaire)
The downward trend in exchange rate from Ks1,340 to as the rate is down due to the market. mango variety. We have already
exported avocados to Russia more
than 20 times. However, we still

Bilateral trade between Singapore, Myanmar have to meet several requirements

while exporting fruits and vegeta-

reaches US$2 billion in eight months bles. We have already requested

the agricultural department to pro-
vide us with assistance. We do not
Bilateral trade between Singa- in bilateral trade after neigh- and chemicals, and consumer and $3 billion in FY 2011-2012. In want to lose our market in Russia,”
pore and Myanmar has reached bouring country Thailand. products are imported into My- addition, Singapore is the main she added.
US$2.38 billion, with an estimat- Fruit, vegetables, rice, anmar. Bilateral trade earned investor, bringing $1.71 billion in Besides these, Myanmar ex-
ed export value of $685 million green grams and other pulses, some $2.96 billion in fiscal year capital into the country as of the ports value-added products, such
and import value of over $1.7 ginger and flowers are export- (FY) 2016-2017, $3.69 billion in end of November in the current as dry tofu, dry mango and mango
billion. ed to Singapore, while capital FY 2015-16, $4.89 billion in FY fiscal year, according to the sta- paste, to Russia. Russia has bought
Among the regional coun- goods, raw industrial materials 2014-2015, $3.6 billion in FY 2013- tistics of the Myanmar Invest- as many products from Myanmar
tries, Singapore is placed second such as petroleum products 2014, $2.82 billion in FY 2012-2013 ment Commission.—Mon Mon as it can export. —GNLM
6 world 1 february 2018
The Global New Light Of Myanmar

Viet Nam lists US-based Vietnamese group as ‘terrorist’ organization

HANOI — Viet Nam listed a US- Viet Nam, the statement said, re- and transgender rights, the rul- of which were flying the flag of media to spread propaganda
based group still loyal to the now ferring to the now defunct state, ing Communist Party retains South Vietnam. The website and recruit its members, local
defunct state of South Vietnam also known as South Vietnam, tight media censorship and does describes Quan as the “Prime media said, citing the court in-
as a terrorist organization on which once ruled the southern not tolerate criticism. Minister” of the Provisional Gov- dictment.
Tuesday, the Ministry of Public half of the country until the Viet Earlier this month, Viet Nam ernment of Viet Nam. Viet Nam, one of the top 10
Security (MPS) said. Nam War ended in 1975. jailed four men for flying the flag In late December, a Vietnam- countries for Facebook users by
The California-based Provi- Quan did not immediately re- of South Viet Nam. The flag, a ese court jailed 15 people for their numbers, has called for tougher
sional Government of Viet Nam, spond to a request for comment. bright yellow rectangle with three part in an alleged April bomb plot internet controls and set up a mil-
led by US citizen Dao Minh Quan, A US Embassy spokesman in thin horizontal stripes, is used by Quan’s group at Tan Son Nhat itary cyber unit to fight “wrong”
established groups inside Viet- Hanoi said the organization is not by political activists in Viet Nam airport, the transport hub which views online.
nam to “execute acts of terrorism designated as a terrorist group by who oppose the Communist-con- serves Ho Chi Minh City — for- The group ”planted fuel
and sabotage, and assassinate the US State Department. trolled government in Hanoi. merly known as Saigon, the cap- bombs in the car park and at
officials”, the ministry said in a Despite sweeping econom- A video on a website the ital of South Viet Nam. the arrival hall at Tan Son Nhat
statement. ic reform in Viet Nam, and in- MPS said was operated by Quan’s Fifteen people acted on International Airport“ in April,
Quan was a “former lieuten- creasing openness toward social group showed a convoy of cars instructions from an overseas 2017,” Tuesday’s MPS statement
ant” of the US-backed Republic of change, including gay, lesbian moving through a US town, some group which had used social said.—Reuters

Hackers disperse stolen

cryptocurrency to about 20
digital addresses
TOKYO — The hackers who moved again between 10:30
stole roughly $530 million pm and 11 pm on Tuesday, this
in cryptocurrency from To- time a total of 11 times in incre-
kyo-based exchange Coincheck ments of 100 (roughly $75) to 10
last week have dispersed the different addresses, according
stolen NEM coins to around to the NEM blockchain ledger,
20 digital addresses in an ap- an online record of such trans-
parent attempt to avoid being actions.
traced, Kyodo News confirmed The Singapore-based
on Wednesday. Foundation, which is
According to online re- helping Coincheck to trace the
cords seen by Kyodo News, stolen coins, said it had also
the NEM coins, stolen in the confirmed the latest move-
largest-ever theft of cryptocur- ments.
Jiangxi: Tea plantation in snow rency by hackers, were first The foundation says it has
transferred to a single uni- “tagged” the stolen coins as
Aerial photo taken on 31 January 2018 shows snow-covered tea plantation at Lugang dentified address in the early tainted assets, making them
Village of Yongfeng County in Jian, east China’s Jiangxi Province, on 31 January hours of Friday before being easily identifiable if trad-
2018.   Photo: Xinhua dispersed to nine addresses. ed through a regulated ex-
Some of the coins were change.—Kyodo News

Fewer killings in Philippine drug war Seaplane that crashed in Sydney

killing Compass Group exec was off
make US”cautiously optimistic” — official
course investigator
MANILA — The US govern- ment bureau. “I would describe spokesman, Harry Roque, said
ment is “cautiously optimistic” the United States as being cau- there were no “extrajudicial kill- SYDNEY — A seaplane that right. Shortly afterwards, the plan
on Philippine President Rodrigo tiously optimistic,” Walsh told a ings” in the war on drugs. crashed in Sydney on New Year’s nose-dived into the Hawkesbury
Duterte’s war on drugs after it telephonic news conference late But he welcomed the com- Eve killing six people, including River, north of Sydney. “One of
saw a decline in “extrajudicial on Tuesday. “Many folks have ments as a reflection of Wash- the chief executive of British ca- the key lines of enquiry for us is
killings,” a US senior narcotics been tracking the extrajudicial ington’s growing appreciation of tering company Compass Group to try and work out exactly what
official said. killings in the Philippines and the campaign’s benefits. Plc, was off course but the cause was happening during that time,
Washington has shifted the trends are going down, so “These efforts are anchored of the crash remains undeter- firstly why the pilot turned and
away millions of dollars in fund- there is some encouragement on respect for human rights, mined, Australian investigators then whether it was an attempt to
ing for law enforcement from that we are seeing in some of our cognizant of our obligation to said on Wednesday. turn around or a planned turn,”
a drug control programme of human rights training working.” protect our people’s right to life Richard Cousins, 58, his two Nat Nagy, executive director of
the Philippine National Police Nearly 4,000 people have and to live in peace and securi- sons, his fiancée and her daugh- the ATSB, told reporters in Syd-
since the bloody anti-narcotics been killed in shootouts with ty,” Roque said in a statement. ter, and the pilot were killed when ney. The ATSB said there was
campaign started in July 2016. the police in raids and sting op- Police resumed their an- the plane hit the water shortly no evidence of a collision or bird
But there are positive signs erations since Duterte came to ti-drug campaign on Monday after takeoff on 31 December. strike and there was no sign of
and the United States remains power in July 2016, government with visits to the homes of users In its preliminary report, the any problem with the controls of
supportive of the Philippines’ data shows. But human rights and dealers to convince them Australian Transport Safety Bu- the plane.Nagy said the ATSB will
effort to battle illicit drugs, said groups put the figure higher, ac- to surrender, and police chief reau (ATSB) said the plane was announce its findings should it
James Walsh, a deputy assistant cusing police of executing drug Ronald dela Rosa offered an approximately 1 km (0.6 miles) determine the cause of the crash,
state secretary in the interna- users and peddlers in cold blood. assurance it would be free of off the standard course before but warned it may remain un-
tional narcotics and law enforce- On Wednesday, Duterte’s violence.—Reuters the pilot turned the plane sharply solved.—Reuters
1 february 2018
The Global New Light Of Myanmar world 7

China puts finishing

touches to two-year
smog crackdown plan
BEIJING — China is drawing by the smog-prone Beijing-Tian-
up plans for tougher curbs on jin-Hebei region to cut concen-
smog during the two years to trations of hazardous particles
2020, an environment ministry known as PM2.5 by more than
official said on Wednesday, after a 25 per cent.
five-year crackdown on pollution The Yangtze and Pearl riv-
helped it attain air quality targets er delta regions, which include
last month. Shanghai and Guangzhou re-
“A three-year battle plan in spectively, were pushed to make
the war to protect blue skies” is cuts of 20 per cent and 15 per
being hammered out by officials cent.
of the Ministry of Environmen- Despite near-record PM2.5
tal Protection, said spokesman readings in January and Febru-
Liu Youbin, and incorporates ary last year, China managed to
tougher curbs on major indus- reach all its 2013-2017 air quality
trial regions. targets by the end of 2017, fol- Devices for collecting samples of Beijing’s air are installed on the rooftop of the air quality forecast and
Key areas facing such re- lowing efforts to curb coal use warning center in Beijing, China on 11 May, 2015.   Photo: REUTERS
strictions are the Beijing-Tian- and cut output from polluting
jin-Hebei zone in the country’s factories in 28 northern cities uncontrolled pollution in provinc- Beijing could adjust priori- Liu Zhiquan, head of the
north and the Yangtze and Pearl in winter. es like Hebei, and would promote ties this year and focus on vehicle ministry’s monitoring office, said
River deltas further south. With the campaign set to clean energy heating. pollution, Yu Jianhua, chief en- China’s average PM2.5 readings
The new three-year plan end in March, China wants to This week media reports gineer of the capital’s environ- from 1-28 January were 64 mi-
is expected to be completed in subject firms to more perma- said Hebei was forced to suspend mental protection bureau, told a crograms per cubic metre, down
the first half of the year, Liu told nent scrutiny, so as to avert any plans to convert large numbers separate briefing on Wednesday. a fifth on the year.
reporters. possible backsliding after 2017 of coal-fired heating boilers to Beijing will keep up the Concentrations in Beijing
“It will continue to make targets were met. natural gas after winter sup- toughest emissions curbs on in- fell 70.5 per cent to 36 micro-
Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei its key fo- Beijing has already sought ply shortages left thousands of dustrial firms this year, not only grams per cubic metre, close to
cus, but it will also focus on other to impose new special emissions homes without heat. to cut pollution but also spur in- the state standard of 35 micro-
major regions like the Yangtze curbs on major industrial sectors However, Liu denied the re- dustries to relocate, Yu added. grams. But average readings
river delta, the northeast and in the north. ports, telling reporters the Hebei Car emissions contribute in the Yangtze and Pearl river
Chengdu-Chongqing,” he added. Liu said China would contin- government would continue to about 40 per cent of air pollu- deltas rose over the month, he
China’s previous action plan ue to battle scattered coal-burn- pay close attention to its coal-to- tion in Beijing, the government said, without giving details. —
for 2013 to 2017 spurred action ing sources, a major source of gas conversion efforts. estimates. Reuters

Thailand charges eight activists as Sensitive Australian

public frustration at junta grows gov’t documents found in
BANGKOK — Thailand on friends, with the civil liberties we tional Commission of Jurists said. sold filing cabinets
Wednesday charged eight activ- have.” Responding to the com- “Thailand should immediately
ists of a civil rights group with vi- ment, junta spokesman Winthai end the criminal proceedings,” SYDNEY — The Australian perwork from five separate gov-
olating the military government’s Suvaree said, “That is just the said Kingsley Abbott, its senior government launched an “ur- ernments spanning the prime
ban on public gatherings, after it personal opinion of some people international legal adviser. The gent investigation” on Wednes- ministership of John Howard
kicked off a cross-country march who are already prejudiced.” 450-km (280-mile) march from day after hundreds of top-secret to that of Tony Abbott -- were
on 20 January in a rare display of The eight are to report to a Bangkok, the capital, to the north- and highly classified documents sold in Canberra for an espe-
public discontent. state prosecutor on 26 February, eastern province of Khon Kaen, were found in two filing cab- cially low price because they
Since military rule began in who will decide whether to take has drawn participants from civil inets that had been sold at a were locked and their keys had
Thailand in 2014, demonstrations the case to court, the Thai Law- rights groups concerned about secondhand furniture store in been lost.
have become a rarity, partly be- yers for Human Rights group healthcare, alternative farming, the nation’s capital. Months later, the buyer
cause of orders by the junta ban- said. Wednesday’s prosecution natural resources and freedom The Australian Broadcast- drilled out the locks, revealing
ning the public assembly of five was an “infringement of funda- of expression. ing Corp. obtained the docu- thousands of pages of sensitive
or more people. mental rights and freedoms,” 52 It aims to spotlight growing ments and has begun reporting information.
The eight charged on civil rights groups said. public frustration with the junta, their contents in recent days, Under normal circum-
Wednesday, who belong to the “The royal police of Thailand which has delayed a promised re- describing the discovery as stances, Cabinet records are
People Go Network of activists and the government have done turn to democracy, reined in free “one of the biggest breaches not released for at least 20
and academics, which organized some wrongs in violation of these speech, cracked down on dissent, of Cabinet security in Austral- years.
the anti-junta “We Walk” march fundamental values, principles and pursued projects despite op- ian history.” The ABC reported that the
lasting until 17 February, have and human rights,” they said in position from rights groups and The secretary of the De- ex-government furniture sale
denied the charge. a joint statement. local communities. partment of Prime Minister and was not restricted to Austral-
“We think in the past three “These actions need to be Democracy activists were Cabinet in a statement declined ians. “Had (the buyers) been
years, the junta hasn’t been gen- condemned.” among more than 100 people who to comment further while the inclined, there was nothing
uine and hasn’t listened to the The ban on public gath- gathered on Saturday to protest investigation into the so-called stopping them (from) handing
people,” said the group’s coordi- erings was inconsistent with against the military government “Cabinet Files” is underway. the contents to a foreign agent
nator, Supaporn Malailoy. Thailand’s international human and show support for the People According to the ABC, the or government,” the report
“So we march with our rights obligations, the Interna- Go Network.—Reuters filing cabinets -- heavy with pa- said.—Kyodo News
8 opinion 1 february 2018
The Global New Light Of Myanmar
1 february 2018
The Global New Light Of Myanmar opinion 9

The role of Last week’s auspicious news should Need of Developing

Employability Skills in
state-run media Young Minds of Myanmar
in an emerging spur other groups to sign NCA for their Sustainable
Career Growth and making
democracy Maung Thaung Win (Ex-dip- making for faster shipping of the nation Emerging
lomat) goods that will make commodity
prices fall. All this will result in Knowledge Economy

here has been considerable discussion over he news last week that higher living standards for local
whether state-run media should be allowed in two more ethnic armed residents. Dr G R Sinha
Myanmar. groups, the New Mon Professor, Myanmar Institute of Information Technology Mandalay
Myanmar has experienced the consequences State Party (NMSP) Fruits of peace Adjunct Professor, IIIT Bangalore India
of the wrong administrative system for decades. Today’s and the Lahu Democratic Union The situation now has

generation is left with a legacy of problems that we must now (LDU) would sign the Nationwide changed in the right direction he term “Employability Skill” has become buzz word
tackle. Different approaches to a problem produce diverse Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) was because ceasefire agreements for last few years and therefore it becomes pertinent to
opinions. Showing respect for diverse views and thoughts, met with near-universal praise. between the government and get exposed to what this Employability Skill all about.
the elected government has a responsibility to clarify to the Now is the time for other armed ethnic-armed races have been Actually, Employability Skill is not a name of Single Skill,
people these diverse views so that the people can understand groups to join in moving further made across the country. It is rather it represents a Set of Skills for two important purposes. Of
the realistic situation of their country. forward in the process towards heartening to see that people course, the set of skills that help the young minds or students in
The role of state-run a lasting peace, officials and cit- can enjoy the fruits of peace and getting employed or placed, but even more important is whether
media could be seen as the izens said. stability and the benefits of earn- the candidate enjoys the career in sustainable manner where he
Nationwide sine qua non in the Rakhine The following are reactions ing a peaceful living. Especially or she is placed. Employability Skills not only ensure the job or
issue, in which some foreign from diplomats, private citizens, in these areas, infrastructures employment but continuous and successful career growth. We
distribution countries’ interference, military leaders, the State Coun- such as roads, bridges, schools, need to understand what types of skills are required in young
some international media’s sellor and others in praising the hospitals and telecommunications minds to become successful professional; or entrepreneur; or even
is hobbled by bias, and some international actions of the NMSP and the LDU offices have been built and local any profession one can choose. There are two important skill sets

transportation media’s ignorance of the

true situation were evident.
and urging other groups to follow
their lead.
people can now travel freely from
one place to another. Everyone
one is required to have; namely technical skills or aptitude; and
non-technical aptitude. Employability skill covers both the technical
bottlenecks. In this situation, state-run
media is necessary for the
“It was heartening to watch
the reactions which appeared on
State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi poses for documentary photo together with delegations of the New Mon State Party (NMSP) and the Lahu
can witness that their ways of life
and living standard have increase
as well as non-technical skills.
In Myanmar, young minds and graduates are striving to excel
Democratic Union and officials on 23 January 2018.   Photo: MNA
Most country and its people. social media on 23 January, 2018, dramatically. in their academics so as to compete at international level. Very
Recently, some have that people were anxious to see good thing that could be seen in the great nation is Employment
private daily said that tax exemption this auspicious news on televi- top-level Peace Talks were held Find a way to sign the cease- and Skill Development Law, which exists for skill development
should be granted to pri- sion. I also watched this news in on 9 November, 2013 in Hlaing fire agreement matters and employment exclusively. Technical and Vocational
newspapers vate print media so that it detail on the evening television If all ethnic armed groups signed the NCA, displaced persons could Zar, Kachin State, and another It is sorrowful to see that Education, ad Training (TVET) attempted several initiatives for skill

print in Yangon can develop. But how the

commercial tax has caused a
programmes. As a Myanmar na-
tional, I feel full of vigour to hear
live peacefully in their own homes. For the children, they would be peace summit was also held in
Law Khee Lar, Kayin State on 2
some ethnic armed races from
the north and north-east parts
development right from grass root level to schools and vocational
training centers. With given strength of the pro-active initiatives;
able to pursue their studies without any difficulties. Smooth and
and face burden on the private media,
which are currently strug-
this kind of news at the right mo-
ment. The peace process is, of efficient transportation systems would be possible, making for fast-
June, 2015.
Negotiations were made
of Myanmar haven’t signed the
ceasefire agreement with the gov-
keenly interested students for learning; and brilliant potential for
skill development and its subsequent benefit, this article attempts
difficulties gling to survive, needs to be course, now gaining momentum. er shipping of goods that will make commodity prices fall. All this with the Union Peace-Making ernment. Consequently, these ar- to just provide an overview of what the Employability skill is; what
reviewed. By the time I watched this news will result in higher living standards for local residents. Central Committee (UPCC) and eas still remain underdeveloped exactly is its importance in general and for Myanmar students in
distributing Commercial taxes from programme, I felt like writing ethnic-armed group and several and innocent children and elderly particular; and suggested plan of subsequent lectures that would

newspapers to local print media in the

2016-2017 fiscal year totaled
an article due to burning desire
which can further foster the peace
discussions were held to sign the
persons have had to move to IDP
camps for their food and shelter. It
highlight how to develop the skills under employability skill in
young students so that they could be ignited for their self-growth
other big cities more than Ks600 million. It
is questionable that granting
process of our country”.
Democratic Union was led by its to urge all of them to cooperate the colonialists between those
During the final stages of
drafting the NCA, agreements
is high time for the ethnic-armed
races to find a win-win solution
and sustainable development of fast developing nation, Myanmar.
This is first part of article highlighting overview and importance
in a timely commercial tax exemption is State Counsellor Daw Aung Chairman Kyar Khun Sar. with us without any doubt so that who hold different political ideas. were made on seven chapters, with the government; thereby a of the Employability Skill. As we discussed that this skill includes
a correct decision at a time San Suu Kyi we can build an enduring peace Whatever political beliefs one may including 33 paragraphs and 86 fruitful result will come out so as set of skills, one obvious question comes in our mind that what
manner. when the country is facing After State Counsellor Daw Tatmadaw Command- process which is based on mutu- hold, the union can be thrown into sub-paragraphs. to bring peace and development other skills are and why these skills are required if students are
a budget deficiency. At the Aung San Suu Kyi received dele- er-in-Chief Senior General al-respect.” said Senior General complete disarray because of dis- After reviewing the final in the regions. good in academics. It has been reported by several giant IT sectors
same time, we should seek other ways that can develop the gations from the NMSP and LDU, Min Aung Hlaing Min Aung Hlaing. unity. As the saying goes, “United parts of the agreements, prelim- All in all, people who are and human resource (HR) agencies that most of young graduates
private media industry, which is facing crippling distribution both of whom agreed to sign the Likewise, Tatmadaw Com- After the NMSP and LDU we stand, divided we fall”. As long inary agreements were made on peace lovers aspire to see the lack of employability skills. This is why they do not survive in throat
problems, rising costs and decreasing circulation. NCA, at the National Reconcili- mander-in-Chief Senior General sign the NCA, there will be a to- as all our regions and states are 31 March, 2017. As a result, the NCA, which is their ultimate goal cutting competitions all across the globe.
Nationwide distribution is hobbled by transportation bot- ation and Peace Centre (NRPC) Min Aung Hlaing received New tal of 10 ethnic groups who have united, our union can stand tall NCA was made and finalised in in their lives. It is incumbent upon If we analyze the Employability Skill then find that a student
tlenecks. Most private daily newspapers print in Yangon and in Yangon, she expressed her Mon State Party (NMSP) Chair- become signatories. This is in- among the countries of the world August, 2015. the ethnic armed races to find can get job just on the basis of good academic or technical skill but
face difficulties distributing newspapers to other big cities in delight at the progress made to- man Nai Htaw Mon and Lahu deed auspicious news, because in dignity. The Union Government, a solution with the government what does ensure that he or she becomes successful professional
a timely manner. wards peace. Democratic Union (LDU) Chair- this gives us hope after years of the Hluttaw, Tatmadaw and eth- and Tatmadaw by peaceful and in the organization of working. We need to understand the differ-
Hence, we should take a better distribution system into “In order to gain enduring man Kyar Khun Sar separately strife and many fits and starts in An endeavour for peace nic-armed groups signed the NCA sincere means so that we can ence between Success and Competence. One gets a job, this is
consideration to develop the private print media industry. The peace in our country, I believe we in Bayint Naung Hall in Nay Pyi the peace process. It is an appro- With the aim of building a on 15 October, 2015. build perpetual peace. It is cause Success; but if he or she enjoys continuous and sustainable career
range of problems facing the dailies includes not only great- can proceed step by step, which Taw, on 23 January, 2018. priate time to see how far we have perpetual peace, the former gov- for rejoice to know that the New growth in the organization; this is due to his/her competence. So,
er competition but also the cost of newsprint, printing, and is of paramount importance for “Armed conflicts have start- come in hopes of inspiring others ernment had invited armed eth- All-inclusive signing Mon State Party and Lahu Dem- Employability not only helps in achieving Success but it ensures
electricity. all of us, and every single step ed since the time of our inde- to continue the current progress. nic groups to set up a framework If all ethnic armed groups ocratic Union will sign the NCA being Competent enough to deal with any situation that arises in
Assisting the private media industry to be able to use we are retracing now is not only pendence, and successive gov- from which they could hold dis- signed NCA, displaced persons very soon, and all the citizens are industries or organizations where the candidate is working.
modern machinery for printing and buying publications for for ourselves but also for our new ernments tried to bring peace Unity is strength cussions from basic level to union could live peacefully in their own looking forward to this auspicious See, human capital that is youth has to be ignited and to be
libraries nationwide should also be considered. generations to come”. throughout the ages. As for our Judging from the internal level at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. homes. For the children, they news which can usher in all the converted as young competent minds so that ultimately they can
When we approach the issue of the future of state-run The delegation from the New Tatmadaw, we are ready and will- conflicts of our country, few can Efforts were being made to reach would be able to pursue their blessings to all the nationals. contribute in making the nation as Knowledge Economy. In coming
print media and the issue of the development of the private Mon State Party was led by its ing to work hand-in-hand with all deny that the cause of conflicts agreement from this peace-mak- studies without any difficulties. years, the countries with great knowledge economy would only
print media industry, the answer should reflect the realistic Chairman Nai Htaw Mon, and the armed ethnic races in order has arisen mainly on account ing process. Smooth and efficient transporta- (Translated by rule the world economically, educationally, financially and so on.
situation of the country. the delegation from the Lahu to cooperate together. I would like of the wedge that was driven by In order to sign the NCA , tion systems would be possible, Win Ko Ko Aung) See page-10
10 national 1 february 2018
The Global New Light Of Myanmar

Foreign Heads of State send

felicitations to President U Htin Kyaw

The following are messages of felicitations from Foreign Heads of

State / Government sent to President of the Republic of the Union
of Myanmar U Htin Kyaw, on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary
Independence Day of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

From Mr. Roch Marc Christian Kabore,

President of Burkina Faso,
Sir President,
The celebration of the national day of your country on January
4th 2018 gives me the pleasant opportunity to address you, on behalf
of the People of Burkina Faso and my personal name, my warm
I express to you and to your People, the wishes of health, peace,
Union Minister Dr Pe Myint delivers the opening speech at coordination meeting to host the 19th meeting of prosperity and continuous progress.
the ASEAN Sub-Committee of Information.  Photo: MNA In reassuring you of my constant availability to work with you
to continued strengthening of friendship and cooperation between
our two countries, please, accept, Sir President, the assurances of

Myanmar to host ASEAN SCI my highest consideration.

From Mr. Rodrigo Roa Duterte

meeting from 5 to 8 March President of the Philippines
Please accept my warm felicitations to Your Excellency and
The Ministry of Information Sports; Planning and Finance; the Myanma Radio and Tele- the people of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar on your 70th
held a coordination meeting in and Hotels and Tourism, as well vision (MRTV) U Myint Htwe Anniversary of Independence.
Nay Pyi Taw yesterday to host as other invited guests. reported on the preparations It is my hope that our common desire for the development of
the 19th meeting of the ASEAN Leaders of the ASEAN had for hosting the 19th SCI meeting. our countries will continue to bind our nations to work closely to
Sub-Committee of Information announced the Bali Concord-II Director of MRTV U Zeyar achieve greater peace, progress and prosperity for our peoples.
(19th SCI). declaration on 7 October 2003 to reported on the preparations I take this opportunity to reaffirm the Philippines’ commitment
The meeting was opened establish the ASEAN commu- and establishment of the lead- to further strengthen engagement with Myanmar in various aspects
with an address by Union Min- nity by 2020. ing committee, work committee to move our bilateral relations forward.
ister for Information Dr. Pe The ASEAN charter was and sub-committees for hosting Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my
Myint. signed in Singapore on 20 No- the meeting successfully. highest consideration.
It was also attended by vember 2007. The participants at the
Deputy Minister for Informa- The SCI meeting is held meeting also discussed accom-
tion U Aung Hla Tun, Directors to review resolutions related modation, transport, commu- Foreign Head of State sends
General and Managing Direc- to the information sector in nication, security, the opening
tor of the departments and en- ASEAN summits and other ceremony and medical cover- felicitations to State Counsellor
terprises operating under the
Ministry of Information, and
meetings, present new project
proposals for the next fiscal
age for the delegates from the
ASEAN countries.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
representatives of the Yangon year, negotiate for the ASEAN Deputy Minister U Aung The following is message of felicitations from Foreign Head of State
Regional Government. Cultural Fund, make financial Hla Tun also discussed prepa- / Government sent to State Counsellor and Union Minister for For-
Also present were repre- rules and select a host country rations for transport and food eign Affairs of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Daw Aung
sentatives of the Ministries of for the next meeting. for the delegates. San Suu Kyi, on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary Independence
Foreign Affairs; Home Affairs; The 19th meeting will be The coordination meeting Day of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
Religious Affairs and Culture; held from 5 to 8 March at the came to an end with conclud-
Transport and Communica- Sky Star Hotel in Yangon. ing remarks by Union Minister From Mr. Walid Al-Moualem
tions; Labour, Immigration During the coordination Dr. Pe Myint.—Myanmar News Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and
and Population; Health and meeting, Director-General of Agency Expatriates
Government of the Syrian Arab Republic
Need of Developing Employability Skills I have the pleasure to present to your Excellency, my truthful

in Young Minds of Myanmar . . . congratulations on the occasion of the National day of your country,
and I avail this opportunity to express my wishes of good health
and happiness for you personally, more progress and prosperity to
your friendly people.
From page-9 • Lateral Thinking or “Out-of-Box” Thinking Please accept, Your Excellency, my highest consideration.
The list of set of skills that come under Em- • Problem based Learning
ployability Skill may not be limited but here are • Collaboration Skill
few of major skills that need to be inculcated or • Project based Learning MYANMAR GAZETTE
developed in young minds: • Skill to make Effective Use of Social Media
• Lifelong Learning Skill
• Technical and Analytical Skill • Ethical and Human Values Head of Service Organization
• Critical Thinking
• Communication Skill (Listening, Reading,
• Many more…….
The above includes few major skills as a part
Writing and Speaking) of Employability Skill. The subsequent parts of The President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
• Planning and Team Work this article would highlight and stress upon How has appointed Daw Tin Nwe Soe, Deputy Director-General,
• IT and Computing Skill Each One of the above Skills could be developed Office of the Supreme Court of the Union, as Director-General
• Adaptability and Leadership Skill in Pragmatic ways. (Please do write for feedback of the Office of the Union Judiciary Supervision on probation
• Presentation Skill to me at, ganeshsinha@acm. from the date she assumes charge of her duties.
• Decision Making org,
1 february 2018
The Global New Light Of Myanmar world 11

Trump pushes hardline immigration policies even as he urges unity

WASHINGTON — US President his own Republican Party.
Donald Trump urged lawmak- The unity plea will first be
ers on Tuesday to work toward put to the test in his drive for
bipartisan compromises, but a compromise on protecting
pushed a hard line on immi- 1.8 million Dreamers — people
gration, insisting on a border brought illegally to the coun-
wall and other concessions from try as children — who face a 5
Democrats as part of any deal March deadline on whether they
to protect the children of illegal can begin to be deported.
immigrants. Republicans welcomed
Trump, in his first State Trump’s immigration proposals,
of the Union speech, gave no with US Senator James Lank-
ground on the contentious issue ford of Oklahoma saying Trump
of whether to shield young im- tried to strike a middle ground.
migrants known as “Dreamers” “My Democratic colleagues
from deportation. can say he didn’t move enough,
Aiming to keep conservative but you can’t deny he moved a
supporters happy as he looks to lot. There are people in his core
November congressional elec- base who think he has moved
tions, Trump stood by a set of way too far.”
principles opposed by Demo- But Senator Patrick Leahy,
crats, including the border wall a Vermont Democrat and the
with Mexico and new restrictions longest-serving senator, said
on how many family members Trump’s words about unity, after
that legal immigrants can bring a year of “divisive actions, petty
US President Donald Trump waves as he arrives to deliver his first State of the Union address to a joint session
into the United States. of Congress inside the House Chamber on Capitol Hill in Washington, US on 30 January, 2018.  insults and disgraceful race-bait-
“Tonight, I call upon all of us Photo: Reuters ing ... ring hollow.”
to set aside our differences, to Trump said he was “extend-
seek out common ground, and has denied collusion and has immigration proposals. clusive country’s brutal nature. ing an open hand” for an immi-
to summon the unity we need called the probe a “witch hunt.” Trump also said he had gration deal and that he would
to deliver for the people we were The speech was short on DENOUNCES NORTH signed an order to keep open the provide Dreamers a pathway to
elected to serve,” Trump said in details about Trump’s policy KOREAN LEADERSHIP US military prison at Guantana- citizenship over 10 to 12 years in
his address. proposals. mo Bay, Cuba, for foreign terror- exchange for funding the border
Trump used the hour-and- But his sober, measured Turning to foreign policy ism suspects. Former Democrat- wall, which he promised during
20-minute speech, given annu- approach was welcomed by the late in the speech, Trump de- ic President Barack Obama had his campaign, and restrictions
ally by presidents to Congress, public. A CNN/SSRS snap poll nounced the “depraved charac- vowed to close the prison, which on legal immigration.
to try to overcome doubts about said 48 per cent of those sur- ter” of North Korea’s leadership has been condemned by human He called his plan a “down-
his presidency at a time when he veyed had a “very positive” re- and said Pyongyang’s “reckless rights groups, but was unable to the-middle compromise,” but
is battling a probe into his cam- sponse to the speech and 22 per pursuit of nuclear missiles could shut it down completely. some Democrats hissed when he
paign’s alleged ties with Russia cent “somewhat positive.” very soon threaten our home- Whether Trump would fol- said he wanted to rein in “chain
and suffering low job approval There was little sign of unity land.” low through on his appeal for migration,” the ability of legal im-
ratings. inside the House of Represent- “We are waging a campaign bipartisan harmony was far from migrants to bring a wide-ranging
Trump made no mention of atives chamber where Trump of maximum pressure to prevent clear. Trump’s past attempts at a number of family members into
the federal probe into wheth- spoke. Republican lawmakers that from happening,” he said. In unifying message have been un- the country.
er his campaign colluded with cheered wildly at the president’s a surprise moment, he singled dermined by his later rancorous “Let’s come together, set
Russia in the 2016 presidential applause lines. Democrats often out a North Korea defector in tweets and divisive statements politics aside and finally get
election, a controversy that is sat in their seats silently and the crowd, Ji Seong-ho, as an that angered Democrats and fre- the job done,” Trump said.
dogging his presidency. Trump many booed when he laid out his example of what he called the re- quently annoyed lawmakers in —Reuters

France’s Macron warns Turkey over Earthquake kills child,

Syrian operation — Le Figaro interview injures dozens in Pakistan
KABUL — A 6.1 magnitude of mud-walled houses collapsed
PARIS — French President Turkey’s NATO allies. three-decade-long insurgency earthquake struck northeast in the southwestern Pakistani
Emmanuel Macron warned “If it turns out that this in Turkey’s largely Kurdish Afghanistan on Wednesday, province of Baluchistan, a dis-
Turkey that its operation operation takes a turn other southeast. shaking large parts of the region trict deputy chief, Shabbir Meg-
against Kurdish militias in than to fight a potential terror- The United States and and killing a child and injuring nal, said.
northern Syria should not be- ist threat to the Turkish border France have armed and several people in neighbouring There were no immediate
come an excuse to invade the and becomes an invasion op- trained YPG-led militia in the Pakistan, officials said. reports of any serious damage or
country and said he wanted An- eration, (then) this becomes fight against Islamic State in The quake, which rattled casualties in Afghanistan.
kara to coordinate its action a real problem for us,” Macon Syria. buildings in the Afghan capital Large parts of the region
with its allies. said in an interview with Le Macron said he would and was also felt in parts of India, are seismically active because
Turkey last week launched Figaro newspaper published bring the issue up again with struck 270 km (167 miles) north- a tectonic plate, known as the
an air and ground offensive in on Wednesday. Turkish President Tayyip Erdo- east of Kabul in the Hindu Kush Indian plate, is pushing north
northwest Syria, targeting the Turkey considers the gan and that the nature of the mountains, at a depth of 180 km, into the Eurasian plate.
Kurdish YPG militia in the Af- YPG a terrorist organisation operation meant there should the European Mediterranean A 7.6-magnitude quake in
rin region. That has opened a and an extension of the out- be discussions between Euro- Seismological Centre said. northern Pakistan in October
new front in the seven-year-old lawed Kurdistan Workers Par- peans, but also more widely A baby girl was killed and 10 2005 killed about 75,000 people.
civil war and strained ties with ty (PKK), which has waged a among allies.—Reuters people were injured when roofs —Reuters
12 world 1 february 2018
The Global New Light Of Myanmar

Advanced Kalashnikov
assault rifles accepted for
service in Russian troops
MOSCOW — Russia’s De- mended as armament in noted at the time that the
fence Ministry has accept- the ground forces, the Air- firearms manufacturer
ed new Kalashnikov AK-12 borne Force and marine was ready to start serial
and AK-15 assault rifles for infantry,” the Kalashnikov deliveries in 2018. The as-
service, the press office of press office said. sault rifles are intended
the Kalashnikov firearms Last year, Kalash- to make part of the Rat-
manufacturer told TASS nikov Group CEO Alexei nik ‘soldier of the future’
on Monday. Krivoruchko told TASS combat gear. It comprises
“A decision has been that the trials of the lat- several dozen elements,
made on the AK-12 and the est AK-12 assault rifle had including nine pieces of ar-
Russia’s Defence Ministry has accepted new Kalashnikov AK-12 and AK-15 assault rifles for AK-15. The submachine been completed. mament, as was reported
service.  Photo: TASS guns have been recom- The chief executive earlier.—Tass

Brazil’s Lula leads presidential poll

despite upheld conviction
EIA Study of M9 East Appraisal and Exploration SAO PAULO — Former vote to environmentalist LULA RUNS get 13 per cent and Gomes
Drilling in Block M9 by PTTEPI Brazilian President Luiz and two-time presidential The survey showed 10 per cent. TV presenter
PTTEP International Limited (PTTEPI) plans to Inacio Lula da Silva leads hopeful Marina Silva, and that Lula, as the former Luciano Huck and Alckmin
conduct an appraisal and exploration drilling campaign in the first presidential be in a second-round dead president is known, would would each get 8 per cent of
in the eastern part of Offshore Block M9 with objective poll published since an heat with likely center-right receive 34 per cent of the the votes without Lula.
to confirm (or deny) and to indicate the presence of appeals court upheld his candidate Geraldo Alckmin, first-round vote if he can The Datafolha inter-
hydrocarbon reservoirs, and serve the development of conviction on corruption the governor of Sao Paulo run, compared with 16 per views were conducted on
the existing Zawtika gas field. The proposed appraisal charges, a decision which state. If Lula is not allowed cent for right-wing candi- 29-30 January , a few days
and exploration drilling will be up to 12 wells which is likely to knock him out to run by the courts, a re- date Jair Bolsonaro and 8 after three appellate court
will begin in Q2 2018.
of contention for the Oc- cord 32 per cent of Brazil- per cent for Marina Silva. judges voted to uphold Lu-
Regarding the Scoping Report which was submitted tober election. The Data- ians polled by Datafolha The poll also indicat- la’s convictions on taking
to Environmental Conservation Department (ECD), folha survey published on said they would vote for ed that Lula would beat all bribes and money laun-
PTTEPI and Artelia Eau & Environment (Artelia) are
Wednesday in the Folha de no one in the presidential other likely candidates in a dering. Lula, Brazil’s first
currently undertaking an EIA Study which includes
associated stakeholder engagement. The EIA will S Paulo newspaper shows race. Showing widespread second-round runoff race, working-class leader, held
be conducted in accordance with the Myanmar EIA that if Lula cannot run, contempt for a political required if no single candi- office from 2003 to 2010.
Procedure (2015). right-wing candidate Jair class engulfed by kickback date wins a majority of the He remains free pending
More information about the proposed activity can be Bolsonaro would take the scandals since 2014, while vote in the first round. future appeals. Datafolha
found on PTTEPI’s website as follows: lead and make it to the sec- Lula leads in the polls, he If Lula does not run, interviewed 2,826 people
ond round. The poll showed also has by far the highest Bolsonaro would get 18 across Brazil. The margin
Questions and comments can also be submitted to
PTTEPI in writing by contacting the following email that Bolsonaro would lose rejection rate among vot- per cent of first-round vote of error is two percentage
address: badly in a second-round ers, at 40 per cent. while Marina Silva would points.—Reuters

German industrial workers start 24-hour

strikes in row over pay, hours
FRANKFURT — Indus- Emboldened by the en weeks of strikes in 1984 Wednesday, as are staff at
EIA Study of M11 Exploration Drilling in Block M11 trial workers in Germany fastest economic growth to help secure a cut of the Kion’s Still brand of fork-
by PTTEPI started 24-hour strikes in six years and record low working week to 35 hours lift trucks in Hamburg and
overnight, affecting com- unemployment, the union from 40 hours. Employers at valve maker Gestra in
PTTEP International Limited (PTTEPI) plans to conduct
an exploration drilling campaign in the Offshore Block panies including auto- is demanding an 8 per cent have offered a 6.8 per cent Bremen. Workers at au-
M11 with objective to confirm (or deny) the presence motive supplier ZF Frie- pay rise over 27 months for increase but rejected the tomotive supplier Robert
of hydrocarbon reservoirs. The proposed exploration drichshafen and lighting 3.9 million metals and en- demand for shorter hours Bosch in Stuttgart are due
drilling will be one well which will begin in Q4 2018. company Zumtobel, amid gineering workers across unless they can also in- to go on strike later on
Regarding the Scoping Report which was submitted a dispute over wages and Europe’s largest economy. crease workers’ hours Wednesday, to be followed
to Environmental Conservation Department (ECD), working hours. Powerful The union has also when necessary. Across by Mercedes-Benz mak-
PTTEPI and Artelia Eau & Environment (Artelia) are German union IG Metall asked for workers to be Germany, around 260 com- er Daimler and sportscar
currently undertaking an EIA Study which includes has called for full-day walk- given the right to reduce panies are expected to be firm Porsche on Friday.
associated stakeholder engagement. The EIA will outs through Friday, firing their weekly hours to 28 hit by walkouts lasting 24 Both the union and
be conducted in accordance with the Myanmar EIA a last warning shot before from 35 to care for chil- hours each this week in the employers have left
Procedure (2015).
it ballots for extended in- dren, elderly or sick rel- support of IG Metall’s de- the door open to resum-
More information about the proposed activity can be dustrial action that could atives, and return to full mands. Workers at printing ing talks after the planned
found on PTTEPI’s website as follows: be crippling to companies time after two years. This press maker Heidelberger strikes end on Friday but
Questions and comments can also be submitted to reliant on a well-oiled sup- is IG Metall’s first major Druckmaschinen in Hei- each said they demanded
PTTEPI in writing by contacting the following e-mail ply chain of car parts and push for shorter hours delberg are among those more willingness to make
address: other components. since workers staged sev- downing their tools on concessions.—Reuters
1 February 2018
The Global New Light Of Myanmar world 13

China’s Li says ties with Britain will

remain unchanged through Brexit
BEIJING — China’s rela- cultural products. ments speaking alongside
tions with Britain will not Britain’s May says Chinese Premier Li Ke-
change because of chang- committed to deepening qiang during a three-day
es in British-EU relations, relationship with China state visit to China where
Premier Li Keqiang said British Prime Minis- she is accompanied by
on Wednesday. ter Theresa May said on business people from sec-
Speaking after meet- Wednesday in Beijing that tors where Britain feels it
ing visiting British Prime she is committed to deep- can capitalize on China’s
Minister Theresa May in ening Britain’s relationship growing middle class con- British Prime Minister Theresa May
Beijing’s Great Hall of the with China in light of Brexit sumers. The two countries speaks during a joint press conference
People, Li said the two and would explore all op- have also agreed to lift a with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at
discussed upholding free tions for a future trade re- ban on British beef exports the Great Hall of the People in Beijing,
trade and that China would lationship. to China in six months, May China on 31 January, 2018.  
become more open to agri- May made the com- said.—Reuters

India boosts maritime reach CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE

Qualcomm Incorporated, a company incorporated in
with Seychelles pact to build M.V merkur tide VOY. NO. ( ) Delaware State and having its registered office at 5775
Morehouse Drive San Diego, CA 92121-1714, United
Consignees of cargo carried on M.V merkur
naval facilities tide VOY. NO. ( ) are hereby notified that the States is the owner and proprietor of the following
vessel will be arriving on 1-2-2018 and cargo will be
discharged into the premises of Mitt where it will lie
NEW DELHI/PORT weekend provides for In-
at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the
VICTORIA — India has dia to develop the airstrip
byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
signed a 20-year pact with and jetty on the Assump-
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
the Seychelles to build an tion islands, near another
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
airstrip and a jetty for its shipping route. declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
navy in the island chain, “India is helping us from the Vessel. Reg. No.4/15883/2014 (29.10.2014)
the two countries said, as free of charge, and the fa- No claims against this vessel will be admitted after In respect of “Integrated circuits, computer hardware and
the South Asian nation cilities and activities will the Claims Day. software for signal processing in wireless communication
steps up a contest with entirely be at the control SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT apparatus, modems, consumer electronics devices,
China for influence in the of Seychelles and will be MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY portable media devices, mobile gaming devices, mobile
Indian Ocean. conducted as per the laws telephones, smart phones, computer tablets, handheld
AGENT FOR: M/S Mcc transport computers, and pocket computing devices; modems and
China last year inau- of Seychelles,” Barry Fau- (s’pore) Pte ltd amplifiers; signal compression and decompression
gurated its first overseas re, its secretary of state Phone No: 2301185 instruments, voice coders and decoders, namely, vocoders,
military base in Djibouti, for foreign affairs, told and signal compression and decompression software and
near one of the world’s Reuters. technical manuals sold as a unit therewith; computer
hardware and software for electronic multimedia content
busiest shipping lanes, But nothing had been
protection; mobile application software; software in the
deepening Indian inse- leased to India and the TRADEMARK CAUTION nature of a mobile application for discovering, organizing,
curities and pushing it new facilities would help sharing, connecting, playing and accessing video games;
König Ludwig International GmbH & Co. KG, a downloadable software in the nature of a mobile
to gain a foothold in the Seychelles better control company incorporated in Germany and having its
region. its exclusive economic application for retrieving and displaying articles, videos,
registered office at Schloßstraße 8, 82269 Geltendorf, and other news related to video games; computer
The agreement zone of 1.3 million square Germany is the owner and proprietor of the following programs and software for communication devices;
signed in the Seychelles’ kilometres, Faure add- Trademarks. computer software and programs enabling users of
capital of Victoria last ed.—Reuters communication devices to simultaneously access
databases and global computer networks; computer
software enabling transfer of data between mobile
TRADEMARK CAUTION communication apparatus; mobile communication
terminals, including voice and data communication devices,
Neocutis S.A., a company incorporated in Switzerland, used in terrestrial or satellite-based communications
and having its registered office at Chemin d´Etraz, 2 - 1027 systems; telecommunications and data networking
Lonay – Switzerland is the owner and proprietor of the hardware, namely devices for transporting and aggregating
following Trademarks. voice, data, and video communications across multiple
Reg. No. 4/215/2014 (10.1.2014)
network infrastructures and communications protocols;
RéACTIVE electronic devices, namely, computer hardware for
accessing global computer and communication networks;
computer programs and software; computer monitors,
Reg. No. 4/17619/2014 (26.11.2014)
modems, decoders, tablet computers, handheld computers,
In respect of “Antioxidant cosmetics sold through plastic and parts, components and fittings for the above goods;
surgeons, dermatologists, other physicians, and dentists to wireless communication apparatus, namely, modems,
their respective patients” all included in Class 03. cellular telephones, mobile telephones, smart phones,
wireless local loop telephones and personal
HYALIS communication services (PCS) handsets, and component
parts and instruction manuals sold as a unit therewith;
Reg. No. 4/17620/2014 (26.11.2014) Reg. No. 4/216/2014 (7.1.2014) radio frequency (RF) and intermediate frequency (IF)
transceiver circuit assemblies, and analog and digital
In respect of “Cosmetic preparations for skin renewal” all All in respect of “Beer” included in Class 32.
signal processing circuit assemblies for wireless
included in Class 03. Fraudulent or unauthorised use or actual or colourable communication apparatus” in Class 9.
Fraudulent or unauthorised use or actual or colourable imitation of the Marks shall be dealt with according to law. Fraudulent or unauthorised use or actual or colourable
imitation of the Marks shall be dealt with according to law. Daw Htoo Htoo, H.G.P imitation of the Mark shall be dealt with according to law.
Daw Htoo Htoo, H.G.P For Kӧnig Ludwig International Gmbh & Co.KG, Daw La Min May, H.G.P
For Neocutis S.A., C/o Kelvin Chia Yangon Ltd., For Qualcomm Incorporated,
C/o Kelvin Chia Yangon Ltd., Level 8A, Union Financial Centre (UFC), C/o Kelvin Chia Yangon Ltd.,
Level 8A, Union Financial Centre (UFC), Corner of Mahabandoola Road & Thein Phyu Road, Level 8A, Union Financial Centre (UFC),
Corner of Mahabandoola Road & Thein Phyu Road, Botahtaung Township, Yangon, Corner of Mahabandoola Road and Thein Phyu Road,
Botahtaung Township, Yangon, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Botahtaung Township, Yangon,
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar. The Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
Dated 1st February 2018 Dated 1 February 2018
Dated 1st February 2018
14 social 1 february 2018
The Global New Light Of Myanmar

U2 defeats lawsuit
claiming it stole part
of ‘Achtung Baby’ song
NEW YORK — A US judge on out permission.
Tuesday dismissed a lawsuit But the judge said the riff
accusing U2 of lifting part of a was not a “sufficiently substan-
British songwriter’s work for a tial” portion of “Nae Slappin,” a
song on the Irish rock band’s 3-1/2-minute composition that
1991 blockbuster album “Ach- “demonstrates the plaintiff ’s
tung Baby.” impressive guitar skills,” to be
US District Judge Den- a protectable “fragment” of the
A woman enjoys the ise Cote in Manhattan reject- work.
sun on a Croisette beach
in Cannes, Franch on 1
ed Paul Rose’s claim that U2 She also said that even
August, 2017.  willfully copied from a 13-sec- if the riff were protectable, a
Photo: Reuters ond guitar riff near the start reasonable jury could not find
of his 1989 instrumental “Nae that U2 copied it.
Slappin,” to create a 12-second Rose had been seeking

Life’s a beach: Cannes ships segment featuring a guitar solo

for its song “The Fly.”
Rose, who lives in New
at least $5 million in damag-
es from U2 lead singer Bono;
bandmates The Edge, Adam

in sand for film festival York, claimed that U2 copied

from his song “virtually note-
for-note,” and also used a tam-
Clayton and Larry Mullen Jr,
and UMG Recordings Inc, a
Vivendi SA unit that releases
bourine and the same drum, records under U2’s label Island
CANNES, France — Every ardo DiCaprio in more recent More than half the sand is percussion and bass line with- Records.—Reuters
year the French Riviera town of years, the Croisette’s fine sands, arriving by boat from a quarry
Cannes rolls out the red carpet glitzy hotels and gourmet restau- in the neighbouring Var region.
to A-list celebrities at the world’s rants have hosted film’s biggest Mixed with sea water, the sand is
most glamorous film festival. stars during the annual festival. pumped via a floating pipe onto
Now it wants to roll out a bigger By the time of this year’s event the beach, where bulldozers
beach too. in May, the expanded stretch of shape the new waterfront.
The Mediterranean resort sand should be in place and for Locals are divided over
is shipping in 80,000 cubic me- private beach managers means the development. While some
tres of white sand — enough to more room to make money. applaud a bigger public beach,
fill 32 Olympic swimming pools “We had a strip of sand which others fret it may be a waste of
— to widen the beach along a was about 20 metres wide, now tax payers’ money.
1.4 kilometre (0.9 mile) stretch we’ll get an extra 10 to 12 metres,” “What worries me is wheth-
of seafront beside the famed said Bruno Richard, manager of er the sea will just take it all back.
“Croisette” promenade. the privately owned Long Beach, It cost the town a lot of money,”
Irish group U2 receive an award at the 2017 MTV Europe Music
From Brigitte Bardot in the where a sunlounger costs 25 eu- said resident Gerard Rollandin. Awards at Wembley Arena in London, Britain on 12 November,
1950s to Nicole Kidman and Leon- ros ($31) for the day. —Reuters 2017.   Photo: Reuters

‘Black Panther’ stars on importance of African culture in Marvel film

LOS ANGELES — The stars Reuters. want to go,” she said. pink Viktor & Rolf dress with a a gilded print Emporio Armani
of “Black Panther” dressed in “Hopefully it changes the The Oscar-winning actress dramatic shoulder ruffle, and suit, actor Donald Glover opted
their finest African-inspired general idea of what being an matched the purple carpet in an Bassett opted for a golden yellow for a tangerine Dolce & Gabbana
royal attire and spoke about the African is. Too often times we see amethyst-hued Versace gown Naeem Khan fringe jumpsuit. suit, and the film’s director, Ryan
importance of representing a Africa as a place that is wanting with gold-detailed shoulders The men also served up Coogler, added a printed scarf
black superhero story on screen and here it’s a place that you and belt. Gurira wore a bright colorful looks. Boseman rocked to his black Ikire Jones suit, a
at the premiere of the new film Philadelphia label that draws
from Walt Disney Co’s Marvel from West African influences.
Entertainment. “Black Panther,” out in
Chadwick Boseman, who theaters on 16 February, earned
plays T‘Challa, the titular hero rave early reactions from at-
and king of fictional African na- tendees at the premiere, includ-
tion Wakanda, led his co-stars ing “Guardians of the Galaxy”
including Lupita Nyong‘o, Daniel director James Gunn, who
Kaluuya, Michael B Jordan, Da- praised the film as an “extraor-
nai Gurira and Angela Bassett, dinary work.”
on the purple carpet on Monday. “It’s just filled with so much
“Something like Marvel has talent, so much beauty, the aes-
a way of really affecting popular thetic of it is so pleasing and so
culture, and to have that popular black and Afro-centric and Afri-
culture informed with things that can and modern and worldly and
are of African origin and peo- futuristic. You know, it’s got a lot
ple knowing they are of African of swag. This movie is on fire,”
origin ... is powerful,” Nyong‘o, A general view of the entrance for the premiere of “Black Panther” in Los Angeles, California, US on 29 January, said Bassett, who plays T‘Chal-
who plays warrior Nakia, told 2018.  Photo: Reuters la’s mother.—Reuters
1 february 2018
The Global New Light Of Myanmar social 15

Beirut guide gives walking tours of city’s history and his own
BEIRUT — Tour guide Ronnie
Chatah, 36, is once again doing anese have yet to make peace.
what he loves after a four-year “We don’t reflect properly
hiatus — telling the stories that and I think that is our problem.
have shaped Beirut’s history Maybe that is part of our story
from ancient to modern times. too, that we are constantly avoid-
Chatah put the walking tours ing the deeper issues, and hence
on hold in late 2013 after the a country that still cannot stand
assassination of his father Mo- properly on its own two feet,” he
hamad Chatah, a former minister said. The tour allows visitors to
and diplomat. He was worried discover parts of the city that
he would not be able to give an have either ceased to exist or
impartial view of the city, he said. cordoned off by security because
“My father is buried in what of close proximity to government
is probably the most climactic buildings or politicians’ residenc-
part of the tour,” he said, refer- es. This includes what used to be
ring to Martyrs’ Square, a pock- the old Jewish neighbourhood,
marked statue in the epicenter, once home to a small community
where many Lebanese have that is now all but gone save for
rallied in times of political crisis a restored synagogue.
since World War I. “I thought I knew the area
“It is not easy to look at your but I was surprised to find out
father’s burial site and just ignore about ... a neighbourhood that I
the emotions.” Tour guide Ronnie Chatah, 36, gives the tour brochures to visitors in Beirut, Lebanon on 28 January, never knew existed,” Sarah Har-
But reviving the tour has had 2018.   Photo: REUTERS akeh, 24, a teacher said.
a surprising effect. Chatah said he had been
“I have not had a better ther- He explains that the local left to disintegrate. came the military headquarters planning to resume the walks
apy session,” said Chatah, who currency is pegged to the US Standing outside what was of whichever militant faction was for just a couple of months, but
first launched the tours in 2009. dollar and about how since the once the Holiday Inn hotel, winning the war in Beirut over the now there are tours scheduled for
Now for four hours every oth- civil war political power is shared Chatah recounts how the build- next 15 years. the rest of the year. “That is the
er Sunday, people follow Chatah between Lebanon’s 18 different ing that once exemplified Beirut’s For him, the building — with persuasion of this city, you keep
as he explains some of the most religious sects. He also explains Seventies glamor became an icon its grey exterior, huge gaping coming back, and even when you
complicated aspects of Lebanon’s why so many abandoned heritage of the 1975-1990 civil war only a holes and revolving balcony — is know it is not good for you,” he
capital. buildings have been seemingly few weeks after it opened. It be- the best reflection of how the Leb- said. —Reuters

Wings of joy: Kabul’s bird market brings comfort to war-weary Afghans China to stage
KABUL — For some Afghans Customers, most of them men, in cages, and pigeons coo in small Most of the birds come from
weighed down by decades of war but some blue burqa-clad women aviaries made of wire. Afghanistan, caught in the wild or of “Thais”
and struggle, a little comfort and too, squeeze down the crowded
in February,
“In Afghanistan, it’s a pas- raised. Some are imported from
distraction can be found in the street, stopping to inspect birds sion to keep birds,” said Rafiull- neighboring countries, such as
company of birds.
The war seems a long way
on display, haggle with shopkeep-
ers and buy bird seed and other
hah Ahmadi, who sells fighting
cocks at the market.
Iran and Pakistan, but traders
said business was down, with few with Placido
off in the Ka Faroshi bird market
in the heart of Kabul’s old city, a
Fighting cocks and partridg-
“Some people love to keep
fighting cocks, some love to have
birds being imported these days.
Ahmadi said the best fight-
narrow lane with a few alleys off
it, packed with small, mud-walled
es squawk in bell-shaped wicker
cages, while finches, larks and
partridges and some love to have
other kinds of birds. It’s a custom
ing cocks come from northern
Afghanistan. The most expensive
shops festooned with bird cages. canaries of all varieties hop about in Afghanistan.” ones can bring up to 1 million af-
ghanis ($14,000). But the favourite BEIJING — A Chinese produc-
of many Afghans is the chukar tion of Jules Massenet’s opera
partridge, an elegant reddish-grey “Thais” will make its debut on 2
bird with a black band across its February, according to the Na-
eyes and around its throat, a red tional Centre for the Performing
beak, and black stripes on its side. Arts (NCPA).P Spanish tenor
The partridges are bred for Placido Domingo will perform in
fighting. “My passion is partridg- the opera, which will be staged at
es, I’ve been keeping partridges the NCPA in Beijing until 6 Feb-
for about 60 years,” said Abdul ruary, according to the NCPA.
Khetab, 80, another market The opera tells the story of
trader. “I’m first in Kabul in par- a young monk, Athanael, who
tridge fighting.”Another trader, saves the beautiful Thais from
Mohammad Zahir Tanha, said hedonism, while the monk be-
birds helped bring relief from the comes degenerate and sinks into
stress of life in the Afghan capital, carnal desire for Thais.
recently hit by a spate of bloody Composed by Jules Massen-
militant attacks. “I have a men- et, the opera was adapted from
tal problem and doctors advised the novel by the same name,
me to keep birds,” Tanha said which helped Anatole France
Canary cages hang inside a shop, for sale, at Ka Faroshi bird market in Kabul, Afghanistan on 18 January, in his shop, stacked with cages. win the Nobel Prize in Literature
2018.   Photo: REUTERS —Reuters in 1921.—Xinhua
16 sport 1 February 2018
The Global New Light Of Myanmar

Yangon and Ayeyawady play to Myanmar

Futsal team
departs for
a draw in U-19 MNL match AFC Futsal
The U-19 teams from Yangon
United and Ayeyawady United The Myanmar National Futsal
played to a 1-1- tie yesterday in Team departed for Chinese Tai-
a Myanmar National League pei yesterday morning from
match at Salin stadium in Yan- Yangon International Airport
gon. to compete in the AFC Futsal
With both teams comprised Championship 2018.
of young, energetic players, the This is the 15th edition of
ball went to and fro with speedy the AFC Futsal Championship,
play. the biennial international com-
The opening goal occurred petition organised by the Asian
early for Ayeyawady, when Nay Football Confederation (AFC)
Don Khant scored at the 6-min- for the men's national teams of
ute mark. Asia. The competition will take
The equalising goal was place in Chinese Taipei, also
scored just as quickly by Yangon known as Taiwan, which was
United’s brilliant player Hlwan appointed by the AFC to host
Moe Oo, who scored in the re- the event from 1 to 11 February.
start just after the opening goal. Sixteen teams including Myan-
The players from Yangon mar will play in the tournament.
made further attempts to score, The teams will be divided
but Ayeyawady’s defence was into four groups each consisting
strong and was able to thwart of four teams.
further goal scoring. Myanmar is in Group C
The struggle for more goals with Asian Futsal powers Iran,
continued in the second half, Iraq and China. Myanmar will
with strikers from both teams Youth players from Yangon United and Ayeyawady United vie for the ball in yesterday’s U-19 MNL match at play against Iran on Friday,
making sweaty efforts to break Salin Stadium in Yangon.  Photo:MNL Iraq on Sunday and China on
the draw. Tuesday. The top two teams of
But Yangon and Ayeyawady na, skill and defence. team will next play against mar stadium on 7 February. each group will advance to the
were equal on this day in stami- The Yangon United U-19 Yadanarbon U-19 at Padon- —KyawZin Lin quarterfinals.—KyawZin Lin

Palace covet attacking cover after Sako injury Allardyce

takes aim at
LONDON — Crystal Palace will
look to sign an attacking play- deadline day
er before the transfer window
closes later on Wednesday after fixtures
midfielder Bakary Sako picked
up an injury in their 1-1 draw at LONDON — Everton manager
West Ham United, manager Roy Sam Allardyce has called for
Hodgson said. the Premier League to avoid
Sako is facing an extend- scheduling games on transfer
ed spell on the sidelines after deadline day as it puts clubs
limping off with an ankle inju- under too much pressure.
ry before halftime on Tuesday Everton host Leicester
and Hodgson revealed that the City on Wednesday, one of six
Malian international’s chances games on the schedule, and Al-
of a quick recovery appeared lardyce said speculation about
unlikely. players coming and going be-
“My medical staff... don’t fore the transfer window closed
think it’s very good at all,” the was a distraction.
former England manager said. “I’m a manager and I want
“We don’t really have the lux- the best possible opportuni-
ury of losing a forward player ties to function correctly,” he
because we are so short in that said.
area.” Crystal Palace’s Bakary Sako reacts after a foul by West Ham United’s Pablo Zabaleta.   “I have enough pressure in
“It makes it a little bit Photo: Reuters the game as it is at the moment
more imperative that we without heaping more on top of
bring some players in because forward areas.” back Jaroslaw Jach joining on coming in on loan from Benfica me, which is exactly what this
otherwise we’ll have a very Hodgson has signed two a three-year deal and Sweden until the end of the season. — does, on every manager in the
thin squad, especially in the players so far, with centre under-21 midfielder Erdal Rakip Reuters Premier League.—Reuters

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