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Fill in the chart with information about Mexico or a State in Mexico.

Name Apizaco
Capital city Tlaxcala
Location The state of Tlaxcala is located geographically in
the central-eastern region of the Mexican
Republic and borders on the north with the
states of Hidalgo and Puebla, to the east and
south with the state of Puebla, to the west with
the states of Puebla, Mexico and Hidalgo .
Climate There are two kinds of climates, one in the north,
temperate sub-humid with intense summer rains,
and in the rest subhumid temperate with summer
rains of medium intensity, the heat that is
perceived in this region is moderate and Rarely
surpasses 30 degrees Celsius, in the winter
dawns, almost all Tlaxcala occur frost, and the
thermometers register temperatures below zero
Native ethnic groups The Nahuas (San Pablo del Monte, Tlaxcala),
Totonacas, Otomís, Zapotec languages.
Flag/Shield It was designed in 1981 by Hernández
Xochitiotzin, in the middle of 2011 was that they
recognized the flag of Tlaxcala as emblem of the
municipality, it is divided by two stripes one of
red color and one white in diagonal form and in
the center the coat of arms of the state , These
colors are those that have represented Republic
of Tlaxcallan since they have been banners and
badges with them, The coat of arms was granted
the 22 of April of the year 1535, like answer of
the Kingdom of Spain to the request of the
governor Diego Maxixcatzin, as representative of
the city of Tlaxcala.
Animal There are two kinds of fauna in Tlaxcala:

Domestic animals: Cattle, sheep, goats, pigs,

asnal, equine, poultry, dogs and cats.

Wildlife: Squirrels, armadillos, cacomixtle, rabbit,

coyote, hare, bat, oz, home and field rat, mouse,
badger, tlacuache, tuza, fox, skunk, owl, lizard,
rattlesnake, centipede and buzzard
Flower/Tree Fruit trees (plum, chabacano, cherimoya, peach,
guava, fig, lime, lemon, apple, orange, walnut,
pear, perón tejocote), grape and xoconochtle.
Anthem Author: Letra y Música by Maestro Carlos Cea y
Díaz, it says so (fragment)

Like the sun that crowns the Matlalcuéyetl

With a halo of almost divine light
Tlaxcala is the future of splendor
That makes us invincible our faith ...
Your past of prodigious feats
That illuminates your destiny
Is the force that drives vigorously
The creative longing in our being.

The indigenous tribes founded you

And his race in ours was overturned
And it was the brutal clash with the Hispanic
The crucible your spirit forged ...

You were the unparalleled cradle of

Which flourished in the nascent country
You melted the steel and the plumage!
You were the root of the nation!
State emblem As the main image of the shield of Tlaxcala, it
represents the city as a new Castile, winner of
the Mexicas during the Conquest. The black
eagle on gold is the heraldic image of the Holy
Roman Empire and, therefore, representation of
the emperor Charles V, who granted the shield.
Traditional food The current Tlaxcalan cuisine is a rich fusion of
pre-Hispanic and Spanish ingredients, today it is
very common to taste the mixiotes, the
chinicuiles and the barbecue, although we can
not fail to recommend you to try the delicious
mole of the region, dishes such as the mole de
olla , The mole of fiesta and the mole of
guajolote are delicious dishes.

There are also very exotic foods for visitors such

as escamoles. Or soups like milpa soup, nopales
or bean, in addition to the traditional Tlaxcalteca

The typical drink since ancestral times is the

Pulque and the curados derived from this one,
there are of diverse flavors like of melon. Mead
is also common.

The desserts are also very varied but the

palanquetas and the fritters with cottage cheese
are a delicious option.
Song/music Almost all the towns of the state of Tlaxcala are
filled with music and color with the
representation of their many traditional dances,
many of them of clear pre-Hispanic origin, such
as "Tónatl", god of the sun, whose music Runs
with teponaxtle and reed flutes, and ends with a
shower of flowers thrown by the maidens; The
"Xochipitzahua", which is a ceremonial prayer
sung and danced; "La Culebra", from the villages
of Papalotla, Mazatecochco, Acuitlapilco and
Tepeyanco; "Los Charros", in which the dancers
carry an elegant cape embroidered with chaquira
and sequin, a hat with a great plume of feathers,
a mask carved in wood of color and a chirrión in
the hand, that when exploding, in the middle of
Shouts and howls, resemble the fury of the

In the "Dance of the Ribbons" several girls

dressed in skirts and quexquemes take with their
right hand a large number of slats hanging from
a high mast, while with the other hand they play
a rattle, and dancing in two opposing circles
weave and weave Colored ribbon cones. It is
represented in Santa Ana Chiautempan and in
Game/sport The most traditional game of the state of
Tlaxcala is the teposmacuahuiliztli which
consisted of a kind of battle between two
warriors, consisted of reaching the fifteen points,
hitting without hurting the opposite, the blow the
feet was worth two points in the trunk three
points, Could not be hit in the face or head, and
the other was EL PALIN a game similar to what
is known today as hokey the two games are of
native origin and are still practiced in some
festivities in the state of Tlaxcala.
Languages In Tlaxcala, there are 27 653 people over 5
years old who speak some indigenous language,
which represents 2% of the population of the
The Nahuatl of Tlaxcala, Mexican Central East
or Nahuatl Tlaxcalteco is a variant or dialect of
central Nahuatl, language spoken in the
Tlaxcalan municipalities of Chiautempan, Contla
de Juan Cuamatzi, Mazatecochco de José María
Morelos, Tetlahnocan, San Pablo del Monte,
Santa Cruz Tlaxcala, Tenancingo and
Teolocholco. The Tlaxcalan people as such
recognize their identity from pre-Hispanic times,
pre-Columbian Nahuas who lived in what is now

Write 10 sentences.

1. The state of Tlaxcala is located geographically in the central-eastern region of the Mexican Republic.

2. The flag it was designed in 1981 by Hernández Xochitiotzin.

3. There are two kinds of fauna in Tlaxcala, domestic and wild.

4. the most traditional game of the state of Tlaxcala is the teposmacuahuiliztli.

5. The typical drink since ancestral times is the Pulque and the curados.
6. The dancing "La Culebra", is from the villages of Papalotla, Mazatecochco, Acuitlapilco and Tepeyanco.

7. Was EL PALIN a game similar to what is known today as hokey the two games are of native origin and are still

practiced in some festivities in the state of Tlaxcala.

8. The Tlaxcalan people as such recognize their identity from pre-Hispanic times, pre-Columbian Nahuas who lived in

what is now Tlaxcala.

9. The image of the shield of Tlaxcala, it represents the city as a new Castile, winner of the Mexicas during the


10. its very exotic foods for visitors such as escamoles. Or soups like milpa soup, nopales or bean, in addition to the

traditional Tlaxcalteca soup.

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