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News Release

For Immediate Release

For more information,

Contact Desiree Babinsack at
(407) 491-2224 mobile

Hiking and climbing retailer invites TV outdoorsman for Bear in The

Lair event

ALLENTOWN, Pa. (FEB. 11, 2019) – Falcon’s Lair is hosting an event with TV
outdoorsman Bear Grylls from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 16 at the store’s location in
Allentown, Pennsylvania. This event will be in partnership with Grylls and his charity, Journey
of a Lifetime Trust to offer helpful tips for hikers and climbers.

During the event, Grylls will be sharing his favorite spots for hiking and climbing in the Lehigh
Valley area. Grylls will also demonstrate proper use of new hiking and climbing equipment and
share valuable tips on safety during hiking and climbing adventures.

“Accidents on big mountains happen when people's ambitions cloud their good judgment,” Bear
Grylls said. “Good climbing is about climbing with heart and with instinct, not ambition and

This event will also offer a series of free hiking and climbing classes taught by Falcon’s Lair’s
employee’s and are open to everyone at any skill level. All of the proceeds made during the event
will go to support Grylls’ charity, Journey of a Lifetime Trust.

“Adventure to me has always been about the connections and bonds you create with people
when you’re there,” Grylls said.

Falcon’s Lair is a hiking and climbing equipment retailer located in Allentown, Pennsylvania.
Established in 1998, the sporting goods store serves clientele from a variety of skill levels
ranging from beginners to experts.


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