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Title : ​Helping Hand

By​ Satyam Burhade, Akash Solanke, Naina Pardesi

Summary :
Out of the 3 crore orphans in India, only 4% of them find homes. The homes in India are
out of proportion with the orphans getting created primarily because of the huge costs of food
involved. This can be solved if food is donated via the right channel at the right time . This
foundation is the youth organization working for orphan child to give them cloths, and
orphanage. The high standard of living has resulted in the wastage of clothes, etc.

Because of quick changes in habits and lifestyle. Instead of wasting these things we can
put them in use by donating them to various organizations such as orphanages, old age homes,
etc. The product is an internet-based that basically aims at charity through donations.Thereby,
surveys were conducting in order to get knowledge about the organization’s daily requirements
that are fulfilled and the ones that remain unfulfilled. Also, their feedback on the idea of creation
of this product was taken.

Most people don't realize how much cloths they throw away every day from uneaten
leftovers to spoiled produce. About 95 percent of the cloths we throw away ends up in landfills
or combustion facilities. In 2013,we disposed more than 35 million tons of clothes waste . Many
people wish to donate things to needy organizations. Also, many organizations wish to ask for
various things required by them such as clothes, books, utensils ,etc., but there is no source
available through which they can satisfy their requirements.

Homeless People Many charities run homeless shelters, which give individuals living on
the street a warm bed and shelter in their lives.Did you know that almost 25% of homeless
people are India veterans? There are many charities that help support military families by lending
assistance to veterans who are struggling to make ends meet as the result of disability, hiring
discrimination, etc.

OpenShift is a family of containerization software developed by Red Hat. Its flagship

product is the OpenShift Container Platform—an on-premises platform as a service built around
Docker containers orchestrated and managed by Kubernetes on a foundation of Red Hat
Enterprise Linux. Source To Image (S2I) is a framework that makes it easy to write images that
take application source code as an input and produce a new image that runs the assembled
application as output.
The main advantage of using S2I for building reproducible Docker images is the ease of
use for developers. As a builder image author, you must understand two basic concepts in order
for your images to provide the best possible S2I performance:​ ​the build process and S2I scripts .

Build Process
The build process consists of the following three fundamental elements, which are combined into
a final Docker image:

● sources

● S2I scripts

● builder image
Fig : S2I


➢ The manual processing is quite tedious, time consuming ,less accurate in comparison to
computerized processing. We don't live in a perfect world, and there's never going to be a perfect
time to give—but there are always people out there in need of help. Whether interest rates are
rising, the economy is in the doldrums, or even if you're experiencing financial difficulties of
your own, the reality is that when you donate your money, you help others who need it.

➢ If you've been stuck in a rut, whether personally or professionally, sometimes the simple act of
donating cash can do the trick and reinvigorate
your life.
➢ The knowledge that you’re helping others is hugely empowering and, in turn, can
make you feel happier and more fulfilled. Research has identified a link between making a
donation to charity and increased activity in the area of the brain that registers pleasure proving
that as the old adage goes, it really is far better to give than to receive. Sharing the experience of
donating to charity with your children shows them from a young age that they can make positive
changes in the world.

➢ Children naturally love to help others, so nurturing their innate generosity is likely to mean that
they grow up with a greater appreciation of what they have, and will carry on supporting charity
in years to come


It processes data quickly and saves a lot of business time. Performing large number of
business transactions is possible with computerized accounting. This system of accounting
reduces the manpower effort Many businesses turn to maintenance software for help when they
have the need to optimize their maintenance operations through the efficient work donation
system or problems tracking their inventory levels. Since all the calculations are handled by the
software, computerized accounting eliminates many of the mundane and time-consuming
processes associated with manual accounting.
For example, once issued, invoices are processed automatically making accounting less
time-consuming. Computers helps businesses by making their staff efficient , productive and also
save their valuable time.
It helps to maintain business and all financial information for the business is
well-organized. The use of computerization provides advantages over manual work in many
areas. The software reduces all the paperwork.

➢ Cost Reductions

➢ Quickly change work priority

➢ Workflow Improvements

➢ Tracking & Reporting

➢ Security

➢ Cost-effective

➢ Time savings
Computer hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer and related devices.
Internal hardware devices include motherboards, hard drives, and RAM. External hardware
devices include monitors, keyboards, mice, printers, and scanners.

Component Minimum Requirement

Processor 64-bit, four-core, 2.5 GHz minimum per

Core .

RAM 16 GB for developer and evaluation use.

Hard disk 80 GB for installation For production

use, you need additional free disk space
for day-to-day operations.

Tools Used :
➢ Kubernetes
➢ Docker
➢ Openshift
➢ Git (Version Control — Git command line)
➢ VMware
➢ Browser developer tools — Chrome/Firefox developer tools.
➢ Mysql
Software :
Software, in its most general sense, is a set of instructions or programs instructing a computer to
do specific tasks. Software is a generic term used to describe computer programs. Scripts,
applications, programs and a set of instructions are all terms often used to describe software

Component Requirement

PHP (front end) ------

HTML ------

JavaScript/CSS ------

MS Word 97 or later ------

Web Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Google

Chrome or later

MySQL Server (back-end) -------

VMware or VirtualBox Minimum 4 GB RAM

OpenShift Minimum 2 Nodes(One Node,One Master)

Operating System Windows / Linux

Technical Architecture

Current System(Flow) :

Fig 2.0 Flow Of Current System


Fig : 3.0 ER Diagram (Admin Panel)

Admin Login :

Fig 4.0 : Admin Activities

Form Layout :

1. Public Home Page :

Fig 5.0 : Home Page

Events :

Fig 6.0 : Events Page

Feedback Form :

Fig 7.0 : Feedback Form

Donar Details Form :

Fig 8.0 : Donar Details Form

Status Form :

Fig 9.0 : Status Form

Upload Product Details :

Fig 10.0 : Upload Product Details

Feasibility​ :
Helping hand support provides a platform to the welfare of the poor children and can be
used by NGOs co-operative social work. The user can register here and carry on their
charity work by viewing by details of the poor children. It improves the efficiency to the
user towards their social work.
It also improve poor child knowledge using donated books. Using helping hand website
donor can help poor children to donating books ,clothes, footwear and school bags.

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