Question # 1: SE-311 Embedded & Real Time Systems Assignment # 04

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SE-311 Embedded & Real Time Systems Assignment # 04

Question # 1

Program Timer 1 to be an event counter. Use mode 2 and display the

binary count on P1 and P2 continuously. Set the initial count to 50.

Question # 2

Write a program using timer 0 to generate a 500 Hz square wave frequency

on one of the pins of P1.

Question # 3

a. What is the maximum frequency that can be generated using Mode 1

if the crystal frequency is 11.0592 MHz? Show your calculation.

b. What is the maximum frequency that can be generated using Mode 2

if the crystal frequency is 11.0592 MHz? Show your calculation.

c. What is the lowest frequency that can be generated using Mode 1 if

the crystal frequency is 11.0592 MHz? Show your calculation.

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