Uvers: Ari Zona

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VOL. I NO. 3 Friday, Sopttobor 14, 1945"

BRONZE STAR AUARMB 'essaaes Siopp&d

TO PVT. UTOSHIHARA The Butte Cross has receivea a
Pvt. Makoto formerly of wire fron the Red Cross Office in San
Guadalupe, California, was posthumously Franoisoo that National Headquarters ad-
awardod the Bronze Star Modal roaontly vises discontinuance innodiatoly accept-
for hia gallant sorvioe during the Ita- ance of requests for inquiries and moss-ag- o
lian campaign. sorvices.
Notioo was received by his mother, Ithas boon advisod that thoro aro no
Mrs. Hidono Yoshihara of B, from available means for obtaining wolfaro

tho Adjutant General's off ioo ii Washing- and location reports to persons in Japan
ton D.C. Tho Sitation is as follows or othor parts of tho Far East which
"For horoio aahiovonont in oonnootion have been recently liberated by Unitod
with military oporations against an Nations forces.
enony of tho Unitod States on Dooonbor
22, 1944, in . Pvt. Y08hihara, an WRA AND FPHA TO AfD
aid nan, wont to the assistance of a EVACUEES IN HOUSING
woundod nan during an attack and oxposed Copporative agroencnts havo been oado
himself to snail arns firo of tho onony. botwoon the War Relocation Authority and
Although succeeding in giving first; aid tho Federal Public Housing Authority
to the wounded nen, ho was killed by an whioh are ejepocted to aid tho housing
onony snipor boforo he oould return to a situation for evaouoos roturning to tho
placo of cover. The initiative, disre- West Coast. They aroi
gard of porsonal safety, and dovotion to 1. Evaouoos havo boon dofinod by tho
duty displayod by Pvt. Yoshihara, norits FPHA as persons displaood by tho war
tho highbst praiso and is in koopin.-- off orb and consequently will be oligiblo
with tho finost tradition of tho mili- for vaoanoios in family housing facili-
tary sorvicot" ties operated by FPHA as thoy boocra op
available. 'Families o f Votorans and.
oth4rs,snny3'oe;wtttlio3iidat'ibn--6- f "tho
Restrictions Iifte&
Effoctivo with fomal surrondor of
War Program will continue to havo first
Japan, tho commandant of the Coast Guard
has rcvokod all special wartime restric-
2. Evaoueo3 will bo oligiblo
ocoupanoy of such trailor or dormitory
tions and clearance procoduros ospocidly Projects as tho FHPA may designate in
applicable to employment" of U. S. citiz- localities in which tho situation is
ens of Japanese dosoont on watorfront particularly critical.
faoiliitos and vcssols, according to Pormsssion to occupy a limited number
information fron Maloolm E. Pitts,' act- of trailor and dormitory facilitios was
ing diroctor of WRA in Washington, granted in order to provide soma immed-
Thoy are subject hereafter only to iate temporary housing.. Evacuees aro ex-
tho sano locally dotornined roquiromonts pected to vaoatc them' as pornanent hous
applicablo to all citizens oporating on ihg boocmos available.
watorfront faoilitios and yossols in Area Offices on tho Wost Coast will
poaco tinea. nake announcenont of speoific housing as
Roprosontation3 are now being made to thoy beoone available
t:h o Navy t6 rescind rostrictibns on officials cautioned that housing
Japanoso nationals . . ' ronains tight in .many West Coast Aroas
REMINDER dospite this oligibf lity f or vacancios .
Evaouoos probably wiuld havo to make
To Alt Relocators
All futuro re locators aro'again re-min- dod
applications "and join othor applicants
oh waiting lists.
to pack thoir baggages and suit-cas- os
noro securely.
ed to writo or print
They aro "also ask-
thoir nano3
TO GOx Sept. 17
ros nno Enos CALIFORNIA;
Okuno; HJsoyo
Dr. Thomas
FOR SALE ets ulco; Graoe, Kimiko- - ,jlpyco,.Fuaiyo
Four snail new radios
used radio. Contact Radio Shop,'
and o & o
6 5-- 14
Mas aye Betty Kanai Guiohi
Kawayd Imada; Kat3VLfii
- B. Tadao Yoshinoto; Eiku IwanabtfJ Rinji
Ringo Ray KQtekaru; Itaka Miya'rJco
Vital Jftaii lies Pasadoria. Iwaiohi, Rai, Akiko Yataamoto;
DEATH Hiroji Yoshiro; Rinosuko Takono.
Sept. 1: Nishino, Chiyonor, 39-14-0
Lo'ng Beach. Kumataro, Chisato, Sam Shu-io- hi,

BIRTH Chiyeko Grace Migaki.

Sopt. 3: To Mr. and Mrs. Tomio Hayashi, Monterey. Yuji, Hatsu Yomogida.
36-13-- D,
a baby girl. (oontinuo)

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