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VOL. I NO. 13 RTVHPR, &RT7.mjft flfftnjjqr PA, .WiT,-,.- -,

JACL Organizer
edge Support
To WKA Policies
Tha't WRA is determined
to carry out our Presi-
dent's demands that -- air
treatment bo accorded eva-
cuees is reelected in the
personnel oi' the War Relo-
cation Authority.
E. R. Fryer, Regional
Director from San Fran-
cisco who lias been acting,
project director here, has
inpre3sed us of the broad
vision and objective think-
ing of the administrators
of' our centers.
His review of the high
qualifications demanded of
a project director assures
us of a man of high cali-
ber and long experience
who is capable of meeting
the soverest tests a pro- E. R. FRYER
ject such a3 this right
As lone as Mr. Fryer is
regional director of T7RA,
n assure the resi-
dents of this center that WRARegional Director E.R. Fryer left yesterday
their welfare will not suf- for the home office in San Francisco after six
fer. To Mr. Fryor wo ex- weeks of speeding up work at the Gila Relocation
tend our appreciation for Center. (sketch lay geore Matsuura)
his untiring
pledge our cooperation.
work and
V Kawai Takes Chairmen Post
Kobu Kawai
m First Butte Council Meeting
Camouflage Crew '
Stating that the Temporary Community Council must
gain the confidence of the community and the admini-
Foremen Prepare stration because on the quality of its' work will depend
Mass recruiting the usefulness of the system. E. H. self-covernn- ent

for the camouflage net r a Fryer, acting project di

factory is being held up TlbLAL rVJDHUK
until technical details of Issues Payroll
rector, addressed
first meeting of 21 Block
the project are thrashed Representatives of Butte.
out, William Huso, employ- The July and August Erie Kawai' was elected
ment head, stated. totaling 026,272.61 chairman of the Temporary
Fifteen men were at wore received by several Council and Ken Kitasakc,
work Thursday at the plant, thousands of Rivers resi- the executive secretary.
receiving groundwork in dents this week. Kawai and- Kitasako net -

the manufacturing process.

Majority were recent arriv- of
The September payroll with Luther T.
f53,545.85 is expected Hoffman , supervisor of
als from Santa Anita
to be in for over 4,000 Community Services Divi-
Assembly Center where they workers in the near future sion, under which
have had previous experi- announced William G. Gra-ha- m, self-governm-
ence at the work. fiscal auditor. will operate, to formulate
organizational plans for
Wanted Man With a White --
Jiat the council. The present
The Gila has been requested by one
Nowa-Cour- ier body was elected to serve
James A. McGuiro, who resided in Tucson for a number as a representative organ
of years, to try and locate a Japanese man, about 35 pending the formation of a
years of ago, not large, wearing glasses, and who more permanent Council
usually wore a large white western hat. Mr. KcGuire which will
be elected and
has boon in Tucson for approximately 15 years, and derive its powers under
form3rly iaieT said person at the university, but has the provisions of a Co-
forgotten tho name of his Japanese friend. nstitution now being draft-
Letter and its contents are being hold at the hous- - ed by the Constitution
in department at Canal. Committee .

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