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Al–Cu–Mn 79

Aluminium – Copper – Manganese

Hans Leo Lukas

Literature Data
The most well-investigated details of the constitution are the equilibria of the (Al) solid solution. The first
papers [1927Kri, 1933Saw] assumed equilibrium between (Al), CuAl2 and the most Al-rich binary Al-Mn
phase, at that time assumed to be MnAl4. [1938Pet] and [1939Han] detected a ternary phase which was
verified by [1943Gue, 1944Ray] and [1947Day] and later papers. The liquidus surfaces after [1938Pet] and
[1947Day] disagree, as [1947Day] found lower temperatures for the U type invariant equilibria than
[1938Pet]. Although the most extensive constitutional investigation [1966Koe] accepted Petri's [1938Pet]
results, a newer paper, [1979Bar], determined the distribution coefficients of Cu and Mn between liquid and
(Al) by unidirectional solidification and stated the results to confirm the liquidus of [1947Day]. The
solubility of Cu and Mn in the (Al) solid solution was most precisely determined by [1950Hof] using
electric resistivity measurements. The data were confirmed and supplemented by [1954Bag]. A detailed
review of the liquidus, solidus and solvus of the Al corner is given by Phillips [1959Phi] and [1961Phi], the
liquidus based on [1947Day]. The kinetics of age hardening of the (Al) phase were studied by [1953Kus],
and those of rapidly quenched supersaturated (Al) by Polesya et al. [1968Pol] and [1970Pol]. Another part
of the constitution, studied several times, is the - equilibrium in the Cu corner. [1947Dea] reported 10
isothermal sections between 850 and 400°C in steps of 50°C. The results were confirmed and supplemented
by [1956Wes], giving 9 isothermal sections at 800, 700, 600, 550, 525, 500, 450, 425 and 400°C. Six
isotherms given by [1955Tur] and 8 isotherms given by [1964Rom] are slightly different, but within the
accuracy of the drawings, may be accepted to agree with [1947Dea] and [1956Wes]. A survey of the
constitution of the whole ternary system was first given by [1927Kri], who gave isotherms of the liquidus
surface, but without lines of double saturation. [1943Gue] determined the phases stable at room temperature
by X-ray diffraction. He found a ternary phase -2 additional to -1 detected by [1938Pet].
The most detailed investigation of the whole system is from [1966Koe]. These authors determined
experimentally the liquidus surface, 4 complete and 8 partial isothermal sections. For simplification they
did not distinguish between 0, 1and (denoted
), 0, , J1 and J2 (denoted ), 1 and 2 (denoted ).
The phases 2, 1 and 2 were ignored. The distinction between the phases MnAl(h) and Mn5Al8(h), as well
as between Mn4Al11(h) and Mn4Al11(r) is due to a later paper by the same group of authors [1971Goe].
Also, the distinction between  and  in the Al-Mn binary system was established later [1987McA]. The
MnAl(h) phase was later determined to be of the W-type [1990Ell] and thus should be treated as identical
to  [1966Koe] accepted the results of [1938Pet, 1947Dea] and [1956Wes] and partially those of
[1979Wac] studied the  field, containing two areas of ferromagnetic alloys. [1982Sca] and [1988Cou]
reported differences in the Cu-rich area. However, their suggestion that -3 is stable up to 900°C is not
convincing when compared with [1956Wes, 1966Koe] or [1979Wac].
The metals used for the experiments were generally of high purity. [1938Pet] and [1950Hof] prepared
Al-Mn master alloys from 99.99% pure Al and high purity crystalline MnCl2. The alloys of [1947Dea]
contained less than 0.005% Si and with a few exceptions less than 0.02% Fe; those of [1950Hof] contained
less than 0.005% Si and 0.0025% Fe. [1956Wes] used “super pure” Al and electrolytic Cu and Mn.
[1966Koe] used 99.9% pure elements. An important feature of the Al-Cu-Mn system are ferromagnetic
alloys, detected by F. Heusler in 1899 and called Heusler alloys. Many papers are dedicated to the study of
these alloys and to another group of ferromagnetic alloys detected later [1961Tsu1]. While [1927Har] could
not determine which phase was responsible for the ferromagnetism, [1928Heu] located the W type  phase
to be the ferromagnetic one. Persson [1928Per] and [1929Per] assumed a superstructure with a
face-centered cubic cell with twice the lattice parameter of . This superstructure was confirmed by
[1933Heu, 1934Bra] and [1934Heu]. The phase is metastable below 400°C, but the decomposition into the
stable phases is very slow and needs prolonged annealing above 300°C. The degree of order of the

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superstructure is time dependent and leads to magnetic aging [1934Heu]. [1940Hir] studied the ternary
ordering by the Bragg Williams theory. In later papers the critical temperature of the superstructure
formation was studied. [1962Kim] found, by high temperature X-ray diffraction at 750°C, the absence of
the MnCu2Al type order, but still a CsCl type order. Using X-ray and neutron diffraction, [1968Joh1]
detected the presence of two different cubic lattices in aged nonstoichiometric Heusler alloys, due to the
miscibility gap between MnCu2Al and the metastable quenched Cu3Al. [1968Oho] assumed the
CsCl-MnCu2Al type transition at  650°C from resistivity measurements during rapid cooling. [1969Nes]
found this transition at 400°C and the CsCl to W type transition at 750 to 770°C. [1973Che] measured 620
± 20 and 780 ± 10°C for the two transitions. All these temperatures belong to the composition MnCu2Al.
[1998Kai] measured the two transition temperatures along the line of constant Al content of 25 at.% from
MnCu2Al to quenched Mn5Cu70Al25 by DTA and found nearly linear change from 794 to 679 and from
644 to 541°C, respectively. The Al content has a more pronounced influence on the transition temperature
than the Mn-content at constant 25 at.% Al. [1999Liu] found evidence for the W type/CsCl type transition
also in the binary Al-Mn system in the MnAl(h) phase at 965 to 967°C.
[1973Gra] heated the room temperature equilibrium phase mixture (-3, Mn and Cu9Al4) at 290 K and thus
synthesized the Heusler alloy between 470 and 500°C. In several papers, the kinetics of decomposition of
the Heusler phase were studied [1968Joh1, 1969Nes, 1971Lis, 1973Che, 1973Gra, 1974Oka, 1975Bou,
1977Urs, 1979Dub, 1980Yam1, 1980Yam2, 1981Sol1, 1981Sol2, 1981Sol3, 1981Sol4, 1982Koz,
1983Koz1, 1983Koz2, 1983Koz3, 1983Tan, 1985Kok, 1987Koz]. Another area of ferromagnetic alloys
was detected in the CsCl type ordered  phase by Tsuboya [1961Tsu1, 1961Tsu2] and [1962Tsu]. The
ferromagnetism is explained by antiferromagnetic coupling of the Mn atoms, which are in different site
fractions on the two sublattices of the CsCl type structure. This was confirmed by [1963Kat] by neutron
diffraction. A metastable tetragonal phase in the Al-Mn system is also ferromagnetic [1963Sug]. The
connection of this metastable phase with the CsCl type phase was studied by [1963Sug] and [1978Urs].
[1997Mue] studied this phase in ternary systems of Al-Mn with Cu, Fe, Ni and C. It is formed from the J
(hcp) phase during moderately rapid cooling. These authors found the stability range of J to extend below
700°C in the ternary Al-Cu-Mn system. [1979Wac] studied both ferromagnetic states of the  phase and
determined their areas in the concentration triangle. [1982Kog] studied the ferromagnetism in the area
between the Heusler and CsCl type alloys. The present evaluation is the succesor of the detailed critical
assessment presented in [1991Luk].
Among the huge amount of literature, there is a number of references with minor relevance to the
constitution of the ternary system but providing related additional information. These are given under
“Additional References”, attached to the list of references.

Binary Systems
The binary Al-Cu and Al-Mn systems were accepted from the Landolt Börnstein series [2002LB]. They are
based on the assessments of [1998Sau] and [1999Liu], respectively. The Al-Cu is virtually the same as that
in the MSIT Workplace, from where the description of the Cu-Mn systems was accepted [2003Tur]. For
Al-Mn a very thorough assessment was done by [1987McA].

Solid Phases
The cI2, W type, phase () at elevated temperatures has an extended range of ternary solid solutions and
forms two different superstructures, cP2, CsCl type, and cF16, MnCu2Al type. The latter structure exists
also metastably in quenched Cu3Al as BiF3 type.
Besides these superstructures, three ternary intermetallic phases exist in the Al-Cu-Mn system. -1 was
detected by Petri [1938Pet] and confirmed in all later papers investigating its area of stability. [1952Rob]
explained its existence by the good fit of its Brillouin zones with the Fermi surface, where the Brillouin
zones were derived from the strong X-ray reflections. [1954Rob] determined the crystal structure of the
isotypic phase Mn11Ni4Al60 with Pearson symbol oC156, but about 5 to 6 vacant sites per 156 sites. The
composition was first given by [1938Pet] as 19 mass% Cu and 24 mass% Al. [1943Gue] confirmed an alloy
of this composition to be single phase -1. This composition corresponds to a formula Mn6Cu4Al29, which

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is more rich in Mn and Cu than the formula Mn3Cu2Al20 given by [1952Rob]. [1966Koe] gave different
compositions for -1 participating in different invariant equilibria. These compositions range from
Mn6Cu4Al29 as the most Al-rich one to Mn8Cu5Al26 and include Mn8Cu4Al27, Mn7Cu4Al28 and
Mn7Cu5Al27. There is, however, no information on which sites of the oC156 structure (5 4-fold, 9 8-fold,
4 16-fold positions) this exchange takes place. The phase -2 was first detected by [1943Gue] and confirmed
by [1966Koe]. The unit cell is orthorhombic with about 380 atoms per cell, but the structure is not yet
resolved. -3 was found by [1956Wes] to be peritectoidally formed at 550°C, confirmed by [1966Koe] and
found by many authors as decomposition product of the Heusler alloy. Its structure was found by
[1968Joh2] to be of the cubic Laves phase MgCu2 type.
At and near the binary Al-Mn boundary besides these stable phases the metastable phases Mn3Al10 and
MnAl(m) (AuCu type) are formed at moderate cooling rates. At extremely fast cooling rates by melt
spinning icosahedral or decagonal quasicrystalline phases are formed [1988Tsa, 1991Maa, 1992Maa]. A
characteristic composition of the decagonal phase is Mn15Cu20Al65, Maâmar et al. investigated also
Mn15Cu10Al75 and Mn10.5Cu32.5Al57 [1990Eck] prepared quasicrystals of composition Mn15Cu20Al65 by
mechanical alloying in a ball mill. [1992Li] pointed out a relationship between the decagonal
quasicrystalline phases and the crystalline -1 phase. All crystalline phases are listed in Table 1.

Invariant Equilibria
A reaction scheme, mainly based on the work of Köster [1966Koe] is shown in Fig. 1a and Fig. 1b. The
temperatures in the Al corner are changed to those given by [1947Day] (U6 and U8). The simplification used
by [1966Koe] to treat groups of several phases as single phases was partially accepted. However, MnAl(h)
was taken to belong to the phase () as its crystal structure was reported to be the same [1990Ell]. J2 with
a hexagonal, probably NiAs type, structure was treated as separate phase. Finally the following phases are
treated as single ones: 0, 1 and (called
), 0, 1, MnAl(h) and J1 (called ), 1 and 2 (called ),
Mn5Al8(h) and Mn5Al8(r) (called Mn5Al8), Mn4Al11(h) and Mn4Al11(r) (called Mn4Al11),  and (called
MnAl4). The phases 2, 1 and 2 are ignored, as they do not seem to enter significantly in the ternary
equilibria. A four-phase equilibrium, L+Jœ+MnAl(h), given by [1966Koe] is not accepted here as  and
MnAl(h) are treated to belong to the same phase. The thermal arrests, which [1966Koe] assigned to this
reaction may be caused by the minimum of the L+J+ three-phase equilibrium. Another four-phase
equilibrium, œJ2+
+, had to be added. The temperatures and phase-compositions of the invariant
equilibria are given in Table 2. Since [1966Koe] stated their concentrations to be uncertain by ± 1.5%, the
Al+Cu contents of (Mn) and the Cu contents of Mn4Al11, MnAl4 and MnAl6 reported by [1966Koe] have
to be taken as tentative only.

Liquidus Surface
The liquidus surface of the whole system is shown in Fig. 2, that of the Al corner in Fig. 3. Figure 2 is based
on [1966Koe], but modified according to the modifications of the reaction scheme discussed in the previous
section. Figure 3 is taken from [1961Phi]. The solidus and solvus surfaces of the (Al) solid solution in
Figs. 4 and 5 are also taken from [1961Phi].

Isothermal Sections
In Figs. 6, 7, 8 and 9, isothermal sections are given, based mainly on the work of [1966Koe], in the Al-corner
on [1961Phi]. Phase notations are partly abbreviated as given under “Invariant Equilibria”.

Notes on Materials Properties and Applications

The (Al) solid solution containing up to 4% Cu and some Mn is the essential phase of the most important
age hardenable aluminium alloys.
Alloys containing the Heusler phase ” MnCu2Al are widely used due to their unique electric and magnetic

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The metastable AuCu type phase formed during rapid cooling of the epsilon Al-Mn phase is interesting as
hard magnetic material.
Alloys near Cu3Al with small additions of Mn or other elements are used due to the shape memory effect
connected with their martensitic transformation.

Quenching of the  phase between Cu3Al and MnCu2Al results in a martensite, which shows a shape
memory effect [1981Dob] and [1988Lop]. [1937Koe] measured the enthalpy of mixing of the liquid along
the section Cu67Mn33-Al.

[1927Har] Harang, L., “On the Crystal Structure of the Heusler Alloys”, (in German), Z. Kristallogr.,
65, 261-285 (1927) (Experimental, 7)
[1927Kri] Krings, W., Ostmann, W., “Contribution to the Knowledge of the Cu-Al-Mn Ternary
System and its Magnetic Properties”, (in German), Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 163, 145-164
(1927) (Equi. Diagram, Experimental, Magn. Prop., 22)
[1928Heu] Heusler, O., “On the Knowledge of the Heusler Alloys, on Mn-Al-Cu” (in German),
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 171, 126-142 (1928) (Experimental, 15)
[1928Per] Persson, E., “X-Ray Analysis of the Heusler Alloys” (in German), Naturwissenschaften, 16,
45 (1928) (Crys. Structure, Experimental, 4)
[1929Per] Persson, E., “On the Structure of the Heusler Alloys” (in German), Z. Phys., 57, 115-133
(1929) (Crys. Structure, Experimental, 13)
[1931Pre] Preston, G.D., “An X-ray Investigation of some Copper-Aluminium Alloys”, Philos. Mag.,
12, 980-993 (1931) (Crys. Structure, Experimental, 11)
[1933Heu] Heusler, O., “Crystal Structure and Ferromagnetism of the Mn-Al-Cu Alloys” (in German),
Z. Metallkd., 25, 261-285 (1933) (Crys. Structure, Experimental, 11)
[1933Saw] Sawamoto, H., “Equilibrium Diagram of the Al-Cu-Mn System” (in Japanese),
Suiyokwai-Shi, 8, 239-246 (1933) (Equi. Diagram, Experimental, 3)
[1934Bra] Bradley, A.J., Rogers, J.W., “The Crystal Structure of the Heusler Alloys”, Proc. Roy. Soc.,
A144, 340-359 (1934) (Crys. Structure, Experimental, 25)
[1934Heu] Heusler, O., “Crystal Structure and Ferromagnetism of the Mn-Al-Cu Alloys” (in German),
Ann. Physik, 19, 155-201 (1934) (Crys. Structure, Experimental, 54)
[1937Koe] Körber, F., Ölsen, W., Lichtenberg, H., “On the Thermochemistry of Alloys II, Direct
Determination of the Heat of Formation of the Ternary Alloys Fe-Ni-Al, Fe-Co-Al,
Cu-Ni-Al, Fe-Al-Si as well as of an Alloy Series of the Cu-Mn-Al System” (in German),
Mitt. K.-W.-Inst. Eisenforschung, 19, 131-159 (1937) (Thermodyn., Experimental, 50)
[1938Pet] Petri, H.-G., “The Aluminium Corner of the Al-Cu-Mn Ternary System” (in German),
Alum. Arch., (14), 5-14 (1938) (Equi. Diagram, Experimental, 7)
[1939Han] Hanemann, H., Schrader, A., “On some Ternary Systems with Al, II. Al-Fe-Mn, Al-Cu-Mn”
(in German), Z. Metallkd., 31, 183-185 (1939) (Equi. Diagram, Experimental, Review, #, 5)
[1940Hir] Hirone, T., Matuda, S., “Theory of the Order-Disorder Transformation in Ternary Alloys”
(in Japanese), Rikagaku-Kenkyusho-Iho, 19, 931-942 (1940) (Theory, 6)
[1943Gue] Guertler, W., Rassmann, G., “The Application of the X-Ray Diffraction for the
Determination of Phase Equilibria in Solid State of Ternary Alloys (Cu-Ni-Co; Al-Cu-Fe;
Al-Sb-Sn; Ag-Cu-Mg; Al-Cu-Mg and Al-Cu-Mn)” (in German), Metallwirtschaft, 22,
65-71 (1943) (Equi. Diagram, Experimental, 16)
[1944Ray] Raynor, G.V., “The Effect on the Compound MnAl6 of Iron, Cobalt and Copper”, J. Inst.
Met., 70, 531-542 (1944) (Equi. Diagram, Experimental, 15)
[1947Day] Day M.K.B., Phillips, H.W.L., “The Constitution of Alloys of Aluminium with Copper and
Manganese”, J. Inst. Met., 74, 33-54 (1947/1948) (Equi. Diagram, Experimental, 33)

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[1947Dea] Dean, R.S., Long, J.R., Graham, T.R., Roberson, A.H., Armantrout, C.E., “The  Solid
Solution Area of the Copper-Manganese-Aluminium System”, Trans. AIME., 171, 70-88
(1947) (Equi. Diagram, Experimental, 11)
[1950Hof] Hofmann, W., “The Solubility of Copper and Manganese in Solid Aluminium” (in German),
Z. Metallkd., 41, 477-479 (1950) (Equi. Diagram, Experimental, 11)
[1952Rob] Robinson, K., “The Unit Cell and Brillouin Zones of Ni4Mn11Al60 and Related
Compounds”, Philos. Mag., 43, 775-782 (1952) (Crys. Structure, Experimental, 10)
[1953Kus] Kusumoto, K., Ohta, M., “Effect of Manganese on Aging of Al-Cu Alloys” (in Japanese),
Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi, 17, 561-564 (1953) (Experimental, 7)
[1954Bag] Bagchi, A.P., Axon, H.J., “The Constitution of Aluminium Rich Alloys Containing Copper,
Manganese and Silicon”, J. Inst. Met., 83, 176-180 (1954/1955) (Equi. Diagram,
Experimental, 15)
[1954Rob] Robinson, K., “The Determination of the Crystal Structure of Ni4Mn11Al60”, Acta
Crystallogr., 7, 494-497 (1954) (Crys. Structure, Experimental, 5)
[1955Tur] Turkin, V.D., Chernova, T.S., “Investigation of Alloys of the Cu-Al-Mn System” (in
Russian), Issled. Splavov Tsvet. Metallov., 1, 106-110 (1955) (Equi. Diagram,
Experimental, 1)
[1956Wes] West, D.R.F., Lloyd Thomas, D., “The Constitution of Copper Rich Alloys of the
Copper-Manganese-Aluminium System”, J. Inst. Met., 85, 97-104 (1956/1957) (Equi.
Diagram, Experimental, 20)
[1958Bla] Bland, J.A., “Studies of Aluminium-Rich Alloys with the Transition Metals Manganese and
Tungsten. II. The Crystal Structure of (Mn-Al)-Mn4Al11”, Acta Crystallogr., 11, 236-244
(1958) (Crys. Structure, Experimental, 19)
[1959Phi] Phillips, H.W.L., “Aluminium-Copper-Manganese”, in “Annotated Equilibrium Diagrams
of Some Aluminium Alloy Systems”, Inst. Metal., London, 35-40 (1959) (Equi. Diagram,
Review, 11)
[1959Tay] Taylor, M.A., “The Crystal Structure of Mn3Al10”, Acta Crystallogr., 12, 393-396 (1959)
(Crys. Structure, Experimental, 10)
[1961Phi] Phillips, H.W.L., “Al-Cu-Mn”, in “Equilibrium Diagrams of Aluminium Alloy Systems”,
Aluminium Development Association, London, 63-66 (1961) (Equi. Diagram, Review, 0)
[1961Tay] Taylor, M.A., “The Space Group of MnAl3”, Acta Crystallogr., 14, 84 (1961) (Crys.
Structure, Experimental, 3)
[1961Tsu1] Tsuboya, I., Sugihara, M., “On the New Magnetic Phase in Manganese-Aluminium-Copper
System”, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 16, 571 (1961) (Crys. Structure, Experimental, 3)
[1961Tsu2] Tsuboya, I., “On the New Magnetic Phase in Manganese - Aluminium - Copper System”,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 16, 1875-1880 (1961) (Crys. Structure, Experimental, 11)
[1962Kim] Kimura, R., Endo, K., Ohoyama, T., “A Partially Ordered Structure of the Heusler Alloy
Cu2MnAl at High Temperatures”, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 17, 723-724 (1962) (Crys. Structure,
Experimental, 1)
[1962Tsu] Tsuboya, I., Sugihara, M., “The Magnetic Phase in Mn-Al-Co, -Cu, -Fe and -Ni Ternary
Alloys”, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 17, 172-175 (1962) (Experimental, 5)
[1963Kat] Katsurai, H., Takada, H., Suzuki, K., “Neutron Diffraction Study of the CsCl Type Phase
Cu-Mn-Al Alloys”, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 18, 93-96 (1963) (Crys. Structure, Experimental, 3)
[1963Sug] Sugihara, M., Tsuboya, I., “Structural and Magnetic Properties of Copper Substituted
Manganese - Aluminium Alloy”, Japan. J. Appl. Phys., 2, 373-380 (1963) (Experimental,
Crys. Structure, Magn. Prop., 7)
[1964Rom] Romu, V.G., “Investigation of the Copper Corner of the Phase Diagram of the Cu-Al-Mn
System” (in Russian), Tr. Leningrad. Politekhn. Inst., 234, 57-61 (1964) (Equi. Diagram,
Experimental, 4)
[1966Koe] Köster, W., Gödecke, T., “The Ternary Copper - Manganese - Aluminium System” (in
German), Z. Metallkd., 57, 889-901 (1966) (Equi. Diagram, Experimental, #, *, 11)

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[1968Joh1] Johnston, G.B., Hall, E.O., “Studies on the Heusler Alloys - I. Cu2MnAl and Associated
Structures”, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 29, 193-200 (1968) (Equi. Diagram, Experimental, 18)
[1968Joh2] Johnston, G.B., Hall, E.O., “Studies on the Heusler Alloys - II. The Structure of
Cu3Mn2Al”, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 29, 201-207 (1968) (Crys. Structure, Experimental, 6)
[1968Oho] Ohoyama, T., Webster, P.J., Tebble, R.S., “The Ordering Temperature of Cu2MnAl”, Brit.
J. Appl. Phys., 1, 951-952 (1968) (Equi. Diagram, Experimental, 5)
[1968Pol] Polesya, A.F., Kovalenko, V.V., “Composition and Disintegration Kinetics of
Supersaturated Solid Solutions of Rapidly Solidified Alloys of Al-Cu-Mn”, Phys. Met.
Metallogr., 103-109 (1968), translated from Fiz. Metall. Metalloved., 25, 479-485 (1968)
(Experimental, 10)
[1969Nes] Nesterenko, E.G., Osipenko, I.A., Firstov, S.A., “Structure of Cu-Mn-Al Ordered Alloys”,
Phys. Met. Metallogr., 135-139 (1969), translated from Fiz. Metall. Metalloved., 27,
135-140 (1969) (Equi. Diagram, Experimental, 9)
[1970Pol] Polesya, A.F., Kovalenko, V.V., “Phase Diagram of Rapidly Solidified Al-Cu-Mn Alloys”,
Russ. Metall., (1), 114-117 (1970), translated from Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Met., (1),
173-174 (1970) (Experimental, 11)
[1971Goe] Gödecke, T., Köster, W., “An Addition to the Phase Diagram of the Al-Mn System” (in
German), Z. Metallkd., 62, 727-732 (1971) (Equi. Diagram, Experimental, 9)
[1971Lis] Lisse, J.P., Dubois, B., “Preparation and Study of Certain Properties of the Heusler Alloy
Cu2MnAl” (in French), Mem. Sci. Rev. Metall., 68, 521-534 (1971) (Experimental, 26)
[1973Che] Chevereau, D., Gras, J.M., Dubois, B., “Ordering Phenomena in the Heusler Alloy
Cu2MnAl. Determination of Critical Temperatures by X-Ray Diffraction at High
Temperatures” (in French), Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci., Paris, Ser. C, 276, 643-645 (1973)
(Equi. Diagram, Experimental, 4)
[1973Gra] Gras, J.M., Chevereau, D., Dubois, B., “X-Ray Diffraction Study at High Temperature of
the Formation of Its Constituents of the Beta Phase of the Heusler Alloy, Cu2MnAl” (in
French), Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci., Paris, Ser. C, 276, 483-486 (1973) (Equi. Diagram,
Experimental, 5)
[1974Oka] Okada, M., “Phase Transformations in Ordered, Spinodal Cu-Mn-Al Alloys”, Thesis,
California Univ. Berkeley, Report LBL-3176, 1-62 (1974) (Experimental, 33)
[1975Bou] Bouchard, M., Thomas, G., “Phase Transitions and Modulated Structures in Ordered
(Cu,Mn)3Al Alloys”, Acta Metall., 23, 1485-1500 (1975) (Experimental, 43)
[1977Urs] Ursache, M., “Study of the Effect of Thermal Treatments on the Magnetic Properties of
Alloys of the Al-Mn-Cu System” (in Romanian), Constr. Mas., 29, 246-252 (1977)
(Experimental, 9)
[1978Urs] Ursache, M., “Studies of the Possibilities of Using Some Alloys of the Al-Mn-M Systems
for the Fabrication of Permanent Magnets” (in Romanian), Bul. Inst. Politeh. Bucaresti,
Chim. Met., 40(3), 105-112 (1978) (Experimental, 9)
[1979Bar] Bartholomew, D.M.L., Jezuit, M., Watts, B., Hellawell, A., “Segregation and the
Determination of Phase Equilibria in Multicomponent Systems: Al-Cu-Mn”, Solidification
Cast. Met., Proc. Int. Conf. Solidification, Meeting Date 1977, Met. Soc. London, 29-33
(1979) (Equi. Diagram, Experimental, 14)
[1979Dub] Dubois, B., Chevereau, D., “Decomposition of the Heusler Alloy Cu2MnAl at 360°C”,
J. Mater. Sci., 14, 2296-2303 (1979) (Experimental, 36)
[1979Wac] E. Wachtel And R. Winkler, “Constitution and Magnetic Properties of Cu-Mn-Al Alloys”
(in German), Metall, 33, 1160-1168 (1979) (Equi. Diagram, Experimental, 42)
[1980Yam1] Yamane, T., “Aging and Phase Diagram of Cu-Mn-Al Heusler Alloys” (in Japanese), J. Jpn.
Copper Brass Res. Assoc., 19, 131-147 (1980) (Experimental, 19)
[1980Yam2] Yamane, T., Okamoto, H., Takahashi, J., “Aging of Cu-Mn-Al Heusler Alloys”,
Z. Metallkd., 71, 813-817 (1980) (Experimental, 14)

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[1981Dob] Dobrovol'skaya, T.L., Titov, P.V., Khandros, L.G., “Reversible Change of Shape in Alloy
Copper - Aluminium - Manganese”, Phys. Met. Metallogr., 51, 174-177 (1981), translated
from Fiz. Metall. Metalloved., 51, 431-434 (1981) (Experimental, 6)
[1981Sol1] Soltys, J., “The Ordering Process of Atoms in Ternary Alloys Cu-Mn-Al”, Acta Phys. Pol.,
A60, 381-387 (1981) (Experimental, 16)
[1981Sol2] Soltys, J., Kozubski, R., “A Simple Model of the Order-Disorder Transitions in Ternary
Alloys and its Application to Several Selected Heusler Alloys”, Phys. Status Solidi A, 63,
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[1981Sol3] Soltys, J., “Order-Disorder Phase Transitions in Ternary Alloys Cu3-xMnxAl”, Phys. Status
Solidi A, 63, 401-406 (1981) (Experimental, 18)
[1981Sol4] Soltys, J., “X-Ray Diffraction Research of the Order-Disorder Transitions in the Ternary
Heusler Alloys B2MnAl (B = Cu, Ni, Co, Pd, Pt)”, Phys. Status Solidi A, 66, 485-491 (1981)
(Experimental, 18)
[1982Kog] Koga, S., Narita, K., “Exchange Anisotropy in Cu-Mn-Al Alloy”, J. Appl. Phys., 53,
1655-1659 (1982) (Experimental, 11)
[1982Koz] Kozubski, R., Soltys, J., “Decomposition of ()Phase in the Heusler Alloy
Cu2.00Mn1.00Al1.00”, J. Mater. Sci., 17, 1441-1446 (1982) (Experimental, 18)
[1982Sca] Scarabello, J.M., Vicario, E., Mack, J., Counioux, J.J., “Contribution to the Study of the
Ternary Cu-Mn-Al System. Determination of the Section Cu-MnAl6 Limited to the Copper
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Diagram, Experimental, 32)
[1983Koz1] Kozubski, R., Soltys, J., “Precipitation from Metastable -Phase in the Heusler Alloy
Cu2.00Mn1.00Al1.00”, J. Mater. Sci., 18, 1689-1697 (1983) (Experimental, 17)
[1983Koz2] Kozubski, R., Soltys, J., Kuziak, R., “Electron Microprobe Analysis of Phase Segregation
in the Heusler Alloy Cu2.00Mn1.00Al1.00”, J. Mater. Sci., 18, 3079-3086 (1983)
(Experimental, 18)
[1983Koz3] Kozubski, R., Soltys, J., “X-Ray Diffraction Quantitative Analysis of the Heusler Alloy
Cu2.00Mn1.00Al1.00 Annealed at Temperatures Between 423 and 973 K”, J. Mater. Sci.
Lett., 2, 141-143 (1983) (Experimental, 17)
[1983Tan] Tanaka, K., Saito, T., Yasuda, M., “Soft X-Ray Emmission Spectra of Aluminium in
-Phase Cu-Ni-Al and Cu-Mn-Al Alloys”, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 52, 1718-1724 (1983)
(Experimental, 14)
[1985Kok] Kokorin, V.V., Osipenko, I.A., Cherekov, S.V., Shirina, T.V., “The Influence of Heating
under Pressure on the Structure State of Heusler Alloy Cu2MnAl”, Phys. Met. Metallogr.,
60, 155-160 (1985), translated from Fiz. Metall. Metalloved., 60, 584-589 (1985)
(Experimental, 10)
[1985Mur] Murray, J.L., “The Aluminium-Copper System”, Int. Met. Rev., 30, 211-233 (1985) (Equi.
Diagram, Review, #, 230)
[1987McA] McAlister, A.J., Murray, J.L., “The Al-Mn (Aluminum-Manganese) System”, Bull. Alloy
Phase Diagrams, 8, 438-447 (1987) (Equi. Diagram, Review, #, 59)
[1987Koz] Kozubski, R., Soltys, J., Dutkiewicz, J., Morgiel, J., “TEM Study of the Decomposition of
the Heusler Alloy Cu2MnAl”, J. Mater. Sci., 22, 3843-3846 (1987) (Experimental, 10)
[1988Cou] Counioux, J.J., Macqueron, J.L., Robin, M., Scarabello, J.M., “Phase Transformations and
Shape Memory Effect in Copper - Aluminium - Manganese Alloys”, Scr. Metall., 22,
821-825 (1988) (Experimental, 10)
[1988Lop] Lopez Del Castilio, G., Blazquez, M.L., Gomez, C., Mellor, B.G., De Diego J. Del Rio, N.,
“The Stabilization of Martensite in Cu-Al-Mn Alloys”, J. Mater. Sci., 23, 3379-3382 (1988)
(Experimental, 25)
[1988Tsa] Tsai, A.-P., Inoue, A., Masumoto, T., “New Quasicrystals in Al65Cu20M15 (M = Cr, Mn or
Fe) Systems Prepared by Rapid Solidification”, J. Mater. Sci. Letters, 7, 322-326 (1988)
(Experimental, Crys. Structure, 17)

New Series IV/11A2
86 Al–Cu–Mn

[1990Eck] Eckert, J., Schultz, L., Urban, K., “Progress of Quasicrystal Formation During Mechanical
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(1990) (Experimental, Quasicrystals, 37)
[1990Ell] Ellner, M., “The Structure of the High-Temperature Phase MnAl(h) and the Displacive
Transformation from MnAl(h) to Mn5Al8”, Met. Trans. A, 21, 1669-1672 (1990)
(Experimental, Crys. Structure, 18)
[1991Maâ] Maâmar, S., Harmelin, M., “On the Transition of the Icosahedral and Decagonal Phases
Towards Equilibrium Phases in Al-Cu-Mn Alloys”, Phil. Mag. Lett., 64, 343-348 (1991)
(Experimental, Egui. Diagram,11)
[1991Luk] Lukas, H.L., “Aluminium - Copper - Manganese”, MSIT Ternary Evaluation Program, in
MSIT Workplace, Effenberg, G. (Ed.), MSI, Materials Science International Services
GmbH, Stuttgart; Document ID: 10.14272.1.20, (1991) (Crys. Structure, Equi. Diagram,
Assessment, 105)
[1992Li] Li, X.Z., Kuo, K.H., “Orthorhombic Crystalline Approximants of the Al-Cu-Mn Decagonal
Quasicrystal”, Phil. Mag. B, 66, 117-124 (1992) 348 (1991) (Experimental, 15)
[1992Maa] Maamar, S., Faudot, F., Harmelin, M., “Relationships Between the Liquidus Temperature
and the Formation of Quasicrystalline Phases in Rapidly Solidified Al-Cu-Mn Alloys”,
Thermochim. Acta, 204, 45-54 (1992) (Experimental, 11)
[1994Mur] Murray, J.L., “Al-Cu (Aluminum-Copper)” in “Phase Diagrams of Binary Copper Alloys”,
Subramanian, P.R., Chakrabati, D.T., Laughlin, D.E. (Eds.), ASM International, Materials
Park, OH, 18-42 1994 (Equi. Diagram, Review, 226)
[1997Mue] Müller, C., Stadelmaier, H.H., Reinsch, B., Petzow, G., “Constitution of Mn-Al-(Cu, Fe, Ni
or C) Alloys near the Magnetic - Phase”, Z. Metallkd., 88, 620-624 (1997) (Experimental,
Equi. Diagram, 19)
[1998Kai] Kainuma, R., Satoh, N., Liu, X.J., Ohnuma, I., Ishida, K., “Phase Equilibria and Heusler
Phase Stability in the Cu-rich Portion of the Cu-Al-Mn System”, J. Alloy. Compd., 266,
191-200 (1998) (Experimental, Equi. Diagram, Crys Structure, 28)
[1998Sau] N. Sauter, “System Al-Ti” in “COST 507, Thermochemical Database for Light Metal
Alloys”, Vol. 2, I. Ansara, A.T. Dinsdale, M.H. Rand (Eds.), Office for Official Publications
of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 89-94 (1998) (Assessment, Equi. Diagram,
Thermodyn., Calculation, 27)
[1999Liu] Liu, X.J., Ohnuma, I., Kainuma, R., Ishida, K., “Thermodynamic Assessment of the
Aluminuim-Manganese (Al-Mn) Binary Phase Diagram”, J. Phase Equilib., 20(1) 45-56
(1999) (Equi. Diagram, Thermodyn., Assessment, Calculation, Experimental, 37)
[2002Gul] Gulay, L.D., Harbrecht,B., “The Crystal Structures of the 1 and 2 Phases in the Al-Cu
System”, in “Crystal Chemistry of Intermetallic Compounds”, Abstr. VIII Int. Conf., Lviv,
P139, 73 (2002) (Crys. Structure, Experimental, 5)
[2002LB] Landolt-Börnstein, Numerical Data and Functional Relationship in Science and
Technology, New Series, Ed. in Chief: W. Martienssen, Group IV: Physical Chemistry, Vol.
19, Thermodynamic Properties of Inorganic Materials compiled by SGTE, Subvolume B,
Binary Systems: Phase Diagrams, Phase Transition Data, Integral and Partial Quantities of
Alloys. Part 1 Elements and Binary System from Ag-Al to Au-Tl. Ed. Lehrstuhl f.
Werkstoffchemie, RWTH Aachen, Authors: Scientific Group Thermodata Europe (SGTE),
Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 139-142 Al-Cu, pp. 164-169 Al-Mn (2002)
[2003Tur] Turchanin, M., Agraval, P., Gröbner, J., Matusch, D., Turkevich, V., “Cu - Mn (Copper -
Manganese)”, MSIT Binary Evaluation Program, in MSIT Workplace, Effenberg, G. (Ed.),
MSI, Materials Science International Services GmbH, Stuttgart; to be published, (2003)
(Equi. Diagram, Assessment, Crys. Structure, 25)

MSIT® Landolt-Börnstein
New Series IV/11A2
Al–Cu–Mn 87

Additional References
[1910Ros] Rosenhain W., Lantsberry, F.C.A.H., “On the Properties of Some Alloys of Cu, Al and Mn”,
9th Report Alloys Research Committee, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., London, 119-139 (1910)
(Experimental, Mechan. Prop.)
[1929Mor] Morlet, E., “On Cu-Al with Mn (Co)” (in French), Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 189,
102-104 (1929) (Experimental, Equi. Diagram, 2)
[1933Heu2] Heusler, O., “Lattice Structure and Ferromagnetism of Mn-Al-Cu Alloys. Part 2: Magnetic
and Electrical Investigations” (in German), Z. Elektrochem, 39, 645-646 (1933)
(Experimental, Crys. Structure, 2) see also [1934Heu]
[1933Val] Valentiner, S., Becker, G., “Investigations on Heusler Alloys” (in German), Z. Phys., 83,
371-403 (1933) (Experimental, Crys. Structure, 34)
[1934Fue] Fuess, V., “Al-Cu-Mn” (in German), in “Metallographie des Aluminiums und seiner
Legierungen”, Berlin, 144-148 (1934) (Review, 4)
[1935Val] Valentiner, S., Becker, G., “On Heusler Alloys” (in German), Z. Phys., 93, 629-633 (1935)
(Experimental, 2)
[1943Mon] Mondolfo, L.F., “Metallography of Aluminium Alloys”, Wiley & Sons. Inc., London, 79-81
(1943) (Review, 3)
[1947Ano] Anonymous, “Cu-Mn-Al Alloys”, The Engineer, 183(4766), 470-471 (1947) (Review, 5)
[1948Hum] Hume-Rothery, W., “The Effect of Mn, Fe and Ni on the / Brass Equilibrium”, Philos.
Mag., 39, 89-97 (1948) (Theory, Equi. Diagram, 13)
[1948Sha] Sharma, A.S., “The Metallography of Commercial Alloys of the Duralumin Type”, Trans.
Indian Inst. Met., (1), 39-53 and (2), 11-44 (1948) (Experimental, 43)
[1952Han] Hanemann, H., Schrader, A., “Ternary Alloys of Aluminium” (in German), in “Atlas
Metallographicus III”, part 2, Düsseldorf, 81-85 (1952) (Review, 6)
[1952Haw] Haworth, J.B., Hume-Rothery, W., “The Effect of Four Transitional Metals ob the / Brass
Type of Equilibrum”, Philos. Mag., 43 (7), 613-631 (1952) (Experimental, Equi. Diagram,
[1954Iva] Ivanov-Skoblikov, N.N., “The System Cu-Mn-Al” (in Russian), Zap. Leningrad. Gornogo
Inst., 29(3), 152-180 (1954) (Review, 147)
[1960Spe] Spegler, H., “The Inportance of Research on Eutectics and its Application to Ternary
Eutectic Aluminiun Alloys” (in German), Metall, 14, 201-206 (1960) (Review, Theory, 11)
[1963Oxl] Oxley, D.P., Tebble, R.S., Williams, K.C., “Heusler Alloys”, J. Appl. Phys., 34, 1362-1364
(1963) (Experimental, Crys. Structure, 13)
[1964Tes] Teslyuk, M.Yu., Kripyakevich, P.I., Frankevich, D.P., “New Laves Phases Containing Mn”
(in Russian), Kristallografiya, 9, 558-559 (1964) (Experimental, Crys. Structure, 13)
[1966Sch] Schubert, K., “Structure Research on Metallic Phases” (in German), Metall, 20, 424-430
(1960) (Review, Theory, Crys. Structure, 12)
[1966Vul] Vul'f, B.K., Chernov, M.N., “Influence of Ternary Intermetallic Compounds on the Heat
Resistance of Deformed Aluminium Alloys” (in Russian), Tsvet. Metallurgiya, 147-152
(1960) (Experimental, Mechan. Prop., 15)
[1968Joh3] Johnston, G., “Neutron Diffraction Investigation of Ternary Manganese Alloys”, At.
Energiya, 11(4), 18-24 (1968) (Experimental, Crys. Structure, 15) see also [1968Joh1] and
[1969Gai] Gaillard M., “The Influence of Addition Elements on the Structure of Cu-Al Alloys” (in
French), Mem. Artillerie Franc., 43, 11-42 (1969) (Experimental, Equi. Diagram, 21)
[1969Mai] Maitre, F.Le., “Phase Transformation of Cu-Al Alloys” (in French),
Cuivre-Laitons-Alliages, 107, 8-21 (1969) (Experimental, Equi. Diagram, 10)
[1974Lis] Lisse, J.P., Navrot, F., Pernot, N., Dubois, B., “Precipitation Phenomena during Heat
Treatment of the  Phase in Solid Heusler Alloy Specimens” (in French), Mem. Sci. Rev.
Metall., 71, 63-66 (1974) (Experimental, Equi. Diagram, 7)

New Series IV/11A2
88 Al–Cu–Mn

[1975Gre] Green, M.L. Chin, G.Y. “Deformation and Fracture of Polycrystalline Cu2MnAl”, Metall.
Trans. A, 6A, 1118-1122 (1975) (Experimental, Mechan. Prop., 9)
[1980Bra] Brandes, E.A., Flint, R.F., “Mn-Phase Diagrams”, Manganese Phase Diagrams,
Manganese Center, Paris, France, 78-79 (1980) (Review, Experimental, 4)
[1981Bre] Brezina, P., “Heat Treatment of Complex Al Bronzes”, Int. Met. Rev., 27(2), 77-120 (1981)
(Review, Mechan. Prop., Equi. Diagram, 210)
[1981Wat] Watanabe H., Sato, E., “Phase Diagram in Al Alloys” (in Japanese), J. Jpn. Inst. Light Met.,
31(1), 64-79 (1981) (Review, Theory, Equi. Diagram, #, 22)
[1982Kan] Kang, S.-J., Stasi, M., Azou, P., “Influence of Mn on Phase Transformations in Cu-Al
Alloys” (in French), Mem. Sci. Rev. Met., 79(5), 229-234 (1982) (Experimental, 12)
[1983Koz4] Kozubski, R., Soltys, J., “Decomposition of the Heusler Alloys Cu2.00Mn1.00Al1.00 During
Isochronal Annealing”, Conference DIMETA-82, Tihany, Hungary, Trans. Tech.
Publications, Rockport, 549-551 (1983) (Experimental, 7) see also [1983Koz1-3]
[1987Sch] Shubert, K., “On the Bindings in the Elements between V and Ga (I). Phases from V to Fe”,
Crys. Res. Technol., 24(4), 517-525 (1987) (Theory, Crys. Structure, 33)
[1988Dan] Danilov, A.N., Likhachev, V.A., “Nature of Matrix Phases in CuAl(Ni,Mn) Alloys” (in
Russian), Fiz. Metall. Metalloved., 65(6), 1176-1181 (1988) (Experimental, Crys.
Structure, 7)

Table 1: Crystallographic Data of Solid Phases

Phase/ Pearson Symbol/ Lattice Parameters Comments/References
Temperature Range Space Group/ [pm]
[°C] Prototype
(Mn)(h1) cP20 a = 631.5 [V-C2]
1079-707 P4132 dissolves 40 at.% Al [1999Liu]
(Mn)(r) cI58 a = 891.39 [V-C2]
< 710 I43m
(Al) cF4 a = 404.88 pure Al, 24°C
< 660 Fm3m [V-C2]
2, Cu1-xAlx - - 0.22  x  0.235 [Mas, 1985Mur]
< 363 TiAl3 long period superlattice
0, Cu1-xAlx - - 0.298  x  0.324
1037-964 [Mas, 1985Mur]
0, Cu1-xAlx - - 0.31  x  0.402
Cu2Al [Mas, 1985Mur]
1, Cu9Al4 cP52 a = 871.32 at 33.8 at.% Al, [V-C2]
< 873 P43m a = 870.68 from single crystal [V-C2]

, Cu1-xAlx hR* 0.381  x  0.407 [Mas, 1985Mur]

< 686 a = 869 at x = 38.9 [V-C2]
 = 89.78°
J1, Cu1-xAlx cI2 ? - 0.379  x  0.406
958-848 W (?) [Mas, 1985Mur]

MSIT® Landolt-Börnstein
New Series IV/11A2
Al–Cu–Mn 89

Phase/ Pearson Symbol/ Lattice Parameters Comments/References

Temperature Range Space Group/ [pm]
[°C] Prototype
J2, Cu1+xAl hP4 a = 414.6 0.47  x  0.78
850-560 P63/mmc c = 506.3 [Mas, 1985Mur, V-C]
1, Cu47.8Al35.5(h) oF88 - 4.7 a = 812 55.2 to 59.8 at.% Cu, [Mas2, 1994Mur]
590-530 Fmm2 b = 1419.85 structure: [2002Gul]
Cu47.8Al35.5 c = 999.28
2, Cu11.5Al9(r) oI24 - 3.5 a = 409.72 55.2 to 56.3 at.% Cu, [Mas2, 1985Mur]
< 570 Imm2 b = 703.13 structure: [2002Gul]
Cu11.5Al9 c = 997.93
1, CuAl(h) o*32 a = 408.7 49.8 to 52.4 at.% Cu
624-560 b = 1200 [V-C2, Mas2, 1985Mur]
c = 863.5 Pearson symbol: [1931Pre]
2, CuAl(r) mC20 a = 1206.6 [V-C]
< 569 C2/m b = 410.5
CuAl(r) c = 691.3
 = 55.04°
, CuAl2 tI12 a = 606.3 [V-C]
< 591 I4/mcm c = 487.2
J, Mn4Al3(h) hP2 a = 269.0 to 270.5 40.0 to 46.8 at. % Al
 1260-870 P63/mmc c = 438.0 to 426.1 [Mas, 1987McA, 1999Liu]
MnAl(m) tP2 a = 277 to 279 ferromagnetic, about 55 at.% Mn,
metastable P4/mmm c = 354 to 358 formed from J at rapid or medium
AuCu cooling rates
Mn5Al8(h) - - 61.8 to 70.0 at.% Al
1048-957 [Mas, 1987McA]
Mn5Al8(r) hR26 a = 1274 53.0 to 68.6 at.% Al
< 987 R3m c = 1586 [Mas, 1987McA]
Mn4Al11(h) oP160 a = 1479 71.3 to 75.0 at. % Al
1002-895 Pnma b = 1242 [Mas, 1987McA]
c = 1259 latt. par. from [1961Tay]
Mn4Al11(r) aP15 a = 509.2 [V-C, 1987McA]
< 915 P1 b = 886.2 Structure: [1958Bla]
Mn4Al11(r) c = 504.7
 = 85.31°
 = 100.41°
= 105.34°
Mn3Al10 hP26 a = 754.3 metastable, formed at cooling rates faster
P63/mmc c = 789.8 than 0.2 K#s-1 [1971Goe]
Mn3Al10 Structure: [1959Tay]

New Series IV/11A2
90 Al–Cu–Mn

Phase/ Pearson Symbol/ Lattice Parameters Comments/References

Temperature Range Space Group/ [pm]
[°C] Prototype
, MnAl4 (h) hP* a = 1995 [1987McA]
< 923 c = 2452
or oP* a = 679.5 [1987McA]
b = 934.3
c = 1389.7
, MnAl4 (r) hP* a = 2840 [1987McA]
<  690 c = 1240
MnAl6 oC28 a = 755.18 [V-C, 1987McA]
Cmcm b = 649.78
MnAl6 c = 887.03
, Mn1-x-yCuxAly cF4 0x1
Mn(h2) Fm3m a = 386.2 at x = 0, y = 0 [V-C]
1246-1143 Cu
Cu a = 361.48 at x = 1, y = 0, 25°C [V-C]
< 1083
, Mn1-x-yCuxAly cI2 range see Figs. 6 to 9
Cu3Al Im3m
1049-761 W a = 294.6 at x = 0.757, y = 0.243,
( Mn)(h3) 680°C [1985Mur]
1143-1079 a = 308.1 at x = 0, y = 0 [V-C]
MnAl(h) 48.7 to 65.5 at.% Al [1987McA],
1191-840 structure [1990Ell]
' cP2 superstructure of 
'' cF16 superstructure of ´
* -1 , oB156 a = 2420 [1938Pet],
Mn6+xCu4+yAl29-x-y Bbmm b = 1250 structure: [1954Rob]
< 1020 Mn6Cu4Al29 c = 772 0  x  2, 0  y 1, y  x [1966Koe]
* -2 , oP380 a = 1210 [1943Gue, 1966Koe]
Mn3Cu5Al11 b = 2408
< 700 c = 1921
* -3 , cF24 a = 690.46 [1968Joh2]
Mn(Cu0.75Al0.25)2 Fd3m antiferromagnetic ordering
< 550 MgCu2 of the Mn atoms

Table 2: Invariant Equilibria

Reaction T [°C] Type Phase Composition (at.%)
Mn Cu Al
L + Mn5Al8 œ -1 1020 p7 L 21.3 11.4 67.3
Mn5Al8 26.6 9.5 63.9
-1 21.3 11.4 67.3
L + Mn5Al8 œ -1 + Mn4Al11 970 U1 L 18.7 8.6 72.7
Mn5Al8 26.7 7.3 66.0
-1 21.2 11.0 67.8

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Al–Cu–Mn 91

Reaction T [°C] Type Phase Composition (at.%)

Mn Cu Al
L + Mn5Al8 œ  + -1 830 U2 L 8,4 34.2 54.7
Mn5Al8 27.6 12.7 59.7
 23.0 23.9 53.3
-1 21.1 12.4 66.5
L + Mn4Al11 œ -1 + MnAl4 825 U3 L (6.4) (8.5) (85.1)
-1 20.6 10.3 69.1
 + -1 œ -2 700 p12  6.0 41.9 52.1
-1 18.8 12.4 68.8
+ -2 638 e11  7.0 45.0 48.0

3.2 61.4 35.4
+ (Mn) 638 e12  24.4 43.4 32.2

3.3 62.8 33.9
(Mn) 69.0 1.5 29.5
L + MnAl4 œ -1 + MnAl6 625 U4 L (3.8) (3.9) (92.3)
-1 18.9 9.9 71.2
L + J2 œ  +  623 U5
L + œ -1 +  622 U6 L 2.1 31.8 66.1
 1.2 49.2 49.6
-1 17.1 11.9 71.0
L + MnAl6 œ -1 + (Al) 616 U7 L (1.1) (7.4) (91.5)
-1 17.9 10.1 72.0
(Al) (0.8) (0.5) (98.7)
+ -1 œ  + -2 603 U8  1.2 50.5 48.3
-1 16.5 12.5 71.0
L +  œ -1 +  582 U9 L 1.4 29.4 69.2
-1 16.6 11.6 71.8
 + -2 œ
+  565 U10  0.4 57.0 42.6

1.8 61.2 37.0
 + (Mn) œ -3 550 p15  15.9 63.8 20.3
(Mn) 79.5 1.2 19.3
L œ (Al) + -1 +  547 E2 L (0.4) (17.0) (82.6)
(Al) (0.1) (2.4) (97.5)
-1 16.0 9.9 74.1
+ (Mn)œ -3 + 520 U11  18.3 65.1 16.6
(Mn) 80.3 1.2 18.5
24.7 68.8 6.5
 + (Mn) œ -3 +
420 U12  14.6 61.6 23.8
(Mn) 78.7 1.2 20.1

4.6 62.3 33.1
 œ -3+ +
400 E3  7.9 68.1 24.0
3.6 77.6 18.8

2.8 66.3 30.9

New Series IV/11A2
Cu-Mn Al-Cu Al-Cu-Mn Al-Mn

1262 p1
l + ⠜ε
1181 p2
1097 e1
1135 ? p3 l+εœβ
βœ l + γ
L+εœβ 1067 p4
γ + ⠜ (βMn)
1037 p6 1060 p5
l+βœΓ l + ⠜ Mn5Al8
1032 e2 1027 e3
1020 p7
l œγ + β ⠜ ε + (βMn)
L + Mn5Al8 œ τ1
1000 p8
958 e4 970 L + Mn5Al8 œ Mn4Al11+ τ1 U1 l+Mn5Al8œMn4Al11
940 e5
l+Üβ 923 p9
Lœβ+Γ Mn5Al8+Mn4Al11+τ1 l+Mn4Al11œMnAl4
890 e6
872 e7
851 p10 Lœγ+β

L+Mn4Al11+τ1 ε œβ + (βMn)

l + ⠜ ε2
836 e8 833 e9
βœ Γ + ε2 830 L + Mn5Al8 œ β + τ1 U2 βœ(βMn)+Mn5Al8
825 L + Mn4Al11 œ MnAl4 + τ1 U3
Mn5Al8+β+τ1 L+β+τ1
706 d1 705 p11
(βMn) œ (αMn), γ Mn4Al11+MnAl4+τ1 L+MnAl4+τ1
700 p12 l + MnAl4 œ MnAl6
β + τ1œ τ2
638 e11 638 e12 658 e10
⠜ τ2 + à ⠜ (βMn) + Γ l œ (Al) + MnAl6

624 p13
625 L + MnAl4 œ τ1 + MnAl6 U4
l + ε2 œ η
623 L + ε2 œ β + η U5
MnAl4+MnAl6+τ1 L+MnAl6+τ1 U11
ε2+β+η L+β+η U8 U10 U12 U7

Fig. 1a: Al-Cu-Mn. Reaction scheme, part 1

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Cu-Mn Al-Cu Al-Cu-Mn Al-Mn

L+β+η L+β+τ1 β+τ1+τ2 L+(Al)+Mn4Al6


New Series IV/11A2
622 L + ⠜ η + τ1 U6
616 L + MnAl6 œτ1 + (Al) U7
ε2+β+η β+η+τ1 (Al)+MnAl6+τ1
603 β + τ 1 œ τ 2+ η U8
591 p14
L + η œθ
582 L + η œτ1 + θ U9 β+τ2+η β+τ2+Γ
569 β + τ2 œ Γ+ η U10
β+Γ+ε2 β+Γ+η τ2+Γ+η
562 ⠜ε2 + Γ + η E1
560 e14
ε2œΓ + η

559 e15
βœγ+Γ L+τ1+θ
550 p15
548.2 e16 β + (βMn) œτ3
l œ (Al) + θ
547.5 L œ (Al) + θ + τ1 E2
520 β + (βMn)œτ3 + γ U11
(Al) + θ + τ1
γ+(βMn)+τ3 β+τ3+γ

420 β + (βMn) œ τ3 + Γ U12

(βMn)+τ3+Γ β+τ3+Γ

400 ⠜ τ3 + Γ + γ E3

Fig. 1b: Al-Cu-Mn. Reaction scheme, part 2

94 Al–Cu–Mn

Al Data / Grid: at.%

Fig. 2: Al-Cu-Mn. MnAl6
(Al) Axes: at.%
Liquidus surface MnAl4
Mn4Al11 U4

U3 E2
Mn5Al8 20 80

U1 τ
U9 θ
p7 η
p2 60
U2 ε2
85 800
p1 60 p3
e5 Γ











20 40 60 80
Mn Cu

Al Data / Grid: at.%
Fig. 3: Al-Cu-Mn. Axes: at.%
Liquidus surface of 660
the Al corner after 680 (Al)
[1991Phi] 700 650

MnAl6 640




U7, 616
U4, 625

Mn 12.00 10 Mn 0.00
Cu 0.00 Cu 12.00
Al 88.00 Al 88.00

MSIT® Landolt-Börnstein
New Series IV/11A2
Al–Cu–Mn 95

Al Data / Grid: at.%
Fig. 4: Al-Cu-Mn. Axes: at.%
Solidus of the (Al)
solid solution after 650
[1961Phi] 640




(Al)+MnAl6+L 600


(Al)+τ 1+L



Mn 3.00 Mn 0.00
Cu 0.00 Cu 3.00
Al 97.00 Al 97.00

Al Data / Grid: at.%
Fig. 5: Al-Cu-Mn. 400
450 Axes: at.%
Solvus of the (Al) 500
solid solution after 550
[1961Phi] 600

650 MnAl6 τ1


(Al)+τ 1+L


Mn 3.00 Mn 0.00
Cu 0.00 Cu 3.00
Al 97.00 Al 97.00

New Series IV/11A2
96 Al–Cu–Mn

Al Data / Grid: at.%

Fig. 6: Al-Cu-Mn. Axes: at.%
Isothermal section at

Mn4Al11 80

τ1 L+τ1

β+MnAl 40
Mn5Al8 60

βMn+ε 60
ε L β
L+β Γ

(βMn)+β β β+Γ
L+β β
β +γ
β +γ
L+γ γ
γ L+γ
20 40 60 80
Mn Cu

Al Data / Grid: at.%

Fig. 7: Al-Cu-Mn. Axes: at.%
Isothermal section at
Mn4Al11 80

L+τ1 L

40 Mn5Al8 60

Al 8
β+Mn 5 L+β

(βMn) β +Γ
β Γ

80 (βMn)+β

β +γ
(βMn)+γ γ

20 40 60 80
Mn Cu

MSIT® Landolt-Börnstein
New Series IV/11A2
Al–Cu–Mn 97

Al Data / Grid: at.%

Fig. 8: Al-Cu-Mn. Axes: at.%
Isothermal section at
700°C MnAl6

MnAl4 20
40 +τ 60
β +τ 1



Mn5Al8+(βMn) l8
n 5A

β Γ
(βMn)+β β +Γ


(βMn)+γ γ

20 40 60 80
Mn (αMn) (αMn)+γ Cu

Al Data / Grid: at.%

Fig. 9: Al-Cu-Mn. (Al) Axes: at.%
Isothermal section at
20°C MnAl6
Mn4Al11 80

τ θ
Mn5Al8 40 τ
2 60

β η
) β +Γ
n η+Γ
60 β+( (βMn)+β+Γ 40

(βMn) Γ

(βMn)+Γ+τ3 γ +Γ
80 τ3+γ+Γ
(αMn)+ τ3
(βMn)+ γ

(αMn)+γ γ

20 40 60 80
Mn Cu

New Series IV/11A2

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