N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Your Name: Jennifer Stebbins Date of Activity: 3/21/19 Faculty name: Mary
Describe the community service/professional activity/s you attended or participated with (be

specific about the purpose and your role):

For my first activity, I took part in a BLS class, and achieved a BLS certification through

the American Heart Association.

For my second activity, I attended a lecture given by two speakers, one is a genetics

research professor from UCLA who spoke about the history of using mice DNA in research to

learn more about various complex diseases in humans, and the other is a research assistant

professor at the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of Arizona

who spoke about how genetic variation and environmental exposure can lead to complex


Where was this held and what was was program/activity length?
The BLS class was held at a CPR2U location in Tucson, Az and the class length was 4

The lecture was held in the BIO5 building on the University of Arizona campus, and the

lecture lasted 4 hours.

Discuss the value of this experience to you (be specific).

Taking the BLS class was very valuable to me because I work with sick people weekly,

so I have higher odds of being near someone who needs CPR than other civilians. I also find this

a valuable class to take because if I see someone in public who is unresponsive and other people

do not know what to do, I could step up and help save a life.
The lecture was a little outside my base of knowledge, so I really did not get much out of

this experience, unfortunately. Although the lecture was open to the public, the majority of the

audience were Masters students with an extensive background in genetics, so that is mostly who

the speakers targeted with their information. Thus, I did not understand most of what they talked

about. I did learn a couple of interesting things however, one being that researchers are currently
trying to discover how stem cells can be injected into the heart after a person has a heart attack in

order to regrow the tissue that died as a result of the ischemic event, and hopefully preventing

heart failure.

Would you recommend this specific communnity/professional experience in the future; why or

why not? (Describe)

I highly recommend the BLS class to everyone who is able to take it. I think it is very

important for everyone to take a class like this because if someone becomes unresponsive and

goes into cardiac arrest, there would be more people around who could step up and do CPR, or

more people to take over when others become tired. Also, if someone is alone with someone who

goes into cardiac arrest, they would be able to do CPR without having to wait for paramedics,

which increases the chance for the unresponsive individual to survive.

I would only recommend this lecture experience to people who have an extensive

background or knowledge of genetics. I did not understand most of what the speakers talked

about, even though I have taken a basic genetics class. However, based on how interested the

Masters students were and how many questions they asked the speakers, I would recommend this

for someone who has the appropriate background of knowledge for this talk.

Brochure or proof of attendance obtained? Yes Signature on validation of clinical hours form

obtained? No

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