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Indus & Pre DIALOG ‘Ten Golden Rules for Simulation Engineers With the proliferation of reservoir simula- tors and extensive use ofthis powerful toch- nology by the industry, there is increasing danger that inexperienced users will misuse sophisticated models available to them. To ‘minimize this danger, one should keep cet- (ain sic rules in mind. The following rules reflect my own experience and what Ihave ‘ined by reading papers and through dis- cussions with colleagues in industry and academia. I would weleome comments that ‘may result in the refinement ofthese rules, [wrote the frst version ofthese rules in June 1989 and this version in Sept. 1989. 1, Understand Your Problem and De- fine Your Objectives. Before you do any simulation, understand the geological char- acteristics of your reservoir, the fuids it contains, and its dynamic behavior. Also clearly site the objectives of your study on paper before you start. Ask yourself ifthe ‘Objectives are realistic. These considerations will help you choose the most appropriate model for your study. 2, Keep It Simple. Start and end with the simplest model that s consistent with the na- tre ofthe reservoir, the objective of your study, and the avalabiiy of data, Classic reservoir engineering, simple analytical ‘models, or single-block simulations are often all you need. At other times, the most ‘sophisticated model availabe to you may not serve your needs. Understand mode! limi- tations and capabilities. 3, Understand Interaction Between Different Parts. Remember that a reservoir not an isolated entity. Iemay connect with an aquifer and, through it, even to other reservoirs. Furhermore, reservoirs are con- nected through wells to the surface facilities. ‘The isolation of different components ofthis system for separate study often may lead to inappropriate rosuls by neglecting interac- tion between different parts ofthe systom. However, when appropriate, don't be afraid to break a big problem into its smaller com- ponents, This can lead not only to substantial ‘savings but to greater understanding of the mechanisms involved. 4. Don’t Assume Bigger Is Always Bet- ‘ter. Always question the size ofa study that Js limited by the computer resources or the IPT + November 1989. budget. Simulation engineers often believe ‘that no computers big enough for whet they want to do and tend simply to inerease the size of their models to fit the computer. More blocks and components do not suto- matically translate into greater accuracy and reliability. In fact, in some situations the reverse is tric. Insist on seeing appropriate justification forthe number of blocks used ina given study. 5. Know Your Limitations and Trust Your Judgment. Remember that simulation isnot an exact science. All modes are based con assumptions and provide only an approx- imate answer to the real problem. Hence, «8 good understanding of both the problem and the model is essential for success. Nu- rerical approximations may introduce “pseudophysical” phenomena like numer- ical dispersion. Use and trust your judg- ment, especially if it is based on” your ‘analysis of field or laboratory observations ‘Be careful to check your input and output Do simple material-balance calculations to ‘check simulation results. Pay particular a- tention to such things as negative compres- sibilities and permeabilities, 6. Be Reasonable in Your Expectations. Don't try to get from the simulator what it {is incapable of producing. Often the most you can get from a study is some guidance on the relative merits of choices available to you. At other times you have the right to demand a lot more, But remember that iff you exclude a mechanism during model development, you cannot study its effect with that model 7. Question Data Adjustments for His- tory Matching. Always question data adjustments during history matching. Re- ‘member that this process does not have a tig solution. The most reasonable solu tion will result from paying close attention to physical and geological reasonableness. ‘A "good! history match with inappropriate adjustments tothe data will ead 1 poor pre- dictions. Don't be lulled into false security by a "good" or “close” match. 8, Don't Smooth Extremes. Pay atten- sion to extremes in permeability (barriers and channels). Be careful in the process of ‘averaging to avoid losing essential informa- tion when averaging the extremes. Never average out extremes. 9. Pay Attention to the Measurement ‘and Use Scales. Measared values atthe core scale may not apply directly at the larger block scale, but measurements do influence ‘values at other scales. Remember that aver- aging may change the nature of the varia- bles you average. For example, permeability may be a scalar at some small scale and a tensor ata larger scale. Even the meaning of capillary pressure and relative permea- Dilty can be different at diferent scales. ‘Also, the dispersive terms in our equations fare a result of the process of averaging. 10, Don’t Skimp on Necessary Labora- tory Work. Models do not replace god lab- ‘oratory experiments that ae designed to gin ‘an understanding ofthe nature ofthe process being modeled or to measure essential pa- rameters of the equations being solved by your simulator. Plan your laboratory work ‘With the end use of tis information in mind Learn how to seale data 1 would like to thank Aziz Odeh and Roland Horne for their comments on these rales. Khalid Aziz, SPE ‘Stanford U. Technology Summary (From Page 1195) Prudhoe Bay Well-Management Routine Enhances Simulator Performance outlines the well constrains imposed by a subrou- tine used in a conventional reservoir sim- lator. ‘The input data consist of limits on injection and production facilities and of relationships between each injector and its iteracting producers. Three injection faclienges, seawater, an produced water—are considered, each with its own {at limit The subroutine hands any com- Bination ‘of wells on water of Water alternating-g injection. Injection and pro- duction are balanced within each pattern while simitanously honoring gas pressure, total gas, water, andl lis at the producers. Priotization is discussed and ex- ples are given. The subroutine has made Tong-term predictive simulations of large, unbounded, faiity-constrained, multiple” pater floods practical. tse

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