Bilet Gosudarstvennogo Ekzamena Engl GOTOVYJ 1

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1. Policy of liquidation of illiteracy in 20 years ("Red yurts"), its reasons and results.
2. Kazakhstan during the civil war in 1918-1920 and establishment of the Soviet power in
3.The epoch of Enlightenment in Kazakhstan. The contribution of Choqan Walikhanov to the
Kazakh culture.
4. The participation of Kazakhstan in restoration of the Soviet economy after the Second World
5. The national-liberating revolt of 1916 (causes, peculiarities, main locations).
6. "Cultural revolution" - the basis of socialism construction (1920-1940). The achievements.
7. The 1905 Russian Revolution, its impact on Kazakhstan.
8. Socio-economic development of the Soviet Kazakhstan in the 1960s. Policy of Tselina (1954).
9. The February bourgeois-democratic revolution in 1917, its causes and consequences.
10. Main battles in the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945. The heroes of Kazakhstani at the battle
11. The policy of "Militarism Communism" during the Civil War (1918-1920). Its impact on
12. The Aral Sea: ecological disaster, causes and consequences.
13. The October Revolution of 1917 and its impact on Kazakhstan
14. The December Events in 1986, and its causes and consequences.
15. The heroism of the Kazakhstani people during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)
16. The collapse of the Soviet Union: causes and consequences on Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata
Declaration on Commonwealth of Independent States, 1991
17. Kazakh enlighteners of the century: features, goals, personality. ("Masa", "Oyan Qazaq,"
18. The history of the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the Kazakh Soviet
Socialist Republic.
19. The doctrine of the Russian Turkism. The role of "Ittifaq al-Muslimin" in the consolidation
of the Turkic-Muslim peoples
20. The program of industrialization of Kazakhstan 1925-1939. Its positive and negative
21. The Kazakh steppe in the First World War. Decree of June 25, 1916
22. The main priorities of Kazakhstan's foreign policy.
23. Formation of the Turkestan autonomous Government. The Roles of M. Choqay in the
history of Kokand autonomous Government
24. The Soviet Government's policy in the field of culture 1920-1930-ies.
25. Solid collectivization of agriculture in the USSR and Kazakhstan (1928-1940). Its results and
26. Land and water reform s in Kazakhstan 1921-1925.
27. The development of political party system in Kazakhstan. Political parties in contemporary
28. The Soviet government reforms on education and sciences. Transition of the Kazakh letters
from Arabic script to Latin, then to Cyrillic.
29. The establishment of totalitarian regime in the USSR in 1920-1930. Repressions in
30. Modernization of the USSR policy. Industrialization of Kazakhstan.
31. The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). Heroism at the battlefields, and the Kazakhstan heroes.

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32. The role and place of movement "Alash Orda" in the history of Kazakhstan. The secular elite
of Kazakhstan in the early 20th century.
33. History of the Parliament of Kazakhstan (1991-2016).
34.The Kazakh intellectuals. Alikhan Bukeikhanov and Ahmet Baitursynov.
35. Economic development of the Soviet Kazakhstan in 1960s. Industrialization in Kazakhstan.
36. The formation and disintegration of the Kazakhstan Provisional Government. The role of the
Kazakh intellectuals.
37. Nomadic and sedentary lifestyles in Kazakhstan. Complete settling of the Kazakh people in
the period F. Goloschekin. Tragedy.
38. The Stalin period: life and political activities in Kazakhstan. Repressions of the intellectuals.
39.The October Revolution of 1917. Its influence on Kazakhstan.
40. The Labor feat of Kazakhstani in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).
41. The great thinkers of the Enlightenment in Kazakhstan. Ibray Altynsarin and his
contribution to the education system of Kazakhstan.
42. Policy of “Military Communism” in Kazakhstan (1918 - 1920)
43. Resettlements of the Russian peasants on Kazakh land. Changes in the economy and the
traditional ways of life of the Kazakh people.
44. Features of the industrial formations in Kazakh land and its colonial character in the
beginning of the 20th century. (Small Scale Industries. Transport, Trade).
45. “The Perestroika” policy in Kazakhstan (1985). December events in 1986 in Alma-Ata.
46. T.Rysqulov, his role in the history of Kazakhstan.
47. Strengthening the power and influence of the Communist Party in the social life. Soviet
institutions and non-governmental organizations (Soviets, the Komsomol, farm) in Kazakhstan.
48. The movement, the party, and the Alash Orda government . The "Alash"party program .
49. Industrial and Innovative Development of Kazakhstan (1991-2020).
50. The political program of Alash Orda.
51. Labor heroism of Kazakhstan in the Great Patriotic War
52. Starvation of 1932-1933 in Kazakhstan, its causes and consequences
53. Alash Orda: the purpose and significance of the political movement. Kazakh intellectuals in
the movement of Alash.
54. The policy by Goloschekin "Small October", and its consequences as a tragedy for the
Kazakh people
55. The Movement of "Jadidism". The reasons, key figures and the effects of the phenomenon of
56. The Kazakh national intellectuals. A.Bukeyhanov.
57. The collectivization in Kazakhstan, reasons and consequences.
58. Abay Qunanbayev, a great Kazakh thinker and educator. Abay`s words of edification.
59. Economic, social and political developments during “stagnation period”. Causes and impact
on the Soviet Kazakhstan.
60.Uprising in Kazakhstan in 1916, causes and consequences.
61. The cultural policy of 1920-1930s in Kazakhstan.
62. The main battles in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). The heroes of Kazakhstan in the
Great Patriotic War.
63. Kazakhstan during the Civil War 1918 - 1920. Alash Orda during the Civil War.
64. The Soviet government's policy in Kazakhstan in the field of education in the 1920-1930s.
65. The Soviet ideology and its consequences on Kazakhstan. (Bolshevik totalitarianism, Stalin's
repressions, etc.).
66. Role of D.Qonayev in the history of Kazakhstan.
67. The national intellectuals "Alash". Alikhan Bokeyhanov and A.Baytursynov.
68. Repressions in Kazakhstan, 1920-1930s.
69. The scientist Choqan Walikhanov and his contributions to the development of science in

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70. The Abay philosophy and enlightenment of Kazakhstan. Words of Edification.
71. The collectivization in Kazakhstan (1928-1940) and its results.
73. The ecological disaster. Testing of nuclear bombs in Kazakhstan, its causes and
74. The starvation period of 1932-1933. A tragedy for the Kazakh people.
75. The life and fate of prominent individuals and representatives of Alash Orda.
SCO - Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Kazakhstan.
76.The Kazakhstan Declaration of Sovereignty on the 25th of October 1990, and Declaration of
Independence in December 16th , 1991.
77. The role of government and the Prime Minister in the political system of the Republic of
78.History of the Kazakhstan Supreme Court (1991-2016).
79.The history of political development in Kazakhstan (1991-2016).
80.The role of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the political system.
81.History of the Kazakhstan Government (1991-2016).
82.The foreign policy of independent Kazakhstan.

83.The state symbols of Kazakhstan.

84. Kazakhstan: Industrial and Innovation strategies.
85.Parliament of Kazakhstan.
86.The role of the President of Kazakhstan in the political system of Kazakhstan.
87. Kazakhstan's Chairship of the OSCE.
88.The program "100 steps" main contents.
89.Kazakhstan-Russia relationships (1991 - 2016).
90.NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and collaborations with Kazakhstan.
91.Kazakhstan and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
92.The collapse of the USSR and formation CIS countries.
93.The program “Kazakhstan-2030”. Kazakhstan Development Strategy.
94. The priorities of Kazakhstan's foreign policy.
95. N.A. Nazarbayev in Kazakhstan's history.
96.The collapse of the USSR and the formation of the CIS.
97. Industrial and Innovation Strategy of Kazakhstan.
98. Kazakhstan and the Eurasian integration. The Customs Union.
99The history of economic development in Kazakhstan (1991-2016)
100. The main priorities of Kazakhstan foreign policy.
101. Nursultan Nazarbayev’s work "In the heart of Eurasia".
102. The United Nations and Kazakhstan
103The state symbols of Kazakhstan.
104.The program "Nurly Jol" on the road to prosperity.
105. Kazakhstan's Chairship of the OSCE in 2010.
106.The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1995
107. Foreign intervention and the Civil War of 1918-1923. Kazakhstan during the years of the
Civil War
108. Formation and the role of the CIS.
109. History of the Kazakhstan national currency tenge (1991-2016)
110. Kazakhstan during the Civil War in 1918-1920, the roles of the Alash Orda government in
the war
111.. “The Letter of Five”, the Letter of T.Ryskulov to Stalin - the bitter truth.
112. The history of economic development in Kazakhstan (1991-2016). The programs.
113. The political party “Alash”, its programs aims and activities (1917-1920).
114. Basmachism Movement in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The origins of the struggle.
115. The role and function of the Assembly of Kazakhstan People.

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116. Kazakhstan Foreign Policies and Relationship with the European Union.
117. CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) and Kazakhstan.
118. Tenge as the national currency of the independent Kazakhstan.
119. The program “Kazakhstan-2050”. A new development strategy.
Kazakhstan's Chairship in the OSCE in 2010.
120. The foreign policies of independent Kazakhstan.
121.The Strategic Program “Kazakhstan-2050”: The social development priorities.
122. The CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) and Kazakhstan
123.The idea of the Eurasian Integration: from the Customs Union to the Eurasian Economic
124.The Government and the political system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
125. Books by N.A. Nazarbayev "In the flow of history" and "Kazakhstani way"
126. “Mangilik El” as the ideological future of Kazakhstan
127. The State symbols of Kazakhstan.
128. “Kazakhstan-2030” strategic development program.
129.The Foreign policy of Kazakhstan (1991-2016).
130.Kazakhstan and the European Union (1991-2016)
131.The multi-ethnic Kazakhstan. Assembly of Kazakhstan People.
132.Kazakhstan and the United States (1991-2016). The bilateral relationship.
133.The main priorities of Kazakhstan's foreign policy.

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