Group 3 IR Batch 2018 French 15 Summary MidTest

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Arras Amirah
Aulia Rizqiana Salim
Kintan Nur Hapsari
Nanda Alyfia Candra
Windi Windiasih
While working this discussion we divide the parts to be done by each
member. Aulia Rizqiana Salim is determined to make a meeting section 2.
Windi Windiasih is determined to make a meeting section 3. Nanda Alyfia
Candra is determined make meeting section 4. Arras Amirah is determined
making a meeting section 5. Nyimas Gabriella Dwi Gensi in charge of
creating meeting section 6. And Kintan Nur Hapsari in charge to creating
YouTube essay and looking for the link. All members work together to
correction the discussion. All members work together too for prepared the

Meeting 2.

Personal circumstance

 Speaking Part 1 (occupations)

A sample question ;

o Do you have a part-time job?

o Do you have to do a lot of paperwork?
o Can you describe your current job?
o Do you like your job?
o How many days a week do you work?
o How old were you when you got your first job?
o What job(s) do you wish to have in the future?
o When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
o Would you rather work inside or outside?
o Which job would you never do?

1. There are many fixed expressions in English. Learning and using them
can make your English seem more ‘natural’, and will help improve your
score in both the speaking and writing test.
2. Adding your feelings and opinions can make your speaking more
interesting and can help improve your score. However, extreme and
intolerant opinions should be avoided, especially concerning race and
3. You won’t be able to write notes in part 1 of the exam (you can in part
2), but doing it now will help you to organize your idea.
4. Although it’s a good strategy to prepare your ideas and learn useful
language, don’t memorize a speech and then give it in the test. What
you say should seem spontaneous.
5. The examiner will consider your pronunciation when deciding the grade
to award you. You will not be expected to sound like a native speaker
to get the high score, but of course it is a good idea to improve your
pronunciation as much as you can.

 Grammar: Present simple or present continuous?


Present simple: I work for a company which make car engine parts.

Present continuous: I’m working for a company which make car engine

Meeting 3

 Speaking Part 2 (place or residence)

A simple question :

o Do you like the place where you are living?

o How long have you lived where you are living now?
o How many rooms are there in your house?
o What do you like about your home?
o Where would your dream home be?
o Would you prefer to live in a house or an apartment? Why?
o Do you like to keep pets in your home?
o Can you describe your residence?
o Do you like the residence where you are living?
o Did the neighbors in your residence is good to you?


1. Write down new vocabulary in a special notebook, organized into

categories words can go into more than one category. For example,
commercial can be used as an adjective to describe a district in a city,
but also a film, book, etc. Which has been produced with the aim of
making as much money as possible.
2. Take an active role in the dialogue, giving extra ideas and information.
However, it’s not a social conversation. Don’t ask the examiner

 Grammar:

 Present perfect (permanent or long term)

I’ve lived in this city all my life.
My family has lived in this area since my grandparent
moved here in about 1950.
I’ve lived in the same house for 15 years. I think it’s time to

 Present perfect continuous (temporary)

I’ve been staying with friends for the last few weeks.
I’ve only been living here since last Tuesday.
I’ve been looking for somewhere to live which is closer to


 However, with live for longer-term but non-permanent situation,

often both forms are possible. Example: I’ve lived in university
accommodation for the last two years, I’ve been living in
university accommodation for the last two years.
 The second version emphasize that the situation is not
permanent, but this 2 version could be interchangeable in many
 Natural English: be instead of live. Example: it’s common to use
a form of the verb to be to imply live. I’m in rented
accommodation at the moment. I’ve been in a collage residence
since I started my course. We’re on the seventh floor.

Meeting 4

Leisure interest

 Speaking part 1 (free-time activities)

A simple question :

o What did you do last weekend?

o What are you doing this weekend?
o What hobbies do you have?
o How do you like to spend your free time?
o What do you do in your free time?
o What do you do on Saturday night?
o Do you like gossiping in your free time?
o What new activity would you like to try doing in your free time?
o Do you find that your works or studies takes up your free time?
o Do you have enough free time?


1. Make sure you learn the words in English for all your free-time and
leisure interests. Write them in your vocabulary notebook, and use a
dictionary or internet search to find out which ones can follow go.
2. If you’re not sure if a phrase is grammatically correct, enter it into and
internet search engine. You’ll probably see from the search result
whether or not your version is correct. This also works for spelling, of
3. It can be a good idea to try to use less-common words and phrases.
This shows you have a large vocabulary.

 Grammar :

 Gerund

The gerund ends in-ing.


I love reading.

I’m not very interested in watching sport on tv.

For activities, the gerund can often follow go.


I often go swimming at the weekends

I’m going fishing next weekend

 \Infinitive

The infinitive the form of the verb found in the dictionary,

and is often preceded by to.


I don’t get much time to listen to music

I hope to have more free time from next year

I’m planning to take my children to the zoo next



 Used to
The examiner may ask you to compare your free time now
with your free time in the past. In this case, used to can be
very useful.


I used to play football every weekend, but I haven’t

done it for a long time now.

I used to go running about once a week.

I used to have a lot more free time than I do now.

Not the negative and question forms (although these

are less likely to be useful in the speaking test)


I didn’t use to go swimming very often

Did you use to go swimming more often than you know?

Meeting 5

 Speaking part 1 (music, films, and books)

A simple question :

o What kind of music do you like?

o What kind of book do you like?
o What kind of film do you like?
o Can you play the guitar?
o Can you singing?
o How does music make you feel?
o Who is your favorite author when you reading book?
o What is your favorite genre when you reading a book?
o What is your favorite genre when you watch a film?
o What is the longest book you have ever read?
o What is the longest film you have ever watch?

1. Learn the specific words in English for all the types of music, films, and
2. If you’re not sure that you understood the question correctly ask the
examiner to repeat it. You won’t normally lose marks for doing this-
after all, it happens in native-speaker conversation, too.
3. The examiner may ask you to discuss one topic for the first half of the
part 1 test, then switch to another topic for the second half. This is
normal, and doesn’t mean that your performance for the first topic was

Meeting 6

Equal opportunities
 Speaking part 1 (your education)

A simple question :

o are you studying a foreign language?

o What is your favorite class in high school?
o What do you study? What is your major?
o Did you enjoy going to senior high school?
o Who was your favorite teacher in elementary school?
o What subjects were you good at in senior high school?
o What subjects were you bad at in senior high school?
o How many students were in your senior high school?
o Did you have any teachers you didn't like in senior high school?
o Did you live in a dormitory while you went to senior high school?


1. To get a high score, it’s important to choose the correct grammatical

forms when talking about obligation. A common mistake is to use must
when have to or use must when have to or need to would be the
correct choice. Another common mistake is putting to after must and
should. If you’re not sure about this points, check the rules in a
grammar book.
2. Using the organizing language in this section can help to demonstrate
your ability to use spoken English for purposes such as explaining a
complex situation or negotiating.

 Grammar:
o Expressing obligation

When talking about school experiences you may need to

express degrees of obligation. Choose the most suitable option to
complete each of these sentences


1. At the school I went to, we didn’t have to, need to wear uniforms.
2. I think all teachers have to/should think carefully about how
much homework they set
3. These days, most children have to/must study a broader range of
4. In my opinion, there ought to/must be more schools for
exceptionally talented children
5. I think that when I was growing up, there should have/must have
been less emphasize on exams.
6. With some teachers, the pupils had to/could do whatever they
wanted to
7. I don’t need to/mustn’t explain the IELTS exam to you. You
already know all about it
( )

Okay after we discussed and choose the video on YouTube.

We got the video about “How to prepare IELTS Speaking Test”, we know that
IELTS Speaking Test divided into three parts. And this video told us what
happens in Speaking Test part 1 and something that we should do to do well,
and shouldn’t do.

As we know on that video Speaking Test divided into two types which is
general and Academic. But, both of them it’s the same test with the same

On part 1, it will be the introduction. The examiner tells about introduction

her or himself after that her or him will ask about yourself. And how to
prepare IELTS Speaking is listen the question carefully, try to relate between
the examiners asks. To prepare the test you should answer as well as you
can because it’s about yourself, the questions usually about your hometown,
country, job, interests, school, family, food, cloths, books, films,
transportations, etc. After you prepared the answers, try to write it, and then
you record that questions. To know that how far you pronounce is correct or
not. By the way, it’s important to check your vocabulary and make sure
everything is good.

Move into part 2, the examiner will give you two cards and you have to
describe carefully. Try to enjoy while you explain it. Uh, don’t forget to use
preparation time wisely. Make sure you explain that card based on your own
life. Don’t use more words like “moreover and thus.” Don’t hesitate for too
long. And how to prepare the part two, you have to take a note, don’t forget
try to record it. It will easier when you create your notes likes mind maps, or
any notes with full of color. Think about the language, such as that
experiences. And more practice short answer questions. Remember, there’s
no right and no wrong try to answer as much as you can. Try to give an
interesting response, don’t be passive. And last, give yourself time to

And the last part of that IELTS, learn from your English teacher how to teach
you. Familiarize yourself to read English newspapers and multiply to watch
some movies or anything about English on YouTube. Find someone who’s
good on English and try to ask him or her to help you learning more about
English. Good luck.

By the way, we took that video based on the great step that they gave not
the top list on YouTube. Thankyou <3.

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