Edt 180c Group 6 Presentation

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How Well is ASU Preparing

You for Your Future?

Thomas Chavez, Tea Jaimes & Bailey Metz

EDT 180C Group 6
What We Asked
● How well is ASU preparing you for the future?
● How available are your required classes?
● What is your gender?
● What year in school are you?
● What College are you in?
● How beneficial are the clubs and organizations at ASU for your future career?
Survey Participants

● Males
● Females

● Freshmen
● Sophomores
● Juniors
● Seniors
● Graduate
Our Results
How well is ASU preparing you for the future?
● 4.49% responded with Poorly (4)
● 26.97% responded with Okay (24)
● 53.93% responded with Good (48)
● 14.61% responded with Very Well (13)
How available are your required classes?
● We asked participants to answer on a scale of 1-10
● Answers varied from very available (10) to not available at all (1)
● Most found classes very available
● Majority of students rated their classes semi available (5) or higher
● Class availability isn't a big issue
What is your gender?
● 75% were females
● 25% were males

● Gender made relatively no difference

● Most males and females responded “Good”
● “Okay” was the second most response
● Few responded “very well” or “poorly”
● Most believe they are being prepared
What year in school are you?
● Freshman= 55.06% (49)
● Sophomore= 0%
● Junior= 14.61% (13)
● Senior= 4.49% (4)
● Graduate= 1.12% (1)
● Post-bacc= 0.00%
What College are you in?

● Top 3 Colleges
○ Teachers College- 41.57%
○ CLAS- 30.34%
○ Herberger- 11.24%
● All other colleges were under 5%
How beneficial are the clubs and organizations at
ASU for your future career?
● Answers varied
● Most students had a neutral opinion
● 6 participants found ASU clubs very beneficial (6.7%)
● 9 participants found ASU clubs not beneficial at all (10.1%)
● 25 found ASU clubs beneficial (28.1%)
● 11 found ASU clubs somewhat beneficial(12%)
● Majority of participants felt ASU was doing an okay to good job preparing
○ Gender had relatively no impact on these feelings
● Class availability is a relatively low issue
○ Could be why students feel they are being prepared
● Most students felt neutral towards clubs or that they were beneficial
○ Could be some feel they are prepared for future and why some only feel semi-prepared
● Majority of participants were freshman so our results are more applicable to
freshman rather than any other grade level
● Most participants were from the Teacher’s College so that also impacts the

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