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Inspection Datasheet

1. If a lot is available in current inventory: Enter "Y" in Column A. Otherwise Enter “N” and proceed to next lot.
2. Inspect samples without magnification for corrosion. If questionable marks found, inspect for brown spots under
10X mag. Inspect entire tunneling adapter, especially around Hex Features.
Corrosion Spot no mag Corrosion Spot under
3. If corrosion is found, enter "Y" in column B for Sample 1. mag
4. Inspect 1 sample for corrosion from each available lot and complete Column B.
5. Total the number of samples in Column B. If the sum is less than 19, inspect Sample 2 from an available lot and
complete Column C until 19 total samples are inspected.

Total Number of Samples Inspected: ___19______

Inspection performed by: _____________________________ Date: _____________

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