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Presented to:

Dr. Rasha Waheeb

Presented by:

1-Ahmed Mahmoud Elsemongy

2-Hany Galal ElSamman

3-Helmy Mohamed Elsheikh

4-Tamer ELTahan
Table of Contents
1.0 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................... 3
2.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 5
3.0 Opportunities ......................................................................................................................... 8
4.0 Situational Analysis ............................................................................................................ 19
4.1 External Analysis ................................................................................................................ 19
4.2 Internal Analysis ................................................................................................................ 30
5.0 Objectives .........................................................................................................................34
5.1 Objectives and Goals ....................................................................................................... 34
5.2 Vision ............................................................................................................................... 34
5.3 Mission ............................................................................................................................ 34
6.0 Strategies .......................................................................................................................... 36
7.0 Tactics ............................................................................................................................ 48
7.1 Product ........................................................................................................................... 48
7.2 Price ................................................................................................................................ 60
7.3 Place ............................................................................................................................... 63
7.4 Promotion....................................................................................................................... 64
8.0 Controls ........................................................................................................................ 67

Executive summary:

DigitalJumb is Full services marketing agency established in Alexandria, Egypt and planned

DigitalJumb digital services will be easy, secure, enjoyable and more economic with Expert
in small retail business marketing.

DigitalJumb project Situational analysis (internal and external) concluded in the united states
retails market is a potential market for digital marketing services due to large numbers of internet
users, High mobile penetration and large volume of E-commerce in united states, which reflected
in huge US digital marketing spending specially in small retail industries sector.

DigitalJumb Marketing opportunity is high demand to digital marketing services from target
customer with the main competitive advantage of DigitalJumb which is cost leadership.

DigitalJumb target customer will include adult male and female within age 25-50 years old,
small retails business owner in NY who interested in Full-digital marketing services more
affordable, and profit-driven oriented.(using concentrated targeting strategy).

DigitalJumb Marketing objective: Penetrate US digital marketing Market in 2019, make

brand awareness to NY small retails business, Gain market share 1% from small retail business
owners in NY which is 1700 customers by the end of 2019, Received 97% of our customers
satisfactions, Achieve positive online reviews from 75% of our customers

DigitalJumb vision to pride ourselves on being easy to work with and to make
DigitalJumb a new synonym of professional-result oriented. Customer-focused digital
agency helped small business to jump fast and gains more and more profits.

DigitalJumb will rely on international strategy (export strategy), growth market development
corporate strategy, cost focus business strategy which will implemented with: Flank attack
market strategy, using bank debt financial strategy and proper H.R depend on Self-managed
teams concept.

DigitalJumb services scope will cover all digital marketing services essential for small retail
business to be in digital sphere: Website design, SEO (Search engine optimization), Local SEO
NY, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing Services, Online ads Management Services,
Graphic design.

DigitalJumb will rely on Value pricing method to make customers awareness by charging a
fairly low price for a high-quality offering (penetration strategy)

DigitalJumb will focusing in Digital marketing as hydride media in implementation its

promotional plan to achieved its marketing and communication objectives.

Business in digital sphere:

Any company needs to set up its business in digital sphere to mainly have:

• Website (search engine optimization, content marketing)

• Social media accounts (Facebook, YouTube, twitter, etc.)

• Online advertising

• Email campaign (mailing list)

• Mobile marketing (mobile apps, SMS, Whats-App)

• Measuring tracing and analyze (Google analytics, Facebook insights …etc.)

There are great Revolution in Internet users and increasing each year by increasing rate which
lead to high growth rate of social media and mobile internet users around the world in 2018

Which lead to increase digital marketing spending all over the world and it become a must to any
business to be in the digital sphere by a high performance to can meet their target customers.

United states are the large economy over world, there was a great increasing in the internet users
and social media subscribed in united states with continues increasing growth rate

The statistic obtained that 88% of united states citizens are regular internet users( which
considered the highest percentage all over the world), 71 % Active social media users and 72%
are smart phone users which illustrate that Americans depend heavily in internet especially social
media in there life and satisfaction their needs not only that but although the percentage on
internet users and active social media users are the majority it in increasing growth rate .

This revolution in digital in united states lead to large increase from American citizen to satisfied
all their needs from internet by browsing in search engines or through different social media
platforms even their new idea o digital citizen coming from united states.

Which lead to large volume of E-commerce in United States?

As we see there are 69% of American made online shopping last year. Sure, the strong financial
infrastructure in united states support increasing the volume of E-commerce and make the
volume of E-commerce in united states is the bigger over world. Making the payment online
easy one of the important factors to large volume of E-commerce.

This large volume of E-commerce in united states shows Cleary in all category of goods.

As we say all categories special consumer category have large spending by hundreds of billions
USD although there was a growth in E-commerce in united states almost in all categories.

As statistics showed there are large spending in E-commerce from Americans, the following
figure will show that 224.9 million American purchasing consumer goods via E-commerce by a
penetration percentage from total population reach to 69% there spent 409.2 Billion USD in
purchasing consumer goods via E-commerce.

These revolution of internet and E-commerce in united state create huge need in the side of
companies and business owner working in the market towards digital marketing, they became
forced to rely on digital to reach their target customers.

These facts obtained on digital marketing spending in United States.

As previous figure there are large spending in digital marketing in united states reach 94.6 billion
dollar in 2018 and estimated to increasing to 103.37 billion USD in 2019.

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This spending in all fields of digital marketing and as previous figure specially in search
marketing, display advertising, social media and E-mail marketing.

The spending in digital marketing increasing in increase rate in all industry categories in united
states, and as shown in the following figure retail industry has the largest volume of money spent
from business owner on digital marketing. Reach 22% of all US digital ad-spending

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The retail industries digital spending jump from 5.2 billion dollars in 2010 to 23.5 billion dollars
in 2018 and estimated to reach 27.6 billion dollars in 2019 (as shown in the following figure).

These mean there are increasing need and wants from business owner in retail industries to rely
on achieved digital marketing in their marketing and communication objectives, which mean that
believe that digital is the magic media platform which can help them business to reach target

The increasing in the need of have proper digital marketing with all its tools are not only in the
large size retail industries but also in the small business, the business owners of small business
have great needs and wants to be in digital sphere because a lot of this business became struggle
and final go to fail due to loss the ability to reach target customers so failed in communicate their
products and services attributes, features and competitive advantages. As example we see in the
following figure the percentage of US adults who have shopped online for groceries in the past
year which it’s almost reaches 45% of US population that’s confirmed that any business hasn’t
digital place and present

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So, the digital marketing market in United States growth by increasing rate, each year the
business owner specially the small business owner increases their willing and demand to digital
marketing services. As showed in the following figure almost 55 % of small retail business
owner have a need to increase their business present on online marketing and social media
platforms, 52% of small retail business owners have high demand to own website present their
business in digital sphere and the important indications that almost 50% of small retail business
owners have increasing demand to raise their business conduct with customers online

As we see small business owners became depend strongly in digital marketing to reach the
customers as 66% of small business owners say that finding new customers is a top concern

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The cost of digital marketing confederate the main issue why some of small business owners
cannot entre digital sphere. As we showed in the following figure 30% of small business owners
cited cost as the reason to don’t own website

From all the above facts we can be confirmed that the digital marketing market in the united
states is a huge market although its growth is continues raising by as ascending increasing rate in
all categories specially in retail categories , retail industries considered the biggest category in
digital spending in united states that’s true big companies in this industries spent a lot in digital
marketing and manage their digital marketing in different forms but also small retails business
don’t have a choice now be digital or not to be.

So, there are great opportunities to digital marketing agency to work in the united states and
entre the US digital marketing market specially in retails industries and specific in small retails,

Small retails business owners are considered the optimum target of new digital marketing agency
in its entry stage in US digital marketing market

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DigitalJumb is a recently established digital marketing agency which is based in Egypt,
Starting operations and produced its digital marketing services in Egypt in the last quarter of
2018. It Plans to enter the US digital marketing market in 2019 and take the great opportunities
available in it to digital services providers especially in the categories of small business retail
getting a ride for all, with easy, secure, enjoyable and Economic with well-established cars.

Who are We?

We are DigitalJumb.
We represent a Full-Service Digital Marketing Company established and operated in Egypt in
2018 and plans to entre US digital marketing market by 2019 that has aimed to being one of the
best digital marketing agencies within 3 coming years.
The thought behind developing a personal style to market our clients’ products and services
without following a boring procedure is the key to our success. We talk beyond existing to-do
lists and develop a custom digital marketing strategy which is suitable for your brand, for your
market and for your industry.
DigitalJumb was founded in the second quarter of 2018 by a group of Egyptian business men,
who believed in This is not only marketing, it is personal for us. We understand every customer
is a human. Our every digital marketing effort makes it sure that where it impresses the robots,
humans aren’t left behind.

The business model:

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The scope of the project:

Developing strategic plan that defines all over the strategies that will enabled DigitalJumb to
penetration US digital marketing market and earned significant market share specially in the
small retail business sector.

The project process:

 Situational analysis for internal and external environment of DigitalJumb even in

Egypt or united states
 Definition of DigitalJumb objectives, mission, vision, and core values.
 Definition of DigitalJumb strategies
 Introduction strategy (mode of entry)
 Corporate strategy
 Business strategy
 Functional strategy (formulation of marketing, financial and human resources strategies)

 set DigitalJumb tactics includes 7ps of DigitalJumb digital sevices will rely in it to
penetration Us digital marketing and PLC
 Definition the required DigitalJumb actions
 Definition control KPIS of DigitalJumb project

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Situational analysis:

1-External Environment Scanning:



1- Political:

The main political factors can Affect DigitalJumb project can be summarized as follow:

A- After 6 years of Political unrest Egypt finally Egypt become have Political stability which
will support DigitalJumb to work by continues and stable way
B- Last month Egypt release Electronic Crimes Law which is considered from the Followers
as political law, DigitalJumb managers must put this law in first priorities because it’s
considered as the biggest threats to any company work in the digital world and operated
from Egypt.

c- In spite of United states digital market enjoyed by Freedom of information exchange believes
and laws which help DigitalJumb in study the US markets and penetrate it with law political

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issues but now days there are great Political instability in United states due to Cambridge
analytica Facebook scandal and Investigations involving the US President and the Associate in
Allegations of the leaking of electronic information about American citizens and their use for
political purposes, as well as by countries and non-US entities

Which led to the loss of American citizens some confidence in foreign parties provided to the
services of e-marketing and also created ambiguity towards the intentions of the U.S. Congress
and the US administration, especially those responsible for the security and protection of
information in America towards the providers of e-marketing services and the freedom to work
within the US market In particular how to freely exchange and sell private information. Which
considered the main political threats to DigitalJumb to enter the US market?

So, the main political issues the managers of DigitalJumb must studying it and follow it all

 Egyptian Electronic Crimes Law.

 Cambridge analytica Facebook scandal and it’s consequences.

2- Economic:

• Free floating of Egyptian pound, Low income level and Lower labor cost and lower
freelancer fees in Egypt compared to United states which pass with the best economic
conditions of it from several years which indicated in High United states economic
growth rate, High income level that’s will allowed DigitalJumb to provides its digital
marketing service in United states with low price than american competitors which will
be the most competitive advantages of DigitalJumb

• Conversely the Limitations of foreign currency transportation from the central bank of
Egypt, there is Free currency transportation in united states and also High stability of
Forex, which considered very positive issue to DigitalJumb project

• Growth of E-commerce and online shopping in United states and Egypt, which mean
increasing demand level for digital marketing service in both United states and Egypt,
which considered the main marketing opportunity for DigitalJumb project.

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3- Social:

The main factors must DigitalJumb managers must put in mind:

 Lifestyles
 Buying habits
 Social media Popularity
 Education level
 income level
 Social classes
 Population growth rate

One of the most significant differences is the growing popularity of social media. Social
networking sites like Facebook have become very popular among the younger people. The young
consumers have grown used to mobile phones and computers. he younger generation prefers to
use digital technology to shop online.

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The main factors must DigitalJumb managers must put in mind:

 Data Management.
 Website
 Social Media
 Web Server
 Internet speed

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United States and Egypt met under the bilateral Trade and Investment Council.

 The Council, established under the 1999 Trade and Investment Framework Agreement
(TIFA), focusing on expand trade and investment between the two countries.
 The United States give Egypt Administration’s priorities on trade
 Including opening markets and enforcing trade rules.

Taxes laws:

 The tax rate is 25 % for company (applied to any company based in Egypt even produced
their services/products outside Egypt).
 Egyptian (VAT) law is 14%
 In United States: When based outside United States and provided services to united states
market must approved that you committed with your country tax laws.

Company registration and licenses:

According to Egyptian law: Our company must have a lot approved from several ministries and
governmental institution.

(one of the most important issue to our company)

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Electronic Crimes Law

New law makes a lot of obligations in digital marketing services to any company existing in
Egypt (a lot of fugues rules and heavy sanctions)

Free information transfers laws in united state support our company.

Free advertising law and less legal limitations for ads style and structure in united states is an
important factor will help our company.

Egyptian work law:

Must be aware with it Will regulate relation with employees It’s not flexible law and contain a
lot of restrictions to the company work in Egypt.

United state consumer protection law:

Contains rules and regulations on ads. Must complied with it.

6- Environmental:

 Weather:

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Important issues to our DigitalJumb, Disconnection of Internet service happened many
times in Egypt due to high Tidal. (Internet service supplied to Egypt through Marine cables).

 Energy availability and costs in Egypt:

Energy costs high now in Egypt which will lead to increase DigitalJumb operation cost.
Now the risk of energy unavailability is decreased in Egypt.

B-Porter’s modules of five forces affecting task environment:

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Standard scale to measure the competition of task environment (industry):

 Below 60 it's low competition industry.

 From 60 to 80 it's medium competition industry
 Above 80 it's tuff competition industry

Conclusion of Porter’s modules of five forces:

 High threats for new entry, but possible to break it by differentiated by promise
customers for leads.
 Moderate bargaining power of suppliers.
 Bargaining power of buyer is above medium, but in the coming year there is a chance to
increase. Due to a lot of players are coming to the industry.
 Threats of the substitutes are low.
 Rivalry by existing competitors is high, but possible to break it by doing some unique
campaign for a client. And the high growth rate of industry can help in that.

The total weight for all factors is 55 which indicate:

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The united states retails market is a potential market for digital marketing services due to large
numbers of internet users, High mobile penetration and large volume of E-commerce in united
states, which reflected in huge US digital marketing spending specially in small retail industries

C-industry priority matrix:

D-Value chain analysis:

 Value chain analysis is a way to visually analyze a company's business activities to see
how the company can create a competitive advantage for itself.
 The ultimate goals in performing value chain analysis are to maximize value creation
while also monitoring and minimizing costs
 Primary activities are directly concerned with creating and delivering a product.

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They can be grouped into five main areas:

1. inbound logistics
2. operations
3. outbound logistics
4. marketing and sales
5. service
 Support activities assist the primary activities in helping the organization achieve its
competitive advantage.

There are four main areas of support activities:

1. procurement
2. technology development (including R&D)
3. human resource management
4. infrastructure (systems for planning, finance, quality, information management etc.)

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2-Internal Environment Scanning:


A-Swot analysis:

B-strategic factors analysis:

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C-TWOS analysis:

DigitalJumb market opportunity:

We can conclusive DigitalJumb market opportunity from environmental scanning (external

and internal):

1-High Demand for digital marketing services from U.S. business owner especially small retail
industries sector. This demand is growing continuous and estimated to be more large than supply
in the 3 coming years.

2-affordable cost can DigitalJumb offers its digital services by it, which is superior
competitive advantages of DigitalJumb than competitors.

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We will use more than segmentation base:

a lot segmentation


significant difference significant similair in side

between segments each segment

 Market Geographic:
 Nation: united states
 state: New York
 Urban/Rural: Urban
 Regional: one region

33 | P a g e
 Market demographic:
 Age: 25-50 years old
 Life cycle: Adulthood
 Gender: Male -Female
 Income:68000 USD to 100000 USD per year
 Social class: Class (B) Middle/ upper Middle/ small business owner

 Market psychographic:
 Thinkers
 Achievers
 Makers

 Market behavioral:
 Decision Roles: Decider/ Buyer
 Behavioral Variables:
 User Status: Potential user, Non-user and Ex-user
 Usage Rate: light, medium, and heavy users
 Buyer-Readiness: Unaware and awareness groups
 Attitude: enthusiastic, positive and indifferent
 Loyalty Status: Shifting loyal, split loyal and Switchers

Target market:

DigitalJumb will rely on concentrated (niche) marketing strategy.

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DigitalJumb position:

DigitalJumb will positioning its services in the customer mind by competition with main
competitive advantage cost leadership and professional in small business marketing.

POD of DigitalJumb:

1-cost leadership

2-specialist in small business marketing

DigitalJumb objectives:

A-Marketing objective:

1-Penetrate United States digital marketing market in the first quarter of 2019

2-make DigitalJumb brand awareness to United States small retails business owner with
target achieving 20% of them in the first quarter of 2019 and increasing brand awareness of
DigitalJumb to 70% of U.S small retails business owner by the end of 2019. Especially in the
region of New York.

3- DigitalJumb gain market share 5% from small retail business owners digital spending on
NY by the end of second quarter of 2019, increasing to 7.5% by the end of the 2019 year.

4- DigitalJumb services Received 97% of our customer’s satisfactions in 2019.

5- DigitalJumb achieves positive online reviews from 75% of our customers in 2019 to
raising trust and WOM.

C- Managerial objective:
1- DigitalJumb reach to break even by the end of 1st quarter of 2019.
2- DigitalJumb began achieved financial profit by the 2nd of 2019 year.
3- DigitalJumb ROI by end of 2019 not less than 25%.

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DigitalJumb vision:

To pride ourselves on being easy to work with and to make DigitalJumb a new synonym of
professional-result oriented digital agency helped small business to jump fast and gains more and
more profits.

At DigitalJumb, we strive to be more result-oriented and customer-focused. We shift our

perspective to that of our customers so that we can provide and meet our client’s individual
needs. Whatever customer needs, wants and preferences as a business, we tailor our marketing
strategies and solutions accordingly.

DigitalJumb mission:

To help businesses and organizations send memorable messages through graphics, animation,
and written content.

Our main objective and mission is to help businesses, especially small retails business, leverage
the digital space for effective growth and performance. Through the implementation of our top
SEO strategies and marketing solutions, we ensure that our clients experience an increase in

Also, we ensure that our creative designers and brand strategists increase the online visibility of
our customers brand. This should then encourage customer engagement which led to high
conversion rates and ROI to our customers business.

Of course, we implement the use of marketing analytics for measurable results. Analytics will
help our customers business track down your progress and identify our customers weaknesses
and strengths. With such insights, our customers can discard ineffective marketing results and
use ones that will drive sales and increase leads.

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International corporate strategy:

DigitalJumb established in Egypt and will export its digital service to United States so our
mode of entry is:

Export services.

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DigitalJumb will not own any subsidiaries in untited in united state and don’t have global

Local responsive Global integration

International Low Low
Multinational High Low
Global Low High
Trans nation High High

DigitalJumb International corporate strategy is:

International strategy

Corporate strategy:

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DigitalJumb corporate strategy:

Growth market development.

Business strategy:

Our competitive advantage is superior affordable price and our target strategy is concentrated
(niche) marketing strategy so:

DigitalJumb business strategy:

Cost focus low-cost competitive strategy that focuses on a small retail business owner on New
York and attempts to serve only this niche.

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Functional strategy:

DigitalJumb Market strategy: Offensive Tactics

• Flanking maneuver → Attack part of the market where competitor is weak.

DigitalJumb Financial strategy:

Human research management strategy:

DigitalJumb will rely in three main concepts in H.R management:

•Self-managed teams Research indicates that the use of work teams leads to increased quality
and productivity as well as to higher employee satisfaction and commitment.

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•360-degree appraisal A complete 360-degree appraisal, in which input is gathered from multiple
sources, is now being used by more than 10% of U.S. corporations and has become one of the
most popular and effective tools in developing employees and new managers.

•Diverse workforce Companies are finding that having a diverse workforce can be a competitive
advantage. Research reveals that firms with a high degree of racial diversity following a growth
strategy have higher productivity.

Development of HRS components which includes:

▪ Organizational Structure and Design

▪ Organizational Chart (Covering the near future state and the desired future state)

▪ Identifying HR gaps (Recruitment Needs Assessment)

▪ Development of current organizational chart with assessment of risk and succession scenarios

▪ Organizational Layers Development (different managerial layers depending on the need and
depth of the organization)

▪ Career Path (includes the movement criteria from one point to another along the career path as
well as possible career shifts. It also includes the succession planning analysis)

▪ Positions Listing and Codes

▪ Job Analysis and descriptions development (NB: Job Description includes almost all job details
to ensure that employees better understand the totality of their job and the development path
within the organization hence, better managing their expectations and motivational levels)

▪ Performance Management [Evaluation System (KPIs) – Set of KPIs per position], including
balanced scorecard if needed

▪ Reward System and pay scale

▪ Cultural building and shaping plan (and programs)

▪ Motivational programs (As per employees’ satisfaction survey results)

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▪ Recruitment and hiring process improvement including professional orientation program

▪ Training planning with skills gap analysis

▪ Internal Company branding programs

▪ HR MOP and system documents (including forms, checklists, manuals, and employee

Tactics (7Ps):


DigitalJumb scope of services:

1-Website design

2-SEO (Search engine optimization)

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3-Local SEO NY

4-Social Media Marketing

5-Content Marketing Services

6-Online ads Management Services

7-Graphic design

1-Website design:

DigitalJumb offers the most affordable and responsive NY web design services that help you
optimize your lead conversion. DigitalJumb proactively commit to the success of our
customer website. Our focus on functionality, lead generating potential and conversion ability.

This is Why you can Trust Us for NY Web Design Services

 Great User Experience. (responsive websites that load quickly).

 Device Optimized Websites
 Clutter-Free Websites
 Intuitive Navigation
 Web-Design Strategy
 Detailed Performance Analysis
 All Kinds of Web Design Services
 100% search engine optimized websites
 Quick indexing and improved conversion

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 Well-maintained search engine ranking
 Highly skilled designers and strategists
 Great aesthetic and coding abilities
 Updated knowledge and tools
 One-to-one consultation
 24/7 customer support
 Affordable.
 Quick Turnaround
 Instant Reporting

2-SEO (Search engine optimization):

Top SEO Company, Helping Businesses Boost Their Rankings

DigitalJumb is a Top SEO company focused on generating traffic & leads with top-class SEO

V I P : “Every organic search that takes place on the internet is a chance of a potential sale”.

N o t j u s t b e f o u n d , Jumb yo u r R O I

3-Local SEO NY:

We Help Small Businesses Boost their Location-Based Traffic, Improve Conversion and Win
more ROI with NY Local SEO

What is Local SEO NY?

Local SEO NY helps you drive location-based traffic to your website and local customers to
your brick-and-mortar business location. It helps you reach and engage with the customers you
or your office share the location with, unlike organic SEO. When you want to sell your
products/services to people living in New York or surroundings rather than the whole world, NY
local SEO is what you need.

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NY Local SEO helps our customers outrank competitors in the local market.

Our customers potential customers already know about their because of the consistent online
presence of business.

When NY residents search for the local businesses in our customers niche, company profile is
what they see on Google because it is locally ranked and have quality citations and reviews.

Increasing customers trust and stay forever.

78% Small Business Owners in NY say their New Customers find them on Google

Almost 98% of local people search for the solutions of their problems online and 50% of them
visit the store within a day while 15% of the visitors make purchases right away. This all
happens because of strategically executed local SEO.

Our NJ local SEO is specifically focused on bringing your local potential customers to your

Higher Local Ranking

Listing and Profile Optimization

Device Optimization.

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4-Social Media Marketing

Low-Cost and Effective Social Media Marketing Services

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We represent a Social Media Marketing Agency in NY that helps small businesses grow. We
make you interact with your prospects, increase brand visibility and earn measurable outcomes
through our strategically focused small businesses Services.

Our Social Media Marketing Campaigns are customer-oriented, trendy and proven to deliver

Audience & Competitors Research

We do in-depth research about your potential customers, design your buyer persona and identify
how you can solve their problem. We also study your competitors to develop unique strategies to
outrun them.

Social Media Strategies

We develop custom social media strategies for every business and decides when and what to
post. After analyzing your followers’ activities, we make appropriate changes in the strategy to
optimize your social media performance.

Social Media Content Creation

From writing content to creating exclusive images and videos for your brand, our social media
agency do it all. We create content which is unique, interactive and fascinates the attention of
your prospects while they scroll down impatiently.

Social Media Content Marketing

We market your social media content to the most suitable people who are more likely to buy
from you. Our social media services promote your brand through paid campaigns, run ads and
get influencers talking about you on different social media channels.

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Content Automation & Repurposing

Our social media marketing firm helps you save time by automating the posting and analysis of
your social media content using authentic softwares. We also help you make most out of your
existing content by appropriate repurposing.

Analysis, Reporting & Testing

Our team provide you with weekly social media marketing reports and analyze the data to
optimize the performance. We test social media platforms, publishing times and campaigns to
customize our social media marketing services.

Retweets, Likes, Shares,

Comments, Connections, Pins,
Reviews – We Bring Everything
to Your Door

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Facebook Marketing Services

68% of Americans use Facebook. Our Facebook marketing services involve crafting appealing
Facebook content (text, images, and videos), managing ads and engaging with your audience.
We also run the analysis to see what works for your business and what doesn’t to improve

Twitter Marketing Services

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Our services help you identify and target your ideal customers among 261 million people on
Twitter. We make a content plan, do hashtag research, create interactive tweets, run ads and
instantly interact with your customers on Twitter. We make it certain that you have a brand-
centric Twitter profile and your customers are attended round the clock

5-Content Marketing Services

Evergreen Content that Keeps Converting Over and Over and Over….

DigitalJumb specializes in content marketing that expands your brand’s digital footprint,
increase awareness and convert more leads. We combine keyword and customer research with
content strategy and create evergreen convincing content. Our means of content distribution and
repurposing authorize us to bring success to your door.

Website Copywriting

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Email Marketing Content Writing

Social Media Content Writing

Press Release Content Writing

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6-Online ads Management Services

Drive Instant Traffic, Lower Your Ad Spend and Boost ROI

DigitalJumb specializes in providing small to medium-sized businesses with top-notch PPC

management services. We help you put your business in front of the right people, at the right
time from the right devices and roar your traffic instantly. No matter if it is just a PPC audit or
the whole campaign execution, we take care of it all

-Google Ads management

-Facebook ads management

-Instagram ads management

- Twitter Ads management

- Remarketing

7-Graphic design:

DigitalJumb invites you to work with professional designers and uplift your ROI. Our
designers have extensive in-field experience and unlimited access to updated tools and exclusive

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information. We focus our graphic design services on synthesizing your textual message in
visual media so that your customers remember you, pay you and stay with you

How Graphic Design Can Even Relate to ROI?

Trust, positive perception and brand retention developed through clear and convincing visual
details are proven predictors of higher ROI. The more people see your consistently compelling
online presence, the more they are likely to buy from you.

Types of DigitalJumb service processing:

Intangible service processing (Information processing):

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The flower of DigitalJumb digital marketing services:

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DigitalJumb core products:

Full portfolio of Digital marketing services

1-Website design

2-SEO (Search engine optimization)

3-Local SEO NY

4-Social Media Marketing

5-Content Marketing Services

6-Online ads Management Services

7-Graphic design


Information provides the client with peace of mind, as well as guidance and understanding of pricing,
conditions of sales, usage


DigitalJumb is a professional company in small business market consultant,

DigitalJumb will be profit-driven to its small retails customers through put proper
marketing structure to this company and implantation it. Small companies must have proper
digital marketing because almost 98% of your customers use the internet. They search for the
solutions online and they scroll down their social media timelines all day long.

We offer in this consultant field to our customers a lot of benefits due to our competitive
advantage in this area:

 Market Familiarity
 Experience with Similar Clients

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 24/7 Customer Support
 customer Money is Safe
 Customizable Packages

Order taking:

DigitalJumb will depend on easy way to order taken

By but buttons in DigitalJumb website beside any services which make the ordering position
for this services very easy.

Also, will use apply to order buttons on DigitalJumb Facebook and Instagram account which
will make our customers can order from social media any time

DigitalJumb will put buttons to its mobile phone which available 24/7 on website and social
media account and also WhatsApp button.


DigitalJumb will make continuous training to our customers to ensure high


The main courses are:

1. Orientation: Focusing on
Company mission, vision, and values
Corporate culture
Organizational structure and leadership team intro
Mandatory new-hire paperwork
Overview of benefit plans
Administrative procedures (computer logins, extension, email setups, etc.)
Key corporate policies
2. Onboarding Training: Focusing on
A holistic onboarding training program should focus on more than the technical aspects
of a job. It should also offer education on ways to stay engaged and productive at worked.
3. Technical Skills Development Training:

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4. Soft skills development training: Focusing on
Communication skills
Presentation skills
Problem-solving skills
Conflict resolution
Leadership skills
Emotional Intelligence
Time management

DigitalJumb will make system to encourage customers engagement with
DigitalJumb services all over 2019 as:
1-test period month to websites before payment
2-make payment for online ads consultant after measurement the efficacy of ads
3-give one month free each year to customer subscribe to any service for year

DigitalJumb will setup easy system to customers to billing and calculate it’s services
cost by:
DigitalJumb calculator tool: its free tool integrates in DigitalJumb website and
social media platforms which will allow our customers to calculates fees before use the
Also, will send the bills to customer via emails.

DigitalJumb will rely on different methods of payment to easing this process to
Use electronic payment gateways as 2checkout and

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Integrate electronic payment of Visa card and master card
American bank account

Product Life cycle:

BCG Matrix:

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DigitalJumb will rely on Value pricing method to make customers awareness by charging a
fairly low price for a high-quality offering (penetration strategy)

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DigitalJumb offer CUSTOM Small Business Marketing Packages.
We have customized our regular internet marketing service pricing to match the budget
of small businesses & start-ups. Certainly, the prices have been reduced by almost 25-
50% of the original cost of these services. (DigitalJumb main competitive advantage)

SEO – $350 / Month

SEO increases your conversion rate by 14.6%. We offer Search Engine Optimization
Services for small businesses and start-ups no matter if they want to target the local
population or want to grow in the global market.
We use safe and legal SEO methods in order to ensure that you don’t lose your ranking
and quality of traffic due to the ongoing changes in search engine algorithms in the

Social Media Marketing – $350 / Month

If you have a consistent and quality social media presence and customer support, 71% of
your customers are likely to recommend your services in their social circles. We use
state-of-art methods and updated premium tools to run highly targeted social media
marketing campaigns for you. We manage your profiles and provide your customers with
24/7 support.
$350 – Month

Content Marketing – $50

When you have only 3-8 seconds to impress your customers after they land on your
website, compelling website content is something that saves you. We have highly
qualified writers in our team who make it sure that your website content complies with
your customers’ interests as well as with search engine’s cruel demands.
$50 – Article

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PPC – $300 / Month
When investing 50% less in PPC can double your chances of securing better revenue,
why to invest more in traditional marketing? Our creative and professional teams carry
out in-depth research and launch well-maintained PPC campaigns for your brand that
never lose a single opportunity to bring you a lead.
$300 – Month

Web Design – $900

A quick loading and attractive website which offers phenomenal user experience is the
cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy. We design and develop such custom
websites for small businesses no matter if it is for e-commerce purpose or a business
website. We work with your limited budget and ensure that your customers get obsessed
with your message.
$900 – Website

Graphics Design – $35 / Hour

Graphic design services include branding-identity, logo design, brochure design,
marketing collateral etc. For small businesses, we have set our pricing to an affordable
$35 hour.
$35 – Hour

DigitalJumb established in Egypt present physical in (Roushdy, Alexandria). And
present digital via:
Digital jump/F.B
Digital jump/Instagram
Digital jump/twitter

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DigitalJumb rely mainly in its promotion strategy on Digital Media to reach it’s target
customers and achieved DigitalJumb communications objectives
DigitalJumb will depend on major keys to reach target customers in proper way:
1. Call Your Audience to Action
2. Be Quick and Compelling
3. Tailor Your Landing Pages
4. Invest in Great Images
5. Be Lively on Social Media

DigitalJumb will depend on digital marketing as hybrid media to achieve marketing and
communications objectives
Communication objectives of digital marketing of DigitalJumb “hybrid media”:
 Create awareness
 Generate interest
 Disseminate information
 Create strong brand “branding”
 Create an image
 E-commerce
Role of digital marketing in IMC program of DigitalJumb:
Push technology
2-Sales promotion
3-Personal selling
4-Public relations

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Development of media relation website
Provide customer information
5-Direct marketing
Direct mails

DigitalJumb digital promotion strategy will depend in all main elements used in
digital sphere:
1- DigitalJumb website:

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2- DigitalJumb social media accounts:

Facebook business page:

Instagram business page:


Twitter business account:


3-Online ads:

The main component of promotion plan for DigitalJumb

A-Used Facebook ads platform (Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp ads)

Using all ad objective through 2019 with proper plan

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B-Google ads

C-YouTube ads

D-Twitter Ads


The 7 Most Important Digital Marketing KPI's to

1. Engagement on website

Your website is your face to your customers, what your customers recognize about your product,
service, and values. Your goal is to get increasing numbers of prospects to embrace your
brand/website. These KPIs provide valuable metrics on how your website is working:

 Number of unique site visitors. How many first-time prospects are discovering your
website? Modify your digital marketing plan to increase brand visibility.
 Opt-in registrations. How many are signing up? Offer a compelling reason for site visitors
to give you their contact information, such as a free e-book, white paper, or newsfeed
 Return visits to website. How often do your prospects come back to your site? Increase
return visits by providing valuable information and updating it regularly.
 Time spent on website. How long do prospects stay on your site? Ensure your pages load
quickly and make your site interesting so they’ll stay longer.
 Popular pages and navigation paths. Applications such as Google Analytics can track
visitor traffic patterns and tell you which site pages are most popular.

2. Traffic Sources
Understand which traffic sources are driving visitors to your website.
The Traffic Sources metric measures which traffic sources are driving visitors to your website,
and provides a comparison of each of those sources. The three main traffic sources are direct,
referral, and search, although your website may also have traffic from campaigns such as banner

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ads or paid search. In addition to measuring the number of visitors from each traffic source,
consider analyzing the number of goal completions from each source.

 Terms to remember –
 Direct traffic: Visitors that visit your site by typing your URL into their browser, or through
an undefined channel.
 Referral traffic: Visitors that visit your site by clicking on a URL on another website.
 Organic traffic: Visitors that discover your website by entering searching a keyword in a
search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo) and that click on your listing.
 Campaign traffic: Visitors that visit your website through a dedicated campaign or clicking
on a link with certain tracking parameters.
 Bounce Rate : The bounce rate shows you what percentage of visitors leaves your website
before further exploring your website. For example, if a potential visitor finds your
homepage after searching for you and leaves the page before clicking any other links, they
will be considered to have “bounced.”
 Total Conversions.: Total conversions are one of the most important metrics for measuring
the profitability of your overall marketing efforts. While it’s possible to define a conversion
in many ways (such as filling out a lead form, completing a checkout on an e-commerce site,

Success indicators-

 An increase in volume from any traffic source, while maintaining consistent traffic from
other channels.
 A high or improving goal conversion rate related to any traffic source.

3. Online Campaigns – CPM, CPC, CTR, CPA

Measuring the performance for your online Campaign

CPM (Cost Per Mille) Also called cost per thousand (CPT) (in Latin mille means thousand), is
a common measurement used across all major forms of advertising including: Radio, television,
newspaper, magazine, out-of-home advertising, and online advertising. Ad space is purchased on
the basis of showing the ad to one thousand viewers. In online advertising, this view is called an

When buying ad space on specific popular high quality, high traffic websites CPM is the most
common form of purchase. The number of impressions will be based on the advertisers’ needs,
the campaign time frame and the websites traffic volume. This is a good option for brand
awareness in key ad positions and although it does not guarantee clicks it can be comparably
effective with other buy types.

 CPC (Cost Per Click): Or Pay-per-click (PPC) is a buying model in which advertisers pay
the publisher only when the ad is clicked.

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This method is most popular with search engine advertising (Google, Yahoo & Bing) for
keyword bidding however is also available across other display networks. The cost paid is either
an agreed flat rate or bid based, meaning advertisers compete against other advertisers for the ad

 CTR (Click Through Rate) CTR is a way of measuring the success of an online advertising
campaign by analyzing the number of clicks that an ad received versus the number of
impressions that were delivered.

The higher the click through rate, likely indicates the more engaging and relevant the ad has
been. The CTR is calculated as follows:

Clicks/Impressions x100

 CPA (Cost Per Acquisition): Also known as Cost Per Action, Pay Per Action (PPA), or
Cost Per Conversion is an online buying method, where the advertiser pays only for a
specified action. This may be an online purchase or a form submission.

This buy type is less risky for the advertiser however the environments available to run this
activity are generally less targeted can be of lower quality and costs can be high.

Cost per Lead: The number of leads alone does not designate a successful digital campaign. You
want to keep lead acquisition costs low so that you can maintain healthy margins and see
meaningful growth. By measuring cost per lead for different web sources, you can focus on
digital activities that will be the most profitable for your business and reinvest your marketing
dollars accordingly.

How to Measure Cost Per Lead:(Total Spent on Campaign)/(Total number of Leads)

4. Social Interactions

Measure the engagement levels of your social media campaigns

You might be wondering what your social media reach and engagement have to do with your
marketing KPI's. Well, social media is a huge component of your inbound marketing strategy,
allowing you to engage and share content with users. The Social Interaction KPI measures the
effectiveness of your social media campaigns at fostering positive engagement. Key interactions
can play a pivotal role in a post or story going viral, so it is very important to ensure that you are
nourishing the right types of interactions. As well, a strong social media measurement strategy
will map these interactions to other marketing goals, such as website conversions or new wins.

 Terms to remember-

Interaction: A communication between an audience member and your brand's social profile.
This may take the form of platform specific interactions such as Mentions on Twitter, Likes on
Facebook, or +1's on Google+.

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Success indicators-

 A high level of engagement that corresponds to the completion of key marketing

 Viral posts that require little or no nurturing on your behalf.
 Sustained engagement over a long period of time.

5. Landing Page Conversion Rates

Is your content generating conversions? A great well to tell if your landing pages are converting
visitors is to see how many people are visiting each landing page and identifying how many of
those visitors are actually completing your lead capture forms. One reason people might not be
converting is your content. Are you creating remarkable content that will make your visitors
convert into leads? If your conversion rates are hovering around 10% or under, you'll want to
revisit the page and learn how to write more persuasive landing page content as it relates to your

Another great way to increase conversions would be to optimize your landing pages and call to
actions by performing A/B tests.

6 . Organic Searches

What percentage of your traffic is from organic searches?

The traffic to your site generated by organic searches can be directly correlated with your search
engine optimization strategy. Some great metrics to help you identify where you organic search
traffic is coming from include:

 Number of lead conversions assisted by organic search

 Number of customer conversions assisted by organic search
 Percentage of traffic associated with branded keywords
 Percentage of traffic associated with unbranded keywords
 Those are four really great metrics to help your company gain a better understanding of
your brand awareness, content marketing effectiveness, as well as the impact of your
SEO strategy.

7. Mobile Traffic

You cannot forget the increasing amount of traffic, leads and customers being produced through
mobile devices like Smartphones and tablets. Is your website effectively optimized for mobile?
One way you can tell if your company is generating traffic and leads through mobile is to
calculate the following metrics:

 Number of lead conversions from mobile devices

 Bounce rates from mobile devices
 Conversion rates from mobile optimized landing pages

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 You don't only want to see how many visitors are converting through mobile but you also
want some indication of how effective your mobile presence is.

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