Launch Event Project

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1. Project Initiation Document ........................................................................................................................ 2

1.1. Document Information........................................................................................................................ 2
1.2. Approval .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Notes ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Definition ............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.4. References ........................................................................................................................................... 3
1.6. Project Management Team ................................................................................................................. 5
1.7. Project Controls ................................................................................................................................... 6
1.8. Tailoring............................................................................................................................................... 6
2. WBS ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
3. Risk Register ................................................................................................................................................ 7
4. Report........................................................................................................................................................ 10
4.1. Focusing on Customer ....................................................................................................................... 10
4.2. About People ..................................................................................................................................... 11
4.3. Waste Elimination ............................................................................................................................. 11
4.4. Agile Practices ................................................................................................................................... 11
4.5. Strategic Manager Roles and Responsibilities in the Project ............................................................ 12
5. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 12
6. References ................................................................................................................................................ 13

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1. Project Initiation Document
1.1. Document Information

Project name: Launch Event

Date: 02/06/2019

Author: Project Manager

Owner University Top Management, Board of Directors

Document code: 72109

Version: Version 1.0

1.2. Approval

Date Name and Signature



QA Higher Education (QAHE) has just completed a refurbishment of its teaching rooms and computing labs in
the London premises, to ensure students and staff all have an excellent learning environment and access to
the latest technology to support their studies and teaching. The university wishes to have a major launch
event to publicize this (it may help attract students and make the university more competitive) and to
celebrate the success of the project.

1.3. Definition

Background: To ensure students and staff all have an excellent learning

environment and access to the latest technology to support their
studies and teaching.

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Main Goal: Help to attract students and make the university more competitive

Desired Outcomes: The university wishes to have a major launch event to publicize its
latest technology and learning environments
Attract students and make the university more competitive

Constraints and Assumptions: TCS including

Constraints: project must be completed within the budget assigned,
each task has limited no. of resources allocated, deadline must be
followed by the team to avoid the delay.
Assumptions: the cost will be within the 50k budget, the project will be
completed according to needs and requirements of stakeholders,
Quality project will be delivered on time and within estimated budget,
changing may be happen during the project which can cause the
progress, Milestones will be delivered on time according to schedule,
may be government taxes increase so budget of project also exceeds.

Milestones: Project Chart 5/03/2019

Team Plan Meeting 10/03/2019
Arrange the Location 13/04/2019
Project Management Training 17/04/2019
Launch Event 25/05/2019

Interfaces: To achieve business goals of increasing student numbers

Project Approach: Using the 4d pm model: defining, designing, delivering and developing
what to be done. (researching information, planning, implementation
and evaluation) reference these areas

1.4. References

Project Product Description: Event, scheduled to take place during Freshers’ Week in

Business Case: Increasing student recruitment figures

Increasing institutions profitability
Growth of the institution and thereby creating competitive

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Stakeholder List: List of stakeholders: students, teachers, potential students,
management, competitors and government agencies: how to
communicate with them all. Reference to the Communication
Plan, which is part of the Communication Management

The project should meet the standard of quality that define in

Quality Management Approach
contract of the project. Quality of the project measure
verifying the requirement of project. Quality is defined by the
event planner and project manager. The quality measure
criteria define by the stakeholders. Quality is that in which
project meet the customer requirement and specification.
Ensure that the less wastage of time and cost.

Change Control Approach Approach follow is to educating the stakeholders by

communicating, consultations, coordination’s and

Risk Management Approach Health and safety regulations, legislation and legal
requirements considered: the project charter reference

Communication Management Approach Stakeholder analysis= how to deal with all stakeholders
individually and as a group

Project Plan Budgetary information= how to spend the 50k? timescales=

how to spend the time and what activities within the timescale
of January to April submission date

1.5. Objectives

Budget Information The project total budget is £50,000 Estimation of the cost
involves the approximation developed for the monetary
resources which are needed for the completion of activities of
the proposed project. All of these estimates are totally based
on the prediction and information which are known at a time
of deciding the schedule and cost and should include the cost
consideration & identification for the stating & completion of
the project. The estimating method used in our propose
project is the “Bottom-up Estimating”. This method will be
used over other methods or techniques because the it is the
most accurate approach of estimating the duration and cost.
This estimating method allow the project team members to

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develop the estimates which are used to measure their work
because they have to work (Hinde, 2012). So, if they can
estimate by their self then the estimation will be performed
much accurate and work will be done better. By using the
following approach project manager and project team
members will be responsible for the estimation. Estimation
will be approved by the project manager and top management
of project which are managing the overall project and they
decide that the following proposed estimates which are
developed by the team are suit are not because they have
maximum experience in the management so their decision will
be followed

1.6. Project Management Team

Role Reports to Appointee

Key Staff= Employees, Project Manager Project Manager

Workers, Labors and
Teachers, Event Manager,
Architect, Painter,

Decoration Project Manager Project Manager

Arrangement of Seats,
Stage Settings,
Managing Scheduling
Preparing Plan

MAKE A CHAIN OF Project Manager Project Manager


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1.7. Project Controls


1.8. Tailoring

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2. WBS
The WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) will be chosen because it can make all the deliverable of the
project more concrete and precise. So that all of the team in a project get to know about that what is
need to be accomplished within the project deliverable each. The main reason for using WBS is that
it can reduce the complex activities into the set of different activities or task (PMI, 2017). This can
also allow the project manager for the better estimation of the time, project and cost.

3. Risk Register
Apparently, projects emerge to seize the available opportunities and resources, risks are the
unexpected forces. As a project manager, I am responsible for guaranteeing the identification of every
possibility to the work now that no project is immune to uncertainties. The failure to point out the
threats early enough alleviates the chances of interferences in the success of the project; disrupted
schedule, budget, and the anticipated quality. For an explicit management of the risks, I must derive a
plan, analyze, respond, and control them promptly. The goals of managing risks in a project are
mitigating the occurrences and of negative events while increasing the possibility of the positive events
(PMI, 2017). The project risk identification is a gradual process right from the first to the last day of
completion that commonly applies the brainstorming technique that demands; the active participation
of every member of the team for establishing the threats, no room for any form of criticism,
documentation of the identified risks, and making the appropriate follow up
Major Risks Mitigation Owner Rating Priority
Team Risk Generate Project High High
Turnover of team members backup of Manager
every team
member, if one
team member
leave job or
natural death
occurs then
other employee
work in place
of that team

Communication Risk Implement the Project Medium High

lack of communication communication Manager
strategy and
level will be
equal in the
Budget Perform the Project High High
Budget overrun or need for more budget Manager
budget to complete the work. estimation by
making the
chart to check
the variance in
budget and
make the
Designing and Architect Risk Make design as Project Low High
Rules and Principles not followed simple as Manager
and cannot meets its requirements. possible that is
easy to
understand and
useable and by
following the

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principles and
Performance Project Project High Medium
Performance of the project is very progress and Manager
poor performance
will be
Site Risk Site will be Project Low Medium
Site and location are not suitable for reviewed Manager
the event. properly and

Project Manager Risk Alternative of Project High Low

Project Manager got sick the project Manager
manager is
Meeting Risk Meeting by Project Low Low
Meeting got cancelled and delayed video calling Manager
Collaboration Risk Proper strategy Project Low Low
Irrelevant Collaboration will be created Manager
for the
between the
manager and
project team
Hiring Risk Choosing the Project High High
Wrong people hire of the task right people Manager
according to
required task
and expertise
Training Risk Training will Project High High
Team are not trained be performed Manager
for all team
Project Failure Develop the Project High High
Failure of project complete Manager
Competitors Implement the Project Medium Medium
Competitors are leading strategic plan Manager

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to boost up the
Installation Installation of Project Low Medium
PA System is not installed PA system Manager
performed by
the expert
Security Risk Hire the Project High High
Threats and Security security guards Manager

4. Report
Today, that will be very common that principles of agile management can get the more enthusiasm among
other standards for undertaking and completing. The identified individual or groups are different for each
work or venture and there will be choice for them about the undertaking. By following, every PM (Project
Manager) should prepare for the inquires which are set by him according to various circumstances. Here this
is imperative for me while changing the way of holding event in the past with my new innovative new venture.
According to Director of launch event agile management perspective will be change for event and all of the
way to organizing the event are centered around the long-haul propelled essentials which can cause the
organization to get their expected outcome (Byrne, 2013). I have identified the few area’s which must be
consider for the successful execution or implementation of agile project management for launch event.
Anyhow the area which can be taken into account to ensure successful implementation of agile project

4.1. Focusing on Customer

At some point where I have assumed the work liability which can be needed to set back and consider
population and general audience who are identified with the event tasks. In this report of Launch Event as a
project manager I should know about the Launching Event Enthusiast perspective as well as the number of
viewers or watchers. This can help me to provide the high-quality work and administration for the event
(Byrne, 2013). Also, the administrator must consider about customer who can give the benefit to the
undertaking as they are judges for work too. Following these lines are not good for making the deal with
desires and perspective of clients. So, supervisor can undertake and would neglect for conveying high quality
work and would not get any accomplishment from the task. Also, by following work, undertaking supervisors
and individual become acquainted with the clients as well their needs. In the event the direct who are
undertaking can make the whole viewer who identified by their work, and by the supervisor of task who can
undoubtedly get an achievement.

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4.2. About People
The most important or vital part in event is to get success will be that I should connect or attract all of the
viewer to the vent. In my opinion, the critical thing will be to get all desired and expected result from the
event. As the Launch Event can attract large number people because people have craze about this event so
this event can get the high importance. However, I would think about the viewers who are desperately waiting
for the event and for them I can make the event wonderful and more amazing from the previous time. So, in
order to achieve success, I need the proper plan which must be followed throughout the event also before
the event. Customer or viewers can give the feedback to me, judges for implementation of project. For
implementation I don’t need resource and budget the main thing I require the time for successful completion.
As a project manager this is my responsibility to create plan by following schedule and also take care of people
demands, needs and expectations.

4.3. Waste Elimination

On effective events or occasion there are many territories and the main key of territory is waste elimination
and disposal also each undertaking supervisor should give the emphasize. Following the task of Launch Event,
the task administrator ought to lessen the misuse of event. He needs to figure out which things can misuse
the venture of Launch Event and he must be advance back. Since the incentive or bonus is not given by the
squander and by this entire event will be demolished (Byrne, 2013). By this manner, task chief can take his
eye on event misuse and take the action against that. In event undertaking director can make the important
stride and not inconvenient will be given for extending venture chief. Due to this work supervise can give their
fullest and goal and objective of the event are achieved.

4.4. Agile Practices

The following system is training which energize the any task of Project Development Life Cycle for constant
replication testing improvement. Agile can help to accommodate the changes in the event without affecting
the progress and schedule of the event. By using this approach, I got more data for the task managing (Pautshc,
2014). Agile system assumes important part in introduction and guide of task for each work administrator.
During the event I can do all the work by following agile practices and make test for the undertaking exercises.

There are many roles and responsibilities of project strategic manager to make project more successful.
Innovation in team come from inspirations. Strategic manager should provide balancing budget and schedule
to team members. Strategic manager should be set priorities, role and goals for their team members. He/she
know about team work on daily basis and have clear vision (Saloner 2018). Strategic help in increasing the
productivity of team members. Project can be managed with the proper experience. Proper planning and
schedule of the project is defined at start of the project. The main responsibility of the project is on project
manager, he/she responsible for the whole project.

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4.5. Strategic Manager Roles and Responsibilities in the Project
There are many roles and responsibilities of project strategic manager to make project more successful.
Innovation in team come from inspirations. Strategic manager should provide balancing budget and schedule
to team members. Strategic manager should be set priorities, role and goals for their team members. He/she
know about team work on daily basis and have clear vision (Saloner 2018). Strategic help in increasing the
productivity of team members. Project can be managed with the proper experience. Proper planning and
schedule of the project is defined at start of the project. The main responsibility of the project is on project
manager, he/she responsible for the whole project.

To reach higher performance manger willing to take risks. When start a new year it is best to look back.
Streamline process done between team member and strategic manager. In this process team members and
manager focus on problem and barrier that create problem in doing work and try to fix these problems.

5. Conclusion
From this task, we can know about the importance of managing the project along with the overview of
launching event. This event is counted in the biggest event in theory and in real if I would get chance for
manage this prestigious event, they I can take good care of very tiny things of event and give my fullest to
achieve the success in event. The report will be prepared to teach the importance of different methodology.
We have sent that for the successful implementation of project management methodologies has play the
critical rolls. According to my point of view all project management can focus on these methodologies for the
success of project. The purpose of this project plan to understand the different aspects of project. It shows
the planning, designing and management of the project. The documentation of the project is very important.
Project Plan can help top management to get the clear vision and understanding about project. It can also
facilitate project manager to do feasibility analysis along with each stage. From this project learning,
experience and knowledge in the field of project management will be enhanced and boost up.

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Hinde, D. (2012). PRINCE2 Study Guide. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Institute, P. M. (2017). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK(R) Guide-Sixth

Edition / Agile Practice Guide Bundle.

Stakeholders for the Common Wealth Games. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Byrne, C. (2013). Relationship of convenience? The diplomatic interplay between the Commonwealth Games

Federation and the Commonwealth Games host city. Sport in Society, 17(9), 1204-1219.


Eskerod, P., Huemann, M., & Ringhofer, C. (2015). Stakeholder Inclusiveness: Enriching Project Management

with General Stakeholder Theory1. Project Management Journal, 46(6), 42-53.

Pautsch, P., & Steininger, S. (2014). Implementierung von Lean Project Management. Lean Project

Managment, 231-262. doi:10.3139/9783446441132.008

SALONER, G. (2018) STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT. [Place of publication not identified]: JOHN WILEY

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