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Hydrocarbon Treating
There are many methods that may be employed to remove scribed and a general bibliography for additional reading is
acidic components (primarily H2S and CO2) from hydrocarbon included. Because of the diversity of the processes available,
streams. The available methods may be broadly categorized and new processes introduced, all possible processes are not
as those depending on chemical reaction, absorption, or ad- discussed. Fig. 21-1 contains a nomenclature and a glossary
sorption. Processes employing each of these techniques are de- of terms used in this section.

FIG. 21-1

a =
caustic solution activity R = volume of hydrocarbon feed (gal./batch)
FA =
fraction of acid absorbed ΣS = total percentage of caustic which is spent
feet per second STP = standard temperature and pressure
gallons per minute T = absolute temperature
H∞ =
Henry’s constant for component, psi/gmol/L TLV = threshold limit value
K =
extraction coefficients in example 21-3 V = caustic system inventory (gal.)
L =
liters WS = acid content in the spent caustic (lb/gal.)
MF =
molarity of the fresh caustic, gmol/L X = pounds of acid per gallon of feed
MS =
molarity of the spent caustic, gmol/L
mils per year
1, 2, N = individual acid components
MW =
molecular weight of the acid
1 = lower value
N =
Po =
pure component vapor pressure 2 = higher value
pH =
measure of the acidity of a solution i = intermediate value to 1 and 2
pp =
partial pressure E = extraction
ppm =
parts per million of acid remaining in the hydro- Superscripts
carbon solution F = fresh
ppmv = parts per million by volume S = spent
Absorption: A separation process involving the transfer of a Grain: A unit of mass (7000 grain = 1 lb).
substance from a gaseous phase to a liquid phase through Mercaptan: Any of a homologous series of compounds of the
the phase boundary. general formula RSH. All of the materials possess a foul
Acid Gases: Impurities in a gas stream usually consisting of odor, e.g. methyl mercaptan.
CO2, H2S, COS, RSH, and SO2. Most common in natural Residence Time: The time period for which a fluid will be
gas are CO2, H2S and COS. contained within a specified volume.
Acid Gas Loading: The amount of acid gas, on a molar or
Selective Treating: Preferential removal of one acid gas
volumetric basis, that will be picked up by a solvent.
component, leaving at least some of the other acid gas com-
Adsorption: The process by which gaseous components are ponents in the treated stream.
adsorbed on solids because of their molecular attraction to
the solid surface. Sour Gas: Gas containing undesirable quantities of hydrogen
Antifoam: A substance, usually a silicone or a long-chain al- sulfide, mercaptans and/or carbon dioxide.
cohol, added to the treating system to reduce the tendency Steric Hindrance: Sterically hindered amines are amino mole-
to foam. cules containing at least one primary amino group attached to
Chelate: A cyclic structure containing five or six atoms in a a tertiary carbon atom or as a secondary amino group attached
ring in which a central metallic ion is held in a coordination to a secondary or a tertiary carbon atom. Hindered amines are
compound. formed by placing a bulky substituent group close to the amino
Claus Process: The process in which one third of the H2S is nitrogen site to lower the stability of the carbamate ion. Steric
burned to SO2 which is then reacted with the remaining H2S hindrance plays a role in reactions with CO2 owing to the bulky
to produce sulfur. nature of the CO2 molecule.
Degradation Products: Impurities in a treating solution that SRU: Sulfur recovery unit.
are formed from both reversible and irreversible side reactions. Sweet Gas: Gas which has no more than the maximum sulfur
Doctor Sweet: Describes a hydrocarbon stream which has content defined by: (1) the specifications for the sales gas
had mercaptans removed to a level that it passes the Doctor from a plant; (2) the definition by a legal body such as the
Test (GPA-1138). Texas Railroad Commission.

TGCU (Tail Gas Clean up Unit): a process unit that takes Threshold Limit Value: The amount of a contaminant to
tail gas from a SRU and removes additional sulfur . which a person can have repeated exposure for an eight hour
day without adverse effects.

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Removal of these contaminants is required for reasons of

safety, corrosion control, gas and/or liquid product specifica-
Hydrogen sulfide is a highly toxic gas. At very low concentra- tions, to prevent freeze-out at low temperatures, to decrease
tions irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat is possible. The compression costs, to prevent poisoning of catalysts in down-
human nose can detect hydrogen sulfide in concentrations as stream facilities and to meet environmental requirements.
low as 0.02 ppmv. However, the human sense of smell cannot The removal of water (dehydration) is discussed in Section 20.
be relied on to detect hazardous concentrations of hydrogen The discussion in this section will deal with removal of some
sulfide. Higher concentrations and extended exposure to hydro- or all of the sulfur-containing compounds and carbon dioxide.
gen sulfide will desensitize the sense of smell. The concentra-
tions required for different reactions by the human body are:45
1. Threshold limit value (TLV) for prolonged exposure: 10 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS
2. Slight symptoms after several hours exposure: 10-100
Inlet Separation
ppmv All gas sweetening units should have a well designed inlet
3. Maximum concentration that can be inhaled for one hour separator. Inadequate inlet separation can cause severe prob-
without serious effects, significant eye and respiratory lems for both the gas treating and downstream processing
irritation: 200-300 ppmv equipment. The inlet separator should be sized not only on the
basis of inlet fluid volumes, but also on surge capacity to han-
4. Dangerous after exposure of 30 minutes to one hour:
dle slugs of liquid hydrocarbons, water, and/or well treatment
500-700 ppmv
chemicals. In cases where solids or liquids are known or an-
5. Fatal in less than 30 minutes: 700-900 ppmv and above. ticipated to be a problem, a high-efficiency separator such as
6. Death in minutes: greater than 1000 ppmv a filter separator should be used.
Hydrogen sulfide is a highly flammable gas and will support Filtration
combustion in air at concentrations from 4.3 to 46.0 volume
percent. Hydrogen sulfide vapors are heavier than air and Filtration of the treating solution to remove entrained solids
may migrate considerable distances to a source of ignition. is essential to the successful operation of a gas treating plant.
Filtration rates should be as high as practical and should
Gaseous carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring gas that is 50% range from 5 per cent of circulation to full stream. Removing
heavier than air and is colorless and odorless. It is also a principal particles down to 5 microns in size is recommended. In order
by-product of combustion. CO2 is inactive and therefore non-flam- to do this efficiently, two stages of filtration may be required.
mable. CO2 will displace oxygen and can create an oxygen-deficient The first stage, typically a cartridge-type filter, is designed to
atmosphere resulting in suffocation. The principal hazard of CO2 is remove particles down to the 10 micron or less range. The
exposure to elevated concentrations. The atmospheric concentration second stage of filtration, typically an activated carbon filter,
immediately hazardous to life is 10% (volume).55 Because CO2 is removes hydrocarbons and other contaminants. This is accom-
heavier than air, its hazard potential is increased, especially when plished by adsorption. The carbon filter can also remove
entering tanks and vessels. "A common but erroneous belief is that smaller particles from the amine stream. The carbon granule
CO2 simply acts as an asphyxiant by lowering the oxygen level below size can be selected to remove particles down to the 5 micron
the 16 percent minimum necessary to sustain life (at sea level). Al- range. The activated carbon filter should always be located
though this is frequently the case in most serious accidents, CO2 downstream of the cartridge filter because the deposition of
begins to have a noticeable effect on normal body functions at about solids would plug the carbon filter.
two to three percent. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood
affects the rate of breathing, a measurable increase resulting from The carryover of carbon fines can be controlled by either
a level of one percent in the inspired air."55 locating a second cartridge-type filter immediately down-
stream of the carbon filter or using a graded carbon bed. In a
Anyone engaged in the design or operation of a facility in graded bed, larger granules are placed at the outlet of the filter
which H2S and/or CO2 are present should seek expert advice to trap fines. Large carbon granules produce fewer fines but
for detailed safety precautions and mechanical design consid- are less efficient for adsorption.
During periods of antifoam injection, the carbon filter
should be taken out of service. Carbon will remove most anti-
TYPES OF CONTAMINANTS foams and will be prematurely deactivated by them.
Ammonia (NH3) Basic degradation products are identified by gas chromatog-
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) raphy and mass spectrometry. Acidic degradation products are
Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) identified by ion chromatography exclusion. These tests are rec-
Carbon dioxide (CO2) ommended when the amine solution appears to lose its ability to
Carbonyl sulfide (COS) pick up acid gas. Degradation products affect the results of the
Carbon disulfide (CS2) conventional estimation of amine concentration by titration. This
Mercaptans (RSH) may cause artificially high or low apparent amine concentrations
Nitrogen (N2) Also, the carbon bed will adsorb very little strong acid degrada-
Water (H2O) tion products. In this case, purging or reclamation of the
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) solution is recommended.

Carbon filters can be partially regenerated with steam, Degradation products also contribute to corrosion. A suggested
which removes hydrocarbons and other adsorbed contami- mechanism for corrosion is that degradation products act as
nants. Regeneration or bed change out is recommended when chelating agents for iron when hot.4 When cooled, the iron
foam tests on the inlet and outlet streams show no chelates become unstable, releasing the iron to form iron sulfide
improvement. This indicates carbon bed saturation. Filtration in the presence of H2S. Primary amines are thought to be more
equipment should be used continuously beginning with the corrosive than secondary amines because the degradation prod-
first day of plant operations. When starting up the plant, the ucts of the primary amines act as stronger chelating agents.
full flow filter, even if temporary, may prove its worth by re-
moving the scale and other solid particles and allowing much Several forms of stress corrosion cracking are possible in
quicker and easier start-up of the plant. amine sweetening systems. Amine stress corrosion cracking
can occur and is worst in hot solutions, but cracking can occur
Flash Tank in cooler lines and both rich and lean streams. Post-weld heat
treatment (PWHT) can prevent this type of cracking.59 Wet
Rich solution leaving the contactor may pass through a flash sulfide cracking and blistering can occur due to hydrogen gen-
tank. Gases entrained in the rich solution will be separated. erated in corrosion reactions. The hydrogen can collect in steel
In addition, the amount of absorbed gas will be decreased be- laminations to create blisters. The hydrogen can collect at
cause of the lower operating pressure of the flash tank. Using small inclusions in the steel which delaminate and then link
a flash tank will: in a step-wise pattern. This is called HIC or hydrogen induced
• Reduce erosion in rich/lean exchangers. cracking. Sometimes stress influences the cracking to cause
SOHIC or stress oriented hydrogen induced cracking. PWHT
• Minimize the hydrocarbon content in the acid gas. helps, but does not prevent HIC and SOHIC. HIC resistant
• Reduce the vapor load on the stripper. steels are available. Seamless pipe is less prone to HIC than
• Possibly allow the off-gas from the flash tank to be used plate steels.
as fuel (may require sweetening). Corrosion in alkaline salt processes, such as the hot carbon-
When heavy hydrocarbons are present in the natural gas, ate process, has been reported to range from none to severe.4
the flash tank can also be used to skim off the heavy hydro- Corrosion can be expected where CO2 and steam are released
carbons that were absorbed by the solution. Residence times through flashing. Severe erosion can take place when carbon-
for flash tanks in amine service vary from 5-30 minutes de- ate solution strengths exceed 40% because of the tendency to
pending on separation requirements. Inlet gas streams con- form bicarbonate crystals when the solution cools.
taining only methane and ethane require shorter residence
Many corrosion problems may be solved using corrosion inhibi-
times. Rich gas streams require longer time for the dissocia-
tors in combination with operating practices which reduce corro-
tion of gas from solution and/or the separation of liquid phases.
sion. Following are some guidelines to minimize corrosion.5,6,7
Corrosion • Maintain the lowest possible reboiler temperature.
Corrosion is an operating concern in nearly all sweetening • If available, use low temperature heat medium rather
installations. The combination of H2S and CO2 with water than a high temperature heat medium or direct firing.
practically ensures that corrosive conditions will exist in por- When a high temperature heat medium or direct firing
tions of the plant. In general, gas streams with high H2S to for the reboiler is used, caution should be taken to add
CO2 ratios are less corrosive than those having low H2S to CO2 only enough heat for stripping the solution.
ratios. H2S concentrations in the ppmv range with CO2 con- • Minimize solids and degradation products in the system
centrations of 2 percent or more tend to be particularly corro- through reclaimer operation and effective filtration.
sive. Because the corrosion in sweetening plants tends to be
chemical in nature, it is strongly a function of temperature • Keep oxygen out of the system by providing a gas blanket
and liquid velocity. The type of sweetening solution being used on all storage tanks and maintain a positive pressure on
and the concentration of that solution has a strong impact on the suction of all pumps.
the corrosion rate. Increased corrosion can be expected with • Ensure deionized water or oxygen/chemical-free boiler
stronger solutions and higher gas loadings. condensate is used for make up water. If available, steam
can be used to replace water loss.
Hydrogen sulfide dissociates in water to form a weak acid.
The acid attacks iron and forms insoluble iron sulfide. The iron • Limit solution strengths to minimum levels required for
sulfide will adhere to the base metal and may provide some treating.
protection from further corrosion, but it can be eroded away • Pipe solution exchangers for upflow operation with the
easily, exposing fresh metal for further attack. rich solution on the tube side.
CO2 in the presence of free water will form carbonic acid. • Monitor corrosion rates with coupons or suitable corro-
The carbonic acid will attack iron to form a soluble iron bicar- sion probes.
bonate which, upon heating, will release CO2 and an insoluble • Maintain adequate solution level above reboiler tube
iron carbonate or hydrolize to iron oxide. If H2S is present, it bundles and fire tubes; a minimum tube submergence of
will react with the iron oxide to form iron sulfide.4 6" is recommended.
High liquid velocities can erode the protective iron sulfide Corrosion inhibitors used include high molecular weight
film with resulting high corrosion rates. In general, design amines and heavy metal salts. The compositions are generally
velocities in rich solution piping should be 50% of those that proprietary. Certain inhibitors are available when only H2S or
would be used in sweet service. Because of the temperature CO2 is in the gas which allow increased solution strengths and
relationship to corrosion, the reboiler, the rich side of the acid gas loadings. These inhibitors offer potential savings in
amine-amine exchanger, and the stripper overhead condens- both capital and operating costs for these special cases. An
ing loop tend to experience high corrosion rates. example of this type inhibitor use is in ammonia plants.

Foaming Controlling oxygen content to less than 0.2 ppmw is effective
in preventing chloride SCC in waters with up to 1000 ppmw
A sudden increase in differential pressure across a contactor chloride content, at temperatures up to 572°F (300°C). There
often indicates severe foaming. When foaming occurs, there is has been an increased use of duplex stainless steels, and they
poor contact between the gas and the chemical solution. The have been successfully used in the water treatment industry
result is reduced treating capacity and sweetening efficiency, to prevent chloride SCC in high chloride waters. This suggests
possibly to the point that outlet specification cannot be met. duplex stainless steels could be utilized in amine plant service
Some reasons for foaming are:7 where high chloride content is expected. As with any specialty
steel, proper fabrication techniques and welding procedures
• Suspended solids are required.
• Organic acids
• Corrosion inhibitors
• Condensed hydrocarbons
• Soap-based valve greases The gas treating process can affect the design of the entire
• Makeup water impurities gas processing facility including methods chosen for acid gas
disposal and sulfur recovery, dehydration, liquids recovery,
• Degradation products liquids fractionation and liquid product treating. Some of the
• Lube Oil factors to be considered in making a gas treating process se-
lection are:
Foaming problems can usually be traced to plant operational
problems. Contaminants from upstream operations can be mini- • Air pollution regulations regarding sulfur compound dis-
mized through adequate inlet separation. Condensation of hy- posal and/or Tail Gas Clean Up (TGCU) requirements.
drocarbons in the contactor can usually be avoided by • Type and concentration of impurities in the sour gas.
maintaining the lean solution temperature at least 10°F above
the hydrocarbon dew point temperature of the outlet gas. • Specifications for the residue gas.
• Specifications for the acid gas.
Temporary upsets can be controlled by the addition of anti-
foam chemicals. These antifoams are usually of the silicone or • Temperature and pressure at which the sour gas is avail-
long-chain alcohol type. able and at which the sweet gas must be delivered.
• Volume of gas to be processed.
The following test for foaming should be run with the vari-
ous types of inhibitors being considered for a given applica- • Hydrocarbon composition of the gas.
tion.8 This test should give the operator an indication of which • Selectivity required for acid gas removal.
antifoam will be the most effective for the particular case.
• Capital cost and operating cost.
Place several drops of antifoam in 200 ml of treating solution
contained in a 1000 ml cylinder. Bubble oil-free air through • Royalty cost for process.
the solution at a constant rate. After five minutes have elapsed • Liquid product specifications.
shut off the air and start a timer. Note the height of foam at
• Disposal of byproducts considered hazardous chemicals.
the time the air was shut off and the amount of time required
for the foam to break. The foam height is the difference be- Any process which requires disposal of waste streams and/or
tween the height of the foam and the initial height of the liq- chemicals must also define if the disposal stream and/or
uid. The time for the foam to break is an indication of the chemical is considered "hazardous". The permitting require-
stability of the foam. A comparison of antifoams will let the ments and economic impact of hazardous waste disposal on a
operator select which inhibitor will best solve his foaming project must not be overlooked.
problems. Between antifoam tests, care should be taken to
The importance of having an accurate analysis of the inlet
clean the test cylinder thoroughly because a very small
gas stream cannot be overstressed. Process selection and eco-
amount of inhibitor may affect the test.
nomics depend on knowing all components present in the gas.
Materials Impurities such as COS, CS2 and mercaptans (even in very
small concentrations) can have a significant impact on the
Treating plants normally use carbon steel as the principal process design of both the gas treating and downstream proc-
material of construction. Vessels and piping can be stress re- essing facilities.1,2
lieved in order to minimize stress corrosion along weld seams.
Corrosion allowance for equipment ranges from 1/16" to 1/4", If the gas processing facility is to be used in conjunction with
typically 1/8". In some instances, when corrosion is known to liquids recovery, the requirements for H2S, CO2, and mercap-
be a problem, or high solution loadings are required, stainless tan removal may be affected. In liquid recovery plants, varying
steel may be used in the following critical areas: amounts of H2S, CO2, and other sulfur compounds will end up
in the liquid product. Not removing these components prior to
1. Reflux condenser liquids recovery may require liquid product treating in order
2. Reboiler tube bundle to meet product specifications. In many instances, liquid treat-
3. Rich/lean exchanger tubes ing may be required anyway.
4. Bubbling area of the contactor and/or stripper trays.
When sulfur recovery is required, the composition of the acid
5. Rich solution piping from the rich/lean exchanger to the
gas stream feeding the sulfur plant must be considered. With
CO2 concentrations greater than 80% in the acid gas, the pos-
6. Bottom 5 trays of the contactor and top 5 trays of stripper. sibility of selective treating should be considered to raise the
Usually 304, 316, or 410 stainless steel will be used in these H2S concentration to the sulfur recovery unit (SRU). This may
areas. L grades are recommended if the alloys are to be welded. involve a multi-stage gas treating system.

FIG. 21-2
Process Capabilities for Gas Treating

Normally Capable of Removes Selective H2S Solution Degraded

Meeting 0.25 grain* H2S Mercaptans and COS Removal (By)
Primary Amine Yes Partial No Yes (COS, CO2, CS2)
Secondary Amine Yes Partial No Some (COS, CO2, CS2)
Tertiary Amine Yes Partial Yes+ No
Combination Yes Yes Yes+ Some (CO2, CS2)
Physical Solvent Maybe** Slight Yes+ No
Solid Bed Yes Yes Yes+ No
Liquid Redox Yes No Yes CO2 at high conc.
Sacrificial Yes Partial Yes No
* 0.25 grains H2S/100 scf ≈ 4 ppmv H2S
+ Some selectivity exhibited
** Can make 0.25 grain under some conditions

High concentrations of H2O and hydrocarbons can cause de- standing the relative concentrations of H+ and OH – in solu-
sign and operating problems for the SRU. The effect of these tions of different pH.
components must be weighed when selecting the gas treating Concentration, mole/liter
process to be used. Further discussion of this can be found in pH
Section 22. H+ OH –
1 1.0 • 10 1.0 • 10–13
Decisions in selecting a gas treating process can many times
Acid Side 2 1.0 • 10–2 1.0 • 10–12
be simplified by gas composition and operating conditions.
(Excess H+) 3 1.0 • 10–3 1.0 • 10–11
High partial pressures (50 psi) of acid gases enhance the prob-
ability of using a physical solvent. The presence of significant 4 1.0 • 10–4 1.0 • 10–10
quantities of heavy hydrocarbons in the feed discourages us- 5 1.0 • 10–5 1.0 • 10–9
ing physical solvents. Low partial pressures of acid gases and 6 1.0 • 10–6 1.0 • 10–8
low outlet specifications generally require the use of amines Neutral Solution 7 1.0 • 10–7 1.0 • 10–7
for adequate treating. Process selection is not easy and a num-
8 1.0 • 10–8 1.0 • 10–6
ber of variables must be weighed prior to making a process
selection. Fig. 21-2 gives a summary for a number of processes. 9 1.0 • 10–9 1.0 • 10–5
10 1.0 • 10–10 1.0 • 10–4
Controlling pH is very important in most of the processes 11 1.0 • 10–11 1.0 • 10–3
discussed in this section. The following is offered to assist in
Basic Side 12 1.0 • 10–12 1.0 • 10–2
understanding electrolyte solutions and pH.
13 1.0 • 10–13 1.0 • 10–1
An electrolyte is a substance or material that will provide
ionic conductivity when dissolved in water. Both bases and Examination of the table leads one to the conclusion that
acids, if they ionize in water, can be electrolytes. In water, “weak” electrolytes (those to which the concept of pH can be
acids ionize or split, into H+ and the cation. The H+ combines usefully applied) range over strong acid (base) concentrations
with a water molecule to form H3O+ which is usually written up to 0.1 gram mole / liter.
as H+ and is referred to as a hydrogen ion, or proton. Water- Example 21-1 — 5,000 gallons of amine solution with a pH of
soluble bases, on the other hand, ionize in water to produce 12 is to be neutralized by the addition of hydrochloric acid
hydroxyl or OH– ions and an anion. Pure water ionizes such (HCl). How many pounds of pure HCl will be required?
that the concentration of H+ (and OH–) in the solution is 10–7
gram ions / liter. Solution steps:
The method used for measuring hydrogen and hydroxyl ion 5,000 gal. • 3.79 (liter/gal) = 1.9 • 104 liters
concentrations uses pH (from the French pouvoir hydrogene),
where the pH of a solution is the logarithm (base 10) of the For each liter of solution the change in OH– (H+) required is
reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration (gram mole / li- (10−2) − (10−7) = 1.0 • 10−2 gram moles
ter). For pure water, then, the pH would be:
pH = log (1/ [H+]) = 7 The total requirement of HCl is
When a water molecule dissociates, one proton and one hy- (1.9 • 104) liter • (1.0 • 10–2) (g mole/liter) = 190 g mole
droxyl ion are formed. The concentration of OH– in pure water, or
then, is also 10–7 mole / liter. (190 g mole)(36.5 g/g mole)
= 15.3 pounds HCl
A strong acid (or strong base) is one which ionizes com- 454 (gram/pound)
pletely in water solution. Typical are HCl or NaOH. At an Note that at a pH of 7, all of a weak acid (base) would prob-
acid concentration of 0.1 mole / liter, the pH of a strong acid ably not be neutralized. The pH required to have all of a weak
will be 1. The following table will be helpful in under- acid (base) neutralized will vary with the acid but will usually

be less (greater) than 7. In the example all of the HCl is neu- and/or low temperature. The reaction is reversed by high tem-
tralized because it is completely ionized in the water solution. perature and/or low pressure in the stripper. In irreversible
processes the chemical reaction is not reversed and removal
of the H2S and/or CO2 requires continuous makeup of the re-
CHEMICAL REACTION PROCESSES acting material. Fig. 21-3 lists approximate guidelines for a
number of alkanolamine processes. Fig. 21-4 shows the proc-
Chemical reaction processes remove the H2S and/or CO2
ess flow for a typical reversible chemical reaction process.
from the gas stream by chemical reaction with a material in
the solvent solution. The reactions may be reversible or irre- Aqueous Alkanolamine Processes
versible. In reversible reactions the reactive material removes
CO2 and/or H2S in the contactor at high partial pressure Originally applied to gas treating in 1930 by Bottoms,46 al-
kanolamines have become the most widely used solvents for

FIG. 21-3
Approximate Guidelines for Amine Processes1


Acid gas pickup, scf/gal @ 100°F,
normal range(2) 3.1–4.3 3.8–5.0 6.7– .8 4.7–6.6 4–17 3–7.5
Acid gas pickup, mols/mol amine,
normal range(3) 0.33–0.40 0.35–0.65 0.72–1.02 0.25–0.3 NA 0.2–0.55
Lean solution residual acid gas,
mol/mol amine, normal range(4) 0.12 ± 0.08 ± 0.08 ± 0.10 ± NA 0.005–0.01
Rich solution acid gas loading,
mol/mol amine, normal range(3) 0.45–0.52 0.43–0.73 0.8–1.1 0.35–0.40 NA 0.4–0.55
Solution concentration, wt%, normal 3 comps.,
range 15–25 25–35 25–30 50–70 varies 40–50
Approximate reboiler heat duty,
Btu/gal lean solution(5) 1,000–1,200 900–1,000 900–1,000 1,100–1,300 350–750 800–1200
Steam heated reboiler tube bundle,
approx. average heat flux,
Q/A = MBtu/hr-ft2 (6) 9–10 9–10 9–10 9–10 9–10 9–10
Direct fired reboiler fire tube,
average heat flux,
Q/A = MBtu/hr-ft2 (6) 8–10 8–10 8–10 8–10 8–10 8–10
Reclaimer, steam bundle or fire tube,
average heat flux,
Q/A = MBtu/hr-ft2 (6) 6–9 NA(7) NA(7) 6–8 NA
Reboiler temperature, normal
operating range, °F(8) 225–260 230–250 230–250 250–260 230–280 230–260
Heats of reaction;(10) approximate:
Btu/lb H2S 550–670(10) 500–600(11) 511 674 NA 450–520
Btu/lb CO2 620–700 580–650 653 850 NA 570–600
NA — not applicable or not available

1. These data alone should not be used for specific design purposes. Many design factors must be considered for actual plant design.
2. Dependent upon acid gas partial pressures and solution concentrations.
3. Dependent upon acid gas partial pressures and corrosiveness of solution. Might be only 60% or less of value shown for corrosive systems.
4. Varies with stripper overhead reflux ratio. Low residual acid gas contents require more stripper trays and/or higher reflux ratios yielding larger
reboiler duties.
5. Varies with stripper overhead reflux ratios, rich solution feed temperature to stripper and reboiler temperature.
6. Maximum point heat flux can reach 20,000–25,000 Btu/hr-ft2 at highest flame temperature at the inlet of a direct fired fire tube. The most satisfactory
design of firetube heating elements employs a zone by zone calculation based on thermal efficiency desired and limiting the maximum tube wall
temperature as required by the solution to prevent thermal degradation. The average heat flux, Q/A, is a result of these calculations.
7. Reclaimers are not used in DEA systems.
8. Reboiler temperatures are dependent on solution conc. flare/vent line back pressure and/or residual CO2 content required. It is good practice to operate
the reboiler at as low a temperature as possible.
9. Canadian and Foreign Patented DEA Process.
10. B.L. Crynes and R.N. Maddox, Oil Gas J., p. 65-67, Dec. 15 (1969). The heats of reaction vary with acid gas loading and solution concentration.
11. J.I. Lee, F.D. Otto, and A.E. Mather, Can. GPA Research Seminar, Nov. 1972. The heats of reaction vary with acid gas loadin g and solution

FIG. 21-4
Typical Gas Sweetening by Chemical Reaction

the removal of acid gases from natural gas streams.4 The reactions proceed to the right at high pressures and/or
Triethanolamine (TEA) was the first used commercially for low temperatures and to the left at high temperatures and/or
gas treating. It has been displaced for conventional applica- low pressures. Primary amines undergo similar reactions. Ter-
tions by other alkanolamines such as monoethanolamine tiary amines can only react with CO2 following the acid base
(MEA), diethanolamine (DEA), diisopropanolamine (DIPA), reaction shown in Eq 21-1. The CO2 reaction is slowed by the
diglycolamine® (DGA) and methyldiethanolamine (MDEA). time requirement for solution of CO2 and conversion to bicar-
bonate, Eq 21-7. This may be the reason that tertiary amines
The alkanolamine processes are particularly applicable
show a greater selectivity for H2S in the presence of CO2.
where acid gas partial pressures are low and/or low levels of
acid gas are desired in the residue gas. Because the water Process Flow — The general process flow for an alkano-
content of the solution minimizes heavy hydrocarbon absorp- lamine treating plant is shown in Fig. 21-4. The basic flow
tion, these processes are well suited for gases rich in heavier varies little for different solutions though some designs incor-
hydrocarbons. Some amines can be used to selectively remove porate multiple feeds and contactor sections.
H2S in the presence of CO2.
Sour natural gas enters through an inlet separator for the
Chemistry — The basic reactions applicable for H2S, CO2 removal of liquids and/or solids. From the separator, the gas
and a primary or secondary amine are shown below with a stream enters the bottom of the contactor where it contacts
secondary amine:21 the amine solution flowing down from the top of the column.
For H2S The acid gas components in the gas react with the amine to
form a regenerable salt. As the gas continues to pass up the
RR′NH+2 ↔ H+ + RR′NH Eq 21-1 contactor, more acid gases chemically react with the amine.
The sweetened gas leaves the top of the contactor and passes
H2S ↔ H+ + HS− Eq 21-2 through an outlet separator to catch any solution which may

HS ↔ H + S + =
Eq 21-3 be carried over. If MEA is the sweetening agent, or the contac-
tor is operating at unusually high temperature, a water wash
+ − may be used to attempt to recover some of the vaporized amine
H2O ↔ H + OH Eq 21-4
from the gas leaving the contactor. If a water wash is used it
For CO2 generally will consist of three or four trays at the top of the
RR′NH+2 ↔ H+ + RR′NH Eq 21-1 contactor, with makeup water to the unit being used as the
wash liquid. The sweet gas leaving the contactor is saturated
RR′NCOO− + H2O ↔ RR′NH + HCO−3 Eq 21-6 with water so dehydration, discussed in Section 20, is nor-
mally required prior to sale. Rich amine solution leaving the
H2O + CO2 ↔ H + HCO−3 Eq 21-7 contactor flows through a flash tank to remove absorbed hy-
drocarbons. From the flash tank, the rich solution passes
HCO−3 ↔ H+ + CO=3 Eq 21-8 through the rich/lean exchanger where heat is absorbed from
the lean solution. The heated rich amine goes to the top portion
H2O ↔ H+ + OH− Eq 21-4
of the stripper. As the solution flows down the column to the
Solubility of acid gas in amines follows Henry’s Law accord- reboiler, it is stripped of H2S and CO2. The amine solution
ing to: leaves the bottom of the stripper as lean solution. This lean
pp(H2S) = H(H2S) [H2S] Eq 21-5 solution is then passed through the rich/lean exchanger and a
lean cooler to reduce the lean solution temperature to approxi-
pp(CO2) = H(CO2) [CO2] Eq 21-9 mately 10°F warmer than the inlet gas temperature, to stay

FIG. 21-5
Physical Properties of Gas Treating Chemicals

Monoethanol- Diethanol- Triethanol- Diglycol Diisopropanol-

amine amine amine -amine amine Selexol®
Formula HOC2H4NH2 (HOC2H4)2NH (HOC2H4)3N H(OC2H4)2NH2 (HOC3H6)2NH Polyethylene glycol
Molecular Wt 61.08 105.14 148.19 105.14 133.19 280
Boiling point @ 760 mm Hg, °F 338.9 516.2 680 (decomposes) 430 479.7 518
Freezing point, °F 50.9 82.4 72.3 9.5 107.6 –20
Critical constants
Pressure, psia 868 474.7 355 547.11 546.8 –
Temperature, °F 662 827.8 957.7 756.6 750.6 –
Density @ 20°C, gm/cc. 1.018 1.095 1.124 1.058 @ 60°F 0.999 @ 30°C 1.031 @ 77°F
Weight, lb/gal 8.48 @ 60°F 9.09 @ 60°F 9.37 @ 68°F 8.82 @ 60°F 8.60 @ 77°F
Specific gravity 20°C/20°C 1.0179 1.0919 (30/20°C) 1.1258 1.0572 0.989 @ 45°C/20°C –
Specific heat @ 60°F, Btu/lb/°F 0.608 @ 68°F 0.600 0.70 0.571 0.69 @ 30°C 0.49 @ 41°F
Thermal conductivity
Btu/[(hr • sq ft • °F)/ft] @ 68°F 0.148 0.127 – 0.121 – 0.11 @ 77°F
Latent heat of vaporization, Btu/lb 355 @ 760 mmHg 288 @ 73 mmHg 230 @ 760 mmHg 219.14 @ 760 185 @ 760 mmHg –
Heat of reaction, Btu/lb of Acid Gas
H2S –400 –674 – –190 @ 77°F
CO2 –630 –850 – –160 @ 77°F
Viscosity, cp 24.1 @ 68°F 350 @ 68°F 1013 @ 68°F 40 @ 60°F 870 @ 86°F 5.8 @ 77°F
(at 90% wt. (at 95% wt. 198 @ 113°F
solution) solution) 86 @ 129°F
Refractive index, Nd 68°F 1.4539 1.4776 1.4852 1.4598 1.4542 @ 113°F –
Flash point, COC, °F 200 280 365 260 255 304

Propylene Methyldiethanol- 10% Sodium

Carbonate amine Sulfolane® Methanol Hydroxide
Formula C3H6CO3 (HOC2H4)2NCH3 C4H8SO2 CH3OH
Molecular Wt 102.09 119.16 120.17 32.04 19.05
Boiling point @ 760 mm Hg, °F 467 477.0°F 545 148.1 217
Freezing point, °F –56.6 –9.3°F 81.7 –143.8 14
Critical constants
Pressure, psia – 767.3 1153.9
Temperature, °F – 1013.8 464
Density @ 20°C, gm/cc. 1.2057
Weight, lb/gal 8.68 10.623 @ 30°C/30°C 9.254
Specific gravity 20°C/20°C 1.203 1.0418 1.268 0.7917 1.110
Specific heat @ 60°F, Btu/lb/°F 0.335 0.535 0.35 @ 30°C 0.59 @ 5°-10°C 0.897
Thermal conductivity
Btu/[(hr • sq ft • °F)/ft] @ 68°F 0.12 @ 50°F 0.159 0.114 @ 100°F 0.124
Latent heat of vaporization, Btu/lb 208 @ 760 mmHg 204 225.7 @ 212°F 474 @ 760 mmHg
Heat of reaction, Btu/lb of Acid Gas
H2S –
Viscosity, cp 1.67 @ 100°F 1.3 cs @ 50°F 10.3 @ 86°F 0.6 @ 68°F 1.83 @ 68°F
19.4 cs @ –40°F 0.68 cs @ 100°F 6.1 @ 122°F 0.97 @ 122°F
1.79 cs @ 100°F 0.28 cs @ 212°F 2.5 @ 212°F 0.40 @ 212°F
0.827 cs @ 210°F 1.4 @ 302°F
0.97 @ 392°F
Refractive index, Nd 68°F 1.4209 1.469 1.481 @ 86°F 1.3286
Flash point, COC, °F 270 265 350 58

FIG. 21-6
Vapor Pressures of Gas Treating Chemicals

FIG. 21-7 FIG. 21-8
Freezing Points of Aqueous Amine Solutions Specific Gravity of Aqueous Amine Solutions

above the hydrocarbon dew point. At this point, the lean solu- column pressure and the vapors are returned to the stripper.
tion is returned to the contactor to repeat the cycle. The initial vapor composition is essentially water. Continued dis-
tillation will cause the solution to become more and more concen-
Acid gas stripped from the amine passes out of the top of the trated with amine. This raises the boiling point of the solution
stripper. It goes through a condenser and separator to cool the and amine will begin to distill overhead. Fresh feed is continu-
stream and recover water. The recovered water is usually re- ally added until the boiling point of the material in the re-
turned to the stripper as reflux. The acid gas from the reflux claimer reboiler reaches 280° to 300°F. At this point,
separator is either vented, incinerated, sent to sulfur recovery distillation is continued for a short time adding only water to
facilities, or compressed for sale (or reinjection on enhanced help recover residual amine in the reclaimer reboiler. The re-
oil recovery projects). claimer is then cleaned, recharged, and the cycle is repeated.9
Reclaimer — A reclaimer is usually required for MEA Reclaimer "sludge" removed during cleaning must be han-
and DGA amine-based systems. The reclaimer helps remove dled with care. Disposal of the "sludge" must be in accordance
degradation products from the solution and also aids in the with the governing regulations.
removal of heat stable salts, suspended solids, acids and iron
compounds. The reclaimers in MEA and DGA systems differ. Amines Used
For MEA, a basic solution helps reverse the reactions. Soda
ash and/or caustic soda is added to the MEA reclaimer to pro- Monoethanolamine — Gas sweetening with mono-
vide a pH of approximately 8-9; no addition is required for the ethanolamine (MEA) is used where there are low contactor
DGA reclaimer system. Reclaimers generally operate on a side pressures and/or stringent acid gas specifications. MEA re-
stream of 1-3% of the total amine circulation rate.7 Reclaimer moves both H2S and CO2 from gas streams. H2S concentra-
sizing depends on the total inventory of the plant and the rate tions well below 0.25 grains/100 scf can be achieved. CO2
of degradation expected. concentrations as low as 100 ppmv can be obtained at low to
moderate pressures. COS and CS2 are removed by MEA, but
Reclaimer operation is a semi-continuous batch operation. the reactions are irreversible unless a reclaimer is used. Even
The reclaimer is filled with hot amine solution and, if neces- with a reclaimer, complete reversal of the reactions may not
sary, soda ash is added. As the temperature in the reclaimer be achieved. The result is solution loss and build-up of degra-
increases, the liquid will begin to distill. Overhead vapors can dation products in the system. Total acid gas pick up is tradi-
be condensed and pumped back into the amine system, but tionally limited to 0.3-0.35 moles of acid gas/mole of MEA and
generally the reclaimer is operated at slightly above stripper solution concentration is usually limited to 10-20 wt%. Inhibi-

tors can be used to allow much higher solution strengths and climates where freezing of the solution could occur. The freez-
acid gas loadings. Because MEA has the highest vapor pres- ing point for 50% DGA solution is –30°F. Because of the high
sure of the amines used for gas treating, solution losses amine degradation rate DGA systems require reclaiming to
through vaporization from the contactor and stripper can be remove the degradation product. DGA reacts with both CO2
high. This problem can be minimized by using a water wash. and COS to form N, N′, bis (hydroxyethoxyethyl) urea, gener-
ally referred to as BHEEU.15
Diethanolamine — This process employs an aqueous so-
lution of diethanolamine (DEA). DEA will not treat to pipeline Methyldiethanolamine—Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA)
quality gas specifications at as low a pressure as will MEA. is a tertiary amine which can be used to selectively remove
Pipeline quality gas is defined in Section 2. If the acid gas H2S to pipeline specifications at moderate to high pressure. If
concentration is high and the total pressure is high, the SNPA- increased concentration of CO2 in the residue gas does cause
DEA11,12 process can be used. a problem with contract specifications or downstream process-
ing, further treatment will be required. The H2S/CO2 ratio in
The SNPA-DEA process was developed by the Societe Na-
the acid gas can be 10-15 times as great as the H2S/CO2 ratio
tionale des Petroles d’Aquitaine (now Elf Aquitane) to treat
in the sour gas. Some of the benefits of selective removal of
the sour gas that was discovered in Lacq, France in the 1950’s.
H2S include:16
It is patented in Canada and other countries but not in the
United States. The patent covers loadings of 0.9 to 1.3 mols of • Reduced solution flow rates resulting from a reduction
acid gas/mol of DEA. This process is used for high pressure, in the amount of acid gas removed.
high acid gas content streams having a relatively high ratio of • Smaller amine regeneration unit.
• Higher H2S concentrations in the acid gas resulting in
Although mole/mole loadings as high as 0.8-0.9 have been reduced problems in sulfur recovery.
reported, most conventional DEA plants operate at signifi- CO2 hydrolyzes much slower than H2S. This makes possible
cantly lower loadings because of corrosion. significant selectivity of tertiary amines for H2S. This fact is
The process flow scheme for conventional DEA plants re- used by several companies who provide process designs using
sembles the MEA process. The advantages and disadvantages MDEA for selective removal of H2S from gases containing both
of DEA as compared to MEA are: H2S and CO2.
• The mole/mole loadings typically used with DEA (0.35- Because the reaction between CO2 and tertiary amines
0.8 mole/mole) are much higher than those normally forms the acid-base adduct, tertiary amines are ideally suited
used (0.3-0.4) for MEA. for bulk removal of CO2 from natural gas streams. The bulk
• Because DEA does not form a significant amount of non- removal of CO2 requires only a modest heat input for regen-
regenerable degradation products, a reclaimer is not re- eration. The combination results in economic bulk removal of
quired. Also, DEA cannot be reclaimed at reboiler tem- CO2 from high CO2 content gas streams.
perature as MEA can. Triethanolamine — Triethanolamine (TEA) is a terti-
• DEA is a secondary amine and is chemically weaker than ary amine and has exhibited selectivity for H2S over CO2 at
MEA, and less heat is required to strip the amine solu- low pressures. TEA was the first amine commercially used for
tion. gas sweetening. It was replaced by MEA and DEA because of
• DEA forms a regenerable compound with COS and CS2 its inability to remove H2S and CO2 to low outlet specifica-
and can be used for the partial removal of COS and CS2 tions. TEA has potential for the bulk removal of CO2 from gas
without significant solution losses. streams.16 It has been used in many ammonia plants for CO2
Diglycolamine — This process uses Diglycolamine®
brand [2-(2-aminoethoxy)] ethanol in an aqueous solution. Diisopropanolamine — Diisopropanolamine (DIPA) is
DGA is a primary amine capable of removing not only H2S and a secondary amine which exhibits, though not as great as ter-
CO2, but also COS and mercaptans from gas and liquid tiary amines, selectivity for H2S. This selectivity is attributed
streams.13 Because of this, DGA has been used in both natural to the steric hindrance of the chemical.
and refinery gas applications. DGA has been used to treat
natural gas to 0.25 grains/100 scf at pressures as low as 125 Formulated Solvents — Formulated Solvents is the
psig.14 DGA has a greater affinity for the absorption of aro- name given to a new family of amine-based solvents. Their
matics, olefins, and heavy hydrocarbons than the MEA and popularity is primarily due to equipment size reduction and
DEA systems. Therefore, adequate carbon filtration should be energy savings over most of the other amines. All the advan-
included in the design of a DGA treating unit. tages of MDEA are valid for the Formulated Solvents, usually
to a greater degree. Some formulations are capable of slipping
The process flow for the DGA treating process is similar to larger portions of inlet CO2 (than MDEA) to the outlet gas and
that of the MEA treating process. The three major differences at the same time removing H2S to less than 4 ppmv. For ex-
are: ample, under ideal conditions of low absorber pressure and
• Higher acid gas pick-up per gallon of amine can be ob- high CO2 /H2S ratios, such as Claus tail gas clean-up units,
tained by using 50-70% solution strength rather than 15- certain solvent formulations can slip upwards to 90 percent of
20% for MEA (more moles of amine per volume of solu- the incoming CO2 to the incinerator. While at the other ex-
tion). treme, certain formulations remove CO2 to a level suitable for
• The required treating circulation rate is lower. This is a cryogenic plant feed. Formulations are also available for CO2
direct function of higher amine concentration. removal in ammonia plants. Finally, there are solvent formu-
lations which produce H2S to 4 ppmv pipeline specifications,
• Reduced reboiler steam consumption. while reducing high inlet CO2 concentrations to 2% for deliv-
Typical concentrations of DGA range from 50% to 70% DGA ery to a pipeline. This case is sometimes referred to as bulk
by weight. DGA has an advantage for plants operating in cold CO2 removal.

This need for a wide performance spectrum has led Formu- (0.5 mol acid gas pick-up per mole DEA assumed)
lated Solvent suppliers to develop a large stable of different For DEA (high loading):
MDEA-based solvent formulations. Most Formulated Sol-
vents are enhancements to MDEA discussed above. Thus, they GPM = 32 • (Qy/x) Eq 21-12
are referred to as MDEA-based solvents or formulations.
(0.7 mol acid gas pick-up per mole DEA assumed)
Benefits claimed by suppliers are: Where:
For New Plants Q = Sour gas to be processed, MMscfd
• reduced corrosion y = Acid gas concentration in sour gas, mole%
• reduced circulation rate x = Amine concentration in liquid solution, wt%
• lower energy requirements Eqs 21-10 to 21-12 normally will provide conservative (high)
• smaller equipment due to reduced circulation rates estimates of required circulation rate. They should not be used
if the combined H2S plus CO2 concentration in the gas is above
For Existing Plants
5 mole%. They also are limited to a maximum amine concen-
• increase in capacity, i.e., gas through-put or higher inlet tration of about 30% by weight.
acid gas composition
After the amine circulation has been estimated, heat and
• reduced corrosion heat exchange requirements can be estimated from the infor-
• lower energy requirements and reduced circulation rates mation in Fig. 21-9. Pump power requirements can be esti-
Formulated Solvents are proprietary to the specific supplier mated from Fig. 21-10. Fig. 21-11 is used to estimate the
offering the product. Companies offering these solvents are contactor diameter, and Fig. 21-12 other major vessels for the
Dow Chemical Company (offering Formulated Solvents under amine unit.
the name GAS/SPEC, Huntsman Corporation (marketing Example 21-2 — 3.0 MMscfd of gas available at 850 psig and
Formulated gas treating solvents under the TEXTREAT containing 0.6% H2S and 2.8% CO2 is to be sweetened using
name), and Union Carbide Corporation (marketing the 20%, by weight, DEA solution. If a conventional DEA system
UCARSOL family of Formulated Solvents). is to be used, what amine circulation rate is required, and what
will be the principal parameters for the DEA treating system?
These companies offer their Formulated Solvents on an "as
is" sale basis. This means there is no technology (process) li- Solution:
cense fee involved to use the solvent; therefore, no process war-
ranty is included. Some suppliers do offer free services such Using Eq 21-11, the required solution circulation is:
as process/performance simulation, on-site technical service, GPM = 45(Qy/x) = 45(3 • 3.4/20) = 23 gallons of
solvent analysis, etc. Check with the current suppliers for
their present warranty and service policy as these items are 20% DEA solution per minute.
subject to change.
Heat exchange requirements (from Fig. 21-9)
Sterically Hindered Amines — Other amines have
been used to treat sour gas. One specialty amine has been Reboiler
constructed by a process defined as steric hindrance (see the Q = 72,000 • 23 = 1.66 • 106 Btu/hr
nomenclature for a definition). The actual structure of the
amine has been formed to accommodate a specific process re- FIG. 21-9
quirement. This type of amine and the associated technology
is different than Formulated Solvents, which create the de- Estimated Heat Exchange Requirements
sired formulations by blending different components with a
standard amine such as MDEA. An example of this technology Duty, Btu/hr Area, Sq ft.
is FLEXSORB® solvents, marketed by Exxon Research and
Engineering Company.53,54 Reboiler (Direct fired) 72,000 • GPM 11.30 • GPM

Simplified Calculations — Jones and Pearce (Jones, Rich-Lean Amine HEX 45,000 • GPM 11.25 • GPM
V.W., and R. L. Pearce, "Fundamentals of Gas Treating," Pro- Amine cooler (air
ceedings Gas Conditioning Conference, University of Okla- cooled) 15,000 • GPM 10.20 • GPM
homa, Norman, Oklahoma, 1980) presented a simplified Reflux condenser 30,000 • GPM 5.20 • GPM
procedure for making rough estimates of the principal pa-
rameters for conventional MEA and DEA amine treating fa-
cilities when both H2S and CO2 are present in the gas. The
procedure involves estimating the amine circulation rate and FIG. 21-10
using it as the principal variable in estimating other parame- Estimated Power Requirements
ters. For estimating amine circulation rate, Jones and Pearce
suggested the following equations:
Main Amine Solution
For MEA: Pumps GPM • PSIG • 0.00065 = HP
GPM = 41 • (Qy/x) Eq 21-10 Amine Booster Pumps GPM • 0.06 = HP
(0.33 mol acid gas pick-up per mole MEA assumed) Reflux Pumps GPM • 0.06 = HP
For DEA (conventional): Aerial Cooler GPM • 0.36 = HP
GPM = 45 • (Qy/x) Eq 21-11

FIG. 21-11
Contactor Capacity

FIG. 21-12
Regeneration Vessel Sizes (inches)

Solution Surge Tank Reflux Accumulator Flash Tank Carbon Filter

Diameter Diameter Length Diameter Length Diameter Length Diameter Length
Rate, GPM
10 16 24 72 16 36 24 72 16 84
25 24 42 96 24 48 42 96 24 84
50 30 48 144 30 96 48 144 36 96
100 42 60 192 42 96 60 192 48 96
200 60 84 288 60 96 84 288 60 96
300 72 84 384 72 96 84 384 72 96
400 84 96 384 84 96 96 384 84 96

A = 11.3 • 23 = 260 ft2 Main amine pumps

Rich-Lean amine exchanger HP = 23 • 850 • 0.00065 = 12.7
Q = 45,000 • 23 = 1.04 • 10 Btu/hr Amine booster pumps
A = 11.25 • 23 = 259 ft HP = 23 • 0.06 = 1.4
Amine cooler Reflux pumps
Q = 15,000 • 23 = 3.45 • 10 Btu/hr HP = 23 • 0.06 = 1.4
A = 10.2 • 23 = 235 ft Aerial cooler
Reflux condenser HP = 23 • 0.36 = 8.3
Q = 30,000 • 23 = 6.9 • 10 Btu/hr Regeneration vessel sizes (Fig. 21-12)
A = 5.2 • 23 = 120 ft Still diameter - 24 inches
Power requirements (Fig. 21-10) Surge tank - 42 inches dia. by 96 inches long

Reflux accumulator - 24 inches dia. by 48 inches long • The partial pressure of the acid gas in the feed is greater
than 50 psi.
Flash tank - 42 inches dia. by 96 inches long
• The heavy hydrocarbon concentration in the feed gas is
Carbon filter - 24 inches dia. by 84 inches long low.
From Fig. 21-11 the contactor will be 16 inches in diameter. • Bulk removal of the acid gas is desired.
• Selective removal of H2S is desired.
Caustic Wash These processes are economically attractive because little or
Caustic (NaOH) scrubbing systems can be used to treat natural no energy is required for regeneration. The solvents are regen-
gas streams to remove CO2, CS2, H2S, and mercaptans.31 erated by:
The process employs countercurrent contacting of the gas • Multi-stage flashing to low pressures.
stream with a caustic solution in a packed or trayed column. • Regeneration at low temperatures with an inert strip-
The column may contain one stage or several stages depending ping gas.
on the required degree of removal. The multi-stage systems • Heating and stripping of solution with steam/solvent va-
generally have different caustic concentrations ranging from pors.
4-6 weight percent in the first stage to 8-10 weight percent in
the latter stages. Multiple stages increase the caustic effi- In general, physical solvents are capable of removing COS,
ciency while maintaining a sufficient driving force to achieve CS2, and mercaptans.
absorption.32 In certain instances, physical absorption processes are ca-
The spent solution is either regenerated or discarded de- pable of simultaneously dehydrating and treating the gas al-
pending on what acid gas components are present in the gas though additional equipment and higher energy requirements
stream. If only mercaptans are present, the caustic solution is may be needed to dry the solvent. The processes operate at
regenerated with steam in a stripping still. If CO2 is present, ambient or subambient temperature to enhance the solubility
a nonregenerable product (Na2CO3) is formed and the solution of the acid gases. The solvents are relatively noncorrosive so
must be discarded. As a result, the presence of CO2 in caustic carbon steel can be used. Chemical losses are low due to low
systems leads to high caustic consumption. This is a serious solvent vapor pressure. Physical solvents will absorb heavy
disadvantage of the caustic scrubbing process. The caustic so- hydrocarbons from the gas stream resulting in high hydrocar-
lutions are considered hazardous wastes. bon content in the acid gas stream as well as possibly signifi-
cant hydrocarbon losses.
Natural gas is usually water washed after a caustic wash to
remove any caustic entrained in the gas. Some of the physical absorption processes are summarized
1. Chemistry
The chemical reactions involved are as follows:
This process uses a polyethylene glycol derivative as a sol-
H2S + NaOH → NaSH + H2O Eq 21-13 vent. The solvent is selective for RSH, CS2, H2S, and other
sulfur compounds. The process can be used to selectively or
NaSH + NaOH → Na2S + H2O Eq 21-14 simultaneously remove sulfur compounds, carbon dioxide,
H2S + 2 NaOH → Na2S + 2H2O Eq 21-15 water, as well as paraffinic, olefinic, aromatic and chlorinated
hydrocarbons from a gas or air stream. Because water and
RSH + NaOH → RSNa + H2O Eq 21-16 heavy hydrocarbons are highly soluble in Selexol®, the treated
gas from a Selexol® unit normally meets both water and hy-
CO2 + 2 NaOH → Na2CO3 + H2O Eq 21-17 drocarbon dew point specifications. The vendor states that the
solvent is very stable, no degradation products are formed or
CS2 + 2 NaOH → 2 NaHS + CO2 Eq 21-18 disposed of, and no solvent reclaiming is required. Depending
2. Important physical properties including density, specific on the applications, the operating pressure could be as low as
heat, solid/liquid phases, viscosity, and heat content are ambient though higher pressure is preferred. Operating tem-
given in Figs. 21-19 through 21-23. A typical process flow perature varies from 0°F to ambient. Selexol® is a Union Car-
diagram for a regenerative caustic treating process is bide Corporation technology.
shown in Fig. 21-24.
Fluor Solvent
Although caustic soda dissolves in water to form solutions
of high concentration, due account must be taken of the tem- This process patented by the Fluor Corporation, is based on
perature at which these solutions separate solid hydrates. A the use of anhydrous propylene carbonate.22 The temperature
number of these hydrates are formed which separate from so- of the lean solution to the absorber is usually well below am-
lutions at definite temperatures and concentrations from bient, and some method of refrigerating the solvent is usually
–28°C to 64.3°C (–18.4°F to 147.7°F) and from 19% NaOH to necessary.23
about 74% NaOH. A detailed diagram of solid and liquid Rectisol Process
phases showing the temperature and concentration relations
of NaOH and water is given in Fig. 21-21. This process uses methanol as a solvent, and was developed
by the German Lurgi Company and Linde A. G. Because of the
vapor pressure of methanol, the process is normally applied
PHYSICAL SOLVENT PROCESSES at temperatures of –30°F to –100°F for the Rectisol solution.
It has been applied for the purification of natural gas for LNG
These processes are based on physical absorption and oper- production. The process is best suited where there are limited
ate with a flow scheme as shown in Fig. 21-13. In general, a quantities of ethane and heavier components and has been
physical solvent process should be considered when:18 used more in Europe than the U.S.

FIG. 21-13
Typical Gas Sweetening by Physical Absorption

Outlet H2S and stripping gas

separator Optional equipment

Lean solvent

Cool/warm Coolers Solvent

H2S stripper


Sweet gas CO2

Sour Gas CO2

Inlet separator

Compressor Flash separators

Power Recovery Turbine

Purisol when complete removal of H2S, CO2, and COS is desired. Sul-
finol with MDEA (Sulfinol-M) is used for the selective removal
This process was developed by Lurgi and is licensed by the of H2S in the presence of CO2, with partial removal of COS.
Ralph M. Parsons Company.24 The solvent used in this process Both Sulfinols can reduce the total sulfur content of treated
is N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP), a high boiling point liquid. gas down to low ppm levels.
Like Selexol, Purisol exhibits a selectivity for H2S. Purisol has
not been used much in the U.S. The advantages of Sulfinol are:
Catasol • Low energy requirements
This process is licensed by Eickmeyer and Associates. Cata- • Low foaming and noncorrosive nature
sol solvents are reported to have selectivity for H2S/CO2,
CO2/propane, and COS/CO2.25 • High acid gas loadings
• Some removal of trace sulfur compounds
COMBINATION PROCESSES The disadvantages of Sulfinol are:
There are several gas treating processes which use the ef- • Higher heavy hydrocarbon co-absorption29
fects of both physical solvents and chemical solvents. Many
are in the development stage but there are two which have • Reclaimer sometimes required when removing CO2
proven successful.
Sulfinol® Process Hi-Pure Process
The Sulfinol® Process, licensed by Shell E&P Technology
Company, is used to remove H2S, CO2, COS, CS2, mercaptans The Hi-Pure process is a combination conventional Benfield
and polysulfides from natural and synthetic gases. Sulfinol is potassium carbonate process and alkanolamine process. The
a mixture of Sulfolane (a physical solvent), water and either gas stream is first contacted with potassium carbonate fol-
DIPA or MDEA (both chemical solvents). It is this dual capac- lowed by contacting with an amine. The process can achieve
ity as both a physical and a chemical solvent that gives Sulfi- outlet CO2 concentrations as low as 30 ppmv and H2S concen-
nol its advantages. Sulfinol with DIPA (Sulfinol-D) is used trations of 1 ppmv.30

Alkaline Salt: Single-Stage Process CARBONATE)
Acid The basic process was developed by the U.S. Bureau of
Sweet gas
gas Mines and employs an aqueous solution of potassium carbon-
out ate (K2CO3). The contactor and stripper both operate at tem-
peratures in the range of 230-240°F. The process is not suitable
for gas streams containing only H2S.21 If H2S is to be removed
to pipeline specification or there are low CO2 outlet specifica-
tions, special designs or a two-stage system may have to be
used. Potassium carbonate processes are somewhat effective

in removing carbonyl sulfide and carbon disulfide.
Rich The overall reactions for CO2 and H2S with potassium car-
Feed gas
in solution bonate can be represented by:
K2CO3 + CO3 + H2O ↔ 2 KHCO3 Eq 21-19
K2CO3 + H2S ↔ KHS + KHCO 3 Eq 21-20
There are three basic process flow variations for the potas-
Lean solution sium carbonate process. The flow scheme required depends on
the outlet specification of the natural gas. These are:
Single Stage Process
FIG. 21-15 The single stage process is shown in Fig. 21-14. Potassium
Alkaline Salt: Split-Flow Process carbonate is pumped to the top of a packed or trayed contactor
where it contacts the gas stream. The rich solution flows to the
Acid stripper where the acid gases are stripped with steam. The
Sweet gas
gas lean solution is then pumped back to the contactor to complete
out the cycle.
Split Flow Process
In this process scheme (Fig. 21-15) the lean solution
stream is split. Hot solution is fed to the middle of the con-
tactor for bulk removal. The remainder is cooled to improve

equilibrium and is fed to the top of the contactor for trim

acid gas removal.
Feed gas solution
in Steam
Two Stage Process
In this process scheme (Fig. 21-16) the contactor is like that
of the split flow process. In addition, the stripper is in two
sections. A major portion of the solution is removed at the mid-
point of the stripper and pumped to the lower section of the
Lean solution
contactor. The remainder is further stripped with steam and
then cooled prior to entering the top of the contactor.
Numerous improvements have been made to the potassium
FIG. 21-16 carbonate process resulting in significant reduction in capital
Alkaline Salt: Two-Stage Process and operating costs. At the same time, lower acid gas concen-
tration in the treated gas can now be achieved. The most popu-
Acid lar of the carbonate processes are:
Sweet gas gas
out Benfield Process
The Benfield Process is licensed by UOP. Several activators
are used to enhance the performance of the potassium carbon-
ate solution.
Catacarb Process


The Catacarb Process is licensed by Eickmeyer and Associ-

ates. Activators, corrosion inhibitors, potassium salts, and
Feed gas Rich water are contained in the solution. This process is mostly
in solution
Steam used in the ammonia industry.

Lean solution In this section, processes having chemical reactions and/or
physical adsorption are discussed. They all have the common

requirement that the process be operated as a batch system. process is applicable. For example, air in the gas will react with
At the end of the cycle the operator must either change solu- nitric oxide, generated during the reaction between Sulfa-Check®
tion or regenerate in order to continue treating. and H2S, to form nitrogen dioxide which is a strong oxidizing
agent that will react with elastomers and odorants, and cause
Iron-Sponge Process corrosion in a moist environment. It is recommended that Exxon
The iron sponge process selectively removes H2S from gas be contacted for further information.
or liquid streams. The process is limited to treating streams 
containing low concentrations of H2S at pressures ranging
from 25 to 1200 psig. The process employs hydrated iron oxide, SulfaTreat is a patented process which has been licensed
impregnated on wood chips. to GSA Technologies, Inc. The material is a dry, free-flowing
granular substance used for selective removal of H2S and mer-
Care must be taken with the iron sponge bed to maintain captans from natural gas in the presence of CO2. Since Sulfa-
pH, gas temperature, and moisture content to prevent loss of Treat is not a liquid, it cannot foam. It is not affected by CO2,
bed activity. Consequently, injections of water and sodium car- and it does not produce sulfur or nitric oxide (NOx). Also Sul-
bonate are sometimes needed. H2S reacts with iron oxide to faTreat will not ignite or "cement up" in the vessel. Other ad-
form iron sulfide and water. When the iron oxide is consumed, vantages include longer bed life and lower cost.
the bed must be changed out or regenerated. The bed can be
regenerated with air; however, only about 60% of the previous SulfaTreat’s particle size varies from 4 to 30 mesh and has
bed life can be expected.26 The bed life of the batch process is a bulk density of 70 lb/ft3. These physical properties give uni-
dependent upon the quantity of H2S, the amount of iron oxide form porosity and permeability, which offers small resistance
in the bed, residence time, pH, moisture content, and tempera- to flow and resistance to bed compression at normal velocities.
ture. Applications for SulfaTreat include: natural gas treating,
The change-out of the spent sponge beds is hazardous. Iron amine treater off gas, high concentration CO2 streams, geo-
sulfide exposed to air will rapidly oxidize and can result in thermal noncondensible gas, and any other H2S-containing
spontaneous combustion of the spent bed. To prevent this, the system.
entire bed should be wetted before beginning the change-out 
Zinc Oxide — PURASPEC
operation. Regulations on sponge disposal vary from state to
state; therefore, local regulations on allowable methods of dis- ICI Katalco, Billingham, UK supplies the PURASPEC
posal should be checked. range of processes and products for desulfurisation of hydro-
carbon gases and liquids. The processes use fixed beds of
Chemsweet® granular, metal oxide-based chemical absorbents which are
developments of the ‘high temperature zinc oxide’ used for pu-
Chemsweet®is the C-E Natco trade name for a batch process
rification of hydrocarbon feedstocks to steam reformers in am-
for the removal of H2S from natural gas. Chemicals used are
monia, hydrogen, and methanol plants. PURASPEC
a mixture of zinc oxide, zinc acetate, water, and a dispersant
absorbents are effective at temperatures down to 32°F, so no
to keep solid particles in suspension. Natural gas is bubbled
added heat is necessary, and are in service at pressures from
through the solution where H2S reacts with zinc oxide.
atmospheric, treating vent gases, to 1800 psi treating dense
Though several reactions take place in solution, the net re- phase gas feed to a gas processing plant.
sult is that zinc oxide reacts with H2S to form zinc sulfide and PURASPEC units are in service treating over 6,000 MMscfd
water. of natural gas to pipeline or petrochemical specifications.67-70
Chemsweet® can treat gas streams with H2S concentration Because the absorbents remove H2S and COS irreversibly,
up to 100 gr/100 scf and has been operated between pressures they are best suited to polishing duties. In large scale applica-
of 75 and 1,400 psig.28 Mercaptan concentrations in excess of tions this can be removal of up to 50 ppmv or 200-400 lbs per
10% of the H2S concentration in the gas stream can cause a day of sulfur. Liquid treating applications include removal of
problem. Some of the mercaptans will react with the zinc oxide H2S/COS from propane/LPG to meet copper strip test specifi-
and be removed from the gas. The resulting zinc mercaptides cations. Spent absorbents are normally sent to metals refin-
[Zn(OH)RH] will form a sludge and possibly cause foaming eries where they can be treated as high-grade ores for metals
problems. recovery. PURASPEC systems are in service in over 100 gas

FIG. 21-17
Sulfa-Check® is a product of Exxon Chemical which selec-
tively removes H2S and mercaptans from natural gas, in the Integrated Natural Gas Desulfurization Plant
presence of CO2. The original process was developed and mar-
Molecular sieve unit Sulfur recovery
keted by NL Treating Chemicals / NL Industries, Inc. The
process is patented, and stated to convert the sour gas directly To stack
to sulfur and disulfide, respectively. This is accomplished in a
one-step single vessel design using a buffered water-based in- Sour
organic oxidizing solution containing sodium nitrite, (NaNO 2) feed
which oxidizes H2S to sulfur. The single vessel is similar to
that used in other batch processes such as Iron Sponge, Chem-
sweet, etc. Field applications include gas rates ranging from Solvent scrub Glycol scrub
15 Mscf/d to 3.0 MMscf/d and inlet H2S ranging from 10 ppmv
to 3000 ppmv. Treat Cool Heat
To sales
A number of variables, including some associated risks,
must be considered prior to determining if the Sulfa-Check®

processing plants worldwide. PURASPEC is a trademark of IRON CHELATE PROCESSES
the ICI Group of Companies.
Iron chelate processes belong to a process group referred to
Mercury Removal as liquid redox sulfur recovery. Processes in this group absorb
Solid adsorbents can remove mercury from gas to produce H2S from gas streams and produce elemental sulfur by re-
residuals in the range of 0.01–0.001 µg/Nm3. Calgon sulfur acting oxygen with the H2S to form elemental sulfur and
impregnated HGR® (4 x 10 mesh) and HGR®-P (4 mm dia.) water.
carbons are used for mercury removal and indicate designs Liquid redox sulfur recovery processes all share the follow-
removing mercury down to very low levels. Removal of both ing major operations:58
inorganic and organic sulfur is achieved. By first drying the
gas the degree of mercury removal increases. The sulfur im- • Sour gas cleaning by absorption of H2S into a circulating
pregnate reacts with the mercury to produce a mercury sulfide alkaline solution.
that is fixed in the carbon microstructure.71 • Conversion of the formed HS to elemental sulfur via the
action of an auxiliary redox reagent.
ICI Katalco supplies MERESPEC fixed bed absorbents for
removal of traces, elemental and organic, of mercury from hy- • Separation and recovery of solid sulfur.
drocarbon liquids and gases. The absorbents have been shown • Regeneration of the spent auxiliary reagent via reaction
to be capable of providing the outlet mercury concentration with oxygen dissolved in the solution.
normally specified for LNG production and are in service in The processes share the general chemistry shown below.58
several European locations including an offshore oil/gas pro-
• Sour Gas Cleaning Using an Alkaline Solution:
duction platform. MERESPEC is a trademark of the ICI
Group of Companies. H2S(g) ↔ H2S(sol’n) Eq 21-22
Molecular Sieve H2S(sol’n) ↔ H+ + HS − Eq 21-23
Molecular sieve processes can be used for removal of sulfur Note that this is a non-selective, basic scrubbing solution;
compounds from gas streams (Fig. 21-17). Hydrogen sulfide thus, additional acidic components (CO2 , HCN) of the sour gas
can be selectively removed to meet 0.25 grain/100 scf specifi- will be soluble in the scrubbing solution. The fate of other re-
cation. The sieve bed can be designed to dehydrate and duced sulfur species (COS, CS2, RSH, RSR) depends on the
sweeten simultaneously. In addition, molecular sieve proc- particular process being considered.
esses can be used for CO2 removal. • Conversion to Elemental Sulfur:
In general, the concentrations of acid gas are such that cycle
HS − + H+ +
1 1
times are in the order of 6-8 hours. To operate properly the 2
O2 (sol’n) → H2O(l) + 8 S8 Eq 21-24
sieves must be regenerated at a temperature close to 600°F
for a long enough period of time to remove all adsorbed mate- Note that the reaction shown as Eq 21-24 is slow and non-
rials, usually one hour or more. Exact arrangement of the re- specific. The addition of an auxiliary redox reagent (ARR) in-
generation cycle depends upon process conditions. creases the rate of reaction and directs the oxidation to
elemental sulfur. The reaction shown as Eq 21-25 is common
Regeneration of a molecular sieve bed concentrates the H2S to all processes considered.
into a small regeneration stream which must be treated or
disposed of. During the regeneration cycle, the H2S will exhibit HS− + ARR(OX) → S8 + H+ + ARR (RED)
Eq 21-25
a peak concentration in the regeneration gas. The peak is ap-
proximately 30 times the concentration of the H2S in the inlet • Regeneration of the Spent ARR Using Air:
stream. Knowing the concentration of this stream is essential
for the design of a gas treater for the regeneration gas. For 1
O2 (g) ↔
O2 (so l’n) Eq 21-26
2 2
small units, peak flare regeneration is used. In the operation,
the peak sulfur concentration is flared while the rest of the
regeneration stream is recycled to the feed stream. O2 (sol’n) + 2 H+ → ARR(OX) + H2O(l)
ARR (RED) + 2
The problem of COS formation during processing according
Eq 21-27
to the reaction:
The overall chemistry of liquid redox processes is shown as
H2S + CO2 ↔ COS + H2O Eq 21-21
Eq 21-28.
has been extensively studied. Molecular sieve products have
H2S(g) + 2 O2 (g) → H2O(l) +
1 1
been developed that do not catalyze COS formation.43 The 8
S8 Eq 21-28
central zone in the regeneration cycle is most favorable to COS
formation. Because they share major process operations and are based
on similar process chemistries, the process flow sheets and
Operation of adsorbent plants is simple, but design is com-
equipment requirements for liquid redox systems are rather
plex. Manufacturers must be consulted for potential applica-
tions. Refer to Dehydration (Section 20) and the gasoline and
LP-gas treating portion of this section for additional details. The next two processes are members of the iron-based sub-
group of redox processes. Both LO-CAT and SulFerox are
Mesh Sizes chelated iron liquid redox processes.
Many adsorbents used in gas sweetening are specified in
mesh size. Fig. 21-29 shows a conversion between the various LO-CAT®
mesh sizes. In practice there are several different mesh or The LO-CAT® process50, 51, 52 catalytically converts H2S in
screen measurement devices. Those shown summarize the gas streams to solid sulfur. The LO-CAT® process can be ap-
main screen sizes.72 plied to natural gas sweetening or treatment of acid gas for

conversion of H2S to sulfur. The process uses a dilute water solu- Kent and Eisenberg36 proposed a reaction equilibrium
tion of iron which is held in solution by organic chelating agents. model to correlate/predict the vapor-liquid equilibrium be-
The iron in the solution oxidizes the hydrogen sulfide to sulfur. tween H2S and CO2 and primary or secondary ethanolamines.
Iron is then circulated to an oxidizer and regenerated for reuse They tested the model extensively against data for MEA and
in the process. The process will not remove CO2, COS, CS2 nor DEA with good results. This model allows for interpolation/ex-
RSH. If desired, some CO2 can be removed from the feed gas by trapolation of equilibrium data to compositions and tempera-
strong buffering of the solution. Because of the low concentration tures where no measurements have been made.
of dissolved iron, solution circulations tend to be high. To offset
GPA reports on amine enthalpies of solution and acid gas
this, there is 100% selectivity for H2S. Under proper conditions,
equilibrium solubility are listed at the end of this chapter.
the sulfur derived in the process is suitable for sale.
The Shell SulFerox® process, developed by Shell Develop-
ment Company and the Dow Chemical Company, is an iron As a guide in the selection of the method of treating to be
chelate redox technology that removes hydrogen sulfide and used, the following characteristics of each are given:
converts it directly to salable sulfur in one step. The process
offers low capital and operating costs through the use of a high Regenerated Caustic
concentration iron chelate solution and effective control of 1. Can handle large volumes of hydrocarbon.
chelate degradation. The process also offers a patented con-
tactor design to improve the overall efficiency of the process 2. Primarily for removing methyl and ethyl mercaptans.
which further reduces capital costs. The optimum application 3. Capable of producing a doctor-sweet product.
for SulFerox is in the one to twenty tons per day range of re- 4. Reduces the total sulfur content of treated product.
covered sulfur. The Sulferox process is available from Shell Oil
Company or the GAS/SPEC® Technology Group of the Dow Perco Solid Copper Chloride
Chemical Company, Houston, Texas. 1. Can treat gasoline streams with relatively high mercap-
tan content.
MEMBRANE SEPARATION PROCESS 2. Suited for small flow rate.
3. Sulfur content not reduced.
Gas permeation is the transport of gas molecules through a
thin polymeric film from a region of high pressure to one of 4. Water content must be only that of saturation.
low pressure. Gas permeation is based on the principle that 5. Hydrogen sulfide must be removed ahead of contact with
different gases permeate through polymeric films at different bed.
rates due to differences in diffusivity and solubility. Separa- 6. Excess regeneration oxygen may cause corrosion down-
tion efficiency is affected by the gas composition, pressure dif- stream of bed. Gasoline with components that may be
ferential, pressure ratio, separation factor, and temperature. affected by oxygen, such as olefins, should not be treated
Pressure drop through the membrane is high, so the gas which with this process.
permeates is available only at lower pressure. For the natural
7. Capable of producing doctor-sweet product.
gas not permeating the membrane, the pressure drop will be
similar to that through any other process unit. Batch Caustic Wash
1. Can use a single wash.
EQUILIBRIUM DATA FOR AMINE-SOUR 2. Best suited for streams with low mercaptan content (if
GAS SYSTEMS mercaptan removal is important).
3. Primarily for removing trace amounts of hydrogen sul-
One of the peculiarities of amine treating systems is the inter- fide and methyl and ethyl mercaptans.
active effects of one acid gas constituent with amine upon the
equilibrium partial pressure of the other constituent. The most 4. Disposing of spent caustic can be a major consideration.
commonly encountered sour gas constituents are H2S and CO2. 5. Relatively high caustic consumption per gallon of product.
The capacity of a given amine for either one of the acid gas con-
stituents alone is much greater than when the two occur together. Solid Potassium Hydroxide
Jones et al. have presented data to confirm the interactive 1. Low installation and operation costs.
effect of H2S and CO2 in monethanolamine solutions. Lee et 2. Acts as a desiccant as well as removing the sulfur compounds.
al.35,44 have presented similar data for diethanolamine solu- 3. Suitable for removing trace amounts of H2S.
tions. Dingman et al.47 have presented data for H2S and CO2
in equilibrium with commercially used concentrations of DGA. Molecular Sieve
These data provide the basis for predicting the equilibrium 1. Can handle large or small streams.
concentrations of MEA, DEA, and DGA solutions when in con-
tact with sour gases containing both H2S and CO2. 2. Reduces total sulfur content by removing hydrogen sul-
fide, mercaptans, and partially removing organic sulfur
Jou, Otto, and Mather investigated the solubility of H2S and in the same adsorber vessel.
CO2 in MDEA and published data in 1981.60 More recently 3. Will produce 1A copper-strip, doctor-sweet product.
they investigated the solubility of mixtures of H2S and CO2 in
MDEA, and published data in 1986.61 The first paper presents 4. Will dry in the same step with additional equipment.
solubilities H2S in MDEA and solubility of CO2 in MDEA, 5. Requires that the regeneration gas be made slightly sour
whereas the second paper presents the results of varying mix- by use of this stream to strip sulfur compounds from the
tures of H2S and CO2 and their solubility in MDEA. molecular sieve.

Merox rates are enhanced by the repeated coalescence and re-forma-
tion of droplets of the dispersed phase.
1. Can handle large or small streams.
For best tray efficiency, the dispersed phase must issue
2. Eliminates problem of disposal of spent caustic.
cleanly from the perforations. This requires that the material
3. Product is sweet when it leaves unit; no holding period of the plates be preferentially wetted by the continuous phase
is required. or that the dispersed phase issues from nozzles projecting be-
4. Adds problems of sulfur compounds in regeneration air yond the plate’s surface. This may be formed by punching the
leaving the regenerator. holes and leaving the burr in place, or otherwise forming the
jets. The liquid flowing at the larger volume rate should be the
dispersed phase.
GENERAL NOTES ON LIQUID Perforations are usually 1/8" to 1/4" diameter with a total hole
HYDROCARBON TREATING area equal to 15 to 25 percent of the column cross-sectional area.
The tray has no outlet weir. Perry provides a calculation proce-
Mixing (Liquid/Liquid Treating Systems) dure for designing liquid-liquid contact sieve trays.64
Good mixing of gasoline and treating solution may be accom- Metal or plastic ring packing also provides good solution
plished by means of a low efficiency (40%) centrifugal pump. The contact in counterflow towers. One theoretical stage can gen-
gasoline stream and solution recycle stream join just ahead of the erally be obtained in 6 to 8 feet of packed bed height. Ceramic
pump and are discharged to the solution settling tank. or steel packing should not be preferentially wetted by the
Treaters use static in-line mixers to obtain good gasoline- dispersed (hydrocarbon) phase. Previous investigations of
caustic contact. A properly designed in-line static mixer will wetting properties in liquid extraction applications generally
create a controlled droplet size with a narrow size distribution. indicate that where the dispersed phase wets the packing,
Continuous renewal of the dispersed phase surface area accel- mass transfer efficiency is reduced.63
erates mass transfer. The static mixer accomplishes this uni- The packing diameter should be no larger than one-eighth of
form dispersion with less energy than most other devices. As the tower diameter, but normally no smaller than one-half inch.
the velocity through the static mixer increases, the pressure The hydrocarbon velocity should be about 15 GPM per square
drop increases and the mean droplet diameter decreases. A foot of open tower cross sectional area.64 The hydrocarbon distri-
homogeneous mix is usually achieved in a mixer which is a few bution nozzles should be designed with an orifice velocity in the
pipe diameters in length.62 range of one ft/sec. Higher velocities result in the formation of
small droplets which can form a hydrocarbon emulsion in the
Treated Product Clean-up treating solution leaving the bottom of the tower.63
Sand towers may be placed downstream of a liquid wash of
For caustic treaters, the packing material is usually carbon
gasoline or LPG to remove any entrained water or solution.
raschig rings, which offer better resistance to attack by the
The gasoline flows downward through the tower. The design
caustic solution.
of the tower is based on a space velocity of (4 volumes of gaso-
line)/(volume of sand)/hour.
A downstream water wash of the treated hydrocarbon liquid GASOLINE AND LP-GAS TREATING
is also a good way to remove entrained water-based treating
solutions such as caustic and amine. The process is identical Most gasoline and LP-gas streams contain sulfur in various
to the caustic wash shown in Fig. 21-25. A water circulation forms and LP-gas and raw NGL streams also can contain carb-
rate of 10 to 30 percent of the hydrocarbon rate should be ade- on dioxide. Especially objectionable are hydrogen sulfide, mer-
quate, if good liquid-liquid contact is obtained. The solution captans, and elemental sulfur. Gasoline containing hydrogen
concentration in the wash water should not build up to more sulfide has objectionable odor and is corrosive. Mercaptans
than 3 weight percent. give an objectionable odor to gasoline and elemental sulfur
makes the gasoline corrosive. Carbonyl sulfide in the LP-gas
Counterflow Contact Towers can hydrolyze and cause the product to become corrosive. A
product containing the objectionable materials can be treated
In the liquid/liquid contact tower, the hydrocarbon feed is
to remove the hydrogen sulfide, carbonyl sulfide, and elemen-
introduced through a distributor at the bottom of the tower
tal sulfur and to either remove the mercaptans or convert
and becomes the dispersed phase. The treating solution is in-
them to less objectionable compounds.
troduced countercurrently at the top of the tower and becomes
the continuous phase. The dispersed phase migrates upward Hydrogen Sulfide and Carbon Dioxide
through the packing due to the difference in densities of the
two liquids. The sweetened product is removed from the top of
the tower where 8 to 10 feet of open column are provided for Hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide can be removed from
disengagement of the heavy phase. LP-gas and gasoline by liquid-liquid contacting processes us-
ing a caustic solution, aqueous alkanolamines, or solid KOH.
Counterflow contact towers can either be packed or trayed. The caustic wash processes are described later. The alkano-
A sieve (perforated) tray with downcomers is probably the lamine processes were described earlier in the gas treating
most effective for use in liquid-liquid contact devices. The light section. For application, both a coalescer and a full flow carbon
liquid flows through the perforations of each plate and is filter should be used to minimize the introduction of hydrocar-
thereby dispersed into drops which rise through the continu- bons into the regeneration section of the amine unit.
ous phase. The continuous liquid flows horizontally across
each plate and passes to the plate beneath it through the When treating hydrocarbon liquids with amine, contacting
downcomer. If the heavy liquid is the dispersed phase, the is generally accomplished in a liquid-liquid contactor, though
same design may be used but turned upside down. Extraction stirred reactors can be used. The tower should have a mini-

mum of 20 feet of packing. The design flow rates for packed Highly corrosive conditions that can exist in a unit for this
towers should not exceed 20 gpm liquid per square foot of cross process are minimized by careful attention to operation con-
sectional area. ditions, specifically by minimizing the contamination of the
regenerated caustic system with sodium sulfide and by oper-
Sulfur Removal ating the rectifying column at low pressure and temperature.
Elemental sulfur is removed from the gasoline by contacting it The maximum desired steam temperature to the reboiler is
with a polysulfide wash solution. The solution is made up by 260°F. The sulfide contamination is controlled by caustic
using the following amounts of chemicals per 1,000 gallons of washing of the LP-gas ahead of the mercaptan extractor and
water: 1,000 lb. of caustic (NaOH), 800 lb. of commercial Na2S, by blowdown of the circulating solution. A maximum Na2S con-
and 20 lb. of sulfur. The sodium sulfide (Na2S) is melted in a vat tent of 0.2% is suggested.
by use of a steam lance. Add the sulfur to the melted Na2S. The
sulfur must be completely dissolved in the liquid sulfide, and then The diameter of the extractor is based upon the hydrocarbon
this mixture is added to the 10% (1,000 gal. water and 1,000 lb. throughput. A typical design uses flow rates of 10-15 GPM/sq ft
NaOH) caustic solution. Protective clothing and goggles should of cross-sectional area for a column packed with 1-1/4 in. raschig
be worn when handling these chemicals. rings. Other tower packing may be used and, if so, the above
throughput would be changed. The packed height is normally
Mercaptan Treating about 30 feet in two or three packed sections to optimize dis-
persion of the hydrocarbon phase. An additional 8 - 10 feet of
Mercaptans can be converted to disulfides or removed from column height is required for distribution and settling areas.
liquid hydrocarbons by several methods. The method or com-
bination of methods that can be used depends on the mercap- Merox®
tan content of the product to be treated and the specification
that must be met. Some of the common treating methods are A variation of regenerated caustic process has been devel-
discussed below. oped by UOP Process Division. Sour product is treated with
caustic containing Merox catalyst to extract the mercaptans.
Carbonyl Sulfide Removal The Merox solution is regenerated by mixing with air and oxi-
Because carbonyl sulfide (COS) can hydrolyze and cause dizing. Disulfides and excess air are removed overhead. Exist-
sweet LP-gas to become corrosive, and as the concern for mini- ing extraction equipment with steam regeneration can be
mizing total sulfur emissions has increased, there has been a adapted to the Merox process.
growth of interest in removing COS from propane and LP-gas
streams. Several alternative processes can be used. COS can, The Merox solution gives a very high degree of removal of
of course, be removed sacrificially by MEA. Mick38 has re- mercaptans in a liquid stream. If more complete removal is
ported successful use of a combination of potassium hydroxide desired, Merox also provides a fixed-bed catalytic conversion
and methyl alcohol. This process is also sacrificial. The Malap- of mercaptans to disulfides. These disulfides will not be re-
rop39,40,41 process uses diglycolamine but requires unspecified moved from the liquid stream, but will remain with the liq-
modifications in the process flow from that used for gas treat- uids. However, the sulfur leaves as disulfide (no odor) rather
ing. The ADIP42 process utilizes aqueous diisopropanolamine. than mercaptans.
Molecular sieves can be used for removing COS. The Malap-
rop, ADIP and molecular sieve processes are regenerative. Merichem®
Merichem®48 offers several processes for the removal of Na2S
CONTINUOUS PROCESSES and/or mercaptans from light hydrocarbon liquids. In all of
these the key technology is use of a patented Fiber Film® bun-
Regenerative Caustic dle to achieve intimate contact between the hydrocarbon feed
and the caustic solution. The bundle is comprised of long con-
The regenerated caustic method of removing methyl and tinuous small diameter fibers placed in a pipe. The caustic
ethyl mercaptans from LP-gas or butane employs countercur- solution preferentially wets the fibers, creating a large inter-
rent contacting of the liquid with 10% sodium hydroxide solu- facial area for contact with the hydrocarbon liquid. The fiber
tion in a packed column. A typical flow scheme is illustrated bundles can be installed easily into existing systems.
in Fig. 21-24. The caustic is regenerated in a stripping column
by the addition of open steam or by steam internally generated 1. Merifining uses caustic to extract organic acids, mercap-
by a column heating element. A condenser may be used to con- tans, and other sulfur compounds from catalytic cracked
dense water vapors that go overhead with the liberated mer- hydrocarbons.
captan vapors. The condensate is returned to the stripping 2. Napfining extracts naphthenic and other organic acids
column to maintain caustic concentration. An LP-gas stream from petroleum distillates that produce kerosene and jet
containing 0.03% mercaptan sulfur can be treated doctor fuel.
sweet with volume ratios of hydrocarbon to caustic as high as
33 to 1. Approximately six pounds of process steam per gallon 3. Mericat uses an oxidation catalyst bearing caustic solu-
of caustic are required for regeneration at this hydrocar- tion and air to oxidize gasoline and kerosene mercaptans
bon/caustic volume ratio. The following ratios may be used to to disulfides.
determine optimum plant design: 4. Thiolex uses caustic to extract hydrogen sulfide and mer-
captans from fuel gas, propane, butane, alkylation feed
lb steam and straight run gasolines.
4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14.5 17
gal. NaOH
5. Regen uses air to regenerate Thiolex caustic solutions for
gal. hydrocarbon
15 25 33 39 43 50 55 60 62 reuse.
gal. NaOH

FIG. 21-18 a pump or static mixer and discharged to a settling tank where
the liquids separate. The size of the tank required is based on
Standard Solid Copper Reagent Towers
the retention time necessary for complete separation of the
gasoline-caustic emulsion. The retention time varies from 1-
Charge Rate, Tower size, Bed Volume, Reagent, 1/2 hours for heavy gasolines to 30 minutes or less for propane.
bbl/day ft. cu ft. lb. A coalescing element on the settling tank inlet can reduce the
187 2 x 10 21.9 1,090 required retention time. Since the separating tank is one-third
full of caustic, the liquid hydrocarbon retention time is based
424 3 x 10 49.5 2,475
on two-thirds of the tank volume. A typical caustic wash sys-
752 4 x 10 88.0 4,400 tem utilizing a static mixer is given in Fig. 21-25.
1,177 5 x 10 137.5 6,870
Any discussion on materials of construction for caustic must
1,500 5 x 12 176.5 8,830 take personnel safety into consideration for every application.
Caustic solutions, especially when hot, are extremely damag-
ing to the human body. The materials selection decision must
Perco Solid Copper Chloride Sweetening take into account potential personnel exposure and may dic-
The copper chloride sweetening process can be used to tate a more costly but more reliable material.
sweeten natural gasoline. It is a continuous process in which
the mercaptan sulfur in the gasoline is converted to disulfides Mild steel remains the most utilized material. It is effective
in a reaction with copper chloride. in caustic solutions up to 50 percent concentration and at tem-
peratures up to 150°F. Corrosion rates in the range of 15-25
The copper chloride reagent is impregnated on a stationary bed MPY (depending on agitation, etc.) can be expected. Austenitic
of Fullers earth. As manufactured, this material contains ap- Ni-Cr stainless steels, primarily type 304 and 316, are very
proximately 16% water and loses its reactivity below 7%. To resistant to caustic in concentrations up to 50 percent and tem-
maintain the reactivity of the Perco bed, water should be added peratures to about 200°F.
by (a) injecting a small quantity of steam into the gasoline feed
stream to the treater, or (b) bubbling a sidestream of gasoline Stress corrosion cracking (caustic embrittlement) has been
through a small pot containing water and returning it to the main reported in laboratory testing at concentrations as low as 10
stream. Above 30% water content, the copper chloride tends to percent with temperatures of 210°F.65 Stress relieving of carb-
be extracted from the Fullers earth. Because water is formed in on steel is recommended for most applications.
the overall Perco sweetening reaction, it is often necessary to heat Centrifugal pumps used in caustic circulation may experi-
the gasoline feed to prevent the formation of free water which ence premature seal failure which results from crystallization
would tend to dissolve copper chloride from the Fullers earth. of sodium hydroxide on the seal face. Using an API Plan 62
Any hydrogen sulfide in the gasoline must be removed by a caus- (external fluid quench) system with a fresh water seal flush
tic wash before contact with the Perco bed. fluid or a Plan 52 (tandem seal) system with a buffer fluid are
In the sweetening reaction mercaptans are oxidized to the good solutions. Glandless pumps (such as magnetic drive and
disulfide and copper is reduced from cupric to cuprous: canned motor) are also used in this application.
4 RHS + 4 CuCl2 → 2 RSSR + 4 CuCl + 4 HCl A method for calculating the acid (H2S and RSH) removal
Eq 21-29 efficiency in a batch caustic wash system was published by
The cuprous chloride is regenerated simultaneously by add- Beychok in 1973.56
ing air to the inlet gasoline stream: Example 21-3
4 CuCl + 4 HCl + O2 → 4 CuCl2 + 2 H2O Eq 21-30 1. Convert all feed acid contents to units of pounds of
The "standard" bed depth is 7 feet with a maximum of 9 feet acid/gallon of feed (X).
and a minimum of 4 feet. For a 0.6 S.G. hydrocarbon liquid with acid contents of:
The charge rate in Fig. 21-18 is based on two volumes of H2S 1.0 Wt.%
gasoline/volume of reagent. If the mercaptan content of the C1SH 0.3 Wt.%
gasoline is low, this charge rate can be exceeded. C2SH 0.2 Wt.%
C3SH 0.1 Wt.%
Air is added to the sour charge by means of a diffusing disc C4SH 0.05 Wt.%
at the rate of 1 cu ft of air (STP)/bbl of charge for each 0.01%
mercaptan sulfur. If the mercaptan content of the gasoline is Hydrocarbon, hc (lb/gal.) = 8.33 x 0.6 = 5.00
high, the operating pressure must be increased to hold the H2S X1 = 5.00 x 0.01 = 0.05 lb/gal.
additional air in solution. The rate of air injection should be C1SH X2 = 5.00 x 0.003 = 0.015 lb/gal.
maintained as near to this figure as practical since insufficient
air will prevent complete reactivation of the reagent and C2SH X3 = 5.00 x 0.002 = 0.010 lb/gal.
excess air may result in airbinding of the treater vessel — an C3SH X4 = 5.00 x 0.001 = 0.005 lb/gal.
extremely hazardous condition. C4SH X5 = 5.00 x 0.0005 = 0.0025 lb/gal.

2. Determine the molarity of the fresh caustic (MF).

Wt % Molarity, Activity(a) H2S
Caustic Wash NaOH MF @ 90°F KE @ 90°F
10 6.9 1.85 0.965 1.51 x 106
Caustic wash can be used to remove hydrogen sulfide and/or
lighter mercaptans from LP-gas and gasoline. Liquid hydrocar- 15 10.6 2.97 0.900 2.60 x 106
bon and recirculated caustic (Ratio 1:0.5) are mixed by means of 20 14.7 4.25 0.850 3.93 x 106

Fig. 21-27 graphs this data to facilitate interpolation. 5,000 = WS1 (17,500 + 0.043 )
10% Fresh Caustic is 2.8 MF.
3. Using a chosen percentage spent, calculate the spent WS1 = 0.2857
caustic free NaOH molarity (MS): C1SH: 1,500 = WS2 (17,500 + 70.4)
 % Spent 
MS = MF  1 −
100 
Eq 21-31 WS2 = 0.0854

C2SH: 1,000 = WS3 (17,500 + 385)
For 10 wt% NaOH that is 50% spent (25% neutralized):
 50  WS3 = 0.0559
MS = 2.8 1 − = 1.4
 100  C3SH: 500 = WS4 (17,500 + 2,058)
4. Determine the extraction coefficient of the spent caustic
for each acid (KSE). WS4 = 0.0256
Thus in this case for H2S from Fig. 21-27 C4SH: 250 = WS5 (17,500 + 11,111)
 MS × aF  WS5 = 0.0087
H2S: KSE = KFE  F S 
Eq 21-32
M ×a  7. Calculate the total percentage spent:
 1.4 × 0.923   WS1 WS2  12,000
KSE1 = 2.45 × 106   = 1.16 × 10
ΣS =  + … Eq 21-35
 2.8 × 0.978  MW MW F
 1 2  M
KSE for RSH’s use Fig. 21-26
 0.2857 0.0854 0.0559 0.0256 0.0087  12,000
ΣS =  + + + +
KSE2 = 710
 34 48 62 76 90  2.8
KSE3 = 130 = 49.4%

KSE4 = 24.3 8. Calculate the ppmw of each acid remaining in the treated
KSE5 = 4.5
The fraction of non-H2S acid 1 absorbed (FAN) is:
5. Determine the total percentage of 2.8 M NaOH which is
spent (ΣS) by all acids on the basis of a fixed gallons of WSN V
system caustic inventory (V). FAN = Eq 21-36
A first approximation of total percentage spent is: and the ppmw remaining is:
 X1 X2  12,000 XN (1 − FAN)
ΣS =  + … R × Eq 21-33 ppmwN = × 106 Eq 21-37
 MW 1 MW 2  MF V 8.33 × (S.G.)
Where R is the volume of feed (gallons) treated per batch. FA2 = × 0.175 = 0.9963
This assumes the fresh caustic extracts 100% of the acids.
FA3 = × 0.175 = 0.9783
 0.05 0.015 0.01 0.005 0.0025  12,000 0.010
ΣS =  + + + +  R × 2.8 V
 34 48 62 76 90  0.0256
R FA4 = × 0.175 = 0.8960
= 8.734 percent 0.005
If: R = 100,000 Gallons/Batch FA5 = × 0.175 = 0.6090
and V = 17,500 Gallons caustic (NaOH) solution For H2S at end of the batch run

100,000 WS1 H2S in spent c austic

Then: ΣS = 8.734 × = 49.9% KSE1 = i.e.
17,500 XS1 H2S in hydrocarbon
If percentage spent or batch time are not satisfactory, where XS1 denotes amount of H2S remaining in hydrocar-
change V and recalculate ΣS. bon when in contact with spent caustic. Thus
6. Calculate the lb/gal content of each acid in the spent 0.2857
caustic (WSN): 1.16 x 106 =
 R 
XNR = WSN V + S 
Eq 21-34 0.2857
 2 KEN  ppmw, for XS1 = = 0.25 x 10−6 lb/gal
1.16 x 106
 100,000 
H2S: 0.05 x 100,000 = WS1 17,500 +  and for hc at 5 lb/gal = 0.050 ppmw
 2 × 116 × 104 
and from Eq. 21-37 for non-H2S acids

FIG. 21-19
Weight in Pounds of a Gallon of Caustic Soda Solution at Various Concentrations and Temperatures

% 32°F 60°F 80°F 100°F 120°F 140°F 160°F 212°F
0°C 15.6°C 26.7°C 37.8°C 48.9°C 60.0°C 71.1°C 100.0°C
0 8.344 8.337 8.317 8.287 8.250 8.206 8.156 7.998
2 8.549 8.528 8.503 8.469 8.429 8.383 8.275 8.177
4 8.748 8.714 8.684 8.648 8.605 8.558 8.506 8.353
6 8.940 8.899 8.864 8.824 8.782 8.732 8.679 8.529
8 9.133 9.085 9.048 9.006 8.959 8.909 8.857 8.706
10 9.323 9.270 9.229 9.185 9.138 9.088 9.034 8.882
12 9.513 9.455 9.411 9.365 9.316 9.265 9.211 9.059
14 9.701 9.641 9.595 9.547 9.496 9.444 9.389 9.235
16 9.888 9.825 9.777 9.728 9.676 9.623 9.567 9.412
18 10.076 10.010 9.961 9.910 9.857 9.802 9.745 9.588
20 10.262 10.195 10.144 10.092 10.037 9.982 9.923 9.764
30 11.183 11.105 11.048 10.990 10.931 10.870 10.809 10.644
40 – – 11.886 11.833 11.770 11.707 11.642 11.475
50 – – 12.690 12.623 12.555 12.491 12.426 12.259

Calculated from specific gravities, using 8.3374 lbs. per gallon of water at 60°F. (Courtesy Allied-Signal Inc.)

FIG. 21-20
Specific Heats of Sodium Hydroxide Solutions in Btu/lb-°F

wt% 0°C 15.6°C 26.7°C 37.8°C 48.9°C 60.0°C 71.1°C 93.3°C
32°F 60°F 80°F 100°F 120°F 140°F 160°F 200°F
0 1.004 0.999 0.998 0.997 0.998 0.999 1.000 1.004
2 0.965 0.969 0.972 0.974 0.977 0.978 0.980 0.986
4 0.936 0.946 0.951 0.954 0.957 0.960 0.962 0.966
6 0.914 0.928 0.933 0.938 0.941 0.944 0.946 0.950
8 0.897 0.911 0.918 0.923 0.927 0.930 0.932 0.936
10 0.882 0.897 0.905 0.911 0.916 0.918 0.920 0.923
12 0.870 0.887 0.894 0.901 0.906 0.909 0.911 0.913
14 0.861 0.879 0.886 0.892 0.897 0.901 0.903 0.904
16 0.853 0.871 0.880 0.886 0.891 0.894 0.896 0.897
18 0.847 0.865 0.873 0.880 0.885 0.888 0.890 0.891
20 0.842 0.859 0.868 0.875 0.880 0.884 0.886 0.887
30 – 0.837 0.846 0.855 0.862 0.866 0.868 0.869
40 – 0.815 0.821 0.826 0.829 0.831 0.832 0.832
50 – – 0.771 0.769 0.768 0.767 0.765 0.764

(Courtesy Allied-Signal Inc.)

FIG. 21-21
Solubility of Pure NaOH in Water and Freezing Points of the Solutions

FIG. 21-22
Viscosity of Caustic Soda Solutions at Various Temperatures and Concentrations

FIG. 21-23
Heat Content-Concentration Diagram for Caustic Soda Solutions

FIG. 21-24
Regenerative Caustic

Filter Treated
Coalescer product

Hydrocarbon Reflux




FIG. 21-25
Non-Regenerative Caustic


Filter coalescer

Settling tank


FIG. 21-26
Extraction Coefficients for Mercaptans in Caustic

FIG. 21-27

FIG. 21-28
Caustic Treating56

0.015 (1 − 0.9963)
ppmw2 = × 106 = 11 FIG. 21-29
Mesh vs Metric
0.010 (1 − 0.9783)
ppmw3 = × 106 = 43
0.005 (1 − 0.896) Tyler Mesh # U.S. Mesh #
Opening, mm
ppmw4 = × 106 = 104
5.00 1.050" 1.06" 26.9
0.0025 (1 − 0.609) – 1.00" 25.4
ppmw5 = × 106 = 196
5.00 0.883" 7/8" 22.6
Note that the H2S value is roughly twice that indicated by 0.742" 3/4" 19.0
Fig. 21-28.
0.624" 5/8" 16.0
The author lists several simplifying assumptions which
have been made including: 0.525" 0.530" 13.5
1. All partition coefficients are adjusted to 90°F. – 1/2" 12.7
2. Extraction coefficients for H2S are theoretical values, as- 0.441" 7/16" 11.2
suming that the "salting out" effect is negligible, Fig. 21- 0.371" 3/8" 9.51
27. The mercaptan coefficients are based on experimen-
tal data, Fig. 21-26. 2 1/2 5/16" 8.00
This calculation procedure provides a good method for ap- 3 1/2 3 1/2 5.60
proximating caustic wash extraction efficiency, and evaluat- 4 4 4.75
ing alternatives of system volume and batch time.
5 5 4.00
The example calculations are summarized in Fig. 21-28. 6 6 3.36
These curves show that caustic wash is very efficient in the
removal of H2S , and fairly efficient in the removal of light 7 7 2.83
mercaptans. They also show that treating efficiency of the 8 8 2.38
spent caustic does not significantly diminish until it exceeds
80 percent spent. 9 10 2.00
10 12 1.68
While the initial concentration of the fresh caustic does not
appear to have much effect on the efficiency of acid removal, 12 14 1.41
it does affect the settling tank volume. For the same batch time 14 16 1.19
and settling tank residence time, a system with a 15 percent
solution will require a settling tank two-thirds the volume of 16 18 1.00
the same system with a 10 percent solution. 20 20 0.850
35 40 0.425
REFERENCES 60 60 0.250
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Potassium Carbonate Process for Acid Gas Absorption," Techni- 26. Harris, T.B. and Victory, R.M., "Recent Molecular Sieve Products
cal Service Report, No. 6.61, (March 30, 1961). and Process Developments in Natural Gas Processing," Pre-
3. Ballard, D., Hydrocarbon Processing, 44, (No. 4), pp. 131-138 sented at the 20th Annual Gas Conditioning Conference, Univer-
(1965). sity of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, April 1, 1970.

4. Beck, J.E., "Operational Problems in CO2 Removal at the 27. Katz, Donald L., "Handbook of Natural Gas Engineering,"
Mitchell Plant," Proceedings Gas Conditioning Conference 1960, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. 1959.
pp. 129-40. 28. Kutsher, G.S. and Smith, G.A., "CO 2 Removal and Recovery-
5. Benson, H.E., Field, J.H., and Haynes, W.P., "Improved Process Pegasol - A Solvent Process," Proceedings of the Gas Conditioning
for CO2 Absorption Uses Hot Carbonate Solutions," Chemical En- Conference, University of Oklahoma Extension Division, Nor-
gineering Progress, 52, October 1956, pp. 344-8. man, Oklahoma, 1966.

6. Boston, F.C., "Absorption Process Uses Multistaging," Hydrocar- 29. Lang, F.L. and Mason, J.F., Jr., "Corrosion in Amine Gas Treating
bon Processing and Petroleum Refiner, 43, No. 8, August 1964, Solutions," Corrosion 14, No. 2, pp. 105 + 108 +, 1958.
pp. 141-145. 30. Leachman, G.S. and Ellis, G.C., "Trouble-Free Ethanolamine
7. Buckingham, P.A., "Flour Solvent Demonstrated in EPNG Gas-Treating Plants," Oil and Gas Journal, 50, No. 30, 1961, pp.
Plant," NGAA Regional Meeting, Odessa, Texas, May 1961. 84-88.
8. Buckingham, P.A., Hydrocarbon Processing and Petroleum Re- 31. Maddox, R.N., "Gas Conditioning and Processing Vol. IV-Gas And
finer, 43, No. 4, April 1964, p. 113. Liquid Sweetening," 3rd Ed.
9. Comeaux, R.V., Hydrocarbon Processing, 41, No. 5, 1962, pp. 141- 32. Maddox, R.N. and Burns, M.D., Oil and Gas Journal, 65, No. 38,
143. 1967, pp. 112-121: Ibid. 65, No. 40, 1967, pp. 110-111.
10. Conners, J.S., Oil and Gas Journal, 56, No. 9, 1958, pp. 100-110. 33. Maddox, R.N., Proceedings 49th NGPA Annual Convention, 93-
103, March 17-19, 1970, Denver.
11. Conviser, S.A., "Molecular Sieves Used to Remove Mercaptans
from Natural Gas," Oil and Gas Journal, December 6, 1965, pp. 34. Mason, J.R. and Griffith, T.E., "MEA-DGA Switch Saves Steam,"
130-133. Oil and Gas Journal, 67, No. 23, 1969, pp. 67-69.
12. Cook, T.P., and Tennyson, R.N., Chemical Engineering Progress, 35. Moore, K.L., "Corrosion Problems in a Refinery Diethanolamine
65, No. 11, November 1969, pp. 61-64. System," Corrosion, 16, No. 10, 1960, pp. 503 - 506.
13. Dingman, J.C., Hydrocarbon Processing, 43, No. 9, 1963, pp. 189- 36. Mottley, J.R. and Fincher, R.D., "Inhibition of Monoethanol
191. Amine System, " Materials Protection, 2, No. 8, 1963, pp. 26-30.
14. Dingman, J.C. and Moore, T.C., "Compare DGA and MEA Sweet- 37. Muhlbauer, H.G. and Monaghan, P.R., Oil and Gas Journal, 55,
ening Methods," Hydrocarbon Processing, 45, No. 7, 1960, pp. No. 52, 1957, pp. 139-145.
138-40. 38. Perry, C.R., Proceedings of the Gas Conditioning Conference
15. Donnelly, R.F. and Henderson, D.R., Canada NGPA Third Quar- 1967, C-1C-15, the University of Oklahoma.
terly Meeting, Calgary, September 13, 1974. 39. Polderman, L.D. and Steele, A.B., Oil and Gas Journal, 54, No.
16. Dow Chemical Company "Propylene Carbonate for Natural Gas 65, 1956, 206-214.
Purification," form No. 164-86, September 1960. 40. Schoofs, J.R., "Molecular Sieves for Natural Gas Sweetening,"
17. Dunn, C.L., Freitas, E.R., Goodenbour, J.W., Henderson, H.T., Address at Western Gas Processors and Oil Refiners Association,
and Papadopoulos, M.N., "New Pilot Plant Data on Sulfinol Proc- Anaheim, California, October 6, 1966.
ess," Hydrocarbon Processing and Petroleum Refiner, Vol. 43, No. 41. Sweeney, J.L. and Brooks, G.E., "Selexol at Fort Stockton," Pro-
3, March 1964, pp. 150-154. ceedings of the Gas Conditioning Conference 1970, University of
18. Dunn, C.L., Freitas, E.R., Hill, E.S., and Sheeler, J.E.R., "Sulfinol Oklahoma Extension Division.
Process," Oil and Gas Journal, March 1965, pp. 92-98. 42. Taylor, D.K., "How to Desulfurize Natural Gas," Oil and Gas
19. Ebdon, F.F., "Two El Paso Natural Plants," Gas, 45, No. 6, 1969, Journal, November-December 1956.
pp. 52-58. 43. Thomas, T.L. and Clark, E.L., "Molecular Sieves Reduce Eco-
20. Eickmeyer, A.G., "Catalytic Removal of CO2," Chemical Engi- nomic Operational Problems," Oil and Gas Journal, 65, No. 12,
neering Progress, 58, #4, April 1962, pp. 89-91. 1967, pp. 112-115.

44. Thomas, T.L. and Clark. E.L., "Molecular Sieves Process Devel- 62. Sweeney, J.W., "The Selexol Process in Fuel Gas Treating," Paper
opments and Their Impact on the Natural Gas Industry," Re- presented at 81st National Meeting of the American Institute of
printed from Proceedings for 46th Annual Convention of the Chemical Engineers, Kansas City, Missouri, April 11-14, 1967.
Natural Gas Processors Association.
45. Thomas, T.L., "Molecular Sieves in Petroleum and Natural Gas
Processing," Adapted from a paper presented at the Sixth World GPA RESEARCH REPORTS
Petroleum Congress, Frankfurt/Main.
46. Young, P.L., Jr., "Molecular Sieve Adsorption in LNG Plant Pre- Listed below are GPA Research Reports that deal with
Purification," Presented at the Distribution Conference Ameri- amine enthalpies and acid gas equilibrium.
can Gas Association, Houston, Texas, May 6-9, 1968.
47. Zapffe, F., "Sour Gas Treating: A Design Problem," Proceedings Report Title
Gas Conditioning Conference 1969, University of Oklahoma.
RR-85 Enthalpies of Solutions of CO2 in Aqueous Diglycolamine
48. Lee, J.I., Otto, F.D. and Mather, A.E., "Solubility of CO2 in Aque-
Solutions - Scott P. Christensen, James J. Christensen
ous DEA Solutions at High Pressures," Journal of Chemical En- and Reed M. Izatt, Brigham Young University, Provo,
gineering Data, 17, 1972, p. 465. Utah. Project 821-84.
49. Lee, J.I., Otto, F.D. and Mather, A.E., "CO2 and H2S in 2.5N MEA RR-102 Enthalpies of Solution of CO2 in Aqueous
Solution, "Canadian Journal Chemical Engineering, 52, 1974, p. Methyldiethanolamine Solutions - Keith E. Markley,
803. James J. Christensen and Reed M. Izatt, Brigham Young
50. Isaacs, E.E., Otto, F.D. and Mather, A.E., "Solubility of Acid University, Provo, Utah. Project 821.
Gases in Aqueous DIPA Solutions," 685th Annual AICHE Meet- RR-104 Equilibrium Solubility of Carbon Dioxide or Hydrogen
ing, Los Angeles, November 16-20, 1974. Sulfide in Aqueous Solutions of Monoethanolamine,
51. U.S. Patents 2,926,752 and 2,962,753. Diglycolamine, Diethanolamine and Methyl-
diethanolamine - R.N. Maddox, A.H. Bhairi, James R.
52. Hochgesand, G., 1970, Ind. Eng. Chem., 63(7), pp. 37-43. Diers and P.A. Thomas, Oklahoma State University,
53. Beavon, D.K. and Roszkowski, T.R., Oil and Gas Journal, 67, Stillwater, Oklahoma. Project 841.
April 14, 1969, pp. 138-142. RR-108 Enthalpies of Solution of CO2 in Aqueous Diethanolamine
54. Boston, F.C. and Schneider, M.L., Paper presented at the 1971 Solutions - Rebecca Helton, James J. Christensen and
Gas Conditioning Conference of the University of Oklahoma. Reed M. Izatt, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah,
Project 821-86.
55. Hoogendoorn, J.C. and Solomon, J.M., British Chemical Engi-
neering, 2, May, pp. 235-244. RR-114 Enthalpies of Solution of H2S in Aqueous Diethanolamine
Solutions - Rebecca Van Dam, James J. Christensen, Reed
56. Lurgi, Gesellschaft fur Warme und Chemotechnik, "Rectisol for
M. Izatt, and John L. Oscarson, Brigham Young
Gas Treating." University, Provo, Utah. Project 821.
57. Hegwer, A.M. and Harris, R.A., and Hydrocarbon Processing, 49,
RR-124 Equilibrium Solubility of CO2 or H2S in Protonated
April, pp. 103-104.
Solutions of DEA at Low Partial Pressures - R. N. Maddox
58. Sweeney, J.W., "Synthetic Fuel Gas Purification by the Selexol and E. M. Elizondo, Oklahoma State University,
Process," Paper presented at 165th National Meeting of the Stillwater, Oklahoma. Project 841.
American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry, Dallas, RR-125 Equilibrium Solubility of CO2 or H2S in Protonated
Texas, April 8-12, 1973. Solutions of DEA - R. N. Maddox, M. Abu-Arabi and E. M.
59. Valentine, J.P., Oil and Gas Journal, 74, No. 46, pp. 60-62. Elizondo, Oklahoma Sate University, Stillwater,
Oklahoma. Project 841.
61. Valentine, J.P., "Economics of the Selexol Solvent Gas Purifica-
tion Process," Paper presented at the 79th National meeting of RR-127 Enthalpies of Solution of H2S in Aqueous Methyl-
the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Houston, Texas, diethanolamine Solutions - J. L. Oscarson, R. M.Izatt,
March 1975. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Project 821.


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