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Raegan Walker

Mrs. Hooks

ERWC, Period 2

22 April, 2019

Reflection Senior Exit Project Essay

1. While searching through my past essays, projects, and presentations, I came across an

essay from sophomore year in AP English Language that sparked a high degree of pride

for myself and work ethic. For this essay, I was assigned to create a satirical paper that

criticized a specific topic in America in a humorous, yet informative style. This

assignment did not seem appealing because I was given complete freedom with no

definite directions and required to bring out my creative and entertaining side in a school

essay. Until this moment, I had never written a school essay that required me to make

jokes and satirically criticize something or someone. I also do not find myself to be a

very amusing person that can make hilarious jokes right off the top of my head, therefore,

I found this assignment extremely challenging and out of my comfort zone. To my

surprise, I scored very well on this assignment and even managed to make my teacher

laugh at some of my jokes. This assignment pushed me out of my comfort zone and

showed that I am not limited to a specific format of writing. I believe I was successful

because I allowed myself to adapt to a new experience and trusted my teacher’s thinking

instead of becoming apathetic.

2. As I look through my past and current transcripts, grade reflections, and Infinite Campus

printouts, I have dramatically grown in two categories of instruction over the last four

years in my English classes. My grades have improved in the “Reading/Literature

Response” and “Language” sections. In sophomore and junior year, I struggled a little in

the Reading category due to the difficulty level and analysis of the AP novels and

passages. Especially last year in AP Language I scored very low in the Mock AP style

multiple choice tests that were inputted to the Reading category of my grades. I believe

that the difficulty level of reading is lower this year, which explains my growth in this

category. However, by taking these AP English classes, my reading and literature

capabilities have grown and continue to improve my level of writing in other subjects in

school. My Language category has also improved throughout my four years in high

school. The exposure to various levels and genres of novels, poems, and films and

vocabulary have greatly contributed to this improvement as a scholarly writer. Looking

back at past English essays, my writing style has completely changed for the better. Now,

I am able to use a larger vocabulary in a way that makes sense and properly integrate

advanced writing techniques.

3. One category that stills need improvement is “Speaking.” Throughout all four years in

high school, this category is most likely the weakest and needs the most improvement.

This section consists of socratic seminars and presentations. While this category has

never dramatically lowered my English grades, I always want to raise this category and

better my speaking skills. I do fairly well in in-class presentations, yet my socratic

seminar grades have shown to be far from excellent. Despite the opinions and comments

I wish to share in front of my peers, I always fail to effectively speak these ideas in a

manner that earns a perfect score. This year I have made small improvements in my

speaking skills, although I am determined to continue to grow and become more open

about sharing my opinions. After graduation, I plan on joining multiple clubs in college
that will motivate me to become more conversational in a crowd or amongst my peers. I

want to participate in more activities in which I interact with other classmates. I believe

the more comfortable I become with talking to others on a daily the basis, the more

comfortable I will become in group discussions.

4. In terms of academics and exposure, Great Oak High School has successfully prepared

me for the next chapter in my life, a four-year university. GOHS is most well-known for

its large student body and school spirit it encourages from each student. Although I am

not attending a large, public college, this high school has taught me to communicate and

interact with a large group of people. I remember being very intimidate my first year

compared to now. The large mass of students crowding the hallways during passing

period no longer phase me. The high numbers of classmates in each class has always

helped me to confidently express my opinions and participate despite the audience.

GOHS is filled with various clubs and extracurricular activities that I feel has also

prepared me for “the next step.” With access and the opportunity to join these activities,

my interests and passions for the future have grown and motivated me to reach out to new

things I would never think to attempt. The last four years has also included a very

supportive and involved faculty and staff. From my counselor to my science teacher, I

have never felt overlooked nor lost with no direction. The exposure to a large and

supportive staff has shown me that there are always people who want to help me and care

about my wellbeing no matter the circumstance. While in college, I will be sure to create

strong relationships with my professors and student advisors in order to succeed in my

academic studies and life.

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