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*knock knock* Ah! My lady.

I came expecting your father, and yet I am greeted with

a far lovelier sight indeed. How good to see you once more. I trust you're well?
Ah, excellent. Your father is not home? Urgent business? I see. No matter, in
truth, I had hoped your father would be absent. Matters of business can wait. I
wished to speak with you privately, about another matter.

Please, sit. Tea? Thank you, no. I fear my stomach hasn't the temperament for
anything at the moment. *inhale* Madam, I must confess to you that for some time
now, I have greatly admired you from afar. Each month, upon my business visits to
your father, I secretly grew more and more ardent in my appreciation of your
numerous charms. I dared not tell you, fearing your discomfort, not to mention the
disapproval of your father. I know your betrothal to Mister Burke stands to make
him very wealthy indeed, but before you are wed, I simply had to confess my
feelings to you. I must know if my affections find some symmetry in yours.

It is true, Mister Burke is wealthy, and you will want for nothing that can be
bought. But I think there are things that someone such as Mister Burke cannot give
you, things that you need quite dearly.

Do I misapprehend you? Do you think he will truly satisfy a woman so exquisite as

you? So spirited, so curious, so passionate? Is there nothing your heart desires
before you obey your father's wishes and marry Mister Burke, if that truly is your

Madam, whilst I will heed your protests if you so wish, I think your words belie
your truer nature, your innermost desire. I can see the flush in your cheeks has
spread down your slender neck and flourished at your bosom, which heaves with your
every breath, rapid and sharp. Our passions are entwined, and I think that our
bodies soon shall be as well, if you will give yourself to me, as I will to you.

I must confess I can no longer contain my desire. The longer I look at you, the
more temptation erodes my resolve. I must have you.

Mm, your corset is exquisite, the fine lacework needed to contain such ample
breasts as yours. Would that I had the time to savour it, unlace it slowly as I
drink you in. But I fear your father may return soon, just think of the scandal if
we were caught. Forgive me, but we haven't the time for undressing so I think a
sharp tug downwards will suffice.

*inhale* Oh, what perfection has lain hidden behind this lace. The shape, the
softness, the perfect curves that I have so longed for. You deserve to be
worshipped with fingers and tongue day after day, not treated as an object by a man
like Burke.

Let me show you how a gentleman should treat a lady. Let me show you what pleasure
is, before you deny yourself forever.

Shh, there is no need for protest, my dear. Your body can scarcely deny your
feelings. The way your delicate softness reacts to even the gentlest brush of my
fingers. *This* is what you want, something Burke would never do. A man like him is
all roughness and speed, no finesse, no patience. A flower cannot be forced to
bloom before the time is right. I will teach you to feel pleasure, I will help you

Forget Burke, your father, everyone else. They are of no consequence. All that
matters right now is you and I. My mouth upon your breasts, my fingers beneath your
skirts, exploring you, showing you pleasures you have never known. Forget all
thoughts of station, or propriety, simply _be_ with me, here, now. Feel my fingers
as they deftly coax you to open for me, feel the warmth of my breath against your
flushed and supple skin. This is life, this is passion. This is what you've been
longing for, isn't it?

Then open for me, and accept it. Take me inside of you, to feel your blessed warmth
around me, cry out for me a symphony of desire. Together our bodies will become
song, words and music, lust and passion. Feel yourself entwined with me as I guide
your pleasure with my fingers. Encompass my shaft with your velvet folds. Drive me
to the brink of ecstasy and I will pull you down with me.

Yes, my sweet girl. I will give you everything you need, fulfill your every desire.
Let me show you the depths of my affections. I will ensure you never forget what
pleasure is.

You can feel yourself grow closer, can't you? I can feel it as well. Your heat,
your wetness. I can feel it build. Draw closer with me, ever closer. I can feel the
pleasure threatening to overwhelm me. I cannot hold back any longer. Give in to it
with me. Let us come undone together.

You cannot marry Burke, can you? Not after what we have shared together. I am
incredibly relieved to hear it.

With your blessing, upon your father's return I will declare my intentions to court
you. Perhaps your father would consider me as a worthy suitor. He knows me to be an
honorable man, and while I may not have Burke's fortune, I've shown an aptitude for
matters of business...and perhaps other matters. *chuckle*

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