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Kick Boxing Reflection/ Eportfolio Assignment

There are many connections I have made between this course and the other courses I have

taken at SLCC. To me the most important one is hard work pays off. In the beginning of this

class I could not even do 1 push up and now could do probably 15. I have learned this in other

courses as well. There have been times I have wanted to give up, but this course and others

have taught me to push myself, even through the pain. Through the course modules I have also

learned about things like nutrition, exercise, staying hydrated, stress management, etc. These

topics I have also learned about in my biology class and other classes. I have learned it is

important and necessary to eat the proper nutrients and stay hydrated for us to function and

live long. In my business 1010 class we learned about stress management, at the time I thought

it was stupid. Obviously, every student is stressed and has coping skills but when I went over

sleep and stress management in module 5 it helped engrave that we are learning about it

because it is important and can greatly improve our academics and life. I also realized I am bad

at both.

Before this class I thought fitness and life long wellness was a chore to maintain and something

I didn’t want to try at. This class has helped me realize that an hour a day or every other day is a

small amount of time and effort for what you get out of it. I have come to class irritated or

depressed and left maybe not happy but definitely better off. It helped distract me from

whatever was going on that week. I am still un happy with my body and in general, but I think

this class helped me be better and want to be even better. I think the modules helped me

realize there is a lot of room for improvement and that it doesn’t have to be this horrible task. I

think in the future I will not let myself influence me as much or put negative spins on every little
thing. I enjoyed this class and I think I will continue to try and improve myself and work at my

fitness and lifelong wellness more.

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