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Confucius was a chinese teacher, political analyst and a philosopher. He was one
of the philosophers who have contributed philosophical theories in the formation of
society. One of his philosophies is called Confucianism. He believes that every individual
must be in the company of other people and all individual belong in specific place of
society. He also says that all men are good.

In my own perspective I agree in Confucius theories. To have a stable society the

people of that society must be at peace to themselves and to each other. It is important
to build a good relationship to each other in a society because when the people are calm,
controlled and happy, then the society will be. It can only achieve if the people in the
society have a good relationship to each other, example: the son do respect his father;
the elder brother love and care his younger brother; the husband does not cheat to his
wife; the superior does not abuse his subordinates; a friend does not hate the friend. The
5 relationships of Confucius must depend on each other and fulfill their duties to have a
peace and stable society. I also agree to what Confucius said that “doing rights or wrong
is your choice. It’s the matter of choice”, so it’s all in ourselves on how we made a
choices, if we choice to live at peace or to live an unpleasant society.

Hence we all have our varied opinions on how society must run or what people
must do to have a good society. For me, we must start in making better relationship in
our house; build a good relationship to our family and self-discipline so we can help
building a peace and better society.

Submitted by:

Genon, Jay C

Submitted to:

Mrs. Felisa Carpentero Ph.D.

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